Anti gunners would rather the pregnant woman was beaten to death, than she be saved with a gun....

Admit it, anti gunners..... in this violent attack where 3 teenagers were beating a pregnant woman, you would prefer she be beaten to death, than that the armed civilian step in with his legal, gun and stop it...

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you would put the gun owner in jail, for carrying that gun, and would have allowed that woman to be beaten...possibly to death or at least the loss of her baby...

Admit it...

Now notice...anti gunners.....

3 attackers driven off by one man....

No shots were fired and all 3 attackers ran away......

The good guy with the gun did not just shoot willy nilly or any other human being....he didn't fire because he didn't have to....

Good Samaritan Saves Pregnant Woman From 3 Violent Armed Attackers - The Truth About Guns

This might be the picture-perfect civilian defensive gun use.

A pregnant pizza delivery driver was returning to her car after dropping off a pie in Southwest Atlanta. At that moment, three teenagers approached her and started demanding her keys. One of them was armed with a handgunand started beating her with it.

The woman didn’t surrender her keys, and instead ran in the direction of a neighboring house. The attackers caught up with her and attacked her again.

Dennis Madaris, a neighbor, heard the woman screaming and came out of his house gun in hand. As soon as he saw what was happening, he said, “Drop the gun or I will drop you.”

The three assailants immediately scattered, leaving the woman moderately injured – but she and the child will most likely be fine. The teenagers were later arrested and are being charged with a stack of offenses.

View attachment 200554

Admit it, gun nuts..... in these tragedies where 4 toddlers were killed because idiots didn't secure their guns, you would prefer the very young children die, than to have the obviously unqualified gun nut disarmed

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you prefer the children die, to assure their parents were allowed to callously leave their guns available to naturally curious toddlers.

Admit it...

Now notice...gun nuts.....

With shootings by preschoolers happening at a pace of about two per week, some of the victims were the youngsters’ parents or siblings, but in many cases the children ended up taking their own lives. You can't call these tragic accidents. This is the result of the NRA fighting to make sure every unqualified and untrained gun nut who wants a gun or guns is able to have them.

SO what?

Parents have kids die accidentally every day.\ and every one of those accidental deaths is because a parent fucked up.

MAybe people should have to get a license to have kids

That wasn't an accident. It was intentional disregard of common sense safety requirements. Good work NRA.
Admit it, anti gunners..... in this violent attack where 3 teenagers were beating a pregnant woman, you would prefer she be beaten to death, than that the armed civilian step in with his legal, gun and stop it...

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you would put the gun owner in jail, for carrying that gun, and would have allowed that woman to be beaten...possibly to death or at least the loss of her baby...

Admit it...

Now notice...anti gunners.....

3 attackers driven off by one man....

No shots were fired and all 3 attackers ran away......

The good guy with the gun did not just shoot willy nilly or any other human being....he didn't fire because he didn't have to....

Good Samaritan Saves Pregnant Woman From 3 Violent Armed Attackers - The Truth About Guns

This might be the picture-perfect civilian defensive gun use.

A pregnant pizza delivery driver was returning to her car after dropping off a pie in Southwest Atlanta. At that moment, three teenagers approached her and started demanding her keys. One of them was armed with a handgunand started beating her with it.

The woman didn’t surrender her keys, and instead ran in the direction of a neighboring house. The attackers caught up with her and attacked her again.

Dennis Madaris, a neighbor, heard the woman screaming and came out of his house gun in hand. As soon as he saw what was happening, he said, “Drop the gun or I will drop you.”

The three assailants immediately scattered, leaving the woman moderately injured – but she and the child will most likely be fine. The teenagers were later arrested and are being charged with a stack of offenses.

View attachment 200554

Admit it, gun nuts..... in these tragedies where 4 toddlers were killed because idiots didn't secure their guns, you would prefer the very young children die, than to have the obviously unqualified gun nut disarmed

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you prefer the children die, to assure their parents were allowed to callously leave their guns available to naturally curious toddlers.

Admit it...

Now notice...gun nuts.....

With shootings by preschoolers happening at a pace of about two per week, some of the victims were the youngsters’ parents or siblings, but in many cases the children ended up taking their own lives. You can't call these tragic accidents. This is the result of the NRA fighting to make sure every unqualified and untrained gun nut who wants a gun or guns is able to have them.
Shit happens...
Only fucked in the head assholes like yourself blame the firearm… LOL

Why do RWNJs always misrepresent what is said? I never said it was the gun's fault. The NRA and the gun nuts that they control are the reason those kids are dead, and the reason that very young kids shoot and kill themselves and others on a regular basis due to gun nuts allowing guns to be available to young children.

ANd you morons think gun control laws lower the murder and crime rates

Qualified gun owners wouldn't have allowed those kids to die like that. Obviously you prefer more kids die.


I guess "qualified" pilots never crash too right?

I guess qualified doctors never fuck up and kill someone right?

Accidents happen accept it and move on
View attachment 200554

Admit it, gun nuts..... in these tragedies where 4 toddlers were killed because idiots didn't secure their guns, you would prefer the very young children die, than to have the obviously unqualified gun nut disarmed

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you prefer the children die, to assure their parents were allowed to callously leave their guns available to naturally curious toddlers.

Admit it...

Now notice...gun nuts.....

With shootings by preschoolers happening at a pace of about two per week, some of the victims were the youngsters’ parents or siblings, but in many cases the children ended up taking their own lives. You can't call these tragic accidents. This is the result of the NRA fighting to make sure every unqualified and untrained gun nut who wants a gun or guns is able to have them.
Shit happens...
Only fucked in the head assholes like yourself blame the firearm… LOL

Why do RWNJs always misrepresent what is said? I never said it was the gun's fault. The NRA and the gun nuts that they control are the reason those kids are dead, and the reason that very young kids shoot and kill themselves and others on a regular basis due to gun nuts allowing guns to be available to young children.

ANd you morons think gun control laws lower the murder and crime rates

Qualified gun owners wouldn't have allowed those kids to die like that. Obviously you prefer more kids die.


I guess "qualified" pilots never crash too right?

I guess qualified doctors never fuck up and kill someone right?

Accidents happen accept it and move on

Criminal disregard to safety is not an accident.
Admit it, anti gunners..... in this violent attack where 3 teenagers were beating a pregnant woman, you would prefer she be beaten to death, than that the armed civilian step in with his legal, gun and stop it...

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you would put the gun owner in jail, for carrying that gun, and would have allowed that woman to be beaten...possibly to death or at least the loss of her baby...

Admit it...

Now notice...anti gunners.....

3 attackers driven off by one man....

No shots were fired and all 3 attackers ran away......

The good guy with the gun did not just shoot willy nilly or any other human being....he didn't fire because he didn't have to....

Good Samaritan Saves Pregnant Woman From 3 Violent Armed Attackers - The Truth About Guns

This might be the picture-perfect civilian defensive gun use.

A pregnant pizza delivery driver was returning to her car after dropping off a pie in Southwest Atlanta. At that moment, three teenagers approached her and started demanding her keys. One of them was armed with a handgunand started beating her with it.

The woman didn’t surrender her keys, and instead ran in the direction of a neighboring house. The attackers caught up with her and attacked her again.

Dennis Madaris, a neighbor, heard the woman screaming and came out of his house gun in hand. As soon as he saw what was happening, he said, “Drop the gun or I will drop you.”

The three assailants immediately scattered, leaving the woman moderately injured – but she and the child will most likely be fine. The teenagers were later arrested and are being charged with a stack of offenses.

View attachment 200554

Admit it, gun nuts..... in these tragedies where 4 toddlers were killed because idiots didn't secure their guns, you would prefer the very young children die, than to have the obviously unqualified gun nut disarmed

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you prefer the children die, to assure their parents were allowed to callously leave their guns available to naturally curious toddlers.

Admit it...

Now notice...gun nuts.....

With shootings by preschoolers happening at a pace of about two per week, some of the victims were the youngsters’ parents or siblings, but in many cases the children ended up taking their own lives. You can't call these tragic accidents. This is the result of the NRA fighting to make sure every unqualified and untrained gun nut who wants a gun or guns is able to have them.

SO what?

Parents have kids die accidentally every day.\ and every one of those accidental deaths is because a parent fucked up.

MAybe people should have to get a license to have kids

That wasn't an accident. It was intentional disregard of common sense safety requirements. Good work NRA.

It was an accident

ALL accidents are caused by a person somehow

And people ignore safety requirements all the time.

Shit I don't wear a helmet when I ride a bike and I don't wear my seat belt all the time either

Now tell me what is the number one cause of accidental child death


It ain't guns

CDC Childhood Injury Report | Child Safety and Injury Prevention| CDC Injury Center
Admit it, anti gunners..... in this violent attack where 3 teenagers were beating a pregnant woman, you would prefer she be beaten to death, than that the armed civilian step in with his legal, gun and stop it...

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you would put the gun owner in jail, for carrying that gun, and would have allowed that woman to be beaten...possibly to death or at least the loss of her baby...

Admit it...

Now notice...anti gunners.....

3 attackers driven off by one man....

No shots were fired and all 3 attackers ran away......

The good guy with the gun did not just shoot willy nilly or any other human being....he didn't fire because he didn't have to....

Good Samaritan Saves Pregnant Woman From 3 Violent Armed Attackers - The Truth About Guns

This might be the picture-perfect civilian defensive gun use.

A pregnant pizza delivery driver was returning to her car after dropping off a pie in Southwest Atlanta. At that moment, three teenagers approached her and started demanding her keys. One of them was armed with a handgunand started beating her with it.

The woman didn’t surrender her keys, and instead ran in the direction of a neighboring house. The attackers caught up with her and attacked her again.

Dennis Madaris, a neighbor, heard the woman screaming and came out of his house gun in hand. As soon as he saw what was happening, he said, “Drop the gun or I will drop you.”

The three assailants immediately scattered, leaving the woman moderately injured – but she and the child will most likely be fine. The teenagers were later arrested and are being charged with a stack of offenses.

So the car jackers had a gun. Do know that car jacking hardly ever happen in countries with strict gun control laws? If not for easily accessible guns, this woman wouldn’t have been attacked st all.

My preference is that the pregnant woman not be attacked in the first place. So I vote for strict restrictions on handguns.

Do you care to prove that statement?

Plenty of crimes are committed in countries with gun control because people there are easy prey since the piece of shit criminals don't have to worry about their victims being armed

It’s been proven time and time again. Americans crime statistics are skewed so that only the most violent crimes are reported, making your stats artificially lower than they would be if all assaults were reported rather than just the most violent ones. Google it. I’m tired of posting links no one reads.

American murders are off the charts compared to countries with gun control.
Shit happens...
Only fucked in the head assholes like yourself blame the firearm… LOL

Why do RWNJs always misrepresent what is said? I never said it was the gun's fault. The NRA and the gun nuts that they control are the reason those kids are dead, and the reason that very young kids shoot and kill themselves and others on a regular basis due to gun nuts allowing guns to be available to young children.

ANd you morons think gun control laws lower the murder and crime rates

Qualified gun owners wouldn't have allowed those kids to die like that. Obviously you prefer more kids die.


I guess "qualified" pilots never crash too right?

I guess qualified doctors never fuck up and kill someone right?

Accidents happen accept it and move on

Criminal disregard to safety is not an accident.
Then charge the parents IDGAF if those idiots go to jail

But then you should be saying anyone who's kid drowns in a pool because they were unattended should go to jail too right?
Why do RWNJs always misrepresent what is said? I never said it was the gun's fault. The NRA and the gun nuts that they control are the reason those kids are dead, and the reason that very young kids shoot and kill themselves and others on a regular basis due to gun nuts allowing guns to be available to young children.

ANd you morons think gun control laws lower the murder and crime rates

Qualified gun owners wouldn't have allowed those kids to die like that. Obviously you prefer more kids die.


I guess "qualified" pilots never crash too right?

I guess qualified doctors never fuck up and kill someone right?

Accidents happen accept it and move on

Criminal disregard to safety is not an accident.
Then charge the parents IDGAF if those idiots go to jail

But then you should be saying anyone who's kid drowns in a pool because they were unattended should go to jail too right?

If they criminally disregarded the safety rules, yes.
Admit it, anti gunners..... in this violent attack where 3 teenagers were beating a pregnant woman, you would prefer she be beaten to death, than that the armed civilian step in with his legal, gun and stop it...

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you would put the gun owner in jail, for carrying that gun, and would have allowed that woman to be beaten...possibly to death or at least the loss of her baby...

Admit it...

Now notice...anti gunners.....

3 attackers driven off by one man....

No shots were fired and all 3 attackers ran away......

The good guy with the gun did not just shoot willy nilly or any other human being....he didn't fire because he didn't have to....

Good Samaritan Saves Pregnant Woman From 3 Violent Armed Attackers - The Truth About Guns

This might be the picture-perfect civilian defensive gun use.

A pregnant pizza delivery driver was returning to her car after dropping off a pie in Southwest Atlanta. At that moment, three teenagers approached her and started demanding her keys. One of them was armed with a handgunand started beating her with it.

The woman didn’t surrender her keys, and instead ran in the direction of a neighboring house. The attackers caught up with her and attacked her again.

Dennis Madaris, a neighbor, heard the woman screaming and came out of his house gun in hand. As soon as he saw what was happening, he said, “Drop the gun or I will drop you.”

The three assailants immediately scattered, leaving the woman moderately injured – but she and the child will most likely be fine. The teenagers were later arrested and are being charged with a stack of offenses.

So the car jackers had a gun. Do know that car jacking hardly ever happen in countries with strict gun control laws? If not for easily accessible guns, this woman wouldn’t have been attacked st all.

My preference is that the pregnant woman not be attacked in the first place. So I vote for strict restrictions on handguns.

Do you care to prove that statement?

Plenty of crimes are committed in countries with gun control because people there are easy prey since the piece of shit criminals don't have to worry about their victims being armed

It’s been proven time and time again. Americans crime statistics are skewed so that only the most violent crimes are reported, making your stats artificially lower than they would be if all assaults were reported rather than just the most violent ones. Google it. I’m tired of posting links no one reads.

American murders are off the charts compared to countries with gun control.

So what?

Gun laws do not lower the murder rate

The murder rate in the UK did not drop below the level it was before all their gun laws started being passed in the 60's

70% of all the murders in this country take place in very concentrated urban areas that are historically plagued by poverty and high crime the only reason that remains true today is that no one really cares if young urban minorities kill other young urban minorities
ANd you morons think gun control laws lower the murder and crime rates

Qualified gun owners wouldn't have allowed those kids to die like that. Obviously you prefer more kids die.


I guess "qualified" pilots never crash too right?

I guess qualified doctors never fuck up and kill someone right?

Accidents happen accept it and move on

Criminal disregard to safety is not an accident.
Then charge the parents IDGAF if those idiots go to jail

But then you should be saying anyone who's kid drowns in a pool because they were unattended should go to jail too right?

If they criminally disregarded the safety rules, yes.

Nice dodge

If they weren't watching their kid they disregarded pool safety rules
Qualified gun owners wouldn't have allowed those kids to die like that. Obviously you prefer more kids die.


I guess "qualified" pilots never crash too right?

I guess qualified doctors never fuck up and kill someone right?

Accidents happen accept it and move on

Criminal disregard to safety is not an accident.
Then charge the parents IDGAF if those idiots go to jail

But then you should be saying anyone who's kid drowns in a pool because they were unattended should go to jail too right?

If they criminally disregarded the safety rules, yes.

Nice dodge

If they weren't watching their kid they disregarded pool safety rules

If you know a potential danger is eminent, and do nothing to prevent it, you are responsible for the outcome. Of course, guns are more important that the lives of their children to gun nuts.

I guess "qualified" pilots never crash too right?

I guess qualified doctors never fuck up and kill someone right?

Accidents happen accept it and move on

Criminal disregard to safety is not an accident.
Then charge the parents IDGAF if those idiots go to jail

But then you should be saying anyone who's kid drowns in a pool because they were unattended should go to jail too right?

If they criminally disregarded the safety rules, yes.

Nice dodge

If they weren't watching their kid they disregarded pool safety rules

If you know a potential danger is eminent, and do nothing to prevent it, you are responsible for the outcome. Of course, guns are more important that the lives of their children to gun nuts.

Then why do more kids drown that are killed by accidental shootings?

I guess pool are more important than kids too right?

And I don't have kids and I really don't care about yours and don't pretend you give a shit about the kids of people you don't know
Admit it, anti gunners..... in this violent attack where 3 teenagers were beating a pregnant woman, you would prefer she be beaten to death, than that the armed civilian step in with his legal, gun and stop it...

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you would put the gun owner in jail, for carrying that gun, and would have allowed that woman to be beaten...possibly to death or at least the loss of her baby...

Admit it...

Now notice...anti gunners.....

3 attackers driven off by one man....

No shots were fired and all 3 attackers ran away......

The good guy with the gun did not just shoot willy nilly or any other human being....he didn't fire because he didn't have to....

Good Samaritan Saves Pregnant Woman From 3 Violent Armed Attackers - The Truth About Guns

This might be the picture-perfect civilian defensive gun use.

A pregnant pizza delivery driver was returning to her car after dropping off a pie in Southwest Atlanta. At that moment, three teenagers approached her and started demanding her keys. One of them was armed with a handgunand started beating her with it.

The woman didn’t surrender her keys, and instead ran in the direction of a neighboring house. The attackers caught up with her and attacked her again.

Dennis Madaris, a neighbor, heard the woman screaming and came out of his house gun in hand. As soon as he saw what was happening, he said, “Drop the gun or I will drop you.”

The three assailants immediately scattered, leaving the woman moderately injured – but she and the child will most likely be fine. The teenagers were later arrested and are being charged with a stack of offenses.

So the car jackers had a gun. Do know that car jacking hardly ever happen in countries with strict gun control laws? If not for easily accessible guns, this woman wouldn’t have been attacked st all.

My preference is that the pregnant woman not be attacked in the first place. So I vote for strict restrictions on handguns.
Actually, In Europe where they have strict gun laws, women are raped, beaten and killed quite frequently. Tis the penalty for inviting Islam into the west and no way for the public to protect itself.
The Brazilian government forcibly took the guns away from its people, and now.....Brazil (outside of actual war zones), it's the murder capital of the world. The public are demanding that the government give them back their guns and the government is considering it.
Do you honestly think that criminals (thieves, murderers, rapists, home-invaders, bank robbers, gangs, drug dealers, cartel members, et cetera) will hand over so much as gun one? If you do, you live in a fantasy world. Convicted criminals have been interviewed on the subject and all agree on one thing, their targets should be disarmed.
I can't speak for other citizens, but no matter what comes down, I'm not giving up so much as one of my firearms.

Ah yes, the “Muslim men are raping and murdering our women” lie.

There were 751 homicides in Britain and Wales in 2017 versus 17,250 in the US. That 23 times the number of murders in GB. But your population is less than 6 times that of GB and Wales.

I’d rather take my chances in GB and Wales than to think that a gun will keep me safe in the US.

Gun murders are how you try to hide the failure of gun control in Britain, thinking that the gun murder rate will stay the same, forever. There are more gun crimes now in Britain than there were before the ban and confiscation......

Our criminals in democrat controlled voting districts murder more people, in all ways, with guns, but with knives, clubs and bare hands, than British criminals one has ever said differently....we have said it over and over again.....

Guns keep Americans safe 2.4 million times a year, according to the CDC......

The homicide rate in Britain is up 44%....
Admit it, anti gunners..... in this violent attack where 3 teenagers were beating a pregnant woman, you would prefer she be beaten to death, than that the armed civilian step in with his legal, gun and stop it...

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you would put the gun owner in jail, for carrying that gun, and would have allowed that woman to be beaten...possibly to death or at least the loss of her baby...

Admit it...

Now notice...anti gunners.....

3 attackers driven off by one man....

No shots were fired and all 3 attackers ran away......

The good guy with the gun did not just shoot willy nilly or any other human being....he didn't fire because he didn't have to....

Good Samaritan Saves Pregnant Woman From 3 Violent Armed Attackers - The Truth About Guns

This might be the picture-perfect civilian defensive gun use.

A pregnant pizza delivery driver was returning to her car after dropping off a pie in Southwest Atlanta. At that moment, three teenagers approached her and started demanding her keys. One of them was armed with a handgunand started beating her with it.

The woman didn’t surrender her keys, and instead ran in the direction of a neighboring house. The attackers caught up with her and attacked her again.

Dennis Madaris, a neighbor, heard the woman screaming and came out of his house gun in hand. As soon as he saw what was happening, he said, “Drop the gun or I will drop you.”

The three assailants immediately scattered, leaving the woman moderately injured – but she and the child will most likely be fine. The teenagers were later arrested and are being charged with a stack of offenses.

View attachment 200554

Admit it, gun nuts..... in these tragedies where 4 toddlers were killed because idiots didn't secure their guns, you would prefer the very young children die, than to have the obviously unqualified gun nut disarmed

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you prefer the children die, to assure their parents were allowed to callously leave their guns available to naturally curious toddlers.

Admit it...

Now notice...gun nuts.....

With shootings by preschoolers happening at a pace of about two per week, some of the victims were the youngsters’ parents or siblings, but in many cases the children ended up taking their own lives. You can't call these tragic accidents. This is the result of the NRA fighting to make sure every unqualified and untrained gun nut who wants a gun or guns is able to have them.

Dumb ass. the majority of gun accidents with children happen in homes where the "owner" is a criminal who cannot buy, own or carry a gun.....who should have been in jail, not at home with his kids...

There are not two preschoolers shot a week you freaking doofus.....

The actual numbers from the CDC....

The total number of kids under 14 accidentally killed with guns in 2016... 74...

How do you get 2 pre schoolers a week accidentally killed with guns, you doofus, if the total number of kids under the age of 14 is 74.....please explain that math you doofus...

You are lying out of your ass....and you need to stop before you get a rash....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

2016: Kids ( <1 to age 14)
Total guns: ......74
Total Cars: 1,261

Suffocation: 1,215

Drowning: 713

Poisoning: 84

Traffic: 1,261

Guns: 74


The rest of the break down..






































Under age drinking:

Underage Drinking-Why Do Adolescents Drink, What Are the Risks, and How Can Underage Drinking Be Prevented?

Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings (1–5).

Admit it, anti gunners..... in this violent attack where 3 teenagers were beating a pregnant woman, you would prefer she be beaten to death, than that the armed civilian step in with his legal, gun and stop it...

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you would put the gun owner in jail, for carrying that gun, and would have allowed that woman to be beaten...possibly to death or at least the loss of her baby...

Admit it...

Now notice...anti gunners.....

3 attackers driven off by one man....

No shots were fired and all 3 attackers ran away......

The good guy with the gun did not just shoot willy nilly or any other human being....he didn't fire because he didn't have to....

Good Samaritan Saves Pregnant Woman From 3 Violent Armed Attackers - The Truth About Guns

This might be the picture-perfect civilian defensive gun use.

A pregnant pizza delivery driver was returning to her car after dropping off a pie in Southwest Atlanta. At that moment, three teenagers approached her and started demanding her keys. One of them was armed with a handgunand started beating her with it.

The woman didn’t surrender her keys, and instead ran in the direction of a neighboring house. The attackers caught up with her and attacked her again.

Dennis Madaris, a neighbor, heard the woman screaming and came out of his house gun in hand. As soon as he saw what was happening, he said, “Drop the gun or I will drop you.”

The three assailants immediately scattered, leaving the woman moderately injured – but she and the child will most likely be fine. The teenagers were later arrested and are being charged with a stack of offenses.

View attachment 200554

Admit it, gun nuts..... in these tragedies where 4 toddlers were killed because idiots didn't secure their guns, you would prefer the very young children die, than to have the obviously unqualified gun nut disarmed

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you prefer the children die, to assure their parents were allowed to callously leave their guns available to naturally curious toddlers.

Admit it...

Now notice...gun nuts.....

With shootings by preschoolers happening at a pace of about two per week, some of the victims were the youngsters’ parents or siblings, but in many cases the children ended up taking their own lives. You can't call these tragic accidents. This is the result of the NRA fighting to make sure every unqualified and untrained gun nut who wants a gun or guns is able to have them.
Shit happens...
Only fucked in the head assholes like yourself blame the firearm… LOL

Why do RWNJs always misrepresent what is said? I never said it was the gun's fault. The NRA and the gun nuts that they control are the reason those kids are dead, and the reason that very young kids shoot and kill themselves and others on a regular basis due to gun nuts allowing guns to be available to young children.

ANd you morons think gun control laws lower the murder and crime rates

Qualified gun owners wouldn't have allowed those kids to die like that. Obviously you prefer more kids die.

Moron, the majority of accidental child deaths happen in homes where the gun owner is a criminal who can't legally buy, own or carry the gun.....which the NRA works for.....while the democrats keep letting violent gun criminals out of jail......
Admit it, anti gunners..... in this violent attack where 3 teenagers were beating a pregnant woman, you would prefer she be beaten to death, than that the armed civilian step in with his legal, gun and stop it...

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you would put the gun owner in jail, for carrying that gun, and would have allowed that woman to be beaten...possibly to death or at least the loss of her baby...

Admit it...

Now notice...anti gunners.....

3 attackers driven off by one man....

No shots were fired and all 3 attackers ran away......

The good guy with the gun did not just shoot willy nilly or any other human being....he didn't fire because he didn't have to....

Good Samaritan Saves Pregnant Woman From 3 Violent Armed Attackers - The Truth About Guns

This might be the picture-perfect civilian defensive gun use.

A pregnant pizza delivery driver was returning to her car after dropping off a pie in Southwest Atlanta. At that moment, three teenagers approached her and started demanding her keys. One of them was armed with a handgunand started beating her with it.

The woman didn’t surrender her keys, and instead ran in the direction of a neighboring house. The attackers caught up with her and attacked her again.

Dennis Madaris, a neighbor, heard the woman screaming and came out of his house gun in hand. As soon as he saw what was happening, he said, “Drop the gun or I will drop you.”

The three assailants immediately scattered, leaving the woman moderately injured – but she and the child will most likely be fine. The teenagers were later arrested and are being charged with a stack of offenses.

View attachment 200554

Admit it, gun nuts..... in these tragedies where 4 toddlers were killed because idiots didn't secure their guns, you would prefer the very young children die, than to have the obviously unqualified gun nut disarmed

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you prefer the children die, to assure their parents were allowed to callously leave their guns available to naturally curious toddlers.

Admit it...

Now notice...gun nuts.....

With shootings by preschoolers happening at a pace of about two per week, some of the victims were the youngsters’ parents or siblings, but in many cases the children ended up taking their own lives. You can't call these tragic accidents. This is the result of the NRA fighting to make sure every unqualified and untrained gun nut who wants a gun or guns is able to have them.

Dumb ass. the majority of gun accidents with children happen in homes where the "owner" is a criminal who cannot buy, own or carry a gun.....who should have been in jail, not at home with his kids...

There are not two preschoolers shot a week you freaking doofus.....

The actual numbers from the CDC....

The total number of kids under 14 accidentally killed with guns in 2016... 74...

How do you get 2 pre schoolers a week accidentally killed with guns, you doofus, if the total number of kids under the age of 14 is 74.....please explain that math you doofus...

You are lying out of your ass....and you need to stop before you get a rash....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

2016: Kids ( <1 to age 14)
Total guns: ......74
Total Cars: 1,261

Suffocation: 1,215

Drowning: 713

Poisoning: 84

Traffic: 1,261

Guns: 74


The rest of the break down..






































Under age drinking:

Underage Drinking-Why Do Adolescents Drink, What Are the Risks, and How Can Underage Drinking Be Prevented?

Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings (1–5).
The majority of gun accidents occur in black households.

The majority of gun homicides are black on black.

In areas where there is strict gun control and heavy police presence.
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Admit it, anti gunners..... in this violent attack where 3 teenagers were beating a pregnant woman, you would prefer she be beaten to death, than that the armed civilian step in with his legal, gun and stop it...

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you would put the gun owner in jail, for carrying that gun, and would have allowed that woman to be beaten...possibly to death or at least the loss of her baby...

Admit it...

Now notice...anti gunners.....

3 attackers driven off by one man....

No shots were fired and all 3 attackers ran away......

The good guy with the gun did not just shoot willy nilly or any other human being....he didn't fire because he didn't have to....

Good Samaritan Saves Pregnant Woman From 3 Violent Armed Attackers - The Truth About Guns

This might be the picture-perfect civilian defensive gun use.

A pregnant pizza delivery driver was returning to her car after dropping off a pie in Southwest Atlanta. At that moment, three teenagers approached her and started demanding her keys. One of them was armed with a handgunand started beating her with it.

The woman didn’t surrender her keys, and instead ran in the direction of a neighboring house. The attackers caught up with her and attacked her again.

Dennis Madaris, a neighbor, heard the woman screaming and came out of his house gun in hand. As soon as he saw what was happening, he said, “Drop the gun or I will drop you.”

The three assailants immediately scattered, leaving the woman moderately injured – but she and the child will most likely be fine. The teenagers were later arrested and are being charged with a stack of offenses.

View attachment 200554

Admit it, gun nuts..... in these tragedies where 4 toddlers were killed because idiots didn't secure their guns, you would prefer the very young children die, than to have the obviously unqualified gun nut disarmed

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you prefer the children die, to assure their parents were allowed to callously leave their guns available to naturally curious toddlers.

Admit it...

Now notice...gun nuts.....

With shootings by preschoolers happening at a pace of about two per week, some of the victims were the youngsters’ parents or siblings, but in many cases the children ended up taking their own lives. You can't call these tragic accidents. This is the result of the NRA fighting to make sure every unqualified and untrained gun nut who wants a gun or guns is able to have them.

SO what?

Parents have kids die accidentally every day.\ and every one of those accidental deaths is because a parent fucked up.

MAybe people should have to get a license to have kids

That wasn't an accident. It was intentional disregard of common sense safety requirements. Good work NRA.

You don't even know what the truth lie out of your ass and then expect us to just accept it...

In a country with close to 600 million guns in private hands, and 17 million people permitted to carry many gun accidental deaths? 489

Amid rising gun violence, accidental shooting deaths have plummeted. Why?

But one bright spot has gotten much less: the number of accidental shooting deaths has steadily declined.

There were 489 people killed in unintentional shootings in the U.S. in 2015, the most recent year for which data is available. That was down from 824 deaths in 1999, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Taking into account population growth over that time, the rate fell 48%.
Admit it, anti gunners..... in this violent attack where 3 teenagers were beating a pregnant woman, you would prefer she be beaten to death, than that the armed civilian step in with his legal, gun and stop it...

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you would put the gun owner in jail, for carrying that gun, and would have allowed that woman to be beaten...possibly to death or at least the loss of her baby...

Admit it...

Now notice...anti gunners.....

3 attackers driven off by one man....

No shots were fired and all 3 attackers ran away......

The good guy with the gun did not just shoot willy nilly or any other human being....he didn't fire because he didn't have to....

Good Samaritan Saves Pregnant Woman From 3 Violent Armed Attackers - The Truth About Guns

This might be the picture-perfect civilian defensive gun use.

A pregnant pizza delivery driver was returning to her car after dropping off a pie in Southwest Atlanta. At that moment, three teenagers approached her and started demanding her keys. One of them was armed with a handgunand started beating her with it.

The woman didn’t surrender her keys, and instead ran in the direction of a neighboring house. The attackers caught up with her and attacked her again.

Dennis Madaris, a neighbor, heard the woman screaming and came out of his house gun in hand. As soon as he saw what was happening, he said, “Drop the gun or I will drop you.”

The three assailants immediately scattered, leaving the woman moderately injured – but she and the child will most likely be fine. The teenagers were later arrested and are being charged with a stack of offenses.

View attachment 200554

Admit it, gun nuts..... in these tragedies where 4 toddlers were killed because idiots didn't secure their guns, you would prefer the very young children die, than to have the obviously unqualified gun nut disarmed

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you prefer the children die, to assure their parents were allowed to callously leave their guns available to naturally curious toddlers.

Admit it...

Now notice...gun nuts.....

With shootings by preschoolers happening at a pace of about two per week, some of the victims were the youngsters’ parents or siblings, but in many cases the children ended up taking their own lives. You can't call these tragic accidents. This is the result of the NRA fighting to make sure every unqualified and untrained gun nut who wants a gun or guns is able to have them.

SO what?

Parents have kids die accidentally every day.\ and every one of those accidental deaths is because a parent fucked up.

MAybe people should have to get a license to have kids

That wasn't an accident. It was intentional disregard of common sense safety requirements. Good work NRA.

Notice ....with close to 600 million guns and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense....... our gun accidental death rate is tiny.....

2016... 495

2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824

Cars, Accidental deaths 2015......36,161

Poisons...accidental deaths 2015...47,478

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2015...33,381
Accidental drowning 2015 .....3,602
Accidental suffocation 2015...6,914
Accidental Machiinery 2015... 550

Accidental gun death 2015... 489
Admit it, anti gunners..... in this violent attack where 3 teenagers were beating a pregnant woman, you would prefer she be beaten to death, than that the armed civilian step in with his legal, gun and stop it...

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you would put the gun owner in jail, for carrying that gun, and would have allowed that woman to be beaten...possibly to death or at least the loss of her baby...

Admit it...

Now notice...anti gunners.....

3 attackers driven off by one man....

No shots were fired and all 3 attackers ran away......

The good guy with the gun did not just shoot willy nilly or any other human being....he didn't fire because he didn't have to....

Good Samaritan Saves Pregnant Woman From 3 Violent Armed Attackers - The Truth About Guns

This might be the picture-perfect civilian defensive gun use.

A pregnant pizza delivery driver was returning to her car after dropping off a pie in Southwest Atlanta. At that moment, three teenagers approached her and started demanding her keys. One of them was armed with a handgunand started beating her with it.

The woman didn’t surrender her keys, and instead ran in the direction of a neighboring house. The attackers caught up with her and attacked her again.

Dennis Madaris, a neighbor, heard the woman screaming and came out of his house gun in hand. As soon as he saw what was happening, he said, “Drop the gun or I will drop you.”

The three assailants immediately scattered, leaving the woman moderately injured – but she and the child will most likely be fine. The teenagers were later arrested and are being charged with a stack of offenses.

View attachment 200554

Admit it, gun nuts..... in these tragedies where 4 toddlers were killed because idiots didn't secure their guns, you would prefer the very young children die, than to have the obviously unqualified gun nut disarmed

Be brave, stand for what you believe and don't be cowards...of all the outcomes, if you had to choose, you prefer the children die, to assure their parents were allowed to callously leave their guns available to naturally curious toddlers.

Admit it...

Now notice...gun nuts.....

With shootings by preschoolers happening at a pace of about two per week, some of the victims were the youngsters’ parents or siblings, but in many cases the children ended up taking their own lives. You can't call these tragic accidents. This is the result of the NRA fighting to make sure every unqualified and untrained gun nut who wants a gun or guns is able to have them.

SO what?

Parents have kids die accidentally every day.\ and every one of those accidental deaths is because a parent fucked up.

MAybe people should have to get a license to have kids

That wasn't an accident. It was intentional disregard of common sense safety requirements. Good work NRA.

Do you want the man who saved that woman to have had that gun to save her? Yes or no, twit.
3/4 of the accidental gun deaths are drivebys where the idiots gun down random people on the street instead of the people they think they're shooting.

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