Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

I didnt know I had to refute what you made up? How about you show me where you got these stats?

You mean you need statistics to prove that Lesbians don't have anal sex?


First I do know lesbians and I could ask then if they like having a dildo shoved up their ass but truthfully I dont care. You are making a assumption and stating it as fact because you are a lying shit.

No, I'm applying a bit of common sense.

Whenever you get a Homophobe past his "My Magic Imaginary Friend in the SKy says the Gay is bad", their next go-to argument is that they think two dudes having anal sex is icky.

And yeah, Probably not something I'd want to watch, but I really wouldn't want to watch most straight people I know having sex, either.

Still, lots of straight folks do Anal... and we didn't hear Phil the Homophobe whining about that.

Anal Sex More Popular Than Possibly Expected Among Heterosexual Couples: Center for Disease Control and Prevention Report

The report, titled "Sexual Behavior, Sexual Attraction and Sexual Identity in the United States," which reportedly polled thousands of people between the ages of 15 and 44 from 2006 through 2008, found that 44 percent of straight men and 36 percent of straight women admitted to having had anal sex at least once in their lives.
You mean you need statistics to prove that Lesbians don't have anal sex?


First I do know lesbians and I could ask then if they like having a dildo shoved up their ass but truthfully I dont care. You are making a assumption and stating it as fact because you are a lying shit.

No, I'm applying a bit of common sense.

Whenever you get a Homophobe past his "My Magic Imaginary Friend in the SKy says the Gay is bad", their next go-to argument is that they think two dudes having anal sex is icky.

And yeah, Probably not something I'd want to watch, but I really wouldn't want to watch most straight people I know having sex, either.

Still, lots of straight folks do Anal... and we didn't hear Phil the Homophobe whining about that.

Anal Sex More Popular Than Possibly Expected Among Heterosexual Couples: Center for Disease Control and Prevention Report

The report, titled "Sexual Behavior, Sexual Attraction and Sexual Identity in the United States," which reportedly polled thousands of people between the ages of 15 and 44 from 2006 through 2008, found that 44 percent of straight men and 36 percent of straight women admitted to having had anal sex at least once in their lives.

That doesnt prove your lie dude LOL
Who is Phil Robertson but a member of the sex police? He wants to tell you what to do in your bedroom?

No more than Bob Costas is the gun police, every time he does a rant (while in the middle of a live sports show) The media is the sex police. They are the ones making the big deal about it, as they are about anyone's sexuality as TV or known celebrity. Look at the crap about Robin Roberts "coming out".. Who gives a rat's ass, except the media.
So PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY does not apply to what comes out of Phil's pie hole. He is a VICTIM...
Personal responsibility ? For what ? Phil did no wrong, even though you all are trying desperately to assign wrong to him. The GQ interviewer and possibly A&E are the ones who did wrong, so what is Phil the easier target in all of this maybe ? Oh yes that is it, and so I see now what is going on here, where as this is what you all were thinking when attacked Phil (he is the dumb hic eh?) instead of attacking the big dogs that stirred it all up, and so you go after what yall figured was the softer target instead. Got it now... Pathetic!

Did A&E and GQ force Phil to utter his comparison of homosexuality to bestiality, murder and other grievous sins?

No comparison was made. Read below and educate yourself on the meaning of "comparison".

noun \kəm-ˈper-ə-sən, -ˈpa-rə-\

: the act of looking at things to see how they are similar or different

: the act of suggesting that two or more things are similar or in the same category


Full Definition of COMPARISON

1: the act or process of comparing: as

a : the representing of one thing or person as similar to or like another

b : an examination of two or more items to establish similarities and dissimilarities <his faults seem minor by comparison>

2: identity of features : similarity <several points of comparison between the two>

3: the modification of an adjective or adverb to denote different levels of quality, quantity, or relation
I'm with Joe here. Why are some straight men so obsessed with how gay men have sex? Robertson went on about it at length. I have little to no interest in what other people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms with their significant others. As long as all the participants are consenting adults, it's really none of my business.

As for anal sex, young Christian women who have taken the pledge to remain virgins until their wedding night, are now enjoying anal sex and oral sex as a means of preserving their virginity. When I first heard this, I didn't believe it, but a friend who teaches high school in the Bible Belt told me that these girls are doing stuff that we hadn't even heard of at that age.

Who'd have thunk that Christian high schools would have turned into hotbeds of perverse sexual practices? The law of unintended consequences at work once again.
I'm with Joe here. Why are some straight men so obsessed with how gay men have sex? Robertson went on about it at length. I have little to no interest in what other people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms with their significant others. As long as all the participants are consenting adults, it's really none of my business.

As for anal sex, young Christian women who have taken the pledge to remain virgins until their wedding night, are now enjoying anal sex and oral sex as a means of preserving their virginity. When I first heard this, I didn't believe it, but a friend who teaches high school in the Bible Belt told me that these girls are doing stuff that we hadn't even heard of at that age.

Who'd have thunk that Christian high schools would have turned into hotbeds of perverse sexual practices? The law of unintended consequences at work once again.

I think because most straight men think it is absolutely repulsive, and makes them want to throw up just thinking about it. And the fact that we have a very large and strong lobby for something that straight men think is wrong and repulsive. I could care less what any two consenting adults do. But why is the media so obcessed with it?
Again, if you read the GQ article, there was no Q&A, just Phil preaching at the writer. The writer made the comment that it was difficult to get a word in edgewise.

I remember when a gay couple moved into a townhouse in our neighborhood. The guy who owned the TH next door was obsessed with the idea that two men were having sex together on the other side of his bedroom wall.

It's not just the media that's obsessed with sexual practices.
Personal responsibility ? For what ? Phil did no wrong, even though you all are trying desperately to assign wrong to him. The GQ interviewer and possibly A&E are the ones who did wrong, so what is Phil the easier target in all of this maybe ? Oh yes that is it, and so I see now what is going on here, where as this is what you all were thinking when attacked Phil (he is the dumb hic eh?) instead of attacking the big dogs that stirred it all up, and so you go after what yall figured was the softer target instead. Got it now... Pathetic!

Did A&E and GQ force Phil to utter his comparison of homosexuality to bestiality, murder and other grievous sins?

No comparison was made. Read below and educate yourself on the meaning of "comparison".

noun \k&#601;m-&#712;per-&#601;-s&#601;n, -&#712;pa-r&#601;-\

: the act of looking at things to see how they are similar or different

: the act of suggesting that two or more things are similar or in the same category


Full Definition of COMPARISON

1: the act or process of comparing: as

a : the representing of one thing or person as similar to or like another

b : an examination of two or more items to establish similarities and dissimilarities <his faults seem minor by comparison>

2: identity of features : similarity <several points of comparison between the two>

3: the modification of an adjective or adverb to denote different levels of quality, quantity, or relation
One could say that a comparison was being made when the question was asked of Phil about these things, but it wasn't specific in what a complete comparison would be really, where as Phil just named sins as being in comparison to what he see's or knows sins to be in his understanding of these things, and so his opinion on the homosexual part of it was, is that according to the Bible it is also a sin just as well as all other sins are in which are spoken about in the book.

So it falls into the category of all sins in which the bible speaks about, but to what degree this specific sin is, wasn't asked nor was it answered.

Yes, so what he did not say was to what degree he thought the sin was, and this as in relation to the others he mentioned as sins in which he knows about in the Bible also.
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Again, if you read the GQ article, there was no Q&A, just Phil preaching at the writer. The writer made the comment that it was difficult to get a word in edgewise.

I remember when a gay couple moved into a townhouse in our neighborhood. The guy who owned the TH next door was obsessed with the idea that two men were having sex together on the other side of his bedroom wall.

It's not just the media that's obsessed with sexual practices.
How do you know that the two weren't yelling and hollering while having this sex, therefore making it virtually impossible for the man to ignore such goings on just on the other side of that wall ?

So if the man were to say something about it (the noise) that is, well of course he would be labeled as being against the homosexual instead of the noise you see. That's just how it is being played these days, and you know it.
Again, if you read the GQ article, there was no Q&A, just Phil preaching at the writer. The writer made the comment that it was difficult to get a word in edgewise.

I remember when a gay couple moved into a townhouse in our neighborhood. The guy who owned the TH next door was obsessed with the idea that two men were having sex together on the other side of his bedroom wall.

It's not just the media that's obsessed with sexual practices.

So, Maybe Phil is obsessed. so what? The media gave him the platform and made it a news story. Who cares what Phil thinks? Who cares what Bob Costas thinks about guns? Who cares that Robin Roberts came out and announced she is gay? The media sure does. They make it, and keep it a news story.
I'm with Joe here. Why are some straight men so obsessed with how gay men have sex? Robertson went on about it at length. I have little to no interest in what other people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms with their significant others. As long as all the participants are consenting adults, it's really none of my business.

As for anal sex, young Christian women who have taken the pledge to remain virgins until their wedding night, are now enjoying anal sex and oral sex as a means of preserving their virginity. When I first heard this, I didn't believe it, but a friend who teaches high school in the Bible Belt told me that these girls are doing stuff that we hadn't even heard of at that age.

Who'd have thunk that Christian high schools would have turned into hotbeds of perverse sexual practices? The law of unintended consequences at work once again.
Oh it all comes as a surprise to you eh ? So then you must live under a rock, because this government coupled with Hollywood along with these rogue activist federal judges for whom have forced people into the accepting of such things by their outrageous rulings in the past, has all but brought these things upon this nation now in a carefully crafted way. They did this against the good citizens free will also, and that is where the rub found in it all is. They did it all by force to a huge degree per these judges rulings as activist judges who were under direction by whom over time? Now here you are ACTING all surprised about it all ? Your idea of what other peoples intelligence is here, is really hilarious do you know that ?
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Again, if you read the GQ article, there was no Q&A, just Phil preaching at the writer. The writer made the comment that it was difficult to get a word in edgewise.

I remember when a gay couple moved into a townhouse in our neighborhood. The guy who owned the TH next door was obsessed with the idea that two men were having sex together on the other side of his bedroom wall.

It's not just the media that's obsessed with sexual practices.

So, Maybe Phil is obsessed. so what? The media gave him the platform and made it a news story. Who cares what Phil thinks? Who cares what Bob Costas thinks about guns? Who cares that Robin Roberts came out and announced she is gay? The media sure does. They make it, and keep it a news story.
Yes, and what the media thinks, well they want us to join them in that thinking or else.
Again, if you read the GQ article, there was no Q&A, just Phil preaching at the writer. The writer made the comment that it was difficult to get a word in edgewise.

I remember when a gay couple moved into a townhouse in our neighborhood. The guy who owned the TH next door was obsessed with the idea that two men were having sex together on the other side of his bedroom wall.

It's not just the media that's obsessed with sexual practices.

So, Maybe Phil is obsessed. so what? The media gave him the platform and made it a news story. Who cares what Phil thinks? Who cares what Bob Costas thinks about guns? Who cares that Robin Roberts came out and announced she is gay? The media sure does. They make it, and keep it a news story.
Yes, and what the media thinks, well they want us to join them in that thinking or else.

If Phil Robertson's opinions are so dangerous to civilization as we know it that he must be disciplined, punished, and, if possible, silenced, why isn't GQ blamed and accused and criticized for putting those opinion out there for public consumption? Phil Robertson didn't do that. GQ did. On purpose. Intentionally. And with plenty of forethought.
So, Maybe Phil is obsessed. so what? The media gave him the platform and made it a news story. Who cares what Phil thinks? Who cares what Bob Costas thinks about guns? Who cares that Robin Roberts came out and announced she is gay? The media sure does. They make it, and keep it a news story.
Yes, and what the media thinks, well they want us to join them in that thinking or else.

If Phil Robertson's opinions are so dangerous to civilization as we know it that he must be disciplined, punished, and, if possible, silenced, why isn't GQ blamed and accused and criticized for putting those opinion out there for public consumption? Phil Robertson didn't do that. GQ did. On purpose. Intentionally. And with plenty of forethought.
Exactly, but isn't it funny how they went after what they perceived as the softer target or the hic in this story ? I mean that is exactly what they did and thought of Phil I think.

Now isn't it strange these days, upon how some perceive in this life that a person like Phil is now so weak that they can go after him like this, and that GQ is strong? I think they see it as lets get after the one we don't like you know that Hic, and this just so we can maybe send a message to the ones in which we do like (GQ), and so here they are having to always excuse these idiots when they mess up (GQ in this case), and this for what ever it is that they did in life.

They are always being excused by these people, and this no matter how dumb the idiots were when doing dumb stuff like asking dumb questions in life not pertaining to what goes on in the Robertson's family life. Now they will throw GQ under the bus, just watch for it, because that will be next in their butt hurt situation to try and make themselves not look so dumb after all.

Well they picked on the wrong redneck when they went after Phil and his family, because Phil and his family has hundreds of thousands who are still within this nation, and who are backing him up, even if he didn't need that back up at all, we are here for them.
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So PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY does not apply to what comes out of Phil's pie hole. He is a VICTIM...
Personal responsibility ? For what ? Phil did no wrong, even though you all are trying desperately to assign wrong to him. The GQ interviewer and possibly A&E are the ones who did wrong, so what is Phil the easier target in all of this maybe ? Oh yes that is it, and so I see now what is going on here, where as this is what you all were thinking when attacked Phil (he is the dumb hic eh?) instead of attacking the big dogs that stirred it all up, and so you go after what yall figured was the softer target instead. Got it now... Pathetic!

Did A&E and GQ force Phil to utter his comparison of homosexuality to bestiality, murder and other grievous sins?

I am also a Southern Redneck of aprox. Mr. Robinson's age. I was more than a full grown adult before I knew of any church anywhere that didn't make that same comparison. He was merely stating his religious beliefs in answer to a question.
Personal responsibility ? For what ? Phil did no wrong, even though you all are trying desperately to assign wrong to him. The GQ interviewer and possibly A&E are the ones who did wrong, so what is Phil the easier target in all of this maybe ? Oh yes that is it, and so I see now what is going on here, where as this is what you all were thinking when attacked Phil (he is the dumb hic eh?) instead of attacking the big dogs that stirred it all up, and so you go after what yall figured was the softer target instead. Got it now... Pathetic!

Did A&E and GQ force Phil to utter his comparison of homosexuality to bestiality, murder and other grievous sins?

I am also a Southern Redneck of aprox. Mr. Robinson's age. I was more than a full grown adult before I knew of any church anywhere that didn't make that same comparison. He was merely stating his religious beliefs in answer to a question.

He was making a statement about all sexual sin.

Boo hoo for everyone. Their favorite depravity is a sin. Too bad, they should take it up with God, since God is the one who's going to judge them for it. Phil just stated a truth about the nature of sexual sin.
Oh it all comes as a surprise to you eh ? So then you must live under a rock, because this government coupled with Hollywood along with these rogue activist federal judges for whom have forced people into the accepting of such things by their outrageous rulings in the past, has all but brought these things upon this nation now in a carefully crafted way. They did this against the good citizens free will also, and that is where the rub found in it all is. They did it all by force to a huge degree per these judges rulings as activist judges who were under direction by whom over time? Now here you are ACTING all surprised about it all ? Your idea of what other peoples intelligence is here, is really hilarious do you know that ?

How do you blame Hollywood for teenage girls having anal sex? I don't recall federal judges or Hollywood movies promoting the idea that anal sex was healthy or fun.

I blame their parents who lead them to make promises that they would remain virgins and who so terrified them of the consequences of breaking that promise that they would engage in high risk anal sex so they could present themselves as virgins on their wedding nights.

You are on a mission to blame Hollywood for everything that's gone wrong, instead of admitting that parents are doing a lousy job of raising kids.

I read the Bible as a teenager, specifically because the Bible is full of sex stories, and other than the Virgin Mary, women were admonished to be pure of heart, an not to be harlots, commit adultery, and to respect their husbands, but there is no prohibition in the Bible against sex between loving couples. Marriage is to give God's blessing on the union. In Bibical times, couples began sleeping together when betrothed, which happened at a young age.

The current sexual attitudes promulgated by the Christian Right are not Biblical in any way, and are merely to control women. And it's not working.

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