Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

A guy shot his mouth off and was held accountable

The end of freedom as we know it

I like it, good stuff.

The best thing that can happen here is that the PC Police keep doing what they're doing and deny it all the way. That will make it easier for those of us who have had enough to turn this around. And it's already begun.


All societies have behaviors that they find offensive. Offensive speech has always had consequences....always will

The problem here is the left defines pretty much anything coming from conservatives as offensive. Yet your ilk can call people like Laura Ingraham a "whore" and talk about defecating and urinating in Sarah Palin's mouth, and Meh.. whatever.... it's just free speech.

If you guys weren't so hypocritical, It'd be a bit more plausible.
Where does Phil state you are a 2nd class citizen because you are straight?
Phil picks and chooses which parts of the Bible he likes and does not like.
Similar to liberals and The Constitution.
This is much ado about nothing.
A family of yuppy preppie sons doctored up to portray a bunch of rednecks.
Funny as hell but as fake as anything could ever be.
These folks are ENTERTAINERS
More power to them but media has conned the public once again.
Same media that told us Trayvon Martin was a choir boy.

How do you know that Phil picks and chooses which parts of the Bible he likes and does not like?

Please use a credible source with your answer.

Oh and your a non sequitur.

"Where does Phil state you are a 2nd class citizen because you are straight?"

I never made and reference to straights being second class citizens nor did I attribute any such comment to Phil or anyone else.

Where does he say not to eat pork?
Fat?Blood? Leviticus 3:17
Leviticus 11:13 Many birds are a sin to eat
Leviticus 10:16 many clothes are a sin to wear
Leviticus 19:19 do not mingle your clothes or you are a sinner
Lonestar, can you explain that terrible sin to us?
Do not mar the corners of your beard. Phil has that one right, do you?
If not you are a sinner.
Do you have a mixed garden? If so you are a sinner Leviticus 19:19
Just a few of many ridiculous things the Bible says are sins, similar to gay folk falling in love with those of the same sex.

From the beginning man was vegetarian (Genesis 1:30). The Bible lists a number of covenants after this and usually there were some associated rule changes at this time. When there was a new covenant with Noah, man was allowed to eat clean and unclean meat (Genesis 9:3). With Moses, meat eating was even more strict, limiting them to eat only meat that was clean (e.g., Leviticus 11:47). In the new covenant in Christ’s blood, this was further opened up (Romans 14:1–4). And in heaven, we will be vegetarian again to complete the cycle (there will be no death in heaven [Revelation 21:4], so no meat will be available).
No one should be subject to ridicule or insult what they do in their private love life.
If you want to fuck your wife in the ass or whatever why is it anyone else's business?
"Fag" jokes or any jokes of the sexual preferences of law abiding citizens have no place in normal human behavior.
Those that put folks up to ridicule and insult are worse than those they condemn.

Everyone is subject to ridicule and insult. That's just the way it is. Such is life in a free country. Communists and Gays are just gonna have to get over it and deal. God knows, they're absolutely vicious when ridiculing and insulting those they disagree with. So basically, quit the whining. Most know it's very disingenuous and hypocritical. They weren't buying this over-reaction farce from the beginning.

Oh, I agree. Also ridicule for the utterly fucked-up Paulbots who really think that the aliens are controlling us through the use of flouride and that there are sunken chests at the bottom of the ocean with AMEROs in them, just waiting for the NAU to happen.

Yepp, yer right. Everyone is subject to ridicule and insult. Thanks for reminding me of that!!!

Well at least you're finally getting it. Ridiculing & insulting those you disagree with is nothing new. In fact, you Communists and Gays are probably the worst offenders of the practice. 'Tolerance' is just a myth. But like i said before, this particular man said nothing hateful at all. The Communist/Gay outrage has come off as being silly manufactured B.S. Most just aren't buying it.
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Everyone is subject to ridicule and insult. That's just the way it is. Such is life in a free country. Communists and Gays are just gonna have to get over it and deal. God knows, they're absolutely vicious when ridiculing and insulting those they disagree with. So basically, quit the whining. Most know it's very disingenuous and hypocritical. They weren't buying this over-reaction farce from the beginning.

Oh, I agree. Also ridicule for the utterly fucked-up Paulbots who really think that the aliens are controlling us through the use of flouride and that there are sunken chests at the bottom of the ocean with AMEROs in them, just waiting for the NAU to happen.

Yepp, yer right. Everyone is subject to ridicule and insult. Thanks for reminding me of that!!!

Well at least you're finally getting it. Ridiculing & insulting those you disagree with is nothing new. In fact, Communists and Gays are probably the worst offenders of the practice. 'Tolerance' is just a myth. But like i said before, this particular man said nothing hateful at all. The Communist/Gay outrage has come off as being silly manufactured B.S. Most just aren't buying it.

Oh, I was getting it all the time.

You do now that there are very few Communists in the USA, right? Are you really that concerned about Russia and China and the like? Hmmmmm....
But should Phil Robertson be condemned for HIS beliefs in what I also believe to be the greatest book on earth, The Bible?
If they want to but I do not. Who did he hurt?
No one.
Who did HE STOP from saying what THEY wanted to say?
No one.
Who did he try to force out of a job anywhere?
No one.
This street goes both ways, no pun intended.
A & E can do what they want to him but concerning his remarks, WHO GIVES A SHIT what a duck whistle manufacturer with a ZZ Top beard says?
I don't. He has every damn right to say what he wants to. He did and just as I predicted.
He is back at work today.
Because HIS EMPLOYER has the right to fire or keep him.
Same as everyone else has a right to ask his employer to fire or keep him.

If you believe it is the "greatest book", then you should learn more about how things changed from the OT to the NT.

For example:

In the Old Testament, Exodus: 23-25 states, "23 But if there is harm,[d] then you shall pay life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."

In the New Testament, Matt. 5: 38-39 it states, " 38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you."

The covenant was changed from what the OT said to what Jesus said in the NT.
Oh, I agree. Also ridicule for the utterly fucked-up Paulbots who really think that the aliens are controlling us through the use of flouride and that there are sunken chests at the bottom of the ocean with AMEROs in them, just waiting for the NAU to happen.

Yepp, yer right. Everyone is subject to ridicule and insult. Thanks for reminding me of that!!!

Well at least you're finally getting it. Ridiculing & insulting those you disagree with is nothing new. In fact, Communists and Gays are probably the worst offenders of the practice. 'Tolerance' is just a myth. But like i said before, this particular man said nothing hateful at all. The Communist/Gay outrage has come off as being silly manufactured B.S. Most just aren't buying it.

Oh, I was getting it all the time.

You do now that there are very few Communists in the USA, right? Are you really that concerned about Russia and China and the like? Hmmmmm....

Ah, so you call yourselves 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' Even ole Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez started referring to themselves as 'Socialists', rather than Communists. Calling yourself a 'Communist' is no longer en vogue. Hence, now you're all 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' Just another PR scam. In the end, you're all just run-of-the-mill Communists. It is what it is.
Well at least you're finally getting it. Ridiculing & insulting those you disagree with is nothing new. In fact, Communists and Gays are probably the worst offenders of the practice. 'Tolerance' is just a myth. But like i said before, this particular man said nothing hateful at all. The Communist/Gay outrage has come off as being silly manufactured B.S. Most just aren't buying it.

Oh, I was getting it all the time.

You do now that there are very few Communists in the USA, right? Are you really that concerned about Russia and China and the like? Hmmmmm....

Ah, so you call yourselves 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' Even ole Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez started referring to themselves as 'Socialists', rather than Communists. Calling yourself a 'Communist' is no longer en vogue. Hence, now you're all 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' Just another PR scam. In the end, you're all just run-of-the-mill Communists. It is what it is.

Haaaa!!! You think that most lefties in the states are Commies?!?!?!?


I rest my case.

Paulites really ARE batshit crazy. 100%.
How do you know that Phil picks and chooses which parts of the Bible he likes and does not like?

Please use a credible source with your answer.

Oh and your a non sequitur.

"Where does Phil state you are a 2nd class citizen because you are straight?"

I never made and reference to straights being second class citizens nor did I attribute any such comment to Phil or anyone else.

Where does he say not to eat pork?
Fat?Blood? Leviticus 3:17
Leviticus 11:13 Many birds are a sin to eat
Leviticus 10:16 many clothes are a sin to wear
Leviticus 19:19 do not mingle your clothes or you are a sinner
Lonestar, can you explain that terrible sin to us?
Do not mar the corners of your beard. Phil has that one right, do you?
If not you are a sinner.
Do you have a mixed garden? If so you are a sinner Leviticus 19:19
Just a few of many ridiculous things the Bible says are sins, similar to gay folk falling in love with those of the same sex.

From the beginning man was vegetarian (Genesis 1:30). The Bible lists a number of covenants after this and usually there were some associated rule changes at this time. When there was a new covenant with Noah, man was allowed to eat clean and unclean meat (Genesis 9:3). With Moses, meat eating was even more strict, limiting them to eat only meat that was clean (e.g., Leviticus 11:47). In the new covenant in Christ’s blood, this was further opened up (Romans 14:1–4). And in heaven, we will be vegetarian again to complete the cycle (there will be no death in heaven [Revelation 21:4], so no meat will be available).

By that logic there would be no food at all. Plants live and die same as animals. I believe I'll hold out for the happy hunting ground.
Where does he say not to eat pork?
Fat?Blood? Leviticus 3:17
Leviticus 11:13 Many birds are a sin to eat
Leviticus 10:16 many clothes are a sin to wear
Leviticus 19:19 do not mingle your clothes or you are a sinner
Lonestar, can you explain that terrible sin to us?
Do not mar the corners of your beard. Phil has that one right, do you?
If not you are a sinner.
Do you have a mixed garden? If so you are a sinner Leviticus 19:19
Just a few of many ridiculous things the Bible says are sins, similar to gay folk falling in love with those of the same sex.

From the beginning man was vegetarian (Genesis 1:30). The Bible lists a number of covenants after this and usually there were some associated rule changes at this time. When there was a new covenant with Noah, man was allowed to eat clean and unclean meat (Genesis 9:3). With Moses, meat eating was even more strict, limiting them to eat only meat that was clean (e.g., Leviticus 11:47). In the new covenant in Christ’s blood, this was further opened up (Romans 14:1–4). And in heaven, we will be vegetarian again to complete the cycle (there will be no death in heaven [Revelation 21:4], so no meat will be available).

By that logic there would be no food at all. Plants live and die same as animals. I believe I'll hold out for the happy hunting ground.

Ditto. My husband is a biology grad from U of T. When he goes on a roll about the horror we make plants endure, I swear I cry when I eat a tomato. :lol:

He goes onto vegan sites for fun to torment them. Honest he's a good guy but he just gets so pissed off at the "holier than thou" bullshit from vegans.
Oh, I was getting it all the time.

You do now that there are very few Communists in the USA, right? Are you really that concerned about Russia and China and the like? Hmmmmm....

Ah, so you call yourselves 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' Even ole Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez started referring to themselves as 'Socialists', rather than Communists. Calling yourself a 'Communist' is no longer en vogue. Hence, now you're all 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' Just another PR scam. In the end, you're all just run-of-the-mill Communists. It is what it is.

Haaaa!!! You think that most lefties in the states are Commies?!?!?!?


I rest my case.

Paulites really ARE batshit crazy. 100%.

When or if you Communists show me cause to conclude different, i'll acknowledge it. Till then, you are what you are.
"Mainstream America" isn't nearly as right wing or as bigoted as the posters here. Mainstream America favours gay marriage.

As for the Robertsons and A&E, my best guess is that very few of the posters here have actually read the interview, and that would include anyone who still thinks Phil was set up. I think it was Phil who did the setting up, to promote his own agenda to rid America of sinners.

That's why the voters in liberal California voted down gay marriage because they favor it so much.

Phil's agenda is not to rid America of sinners. He knows and understand the Bible which says that all fall short of the glory of God. In other words we are all sinners, even Phil.

Tell me, does it hurt being ignorant?

Where does Phil state you are a 2nd class citizen because you are straight?
Phil picks and chooses which parts of the Bible he likes and does not like.
Similar to liberals and The Constitution.
This is much ado about nothing.
A family of yuppy preppie sons doctored up to portray a bunch of rednecks.
Funny as hell but as fake as anything could ever be.
These folks are ENTERTAINERS
More power to them but media has conned the public once again.
Same media that told us Trayvon Martin was a choir boy.

How nuts are you? This family is the real deal and the original business worked out to make them millions.

They were millionaires before the show. I know exactly where they live why? Because for a decade I'd travel to Louisiana from Canada because I bred Catahoulas. I know West Monroe very well. I love every inch of that state and have crawled thru most of it over dogs.

You live in some fucked up fantasy world of your own if you don't understand that these people are for real.
When or if you Communists show me cause to conclude different, i'll acknowledge it. Till then, you are what you are.

Those who think that liberals are communists need to change their tinfoil. Or their meds.

Most who call themselves 'Liberals/Socialists/Progressives', are in fact Communists. True Liberalism actually conflicts quite a bit with Socialism/Progressivism. They're not the same. There are very few true, or classical Liberals around. Socialism/Progressivism = Communism.
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Those who think that liberals are communists need to change their tinfoil. Or their meds.

And yet, your side thinks nothing of calling their opponents on the Right Nazis.

Naah, I just call Nazis Nazis.

The Right, outside of Nazis, is just mostly batshit crazy.

The vitriol against Robertson can only be because he did not bow to the alter of political correctness by apologizing and in not doing so has threatened the monolithic institution of pre-digested morality of mediocre minds.

(paraphrasing Wm. B. Fankboner)
And yet, your side thinks nothing of calling their opponents on the Right Nazis.

Naah, I just call Nazis Nazis.

The Right, outside of Nazis, is just mostly batshit crazy.

The vitriol against Robertson can only be because he did not bow to the alter of political correctness by apologizing and in not doing so has threatened the monolithic institution of pre-digested morality of mediocre minds.

(paraphrasing Wm. B. Fankboner)

Whoever said that Robertson is on the Right? He's just a rich opportunist. Sure you want to claim him? :D
Where does he say not to eat pork?
Fat?Blood? Leviticus 3:17
Leviticus 11:13 Many birds are a sin to eat
Leviticus 10:16 many clothes are a sin to wear
Leviticus 19:19 do not mingle your clothes or you are a sinner
Lonestar, can you explain that terrible sin to us?
Do not mar the corners of your beard. Phil has that one right, do you?
If not you are a sinner.
Do you have a mixed garden? If so you are a sinner Leviticus 19:19
Just a few of many ridiculous things the Bible says are sins, similar to gay folk falling in love with those of the same sex.

From the beginning man was vegetarian (Genesis 1:30). The Bible lists a number of covenants after this and usually there were some associated rule changes at this time. When there was a new covenant with Noah, man was allowed to eat clean and unclean meat (Genesis 9:3). With Moses, meat eating was even more strict, limiting them to eat only meat that was clean (e.g., Leviticus 11:47). In the new covenant in Christ’s blood, this was further opened up (Romans 14:1–4). And in heaven, we will be vegetarian again to complete the cycle (there will be no death in heaven [Revelation 21:4], so no meat will be available).

By that logic there would be no food at all. Plants live and die same as animals. I believe I'll hold out for the happy hunting ground.

You're probably right, no food at all. As I think about it there probably wouldn't be hunger in Heaven so no reason for any type of food.
Naah, I just call Nazis Nazis.

The Right, outside of Nazis, is just mostly batshit crazy.

The vitriol against Robertson can only be because he did not bow to the alter of political correctness by apologizing and in not doing so has threatened the monolithic institution of pre-digested morality of mediocre minds.

(paraphrasing Wm. B. Fankboner)

Whoever said that Robertson is on the Right? He's just a rich opportunist. Sure you want to claim him? :D
Who said he was on the right? I said he was being persecuted because he did not bow to political correctness.
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