Anti-LGBTQ+ ‘groomer’ slur banned on Reddit

Yes, they have a sister organization called NAMGLA. Do your research and you'll loook like less of an ignorant tool.

And are you insinuating that the LGBTQ community supports NAMBLA?

The LGBTQ community supports confusing the hell out of children, pushing them into transgenderism/gender dysphoria. In the 1970s and 80s when I was growing up, a girl that seemed to predominantly express gender-specific characteristics of the opposite gender was seen as a tomboy. A boy that preferred going to ballet class with his sister rather than karate class with his brother might've been seen as a bit effeminate. Were they labeled "transgender" or little gay people? No not really. That's a novelty, a new phenomenon.

How is this shit acceptable and healthy?





Do the conservatives have a point? Yes, they do. American liberals who support all of the above are just a bunch of child-abusing degenerates. Being gay and lesbian, doing your own thing, is not enough. Tolerance is not enough, they demand the approval of everyone by force. If you don't agree that their lifestyle is healthy, or a healthy alternative to heterosexuality, you're destroyed. Your employment, your livelihood, your career, maybe even your health and life. So those social conservatives who were arguing back in the 1960s, and 70s, that this would one day happen, were correct. Their position was that homosexuality, the LGBTQ world, should remain in the closet, underground. Society should not tolerate it in the open, because eventually it would demand full acceptance (you give them an inch, they want a mile) and would result in negative consequences for society. Unhealthy results. They argued that it's better to keep these people in the closet regardless of how they feel about it or how much they complain because to do otherwise will hurt society in the long run.

What we are witnessing now is the full metastasis of this societal cancer that was permitted to grow. In the 1970s it was declassified by the American Psychiatric Association for strictly political reasons, from being a paraphilia (sexual disorder), to a sexual orientation like heterosexuality. The consequence of opening the closet is millions of very confused children being pushed into homosexuality and transsexualism. Dangerous hormone treatments, sex reassignment surgery. It's a grave injustice that is occurring. A serious crime. These people should've remained in the closet. Tolerance is not enough for them. Being left alone to do whatever they want among themselves is unfortunately not enough. They can have their nightclubs, their bathhouses, their orgies, their relationships..etc. No one gives a shit. But that's not enough for them. They want to influence the children, and parade their filth on the streets. Pushing children into homosexuality and transsexualism. The social conservatives are correct on this issue.
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The LGBTQ agenda is no worse for kids than the agenda of the straight people.
What do normies, straight people want for kids? That they grow up and get married, have their own children? Procreate the normal, healthy, natural way? Developing a heterosexual orientation, where people are sexually attracted to the opposite gender is somehow unhealthy and now equal to men fucking each other? You LGBTQ people are so full of shit. Homosexuals are much more susceptible to STDs and several other diseases, both physical and psychological. The suicide rate for homosexuals is equal in Sweden as it is in Alabama, so spare us the bullshit arguments.
What do normies, straight people want for kids? To grow up and get married, have their own children? Procreate the normal, healthy, natural way? Developing a heterosexual orientation, where people are sexually attracted to the opposite gender is somehow unhealthy and now equal to men fucking each other? You LGBTQ people are so full of shit. Homosexuals are much more susceptible to STDs and several other diseases, both physical and psychological. The suicide rate for homosexuals is equal in Sweden as it is in Alabama, so spare us the bullshit arguments.
Depends on how much Mexican food has been eaten...
What do normies, straight people want for kids? That they grow up and get married, have their own children? Procreate the normal, healthy, natural way? Developing a heterosexual orientation, where people are sexually attracted to the opposite gender is somehow unhealthy and now equal to men fucking each other? You LGBTQ people are so full of shit. Homosexuals are much more susceptible to STDs and several other diseases, both physical and psychological. The suicide rate for homosexuals is equal in Sweden as it is in Alabama, so spare us the bullshit arguments.
There are deviant straights that abuse kids stop trying to protect them if you really claim to be against it and stop accusing innocent people. The highest rate of suicide is people who are late seniors.
The LGBTQ community supports confusing the hell out of children, pushing them into transgenderism/gender dysphoria. In the 1970s and 80s when I was growing up, a girl that seemed to predominantly express gender-specific characteristics of the opposite gender was seen as a tomboy. A boy that preferred going to ballet class with his sister rather than karate class with his brother might've been seen as a bit effeminate. Were they labeled "transgender" or little gay people? No not really. That's a novelty, a new phenomenon.

How is this shit acceptable and healthy?

Do the conservatives have a point? Yes, they do. American liberals who support all of the above are just a bunch of child-abusing degenerates. Being gay and lesbian, doing your own thing, is not enough. Tolerance is not enough, they demand the approval of everyone by force. If you don't agree that their lifestyle is healthy, or a healthy alternative to heterosexuality, you're destroyed. Your employment, your livelihood, your career, maybe even your health and life. So those social conservatives who were arguing back in the 1960s, and 70s, that this would one day happen, were correct. Their position was that homosexuality, the LGBTQ world, should remain in the closet, underground. Society should not tolerate it in the open, because eventually it would demand full acceptance (you give them an inch, they want a mile) and would result in negative consequences for society. Unhealthy results. They argued that it's better to keep these people in the closet regardless of how they feel about it or how much they complain because to do otherwise will hurt society in the long run.

What we are witnessing now is the full metastasis of this societal cancer that was permitted to grow. In the 1970s it was declassified by the American Psychiatric Association for strictly political reasons, from being a paraphilia (sexual disorder), to a sexual orientation like heterosexuality. The consequence of opening the closet is millions of very confused children being pushed into homosexuality and transsexualism. Dangerous hormone treatments, sex reassignment surgery. It's a grave injustice that is occurring. A serious crime. These people should've remained in the closet. Tolerance is not enough for them. Being left alone to do whatever they want among themselves is unfortunately not enough. They can have their nightclubs, their bathhouses, their orgies, their relationships..etc. No one gives a shit. But that's not enough for them. They want to influence the children, and parade their filth on the streets. Pushing children into homosexuality and transsexualism. The social conservatives are correct on this issue.

Great post.

Democrats here will lie and say what is happening in the pics and videos isn't happening to cover for the sick fucks doing it.
There are deviant straights that abuse kids stop trying to protect them if you really claim to be against it and stop accusing innocent people. The highest rate of suicide is people who are late seniors.
I'm not protecting child abusers, I'm against all of them. I don't care what your sexual orientation is, so what the fuck are you talking about? Homosexuals are always telling us that the reason so many of them are killing themselves is that people don't accept them as normal or healthy. The suicide rate among homosexuals and transsexuals in the most egalitarian countries in the world is about the same as it is in the Bible Belt of the US.

How did you come to the conclusion that I'm for child abuse? Weird.
Great post.

Democrats here will lie and say what is happening in the pics and videos isn't happening to cover for the sick fucks doing it.

I'm a leftist, and Marxist, and I agree with you. I agree with social conservatives on this issue. These liberals can't even define what a woman is. Sick fuckers, is a good description. They're sickos.
You just admitted that I am right.

The whole "groomer" thing is just a bogus politically motivated attack

Your kind are not even trying to hide what it is that you are doing to children, and what you want to do to children.

There is nothing bogus, nothing political, about standing against the obvious sexual abuse of children.
It has nothing to do with reality.

it's just not happening.

It's a cynical politically motivated lie

One you use because it played well in focus groups


More rightwing lies and demagoguery; more conservative bigotry and hate.

No one is ‘grooming’ children to be gay, transgender, or anything else.

Your hand is in the cookie jar, we can all see that your hand is in the jar, and you're trying to tell us that you haven't been anywhere near the jar.

Your kind are not fooling anybody.
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