Anti-LGBTQ+ ‘groomer’ slur banned on Reddit

History is Putin talking points now? You push the establishment talking points so what's that say about you idiot

Looks like Russia is liberating the people from Nazis to me
Dude you’re acting like a Putin troll
These pedo comments are pretty lame considering the things you folks all said about that 10 year old rape victim

You said her boyfriend got her pregnant
It didn’t matter because she was a Latino
It was her fault

Remember that? It was YESTERDAY
You will never hear me calling gay people groomers, but I will certainly call groomers groomers, many of which are not gay.

Children are being groomed by countless heterosexual idiots who have been hoodwinked into viewing their encouragementb of young children to be transexuals is actually somehow virtuous.
The plus in lgbtq+ is meant for pedos.

Democrats aka "ultra groomers"(people who use public forums to groom children for their sexual activities in bulk) have been trying to normalize pedos for decades.

You will never hear me calling gay people groomers, but I will certainly call groomers groomers, many of which are not gay.

Children are being groomed by countless heterosexual idiots who have been hoodwinked into viewing their encouragementb of young children to be transexuals is actually somehow virtuous.

It’s a fucking politically motivated attack that actually has nothing to do with kids

It’s a fucking politically motivated attack that actually has nothing to do with kids

Not true. The baby-killers and pedos who make up the base of your party have to be stopped, at any cost.

Even people like you, flying the flag of a country where being gay is illegal, are causing enough of a problem that something has to be done.
Funny that they call LBGTQ people "groomers" yet statistics show that most child predators are hetrosexual. And these people actively defend known child molesters like Matt Gaetz and Roy Moore.
If an adult sexually assaults or talks inappropriately to a kid they should be executed. End of story.
Way to push Putin talking points.

Oh and there are neo-Nazis on both sides Ivan
Biden was telling Putin that Ukraine was going to be accepted into NATO. What did you expect him to do? Anyway Biden gave him the pipeline to fund his war, so Biden is also responsible for Putin's war. I'm no fan of Putin, but if it wasn't for Biden. Putin wouldn't have his war, only took 2.5 million to Hunter.
Lol, your party calls homeland security on parents that are concerned about groomers.
nope. When people act like terrorists and make violent threats regardless of what the misguided reason they are doing that...they face criminal prosecution
Yes, they have a sister organization called NAMGLA. Do your research and you'll loook like less of an ignorant tool.

And are you insinuating that the LGBTQ community supports NAMBLA?
Any male that thinks of little boys in a sexual manner is a homosexual. The organization as dwindled to almost nothing. Now they are promoting MAP (minor attracted persons). Both these 'organizations' are just homo-pedophile trying to legitimize pedophilia. Anyone claiming they are hetro and want to fuck a little boy is a homo, pure and simple.

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