Anti-Gunners, Gunning For Mall Shooting Hero.

Whatever! I'm not playing this game where I show you a red state doing fucked up shit and your fall back is that they too have blue cities. Piss off. Texas has a law bitch that allows for very violent people to get out early. Texas is a state. These aren't city laws dummy. Texas let's out violent people in half the time they are sentenced, with good behavior.

And these people have repeat offended. So why are Republicans doing this to us?

Sorry......not going to let you get away with that.......parole boards are not the regular citizens.....and democrat party policy is to not prosecute criminals ......just ask the DAs in L.A., New York, Chicago......any democrat party controlled city.....

We have democrat state's attorneys refusing to press charges against criminals...we have democrat prosecutors dropping gun charges even against criminals with multiple felonies...we have democrat judges releasing known, violent criminals on ankle monitoring, on bail, and no cash bail even with records longer than your leg.....who then go out and commit more gun crime....

The policy of the democrat party is the issue.....and you aren't going to pretend it goes both ways...
I honestly HATE IT that I can't take my gun with me when I go to Detroit. I take my $2000 ebike to Detroit and ride around Belle Isle and the river front. It's amazing. But go 1 block over and you could get Ebike Jacked.

Or when a woman is walking in the woods. They should all be carrying a gun. Men are creeps.

Sometimes I walk towards 4 or 5 guys in the woods and say, "what if they just decided to attack me?" Of course they don't but what if? It sure would be nice to be legally carrying a gun.

And I wouldn't carry around my 45. I'd carry this one

View attachment 672320
I'd put one bullet in each guy and then that would even the odds. Hopefully head shots or heart shots but even gut shots would even the odds.
You even the odds of 5 on 1 with a firearm, but if you are confronted with 5:1 odds, you're gonna want that 45
Sorry but Texas THE STATE has laws on the books that violent criminals have to at least spend half the time they are given in prison. HALF! Fuck that. How about ALL? If you are given 20 years, you serve 20 years.

So Texas is letting violent criminals out after only serving half their time. This is what you are complaining about right? So looks like TEXAS needs to stop doing that. Quit blaming liberals for everything.

I get what you are saying though. Yes liberal democrats do push to let prisoners out early. Pot smokers, shop lifters, etc.

And we oppose making a non violent poor criminal post bond. They can't afford it so they sit in jail before being convicted. Meanwhile their white counterpart has lots of money, posts bail, gets a better lawyer and doesn't even serve any time. Is that fair? So make things fair across the board and maybe we won't push for you to let violent black criminals out early. If you are letting violent white criminals out early....

Judge sentences admitted rapist to probation, no prison time​

The judge reportedly said that prison time would not be "appropriate."

View attachment 672767

With the race bullshit again. Judges post bail for white criminals and judges post bail for black criminals. If the whites can afford the bail and blacks can't, who's fault is that?
Sorry......not going to let you get away with that.......parole boards are not the regular citizens.....and democrat party policy is to not prosecute criminals ......just ask the DAs in L.A., New York, Chicago......any democrat party controlled city.....

We have democrat state's attorneys refusing to press charges against criminals...we have democrat prosecutors dropping gun charges even against criminals with multiple felonies...we have democrat judges releasing known, violent criminals on ankle monitoring, on bail, and no cash bail even with records longer than your leg.....who then go out and commit more gun crime....

The policy of the democrat party is the issue.....and you aren't going to pretend it goes both ways...
You are so right about these bad judges not giving longer sentences to violent criminals.

A federal judge sentenced former Minneapolis police Officer Thomas Lane to 2 1/2 years in prison Thursday for violating George Floyd’s civil rights, calling Lane’s role in the restraint that killed Floyd “a very serious offense in which a life was lost” but handing down a sentence well below what prosecutors and Floyd’s family sought.
With the race bullshit again. Judges post bail for white criminals and judges post bail for black criminals. If the whites can afford the bail and blacks can't, who's fault is that?
Ours for having a system where a person can get out of jail because he has money and someone who doesn't can't.

And I'm sure you'll find a way to blame Democrats.
The not allowing the carrying of weapons in the mall policy did not stop the criminal from doing so and killing three people shocking.
So then the answer is stop and frisk.

And I better not hear one Republican complain about Stop and Frisk. You guys love that policy when it happens in black communities. How many of you have said, "if you have nothing to hide why not let them stop and frisk you?"

Yes, you Republicans have made that bad argument. So the answer isn't more good guys with guns. It's more pat downs.
Article 1 section 10

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

No. The answer is zero gun-free zones.
Starting with Trump rallies.

Of course not! Guns are not permitted at Trump rallies, the Capitol or the White House. The very same folks who want to convince you that more guns make you safer prohibit guns in their workplace.

The very same people who want to turn your child's school into an armed camp prohibit guns in their workplace.

The very same people who want to protect the right of a mentally disturbed teenager to purchase an assault weapon prohibit guns in their workplace.

The very same people who supported the right of people on the terrorist watch list to purchase guns prohibit guns in their workplace.

Could those millions of dollars from the NRA have anything to do with it? You mean the 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to Congress or the President? Shouldn't the Capitol and the White House be "hardened" like our schools? What do you think, hypocrisy or cowardice?
Starting with Trump rallies.

Of course not! Guns are not permitted at Trump rallies, the Capitol or the White House. The very same folks who want to convince you that more guns make you safer prohibit guns in their workplace.

The very same people who want to turn your child's school into an armed camp prohibit guns in their workplace.

The very same people who want to protect the right of a mentally disturbed teenager to purchase an assault weapon prohibit guns in their workplace.

The very same people who supported the right of people on the terrorist watch list to purchase guns prohibit guns in their workplace.

Could those millions of dollars from the NRA have anything to do with it? You mean the 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to Congress or the President? Shouldn't the Capitol and the White House be "hardened" like our schools? What do you think, hypocrisy or cowardice?
The white house is hardened it is protected by dozens of armed guards.
Now comes the backlash against this young hero. Enraged anti-gunners furious that this young man isn’t being charged for possessing a gun, in a gun-free zone; and recoil from the notion that this man be deemed a “Good Samaritan”.

Yes folks. These fuckers want more dead innocents. As many as it takes to get to your guns. Anything, or anyone that gets in the way, is the enemy.

GANGS in Chicago killing 100s a year, many innocent including children.... Do nothing, Ignore, do not increase police presence, do not stop and frisk..... Ignore at all cost!!

One young man carrying a licensed gun in a mall, although it is against store policy, he ends up saving untold lives by shooting a mass murderer.... LIBERALS.... PUT HIM IN JAIL NOW!!!!

And that is the definition of progressive folks.
Texas may go blue

They say nothing changes in Texas politics — until it does.

The same is being said now by some Texas mothers who are tired of Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who is running for re-electionagainst former U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke, a Democrat. Mothers Against Greg Abbott, a new political action committee, excoriates Abbott in a compelling online political ad blasting his stances on women’s rights and trans rights, blaming him for the state’s failing power grid and implicating him in a long list of grievances that makes your head spin.

From threatening to take trans kids away from their parents, to putting a bounty on women who seek abortion and a bounty on anyone who tries to help them get one, to loosening gun laws amid so many mass shootings, Texas isn’t a great state anymore. It’s a failed state.

The Mothers Against Gregg Abbott PAC is a savvy salvo into the very realm that Republicans and evangelicals believe they control: the family. It puts faces on the women and families who have been harmed or threatened by the retrograde policies of the Abbott administration. The ad also highlights the diversity of the Texas population and, thus, the kind of voters who can bring into existence what Republicans such as Abbott are most afraid of: Texas going blue.
That's about a snowballs chance in hell unless you cheat really good.
Texas may go blue

They say nothing changes in Texas politics — until it does.

The same is being said now by some Texas mothers who are tired of Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who is running for re-electionagainst former U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke, a Democrat. Mothers Against Greg Abbott, a new political action committee, excoriates Abbott in a compelling online political ad blasting his stances on women’s rights and trans rights, blaming him for the state’s failing power grid and implicating him in a long list of grievances that makes your head spin.

From threatening to take trans kids away from their parents, to putting a bounty on women who seek abortion and a bounty on anyone who tries to help them get one, to loosening gun laws amid so many mass shootings, Texas isn’t a great state anymore. It’s a failed state.

The Mothers Against Gregg Abbott PAC is a savvy salvo into the very realm that Republicans and evangelicals believe they control: the family. It puts faces on the women and families who have been harmed or threatened by the retrograde policies of the Abbott administration. The ad also highlights the diversity of the Texas population and, thus, the kind of voters who can bring into existence what Republicans such as Abbott are most afraid of: Texas going blue.

Yeah....get back to us when you explain to those mothers the democrats grooming their kids in schools....
You are so right about these bad judges not giving longer sentences to violent criminals.

A federal judge sentenced former Minneapolis police Officer Thomas Lane to 2 1/2 years in prison Thursday for violating George Floyd’s civil rights, calling Lane’s role in the restraint that killed Floyd “a very serious offense in which a life was lost” but handing down a sentence well below what prosecutors and Floyd’s family sought.

They didn't kill floyd...he died from clogged arteries and illegal drugs....

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