Anti-Islamic protests around the country spark ugly stand-offs


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Notice how even in Australia the left wing has their talking points down. What the protest apparently was all about is Shari Law not anti-Islam. Then the left brings out words like hate, bigots and such. One would think that the left wing would be on the side of those protesting the establishment of Shari Law. But for some reason they are painfully silent on the subject. But of course if Cruz goes to Liberty College to speak the left will accuse him of wanting to establish a theocracy. Which no one really wants to do, other them Muslims.

Anti-Islamic protests around the country spark ugly stand-offs

Anti-Islamic protests around the country have sparked ugly stand-offs in Melbourne and Brisbane, with police being called in to keep rival protesters apart.

In Melbourne, hundreds of people washed spit from their faces on Saturday evening after clashes between supporters of Reclaim Australia, an anti-Islamic movement, and No Room For Racism, a coalition of trade union, community and left-wing groups, including the Socialist Alliance.

Police on horseback held the two groups apart, but one-on-one screaming matches occasionally broke out into pushing and shoving.
Notice how even in Australia the left wing has their talking points down. What the protest apparently was all about is Shari Law not anti-Islam. Then the left brings out words like hate, bigots and such. One would think that the left wing would be on the side of those protesting the establishment of Shari Law. But for some reason they are painfully silent on the subject. But of course if Cruz goes to Liberty College to speak the left will accuse him of wanting to establish a theocracy. Which no one really wants to do, other them Muslims.

Anti-Islamic protests around the country spark ugly stand-offs

Anti-Islamic protests around the country have sparked ugly stand-offs in Melbourne and Brisbane, with police being called in to keep rival protesters apart.

In Melbourne, hundreds of people washed spit from their faces on Saturday evening after clashes between supporters of Reclaim Australia, an anti-Islamic movement, and No Room For Racism, a coalition of trade union, community and left-wing groups, including the Socialist Alliance.

Police on horseback held the two groups apart, but one-on-one screaming matches occasionally broke out into pushing and shoving.

Anticapatalist always stand with other anti capitalist.
Liberals will side with anybody if they think they can gain some political advantage against Republicans from it.
Anticapatalist always stand with other anti capitalist.
Seems like it...

That guy's head is pretty interesting. From what I understand there's the white dragon of England on the Cross of St George, which implies parties like the BNP, then 14/88 for the 'fourteen words' and 'Heil Hitler' - the eighth letter of the alphabet is 'h'.

Then the Southern Cross for 'Fuck off we're full'.

Okay, a bit of licence with that last one, but tattoos of the Southern Cross are associated with Oz rednecks/bogans as is their response of 'Fuck off we're full' to brown person immigration.

I guess the swastikas and Iron Cross goose step for themselves.

Is that 'Anglo Saxon (Germanic)' in Gothic script across the top of his Reclaiming Australia skull?
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Sad when when anti-semitic muslim bigots and their leftist allies slur patriotic australians as nazis. They are the real nazis who support the destruction of Israel.
At least Australians aren't taking the invasion of their land lying down.Good for them. Americans are more than happy to let the invasion continue.
Sad when when anti-semitic muslim bigots and their leftist allies slur patriotic australians as nazis. They are the real nazis who support the destruction of Israel.
Anyone would think white power neo-nazi style people are supported by the Australian Jewish Communal Lobby.
Sad when when anti-semitic muslim bigots and their leftist allies slur patriotic australians as nazis. They are the real nazis who support the destruction of Israel.
Anyone would think white power neo-nazi style people are supported by the Australian Jewish Communal Lobby.
A couple nazis, who could very well be undercover lefties, doesn't change the fact you and your islamist buddies want to flood Australia and destroy it's identity and heritage, just as you want to wipe Israel off the map and kill jews. You are the real anti-semites. There were communist and and isis flags at the counter demonstrations by the way. Don't pretend you lefties care anything about innocent people when you are happy to ally with those who support mass murderers like the soviets and ISIS.

The fact is, Jews are on the side of the patriotic protestors because they know what is in store if your ilk get control and fill Oz with anti-semitic muslims. Israel will lose an ally and Jews will become targets on the streets of Australia like they are in Europe.
Notice how even in Australia the left wing has their talking points down. What the protest apparently was all about is Shari Law not anti-Islam. Then the left brings out words like hate, bigots and such. One would think that the left wing would be on the side of those protesting the establishment of Shari Law. But for some reason they are painfully silent on the subject. But of course if Cruz goes to Liberty College to speak the left will accuse him of wanting to establish a theocracy. Which no one really wants to do, other them Muslims.

Anti-Islamic protests around the country spark ugly stand-offs

Anti-Islamic protests around the country have sparked ugly stand-offs in Melbourne and Brisbane, with police being called in to keep rival protesters apart.

In Melbourne, hundreds of people washed spit from their faces on Saturday evening after clashes between supporters of Reclaim Australia, an anti-Islamic movement, and No Room For Racism, a coalition of trade union, community and left-wing groups, including the Socialist Alliance.

Police on horseback held the two groups apart, but one-on-one screaming matches occasionally broke out into pushing and shoving.

Isn't it wonderful how the Left defends Islam, despite Islam standing against everything the CLAIMS to stand for.

(Such is the nature of Evil... and both islam and the Left are respectively and collectively: Evil.

THE GOOD NEWS is that the Left is finally becoming sufficiently desperate that it is formalizing its alliance with Islam... which will inevitably setup the world's duty to destroy both.)

Welcome to Word War 3 kids! It's gonna BE A BIG ONE!
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Notice how even in Australia the left wing has their talking points down. What the protest apparently was all about is Shari Law not anti-Islam. Then the left brings out words like hate, bigots and such. One would think that the left wing would be on the side of those protesting the establishment of Shari Law. But for some reason they are painfully silent on the subject. But of course if Cruz goes to Liberty College to speak the left will accuse him of wanting to establish a theocracy. Which no one really wants to do, other them Muslims.

Anti-Islamic protests around the country spark ugly stand-offs

Anti-Islamic protests around the country have sparked ugly stand-offs in Melbourne and Brisbane, with police being called in to keep rival protesters apart.

In Melbourne, hundreds of people washed spit from their faces on Saturday evening after clashes between supporters of Reclaim Australia, an anti-Islamic movement, and No Room For Racism, a coalition of trade union, community and left-wing groups, including the Socialist Alliance.

Police on horseback held the two groups apart, but one-on-one screaming matches occasionally broke out into pushing and shoving.

Isn't it wonderful how the Left defends Islam, despite Islam standing against everything the CLAIMS to stand for.

(Such is the nature of Evil... and both islam and the Left are respectively and collectively: Evil.

THE GOOD NEWS is that the Left is finally becoming sufficiently desperate that it is formalizing its alliance with Islam... which will inevitably setup the world's duty to destroy both.)

Welcome to Word War 3 kids! It's gonna BE A BIG ONE!

Did you notice that the left has taken the appearance of clowns.
A couple nazis, who could very well be undercover lefties, doesn't change the fact you and your islamist buddies want to flood Australia and destroy it's identity and heritage, just as you want to wipe Israel off the map and kill jews. You are the real anti-semites. There were communist and and isis flags at the counter demonstrations by the way. Don't pretend you lefties care anything about innocent people when you are happy to ally with those who support mass murderers like the soviets and ISIS.

The fact is, Jews are on the side of the patriotic protestors because they know what is in store if your ilk get control and fill Oz with anti-semitic muslims. Israel will lose an ally and Jews will become targets on the streets of Australia like they are in Europe.
The neo nazis thank you for your support and possibly their legal fees.

They say the 14 words to you: 'We Must Secure The Existence Of Our PEOPLE And A Future For White Children.'

They say 'Heil Hitler' to you.
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Notice how even in Australia the left wing has their talking points down. What the protest apparently was all about is Shari Law not anti-Islam. Then the left brings out words like hate, bigots and such. One would think that the left wing would be on the side of those protesting the establishment of Shari Law. But for some reason they are painfully silent on the subject. But of course if Cruz goes to Liberty College to speak the left will accuse him of wanting to establish a theocracy. Which no one really wants to do, other them Muslims.

Anti-Islamic protests around the country spark ugly stand-offs

Anti-Islamic protests around the country have sparked ugly stand-offs in Melbourne and Brisbane, with police being called in to keep rival protesters apart.

In Melbourne, hundreds of people washed spit from their faces on Saturday evening after clashes between supporters of Reclaim Australia, an anti-Islamic movement, and No Room For Racism, a coalition of trade union, community and left-wing groups, including the Socialist Alliance.

Police on horseback held the two groups apart, but one-on-one screaming matches occasionally broke out into pushing and shoving.

As with so many things, the truth lies somewhere in between. While the far left will completely ignore the idea that some Muslims want a worldwide caliphate, those on the right believe that all Muslims want that and will kill in order to get it.

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