Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

And obviously know nothing of history, or you would know how pathetically wrong you understanding of hitler's rise to power is...

The Nazis conquered from within, exactly as the progressives today have done so:

Hitler was a powerful and spellbinding speaker who attracted a wide following of Germans desperate for change. He promised the disenchanted a better life and a new and glorious Germany. The Nazis appealed especially to the unemployed, young people, and members of the lower middle class (small store owners, office employees, craftsmen, and farmers).
The party's rise to power was rapid. Before the economic depression struck, the Nazis were practically unknown, winning only 3 percent of the vote to the Reichstag (German parliament) in elections in 1924. In the 1932 elections, the Nazis won 33 percent of the votes, more than any other party. "

Hitler Comes to Power
Fucking idiot...

"In the 1932 elections, the Nazis won 33 percent of the votes, more than any other party. In January 1933 Hitler was appointed chancellor, the head of the German government, and many Germans believed that they had found a savior for their nation."

Statist retards like Statist, guno, bucs, nyc sucked his dick just like Statist, guno and bucs are sucking obama's dick today.
Oh, and for those right wingers justifying non-condemnation by saying that they used a Nazi flag as well as the redneck yellow snake flag, and saying Nazis and Hitler were left wingers:

Hitler used armed revolution to TOPPLE HIS OWN NATION'S GOVERNMENT.

Um....yeah, sound familiar? He used the same fantasy of the 2nd Amendment advocates and far right militia movement: using armed resistance and revolt to topple one's own government.

Just sick. The entire far right movement is just disgusting me.

You should move. We find you equally unappealing, statist puke.

Statist stain remover!! Try some and you will be sorry,,,,,,for not finding it sooner!!!
Remember when the left tried to link Sara Palin to the Gabby Gifford shooting? Remember when the left tried to make Breivik a radical Christian? The leftist propaganda machine is efficient with plenty of eager volunteers down for the cause. It gives purpose and meaning to their miserable pitiful existence.

These people are ACTUAL rightwing extremists ACTUALLY killing police officers while ACTUALLY calling it Revolution.

No 'linking' is needed.

The right wing is pro cop. Why would they kill cops? They wouldn't. Two nutjobs. The Tea Party is a constitutional party.
Fucking idiot...

"In the 1932 elections, the Nazis won 33 percent of the votes, more than any other party. In January 1933 Hitler was appointed chancellor, the head of the German government, and many Germans believed that they had found a savior for their nation."

Statist retards like Statist, guno, bucs, nyc sucked his dick just like Statist, guno and bucs are sucking obama's dick today.

Did you get any pictures!!??
" By understanding and contorting the law Hitler achieved sole political control and completely reorganized the German judiciary, all while under a blanket of legitimacy."

Sound like anyone you know?

The guys who claim that anyone who uses a yellow avatar should be *investigated*.

Hitler’s Successful Rise to Power
Statist retards like Statist, guno, bucs, nyc sucked his dick just like Statist, guno and bucs are sucking obama's dick today.

Aren't you getting to be a wee bit nasty. Did they swallow too? Did you offer lessons?

You are pathetic.
Now think of the guys who are saying that Obama shouldn't answer to Congress, and that anything he does is legal...

And then read:

The next step in Hitler’s “legal seizure” of power came on March 23, 1933. The Nazis sought the passage of the Law to Remove the Distress of the People and the State, or the Enabling Acts, which would empower the government to dispense of the constitution for four years while it issued laws, unchecked, which would deal with the country’s problems.[11] The Center Party’s vote solidified the Enabling Acts, and now the cabinet was given national lawmaking powers. The four-year expiration date was irrelevant.[12] Immediately thereafter the process of Gleichschaltung, the coordination of the German institutions with the Nazi party, led to a series of enactments further reducing the power of state governments.
"Finally, on August 2, 1934, President Hindenburg died and three days later Hitler assumed the combined powers of Chancellor and President, consolidating them into the position of Führer. In order to further enhance his power he required that the public officials and members of the armed forces swear a personal oath of loyalty not to their constitution, but to Hitler himself. "

Progressive wetdream ^^

Hitler’s Successful Rise to Power
I do. See, many Americans are ANGRY that 2 of your fellow far right whackos just murdered 2 innocent police officers, over some fairy tale oppression they were convinced by others that they were under.

Assholes like you, however, see it as no big deal. Just two gun loving right wingers expressing their right to violent resistance to the "oppressors".

So yeah, I'll apologize if Im a bit more angry today than you and the other right wing rednecks are about this incident.

I can understand that sentiment.

There was once a day when the Right actually had respect for the law and was actually a big supporter of our law enforcement officers. Apparently, not any more.

It's really kind of sad.

You would think that when not just two, but rather, three innocent people were just blown away by extremist terrorists, that people would be uniform in condemning it, but apparently, some Righties think that terrorism is ok if it wears the Gadsden flag.

I can imagine people maybe wanting to put some distance between themselves and the Gadsden-flaggers, maybe just to protect their lives, for security's sake.

Exactly right. Now, before I start, let me say that the left wing historically hasn't been very pro-police either. Many are, but the far left often disliked cops, in particular for stuff like weed enforcement, or breaking up protests. Occupy had elements of that (although they didn't murder cops).

And yes, the right began its turn against law enforcement around 2010, with the Tea Party, when they began to attack the financial part of it. Wanting to slash pay, benefits, pension for police officers. Then, the turn against government in general, and they slowly pushed the idea that the government would oppress you.

There are a lot of Republicans and right wingers who are equally disgusted by this incident also, and those folks are good Americans who I simply disagree with on policy.

But the right wing element that has become radical? Sickening. Just as bad as the left wingers, decades ago, like Bill Ayers, who attacked cops.

But as the left has become more of a big-tent party, that cop hate is smaller and smaller within the left, and when it shows, its usually college kids or Occupy types who are mad about little stuff.

The cop hate on the right is dangerous.
before I start, let me say that the left wing historically hasn't been very pro-police either

like i said earlier in which you ignored....but then the spit was flying....

There are a lot of Republicans and right wingers who are equally disgusted by this incident also,

why did you change your mind?.... earlier you were not so selective....
The incident is bad enough.

What is even worse is that progressive douchebags are willing to use the dead to attempt to tar and feather political opponents, and justify violence and legal action up to and including incarceration and death, against those opponents based on a totally unrelated tragedy.

It's what they do.

If they have to, they'll wade in there and do the killing themselves, so they can pin it on someone else and launch an attack against them.
freaking loons convict a soldier before he stands trial then support a damn flag .. and they wonder why their chosen party can't win an election....

if this "chosen party" cant win elections why did Bush last 8 years and why are there so many Republicans in DC and why are there so many Republican Governors?....just askin.....
This isn't anything like the flag they placed.
This flag has nothing to do with them.
I had this avatar before any of this happened.

You're clearly desperately struggling with some kind of incoherent fantasy to try to link me (?) with those crimes or those people.

What's your problem?

So, once again, very slowly:

what does "time's up" mean?

He knows. I know. You know.

"Time Up" on that redneck yellow flag, the once read "Don't Tread On Me".....means the armed right wing hicks believe they've been "treaded" on long enough. Given..they have access to all the food, water, shelter, porn, cars, guns, etc, they could ever want and live in the greatest nation on Earth.

BUT, they're convinced (by someone) that they're being oppressed and 'treaded' on. And now, "times up" and they're gonna start shooting. They....the militia movement....struck again in Las Vegas, and more are coming sadly.

Thankfully, we can forward anyone suspicious to DHS or local authorities, as they see forums like this as the initial places people start giving hints of their radicalism.

He says "Times Up". MANY people would like to know what he means by it.

so Navy SEALS use the Dont Tread patch should they now have to get rid of it?....or are they now "radicals" too?...
I know you are a newbie and all, but do you really think that is the way to begin with other members?

The questions about your avatar are justified. And your evasive answers are in and of themselves answers.

I am starting to wonder why Tea Party types are usually so cowardly.

The little bitch has been badgering me all day long over a non issue so I decided to pull his strings and make him dance.
I didn't ask him or you for your opinion of anything I do. The flag has nothing to do with the murders and isn't the same one the murderers used.

You guys are just agitating in a bid for attention. I'm over it.

Report them. And block them.

They're trying to stop you from using it, and they're trying to prevent you from speaking your mind.

Same old same old totalitarianism....nothing new under the sun. Nazis had a tattle tale culture as do the Chinese and N. Koreans.

It's what they do.

They tattle in the hopes that you will be dragged out from your house in the night and killed. That's what they do.

only pussies run and "tell" on someone....if you want to be like "Dottie" and few others here,then go ahead....
They weren't "anti government radicals". They were crazy people. An example of an "anti-government radical" is Bill Ayers and he kept the movement alive for almost two decades and he is still around preaching his brand of revolution. These A-holes were suicidal nut cases who probably read enough left wing blogs to hate Walmart. .

They are crazy people made even more crazy with the comments coming from Republican Tea Party leaders. Ted Cruz made statements comparing the government to Nazi Germany, the very same thing these idiots were repeating.

There's patriotism and then there is loony out of control idiocy, and someone in Tea Party leadership needs to address this lunacy, this isn't the way we do business in the United States.
freaking loons convict a soldier before he stands trial then support a damn flag .. and they wonder why their chosen party can't win an election....

if this "chosen party" cant win elections why did Bush last 8 years and why are there so many Republicans in DC and why are there so many Republican Governors?....just askin.....

Bush came in after the Republican party made a big deal over Clinton's bj with Lewinski....many people got swept in to the anger caused by the "impeachment" and hoopla raised by conservatives.

As to so many Governors - that could be attributed in large part to all the Gerrymandering that conservatives have done in the different states.
Read about your flag, not that you don't know already:

Time's Up flag - Kent For Liberty

Now, that IS interesting.

I quote from the website:

Now, as for this sentence:

Go here to learn more about the philosophy behind the flag

here is the link it goes to:

Real Liberty - Kent For Liberty

So, it IS a Gadsden Flag, a newer version, one that very directly implies or infers violence in order to acheive political goals.

It's really that simple.

Thanks for sharing that. I included that info with his profile name and times of his posts, as well as a pic of his avatar, with the information I emailed to the tip line for the DHS office.

People like him lurk on forums, and a % of them turn violent. They're aware of him now, and I hope they look into it.
your worse than "Dottie" and Howey...they only go as far as the Mods....they may check on you too....ex Republican....reporting someone in a chat forum....paranoia creeping in....
freaking loons convict a soldier before he stands trial then support a damn flag .. and they wonder why their chosen party can't win an election....

if this "chosen party" cant win elections why did Bush last 8 years and why are there so many Republicans in DC and why are there so many Republican Governors?....just askin.....

Bush came in after the Republican party made a big deal over Clinton's bj with Lewinski....many people got swept in to the anger caused by the "impeachment" and hoopla raised by conservatives.

As to so many Governors - that could be attributed in large part to all the Gerrymandering that conservatives have done in the different states.

Bush came in after the Republican party made a big deal over Clinton's bj with Lewinski....many people got swept in to the anger caused by the "impeachment" and hoopla raised by conservatives.

and his second term?.....

As to so many Governors - that could be attributed in large part to all the Gerrymandering that conservatives have done in the different states.

sounds like excuses to me..... when you vote for a Governor there is no gerrymandering.....everyone in the State gets to vote for whoever is in the least thats the way it is out here....
Does it seem like the left get all giddy and orgasmic when these thing happen?
I mean six threads going at once all by them

sick ghoulish freaks

If you mean anger and heartbreak over the cowardly ambush of 2 police officers, then yeah, we're pissed. Especially when we saw that flag was used over their bodies, after years of saying how you right wing whacks are promoting a culture of paranoia and a potential for violence among the idiots that buy into it.

that flag that flag dear gawd and you really are puke for a human being
coming on here acting like people here are associated with these just because they are Republican... and then spewing all kind whacked out shit...Aren't you just all high and mighty...No

You and all your bully buddies are the coward you sit on the internet come on this board and accuse people of all these things and spiting out your hate, because you don't have to face us in person

I'm a woman and if you said that shit to me I slap the shit out of does that satisfy you opinion we are promoting a culture of paranoia and we are all violent really can go hell
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