Anti-Gunners, Gunning For Mall Shooting Hero.

Traitor to what? The white race? Fuck you white racists. I'm Greek. I believe the Nazi's killed my uncle. Now you want me to join because I'm "white"? Fuck you.

Traitor to who? Certainly not America. I think it's Trump supporters who've shown they would be okay with installing a dictator.

Says the jackass who supports those who locked down entire states in violation of the Constitution, and are pushing vaccine mandates, likewise in violation of the COTUS.
I was watching a Civil War movie the other day. Guy said, "Somehow I have a feeling we'll still be fighting this war 100 years from now". It's been a lot longer than 100 years. More like 150 now right?

The civil war will never end as long as racist DemoKKKrats exist.

Nothing here changes the fact you and your ilk believe union members are deplorable and their women are fat af...
...and you expect them to vote for you, and your ilk.
They do vote for Democrats. They don't vote for me. Don't blame my ilk for what I say. LOL
The civil war will never end as long as racist DemoKKKrats exist.

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Cowboys owner Jerry Jones defends support for Republican Party with expletive​

NFL owners have given $18 million to federal political campaigns since 2007, 84% of that going to Republicans.

Are you following?

Here is what this Republican was doing when he was younger


Stopping black kids from entering HIS school. I bet back then he was a Democrat.
Now comes the backlash against this young hero. Enraged anti-gunners furious that this young man isn’t being charged for possessing a gun, in a gun-free zone; and recoil from the notion that this man be deemed a “Good Samaritan”.

Yes folks. These fuckers want more dead innocents. As many as it takes to get to your guns. Anything, or anyone that gets in the way, is the enemy.

What do you mean by anti-gunner?
WRONG! And if you are right, I may just be using the wrong word. It's treasonist I tell you.

Similar to the guys who tried to kidnap my governor. Their punishments should send a message to anyone who would dare try such a thing. Also, the punishment should fit the crime. Kidnapping a politician in sort of ruining the democracy thing we got going here. Don't you think?

And now we see Autocrats around the world pulling Trump's when they lose. They deny the election results. Told you what Trump did was bad for democracy.

Oh, and they wanted to bring guns. They had them in their cars but chose this time not to bring guns. They wouldn't be necessary so long as Pence does what he is told. They didn't have guns which is why the changed HANG Pence.

Don't try and downplay what you guys did you traitor.

I was watching a Civil War movie the other day. Guy said, "Somehow I have a feeling we'll still be fighting this war 100 years from now". It's been a lot longer than 100 years. More like 150 now right?

Moron...they didn't bring their guns, the FBI and their blm/antifa buddies fought with the police as Trump supporters peacefully walked through the capitol taking dumb ass....

They left their guns in their car? Are you that stupid? If they had planned on killing people they wouldn't have left their fucking guns in their idiot.

The Civil War was started by the democrats and they haven't given up the fight, they have just changed tactics.
No way. I know better. Because it is there that white uneducated blue collar men and women told my Greek father to "go back to his own country".

Most of them were deplorable.

And half of them would cheer. Because Affirmative Action made at least half of them blacks or women.

And it wasn't only because of Affirmative Action. They hired a lot of blacks because they couldn't find any whites to hire. This is absolutely true. My dad got the job at Ford and it was his dream job. Meanwhile almost any white male American could have had that job if they just interviewed for it. They didn't want to work those hours. I'll repeat, THEY DIDN'T WANT TO WORK.

So my dad made $12 when those deplorable white blue collar men were working for $5 and complaining about foreigners coming here and "stealing all our jobs". LOL

You mean Cesar Chavez? Who hated illigal immigrants?
No way. I know better. Because it is there that white uneducated blue collar men and women told my Greek father to "go back to his own country".

Most of them were deplorable.

And half of them would cheer. Because Affirmative Action made at least half of them blacks or women.

And it wasn't only because of Affirmative Action. They hired a lot of blacks because they couldn't find any whites to hire. This is absolutely true. My dad got the job at Ford and it was his dream job. Meanwhile almost any white male American could have had that job if they just interviewed for it. They didn't want to work those hours. I'll repeat, THEY DIDN'T WANT TO WORK.

So my dad made $12 when those deplorable white blue collar men were working for $5 and complaining about foreigners coming here and "stealing all our jobs". LOL

You mean like Cesar Chavez?

As a child working with his family in the California fields, Cesar quickly learned the reason farmworkers were paid so little and treated so poorly: As his biographer Miriam Pawel writes, “a surplus of labor enabled growers to treat workers as little more that interchangeable parts, cheaper and easier to replace than machines.”

Chavez acolytes today try to explain away his hawkish pro-border views as coming from a different historical context, applicable only to specific strikes and the strike-breakers that farmers tried to import. But this is false.

In fact, even before he started the union and fought against illegal immigration, he was opposed to the bracero program, which legallyimported cheap, disposable labor from Mexico at the expense of American citizens (of Mexican and other origins) who had been working in the fields. Pawel quotes Chavez as saying, “It looks almost impossible to start some effective program to get these people their jobs back from the braceros.”
But during those 15 years, Chavez fought illegal immigration tenaciously. In 1969, he marched to the Mexican border to protest farmers’ use of illegal aliens as strikebreakers. He was joined by Reverend Ralph Abernathy and Senator Walter Mondale.


After the insurrection, do you still want to argue that protesters should be allowed to open carry guns to the Capitol?​

Well Michigan disagrees with you. During the lockdowns Republicans in MI stormed the Capitol with open carry assault rifles. At the time it was perfectly legal to do it. But then we saw what happened at the Trump insurrection. And Majorie Taylor Green even said if she was in charge, they would have been better armed.

Knowing all this, I agree with my state to not allow open carry anymore inside the Capitol.

LANSING – The Michigan Capitol Commission, in a sudden reversal, voted unanimously Monday to ban the open carry of guns inside the Michigan Capitol, effective immediately.

Critics say the ban does not go far enough and the commission should ban all firearms inside the Capitol, whether they are carried openly or concealed, by anyone who is not law enforcement.

The commission had resisted such a move for years and sometimes claimed it did not have the authority to order a gun ban, despite building pressure in recent months amid angry protests, often involving armed men, inside and outside the Capitol.

That all appeared to change on Jan. 6, when a pro-Trump mob overran barricades and forced its way into the U.S. Capitol, causing significant damage and killing a Capitol police officer. One rioter was shot to death by police.

Even Republicans agree

Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, R-Clarklake, recently came out in favor of a ban on open carry of weapons.

Why? Because Republicans might have something big planned. I hope our officers are better prepared this time

The FBI has issued a bulletin saying armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols from Jan. 16 through at least Jan. 20 and at the U.S. Capitol from Jan. 17 through at least Jan. 20
To have an insurrection, you need the makings of an insurrection. When Lefties believe Trump was the instigator, but he asked everyone to march peacefully via his speech and Twitter tweets, and the crowd didn't take weapons, then it just all boils down to the fact that you just desperately wanted it to have been an insurrection.

Can I suggest you grab a dictionary and find out what insurrection means. Granted, Trump was pissed at not winning and his hissy fit led to a march. But just like most marches, crowd mentality spills over into violence. Being invited through the Capitol gates whilst Pelosi was getting the camera crew set up in her office to cry wolf, points the finger at Dems banking on an insurrection.

Yet another Lefty nothingburger relegated to the bin.
To have an insurrection, you need the makings of an insurrection. When Lefties believe Trump was the instigator, but he asked everyone to march peacefully via his speech and Twitter tweets, and the crowd didn't take weapons, then it just all boils down to the fact that you just desperately wanted it to have been an insurrection.

Can I suggest you grab a dictionary and find out what insurrection means. Granted, Trump was pissed at not winning and his hissy fit led to a march. But just like most marches, crowd mentality spills over into violence. Being invited through the Capitol gates whilst Pelosi was getting the camera crew set up in her office to cry wolf, points the finger at Dems banking on an insurrection.

Yet another Lefty nothingburger relegated to the bin.

You know, most things I see you post you are intelligent and wise......I really think you need to do more digging into gun are misinformed about the nature of gun crime in the U.S., and the nature of the gun grabbing movement through history.
You know, most things I see you post you are intelligent and wise......I really think you need to do more digging into gun are misinformed about the nature of gun crime in the U.S., and the nature of the gun grabbing movement through history.
The US and the UK have different orientations to guns. The UK had the same orientation (Right to bear arms) just over a century ago, and it's taken till today on where guns are in the UK. People can have many types of guns that Americans have, it's just that the majority cannot be bothered.

The difference is, you call it gun grabbing, we call it sensible gun ownership and use.

No doubt we would differ on health care too.
The US and the UK have different orientations to guns. The UK had the same orientation (Right to bear arms) just over a century ago, and it's taken till today on where guns are in the UK. People can have many types of guns that Americans have, it's just that the majority cannot be bothered.

The difference is, you call it gun grabbing, we call it sensible gun ownership and use.

No doubt we would differ on health care too. want to pay for healthcare through massive taxes, then get denied coverage after you hit 55.....

I would prefer that we put competition into the medical field, get government out of it, so that our medical system can become better and better and our medical innovation can go on to cure more and more diseases and physical problems...

Your system creates first stagnation, then decline, my free market system creates lower cost, better care and more and more miracle cures. want to pay for healthcare through massive taxes, then get denied coverage after you hit 55.....

I would prefer that we put competition into the medical field, get government out of it, so that our medical system can become better and better and our medical innovation can go on to cure more and more diseases and physical problems...

Your system creates first stagnation, then decline, my free market system creates lower cost, better care and more and more miracle cures.
Did you know that the massive taxes we pay towards healthcare per month is on average half what you guys pay in healthcare premiums per month.

Do you want to have a rethink, do some actual research, and then get back to me? I will school you on healthcare in an appropriate thread if you wish.

Labour tried PFI into the NHS under Blair and it simply mortgaged healthcare on the current generation.
Did you know that the massive taxes we pay towards healthcare per month is on average half what you guys pay in healthcare premiums per month.

Do you want to have a rethink, do some actual research, and then get back to me? I will school you on healthcare in an appropriate thread if you wish.
America has top quality healthcare

Brits do not
Did you know that the massive taxes we pay towards healthcare per month is on average half what you guys pay in healthcare premiums per month.

Do you want to have a rethink, do some actual research, and then get back to me? I will school you on healthcare in an appropriate thread if you wish.

Labour tried PFI into the NHS under Blair and it simply mortgaged healthcare on the current generation.

And then when you hit 55 you get put on waiting lists and denied coverage...after paying taxes your entire lives.....and now....the other countries with socialized medicine are offering home suicide kits to the sick and inconvenienced.......

Do you understand that the only reason your NHS hasn't collapsed already is that Americans with guns are providing your national security?

The number of people waiting for hospital treatment with the NHS in England has topped 7 million for the first time in August.

There were other unwelcome records elsewhere, with just 56.9% of patients attending major A&Es in September seen within four hours – a record low.

Just 72.9% of patients received their first treatment for cancer within two months after seeing a consultant while one-month waits for radiotherapy also reached a new low at 90.5% of patients against a target of 94%. The service failed to meet seven out of eight of its stated cancer targets.

The number of patients waiting more than a year for treatment grew to 387,257 by the end of August, up from 377,689 the month before, equivalent to one in every 18 patients on the waiting list. Eighteen-month waits fell from the high of 123,969 in September 2021 but still affect 50,888.

Under Britain’s socialized medicine, a cancer diagnosis meets a 3-year waitlist

The European systems chugged along for a while, even as medical care got more complicated, only because Americans paid for it by absorbing their defense costs during the Cold War.
A cancer-battling granddad has been left flabbergasted after being told he must wait three years for a hospital appointment. Andrew Jones, 61, won't be allowed to attend the medical facility until it's almost time for the next World Cup in North America.
His confirmation arrived days after a 16-year-old boy was told he wouldn't been seen for 950-days for his “urgent” NHS appointment for a urology-related problem.
The same article says that the NHS has 6 million people waiting for surgeries for non-life-threatening issues—or 9% of the United Kingdom’s population. If that 6 million number refers only to England’s NHS (as opposed to Scotland’s or Wale’s), then 10.6% of the population is on a healthcare waitlist.

In a real marketplace, the customer would be seeking the best quality for the lowest fees while the provider would be trying to maximize profit, control costs, and provide quality care. These concerns, plus genuine marketplace competition, would see price-conscience shopping and innovation.


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