Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

Other than the claim being made by a Bundy son, what evidence is there that these people were asked to leave the ranch because they were to radical? Why should we believe them? Why shouldn't we suspect the Bundy clan isn't trying to cover their ass's?
Grab a torch, a pitchfork and a rope, comrade. You need to venture forth into the far reaches of America and start attacking those scary extremists.

"Rotaglia", I see you changed your redneck yellow-rattlesnake flag avatar to one showing the snake biting and saying "Times Up".

So are you joining the revolution? I doubt it. You're probably a fat early twenties guy who cant get a date, and has taken up the anti-government nonsense just to have a purpose in life.
Nothing you have posted is true---not a single fricken word.

The mainstream Republican party membership is telling you folks that your time as any weight in the party is over. You let the nasty racialists and militia nuts and conspiracy and birfer nuts take you over. Good riddance.
"Rotaglia", I see you changed your redneck yellow-rattlesnake flag avatar to one showing the snake biting and saying "Times Up".

dyslexic? "Rotagilla" Focus.

You're mistaken. I've never ever used any representation of the Gadsden flag as an avatar.
This is the only forum I'm even a member of.

This is the only avatar I've ever used in my brief time here.

I had this before those people shot those cops, if that's what you're getting at.

So are you joining the revolution? I doubt it. You're probably a fat early twenties guy who cant get a date, and has taken up the anti-government nonsense just to have a purpose in life.
Wrong again, son.
I'm a few decades past 20, child.
Why are you concerned with my age and weight? Trying to flirt? I'm married and not a homosexual. Now flounce off and try someone else
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"Rotaglia", I see you changed your redneck yellow-rattlesnake flag avatar to one showing the snake biting and saying "Times Up".

So are you joining the revolution? I doubt it. You're probably a fat early twenties guy who cant get a date, and has taken up the anti-government nonsense just to have a purpose in life.

Rotaglia is a sock for Steinlight. I can tell by his arrogance and racism.
"Rotaglia", I see you changed your redneck yellow-rattlesnake flag avatar to one showing the snake biting and saying "Times Up".

So are you joining the revolution? I doubt it. You're probably a fat early twenties guy who cant get a date, and has taken up the anti-government nonsense just to have a purpose in life.

Rotaglia is a sock for Steinlight. I can tell by his arrogance and racism.

Nope. Wrong again, boy.
This is the only name I've ever used here and never been a member before.
Bucs90, yes, he has posted elsewhere. Yes, he has used the flag. The below may be true but doesn't matter. He is funny and amusing when he tries to play with the big boys and big girls. He is fun to train. Notice his careful qualification of who and where and what, etc. He may well be a former member.
I'm married and not a homosexual. Now flounce off and try someone else
Bucs90, yes, he has posted elsewhere. Yes, he has used the flag. The below may be true but doesn't matter. He is funny and amusing when he tries to play with the big boys and big girls. He is fun to train. Notice his careful qualification of who and where and what, etc. He may well be a former member.

Yeah..careful qualification;
I said

I've never ever used any representation of the Gadsden flag as an avatar.
This is the only forum I'm even a member of.
This is the only avatar I've ever used in my brief time here.
I had this before those people shot those cops, if that's what you're getting at.

Yeah it all sounds so vague and suspicious :lol:
Again. I've never been a member here.

Thanks for your concern. It means a lot. :doubt:
Other than the claim being made by a Bundy son, what evidence is there that these people were asked to leave the ranch because they were to radical? Why should we believe them? Why shouldn't we suspect the Bundy clan isn't trying to cover their ass's?

the dude laying on the bridge pointing a scoped rifle at law enforcement wasn't too radical ?

as a gun owner dipshits like that gives me pause ... screw the idiots that give a bad name to owing guns.
Bucs90, yes, he has posted elsewhere. Yes, he has used the flag. The below may be true but doesn't matter. He is funny and amusing when he tries to play with the big boys and big girls. He is fun to train. Notice his careful qualification of who and where and what, etc. He may well be a former member.

Yeah..careful qualification;
I said

I've never ever used any representation of the Gadsden flag as an avatar.
This is the only forum I'm even a member of.
This is the only avatar I've ever used in my brief time here.
I had this before those people shot those cops, if that's what you're getting at.

Yeah it all sounds so vague and suspicious :lol:
Again. I've never been a member here.

Thanks for your concern. It means a lot. :doubt:

Ok douchebag, whatever. So what does your stupid hick avatar mean now? Are you, like the snake, gonna "bite"? I doubt it. America is the greatest country on Earth. You are probably too fat and addicted to Mountain Dew to even jog a lap, much less take up in the redneck revolution who flies that flag.

You are just another one of those right wing rednecks who keeps pushing propaganda, hoping SOMEONE ELSE will take action.

Well, two of your fellow ideologues just did, by killing 2 cops and laying that hick flag over them. You happy?
Ok douchebag, whatever. So what does your stupid hick avatar mean now? Are you, like the snake, gonna "bite"? I doubt it. America is the greatest country on Earth. You are probably too fat and addicted to Mountain Dew to even jog a lap, much less take up in the redneck revolution who flies that flag.

You are just another one of those right wing rednecks who keeps pushing propaganda, hoping SOMEONE ELSE will take action.

Well, two of your fellow ideologues just did, by killing 2 cops and laying that hick flag over them. You happy?

You done?

That was pretty funny. Got any more? :lol:
Ok douchebag, whatever. So what does your stupid hick avatar mean now? Are you, like the snake, gonna "bite"? I doubt it. America is the greatest country on Earth. You are probably too fat and addicted to Mountain Dew to even jog a lap, much less take up in the redneck revolution who flies that flag.

You are just another one of those right wing rednecks who keeps pushing propaganda, hoping SOMEONE ELSE will take action.

Well, two of your fellow ideologues just did, by killing 2 cops and laying that hick flag over them. You happy?

You done?

That was pretty funny. Got any more? :lol:

I do. See, many Americans are ANGRY that 2 of your fellow far right whackos just murdered 2 innocent police officers, over some fairy tale oppression they were convinced by others that they were under.

Assholes like you, however, see it as no big deal. Just two gun loving right wingers expressing their right to violent resistance to the "oppressors".

So yeah, I'll apologize if Im a bit more angry today than you and the other right wing rednecks are about this incident.
Ok douchebag, whatever. So what does your stupid hick avatar mean now? Are you, like the snake, gonna "bite"? I doubt it. America is the greatest country on Earth. You are probably too fat and addicted to Mountain Dew to even jog a lap, much less take up in the redneck revolution who flies that flag.

You are just another one of those right wing rednecks who keeps pushing propaganda, hoping SOMEONE ELSE will take action.

Well, two of your fellow ideologues just did, by killing 2 cops and laying that hick flag over them. You happy?

You done?

That was pretty funny. Got any more? :lol:

I do. See, many Americans are ANGRY that 2 of your fellow far right whackos just murdered 2 innocent police officers, over some fairy tale oppression they were convinced by others that they were under.

Assholes like you, however, see it as no big deal. Just two gun loving right wingers expressing their right to violent resistance to the "oppressors".

So yeah, I'll apologize if Im a bit more angry today than you and the other right wing rednecks are about this incident.

I can understand that sentiment.

There was once a day when the Right actually had respect for the law and was actually a big supporter of our law enforcement officers. Apparently, not any more.

It's really kind of sad.

You would think that when not just two, but rather, three innocent people were just blown away by extremist terrorists, that people would be uniform in condemning it, but apparently, some Righties think that terrorism is ok if it wears the Gadsden flag.

I can imagine people maybe wanting to put some distance between themselves and the Gadsden-flaggers, maybe just to protect their lives, for security's sake.
You done?

That was pretty funny. Got any more? :lol:

I do. See, many Americans are ANGRY that 2 of your fellow far right whackos just murdered 2 innocent police officers, over some fairy tale oppression they were convinced by others that they were under.

Assholes like you, however, see it as no big deal. Just two gun loving right wingers expressing their right to violent resistance to the "oppressors".

So yeah, I'll apologize if Im a bit more angry today than you and the other right wing rednecks are about this incident.

I can understand that sentiment.

There was once a day when the Right actually had respect for the law and was actually a big supporter of our law enforcement officers. Apparently, not any more.

It's really kind of sad.

You would think that when not just two, but rather, three innocent people were just blown away by extremist terrorists, that people would be uniform in condemning it, but apparently, some Righties think that terrorism is ok if it wears the Gadsden flag.

I can imagine people maybe wanting to put some distance between themselves and the Gadsden-flaggers, maybe just to protect their lives, for security's sake.

Exactly right. Now, before I start, let me say that the left wing historically hasn't been very pro-police either. Many are, but the far left often disliked cops, in particular for stuff like weed enforcement, or breaking up protests. Occupy had elements of that (although they didn't murder cops).

And yes, the right began its turn against law enforcement around 2010, with the Tea Party, when they began to attack the financial part of it. Wanting to slash pay, benefits, pension for police officers. Then, the turn against government in general, and they slowly pushed the idea that the government would oppress you.

There are a lot of Republicans and right wingers who are equally disgusted by this incident also, and those folks are good Americans who I simply disagree with on policy.

But the right wing element that has become radical? Sickening. Just as bad as the left wingers, decades ago, like Bill Ayers, who attacked cops.

But as the left has become more of a big-tent party, that cop hate is smaller and smaller within the left, and when it shows, its usually college kids or Occupy types who are mad about little stuff.

The cop hate on the right is dangerous.
I do. See, many Americans are ANGRY that 2 of your fellow far right whackos just murdered 2 innocent police officers, over some fairy tale oppression they were convinced by others that they were under.

They weren't my fellow far right whacko..etc..etc...blah..blah..

What are you talking about?

Assholes like you,

I'm sure you're an expert on assholes. I'll have to defer to you. I'm not as interested in them as you seem to be.

however, see it as no big deal. Just two gun loving right wingers expressing their right to violent resistance to the "oppressors".

Post the quote where I said that?

So yeah, I'll apologize if Im a bit more angry today than you and the other right wing rednecks are about this incident.

Where did I say I wasn't angry about it? Your grasp on reality is tenuous at best, it seems.

I personally couldn't care less about your obviously fragile mental state. Go outside and get some fresh air. Maybe it'll clear your head.
I do. See, many Americans are ANGRY that 2 of your fellow far right whackos just murdered 2 innocent police officers, over some fairy tale oppression they were convinced by others that they were under.

Assholes like you, however, see it as no big deal. Just two gun loving right wingers expressing their right to violent resistance to the "oppressors".

So yeah, I'll apologize if Im a bit more angry today than you and the other right wing rednecks are about this incident.

I can understand that sentiment.

There was once a day when the Right actually had respect for the law and was actually a big supporter of our law enforcement officers. Apparently, not any more.

It's really kind of sad.

You would think that when not just two, but rather, three innocent people were just blown away by extremist terrorists, that people would be uniform in condemning it, but apparently, some Righties think that terrorism is ok if it wears the Gadsden flag.

I can imagine people maybe wanting to put some distance between themselves and the Gadsden-flaggers, maybe just to protect their lives, for security's sake.

Exactly right. Now, before I start, let me say that the left wing historically hasn't been very pro-police either. Many are, but the far left often disliked cops, in particular for stuff like weed enforcement, or breaking up protests. Occupy had elements of that (although they didn't murder cops).

And yes, the right began its turn against law enforcement around 2010, with the Tea Party, when they began to attack the financial part of it. Wanting to slash pay, benefits, pension for police officers. Then, the turn against government in general, and they slowly pushed the idea that the government would oppress you.

There are a lot of Republicans and right wingers who are equally disgusted by this incident also, and those folks are good Americans who I simply disagree with on policy.

But the right wing element that has become radical? Sickening. Just as bad as the left wingers, decades ago, like Bill Ayers, who attacked cops.

But as the left has become more of a big-tent party, that cop hate is smaller and smaller within the left, and when it shows, its usually college kids or Occupy types who are mad about little stuff.

The cop hate on the right is dangerous.

I do. See, many Americans are ANGRY that 2 of your fellow far right whackos just murdered 2 innocent police officers, over some fairy tale oppression they were convinced by others that they were under.

They weren't my fellow far right whacko..etc..etc...blah..blah..

What are you talking about?

Assholes like you,

I'm sure you're an expert on assholes. I'll have to defer to you. I'm not as interested in them as you seem to be.

however, see it as no big deal. Just two gun loving right wingers expressing their right to violent resistance to the "oppressors".

Post the quote where I said that?

So yeah, I'll apologize if Im a bit more angry today than you and the other right wing rednecks are about this incident.

Where did I say I wasn't angry about it? Your grasp on reality is tenuous at best, it seems.

I personally couldn't care less about your obviously fragile mental state. Go outside and get some fresh air. Maybe it'll clear your head.

This is what your avatar looks like at the current time:


So, what exactly do you mean by "time's up"?
Is that supposed to be some kind of threat? Seriously?
You done?

That was pretty funny. Got any more? :lol:

I do. See, many Americans are ANGRY that 2 of your fellow far right whackos just murdered 2 innocent police officers, over some fairy tale oppression they were convinced by others that they were under.

Assholes like you, however, see it as no big deal. Just two gun loving right wingers expressing their right to violent resistance to the "oppressors".

So yeah, I'll apologize if Im a bit more angry today than you and the other right wing rednecks are about this incident.

I can understand that sentiment.

There was once a day when the Right actually had respect for the law and was actually a big supporter of our law enforcement officers. Apparently, not any more.

It's really kind of sad.

You would think that when not just two, but rather, three innocent people were just blown away by extremist terrorists, that people would be uniform in condemning it, but apparently, some Righties think that terrorism is ok if it wears the Gadsden flag.

I can imagine people maybe wanting to put some distance between themselves and the Gadsden-flaggers, maybe just to protect their lives, for security's sake.

You invent strawmen to beat up so you can try to look smart.

I haven't seen anyone here approve of killing 2 cops and a citizen.
I do. See, many Americans are ANGRY that 2 of your fellow far right whackos just murdered 2 innocent police officers, over some fairy tale oppression they were convinced by others that they were under.

Assholes like you, however, see it as no big deal. Just two gun loving right wingers expressing their right to violent resistance to the "oppressors".

So yeah, I'll apologize if Im a bit more angry today than you and the other right wing rednecks are about this incident.

I can understand that sentiment.

There was once a day when the Right actually had respect for the law and was actually a big supporter of our law enforcement officers. Apparently, not any more.

It's really kind of sad.

You would think that when not just two, but rather, three innocent people were just blown away by extremist terrorists, that people would be uniform in condemning it, but apparently, some Righties think that terrorism is ok if it wears the Gadsden flag.

I can imagine people maybe wanting to put some distance between themselves and the Gadsden-flaggers, maybe just to protect their lives, for security's sake.

You invent strawmen to beat up so you can try to look smart.

I haven't seen anyone here approve of killing 2 cops and a citizen.

Your redneck yellow flag avatar is a variation of the same flag those scum laid on the deceased police officers. You abide by the same far right ideology that produced these murderers.

And yours says "Time Up" and has the snake biting.

Stop being such a pussy, answer the questions:

- WHO is gonna get bitten by the snake?
- "Times Up" for what? What happens now?
- Why are YOU showing that? What are YOU gonna do?

Or are you just a fatass sitting on your couch talking shit that you'd NEVER back up?

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