Anti-Gunners, Gunning For Mall Shooting Hero.

The evil POS want everything a gun free zone so only their mass murders are armed wherever they go.

They are so transparent to anyone with any mental capacity
If it`s gun free what weapon will the mass murderer be using? You`re commenting on the mental capacity of others. :laugh:
Here in Florida the stupid signs put up the business establishment's lawyers saying no guns allowed have no force of law so I just ignore them. If the crooks can ignore the signs so can I.
He made a good point

If more guns made us safer, America would be the safest country in the WORLD. We need sensible gun laws, not vigilante safety nets.”

It's like applauding when you hear teachers have to dip into their own pockets to pay for student's supplies.

Why are these shooters shooting? It's like they want to play Grand Theft Auto with only one life.

But I do not mind good guys with ccw permits carrying guns.
the kid was no vigilante retard.
Like people in general.

Especially women. More women than men are almost always killed in these events. Easier to target, somehow, I suppose.

Multiple reasons. If the shooter is a loner he may have more of a grudge against women, or more of the men are veterans and better at getting under cover.
No one knew the hero had a gun.

But the shooter spent a full hour in the men's room getting his rifle and all his many magazines ready, I read! Didn't it occur to anyone to report or notice any of that?? Darn. Maybe he was in a stall.

Seems to me the mall is fine with mass shooters coming there and tuning up to get ready to shoot everybody, but don't want anyone around who can stop the shooting.

It's a liability thing probably, if they don't put up the sign they can be seen as allowing some CCW holder to lose his mind and shoot up the place.
Enraged anti-gunners furious that this young man isn’t being charged for possessing a gun, in a gun-free zone; and recoil from the notion that this man be deemed a “Good Samaritan”.
We need this fellow in schools, churches, shopping malls and wherever Americans are frequently gunned down. The crazy gun boys might be shot by him before they can kill as many as they do.
Now comes the backlash against this young hero. Enraged anti-gunners furious that this young man isn’t being charged for possessing a gun, in a gun-free zone; and recoil from the notion that this man be deemed a “Good Samaritan”.

Yes folks. These fuckers want more dead innocents. As many as it takes to get to your guns. Anything, or anyone that gets in the way, is the enemy.

A 22-year-old kid just seriously fucked up 2 things the gun grabbers DESPERATELY wanted from this shooting:
  • Body count
  • No good guy with a gun will ever help
They are gnashing their teeth with rage about how their bloody opportunity to grab more guns was shut down by this kid.

They will try to kill him.
Now comes the backlash against this young hero. Enraged anti-gunners furious that this young man isn’t being charged for possessing a gun, in a gun-free zone; and recoil from the notion that this man be deemed a “Good Samaritan”.

Yes folks. These fuckers want more dead innocents. As many as it takes to get to your guns. Anything, or anyone that gets in the way, is the enemy.

If only the active shooter guy had seen the policy of no guns allowed in the mall, he probably wouldn't have gone in there and killed people. Maybe they need to make the policy sign bigger so that would be criminals would know. Meanwhile, let's put the Good Samaritan in jail for violating the policy. Man, what a riot that would cause. Thank God this didn't happen in a lefty state.
We need this fellow in schools, churches, shopping malls and wherever Americans are frequently gunned down. The crazy gun boys might be shot by him before they can kill as many as they do.
We don't "need this fellow" per say. We should all take it upon ourselves to "be" this fellow. Always carry, and be ready to act when the situation warrants it. While many of us do, we need many more of our fellow citizens to do their part, if we want to stamp out these shooting sprees in "free fire" zones.
Yeah, that's pretty much what we have been saying.
Do the gun fanciers plan to have a good gunster at every venue a bad gunster slaughters people?

The record of so many bad gunster victims strongly suggests that is not possible.

It would seem far more prudent to simply take measures to prevent the bad gunsters from easy access to guns.
Do the gun fanciers plan to have a good gunster at every venue a bad gunster slaughters people?

The record of so many bad gunster victims strongly suggests that is not possible.

It would seem far more prudent to simply take measures to prevent the bad gunsters from easy access to guns.
I think you have an amendment to get ratified.

Until then (never), the only solution is to armor yourself or shut the fuck up.

Every single cocksucking time there is a guy with a gun, the body count goes down, and you gun grabbing motherfuckers get mad.

Until at least 1/3 of the population is constantly armed, this will continue to happen. It is the only solution and you fucking know it.
I think you have an amendment to get ratified...
Not really. No amendments is absolute, and all are subject to reasonable regulation.

The pretense that more guns is the way to deal with the horrific level of gun slaughter in the U.S. doesn't seem rational.

The U.S. already has at least twice as many guns per capita as any other nation, and the firearm carnage is obviously not lower because of the excessive surfeit of guns. It's far higher.
the kid was no vigilante retard.
But that is your solution to our gun problem. More vigilante shooters among us to step in when a bad guy shows us. I'm not saying I disagree with your side on this.

Yes, it's good to have a good guy with a gun around when a bad guy with a gun shows up.
A 22-year-old kid just seriously fucked up 2 things the gun grabbers DESPERATELY wanted from this shooting:
  • Body count
  • No good guy with a gun will ever help
They are gnashing their teeth with rage about how their bloody opportunity to grab more guns was shut down by this kid.

They will try to kill him.
Actually, it only makes sense. When a bad guy with a gun shows up, even in the movies, we all can't wait for a good guy with a gun to show up.
But that is your solution to our gun problem. More vigilante shooters among us to step in when a bad guy shows us. I'm not saying I disagree with your side on this.

Yes, it's good to have a good guy with a gun around when a bad guy with a gun shows up.
More people carrying cuts down the wait time. Let's be real. When you call the cops you are literally ordering "a good guy, with a gun", much like a pizza. (Unless you live in Uvalde), So it makes sense for more people to be armed.

If perpetrators had even a little confidence, that 30% of those around them were armed too, they likely wouldn't be able to work up the nerve to do this shit.
Now comes the backlash against this young hero. Enraged anti-gunners furious that this young man isn’t being charged for possessing a gun, in a gun-free zone; and recoil from the notion that this man be deemed a “Good Samaritan”.

Yes folks. These fuckers want more dead innocents. As many as it takes to get to your guns. Anything, or anyone that gets in the way, is the enemy.

Well that's what happens when vigilante justice becomes acceptable. Everybody has their own reason to justify it.

If the lynchings start again it most likely won't be just black men being strung up!

However, I've mentioned above how the 'need' can justify the means.
Is there a need yet?
It would seem far more prudent to simply take measures to prevent the bad gunsters from easy access to guns.
It is impossible to enact a law that will prevent people from breaking another law - which is why laws exist to punish people after they break them.

You just want to unnecessarily and ineffectively restrict the rights of the law abiding.

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