Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

Second, it isn't slander or Libel to merely report on what he has said.

True. But did he say that he was a homophobe? Or a bigot? Or that he hated anyone? I don't think so.
My question stands.

What he said left very little doubt in anyone's mind that he was.

You see, libelling him would be saying he was a homophobe when he wasn't.
Second, it isn't slander or Libel to merely report on what he has said.

True. But did he say that he was a homophobe? Or a bigot? Or that he hated anyone? I don't think so.
My question stands.

What he said left very little doubt in anyone's mind that he was.

You see, libelling him would be saying he was a homophobe when he wasn't.

Exactly. And he said nothing that would make a reasonable person believe otherwise. But feel free to quote him if you think otherwise. Those who expect tolerance from others should show a little of their own.
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Walt Mossberg of the WSJ? He was ever controversial? Or are you referring to another Mossberg?

You have to be the nicest person ever next to freedombecki Or Amelia fill in the blank.......I'm talking guns And yes I'm a woman.

LOL, thanks, but I'm sure there are a lot of folks who would disagree with you. I've been called a lot of names this week already. But okay you've stumped me. I don't know of what you speak. So enlighten me unless we're derailing the thread here. :)

Mossberg is a gun. Actually one of my favorites. YIKES.
SO now the new deal............... if one doesn't like getting fucked up the ass you're a homophobe. Amazing how this has turned around.
Second, it isn't slander or Libel to merely report on what he has said.

True. But did he say that he was a homophobe? Or a bigot? Or that he hated anyone? I don't think so.
My question stands.

What he said left very little doubt in anyone's mind that he was.

You see, libelling him would be saying he was a homophobe when he wasn't.

He just spoke his mind.

This is too funny.
By that logic there would be no food at all. Plants live and die same as animals. I believe I'll hold out for the happy hunting ground.

You're probably right, no food at all. As I think about it there probably wouldn't be hunger in Heaven so no reason for any type of food.
Man I want to be hungry some, because I love to eat.. B )

Well there is a lot of imagery in the Bible likening heaven to a great banquet. So remain hopeful.

1. I've been screwing up and calling that guy Si the whole time. Whoops! I've never seen the show. 2. If it was an elaborate conspiracy to get a media blitz for Duck Dynasty, then yes it was a setup, but that's all just speculation, and it's still not as if Phil was hung out to dry by this. Phil simply said what he believed. I suspect he would probably say the same thing again if the situation were repeated.

Like [MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] said, the polling that the American people now favor gay marriage is all over the place. You can find it easily.

What he said left very little doubt in anyone's mind that he was.

You see, libelling him would be saying he was a homophobe when he wasn't.

Just for clarity's sake, what exactly does homophobe mean to you?
Who went looking for who, and when they found what they were looking for, then who set up the questions that were going to be asked ? It wasn't Phil because all he did was just answer the questions, so who was it that set it all up ? Why would Phil set his own self up like that ? Amuse us with your fantasizing of what these people were up to, and who is to blame. XXXXXXX Just sayin !

No Family Attacks, real, implied, or hypothetical. - Intense

So PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY does not apply to what comes out of Phil's pie hole. He is a VICTIM...
Personal responsibility ? For what ? Phil did no wrong, even though you all are trying desperately to assign wrong to him. The GQ interviewer and possibly A&E are the ones who did wrong, so what is Phil the easier target in all of this maybe ? Oh yes that is it, and so I see now what is going on here, where as this is what you all were thinking when attacked Phil (he is the dumb hic eh?) instead of attacking the big dogs that stirred it all up, and so you go after what yall figured was the softer target instead. Got it now... Pathetic!

Did A&E and GQ force Phil to utter his comparison of homosexuality to bestiality, murder and other grievous sins?
So PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY does not apply to what comes out of Phil's pie hole. He is a VICTIM...
Personal responsibility ? For what ? Phil did no wrong, even though you all are trying desperately to assign wrong to him. The GQ interviewer and possibly A&E are the ones who did wrong, so what is Phil the easier target in all of this maybe ? Oh yes that is it, and so I see now what is going on here, where as this is what you all were thinking when attacked Phil (he is the dumb hic eh?) instead of attacking the big dogs that stirred it all up, and so you go after what yall figured was the softer target instead. Got it now... Pathetic!

Did A&E and GQ force Phil to utter his comparison of homosexuality to bestiality, murder and other grievous sins?
If the answer is no, then what is your problem here with any of this ?
Define it for me please. Doesn't like gettting drilled up the ass? Prefers pussy?Please someone give me a definition.
So PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY does not apply to what comes out of Phil's pie hole. He is a VICTIM...
Personal responsibility ? For what ? Phil did no wrong, even though you all are trying desperately to assign wrong to him. The GQ interviewer and possibly A&E are the ones who did wrong, so what is Phil the easier target in all of this maybe ? Oh yes that is it, and so I see now what is going on here, where as this is what you all were thinking when attacked Phil (he is the dumb hic eh?) instead of attacking the big dogs that stirred it all up, and so you go after what yall figured was the softer target instead. Got it now... Pathetic!

Did A&E and GQ force Phil to utter his comparison of homosexuality to bestiality, murder and other grievous sins?

Oh fuck off. Seriously.
Have I been in this thread yet...?

I don't think so...

background: I've never watched Duck Dynasty...

dunno much about it, 'cept that the folks in the show are from somewhere's not far from me...

'n that one of 'em is now gettin' a world of shit for freely speaking his mind 'bout stuff...
Second, it isn't slander or Libel to merely report on what he has said.

True. But did he say that he was a homophobe? Or a bigot? Or that he hated anyone? I don't think so.
My question stands.

What he said left very little doubt in anyone's mind that he was.

You see, libelling him would be saying he was a homophobe when he wasn't.

Exactly. And he said nothing that would make a reasonable person believe otherwise. But feel free to quote him if you think otherwise. Those who expect tolerance from others should show a little of their own.

Just because he hid his disgusting hatred behind a few bible verses before he started talking about anuses (and seriously, why is it the homophobes only get hung up about MEN having sex with men?) doesn't make what he said "Reasonable".
SO now the new deal............... if one doesn't like getting fucked up the ass you're a homophobe. Amazing how this has turned around.

A couple points.

38% of straight couples practice anal sex.

nearly 0% of Lesbians practice anal sex.

Now while you guys are totally obsessed with the anal sex, no one was asking Phil or anyone else to do anal.

It's his obsession with the lives of others and wanting to impose his backward ass religion on the rest of us that's kind of troubling.
SO now the new deal............... if one doesn't like getting fucked up the ass you're a homophobe. Amazing how this has turned around.

A couple points.

38% of straight couples practice anal sex.

nearly 0% of Lesbians practice anal sex.

Now while you guys are totally obsessed with the anal sex, no one was asking Phil or anyone else to do anal.

It's his obsession with the lives of others and wanting to impose his backward ass religion on the rest of us that's kind of troubling.
One point....Your post is 100% bullshit.
And yet oddly you couldn't refute a word of it.

I didnt know I had to refute what you made up? How about you show me where you got these stats?

You mean you need statistics to prove that Lesbians don't have anal sex?


First I do know lesbians and I could ask then if they like having a dildo shoved up their ass but truthfully I dont care. You are making a assumption and stating it as fact because you are a lying shit.

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