Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

OK, Joey boy. One more time. why is it worse if someone attacks you because you are gay than if the same guy attacks you to steal your money?

Is "hate crime" legislation not punishment for thoughts?

Why do you advocate government thought control? Welcome to north korea---they punish thoughts too.

Beating up a gay person is somewhat different from having hateful thoughts about a gay person.

I'm surprised you can't discern that difference.

So as I said, you want the punishment to be based on the thoughts of the perpetrator, not the crime.

why is it worse if two thugs beat up a gay guy than if they beat up a straight guy? Both victims are beat up. why is one crime worse than the other?

Do you guys not see how foolish you look on this?

You can find the Supreme Court's reasoning in Wisconsin v. Mitchell, where they ruled that a racially motivated crime could take that motivation into account when determining the penalty.

I couldn't find a brief summary of it, that used to be on wiki, or I would have linked it.
So the punishment should be based on the motive, not the crime? really?

To an extent. Why not? Why do we have multiple levels of criminal charges when someone kills someone,

if they're all just 'murder'?

not a valid analogy. premeditation is the usual determining factor in murder 1 vs murder 2, or involuntary manslaughter.

Again, you want a harsher sentence for someone who mugs a gay than for someone who mugs a straight woman or old person?

sorry, but you fail the basic test of logic.

I didn't say anything. The law does not allow for a harsher penalty for mugging a gay person if the motive wasn't the person's sexual orientation.
OK, Joey boy. One more time. why is it worse if someone attacks you because you are gay than if the same guy attacks you to steal your money?

Is "hate crime" legislation not punishment for thoughts?

Why do you advocate government thought control? Welcome to north korea---they punish thoughts too.

Could it be that a robbery has an element of randomness. While attacking a gay person is done with specific intent to attack a gay person. In other words; gays get attacked and don't even get robbed. So what was the purpose of the attack? Hatred of a gay person.

I know those are concepts far above your limited intelligence. But there it is.

and on your "random" robbery idea. Robbers usually attack women, old people, or those who look weak. So I guess every crime is a hate crime because they are not "random"
Agree, as the target is always analyzed first before an attack is made against it. Even an animal in the wild has this much sense when attacking something. Sheesh!

There is no end to the spin here on this thread is there ?
Umm what part of suspending Phil don't you understand ? GQ knew the firestorm that asking certain questions would cause, but they did it anyway, almost getting Phil fired or at least they may have thought that they did is what I think.

I just wonder if the whole team at GQ was involved or not, otherwise knowing all to well as to how that interview would be conducted when it was conducted ?

From interviews with the family, they thought the GQ interview was a set up. The network has long been trying to get the Robertsons to tone down the references to God and Jesus, and keep guns off the show. This interview was supposed to create a firestorm of public opinion against the show enough to make the Robertsons toe the politically correct line. What the network didn't expect was the backlash, nor the Robertsons telling the network to take a hike.


"Paranoia Weakly Reader" :rolleyes:
And there's a communist behind every bush too.

Btw Katz, the Robertsons are in no position to tell the network to take a hike. They're under contract.

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Could it be that a robbery has an element of randomness. While attacking a gay person is done with specific intent to attack a gay person. In other words; gays get attacked and don't even get robbed. So what was the purpose of the attack? Hatred of a gay person.

I know those are concepts far above your limited intelligence. But there it is.

and on your "random" robbery idea. Robbers usually attack women, old people, or those who look weak. So I guess every crime is a hate crime because they are not "random"

Hate is the motive for the crime. The motive for snatching a purse is not hate.
Why can't hate be also a motive involved in anything, therefore coupled with desperation and/or other compiling issues that to be sorted through in the trial after a crime in which has multiple reasoning's involved is therefore committed ? Isn't it that what we do have sometimes, and can have on many occasions, is crimes that can have multiple reasoning's involved before acquiring a target and then committing a crime or crimes against that target ? This all has to be sorted out in the investigation, and then within the courts via the trial that comes next. Why are you all hashing this out over semantics or individual case generalities in this way I wonder ? Isn't that what the investigations lead us to, and then the trials tell us all after it is all said and done? The main thing is don't be committing any crimes period, and don't let Hollywood or any other influence get anyone to do such idiotic things such as crime. Then make sure you respect the other guy's turf always, but the other guy also is to respect another's turf as well. Then conduct oneself in the public space so be it decent and in order, and not to disrespect another that is also in that space while out with his or her family and the children.

How hard can it be really ? The laws if broken should take care of the rest.

Where the problem has been developed over time, is by these rogue federal judges who have been over riding their powers against the citizens in this nation, and have been used by activist in a bad way (maybe even paid off), and they have caused more trouble in this nation than the law should have ever allowed I think.
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From interviews with the family, they thought the GQ interview was a set up. The network has long been trying to get the Robertsons to tone down the references to God and Jesus, and keep guns off the show. This interview was supposed to create a firestorm of public opinion against the show enough to make the Robertsons toe the politically correct line. What the network didn't expect was the backlash, nor the Robertsons telling the network to take a hike.

I gotta make sure I understand what you said. In other words, after KNOWING he was being "set up" for this interview, the idiot (Robertson) walked right in to this "set up" and said exactly what he knew would cause him issues and problems. Is that about it?

Is Robertson really that stupid? Or was this entire debacle just one great advertising scheme? Concocted by Robertson and the A&E network?
Are you so stupid that you don't understand that the Robertson's only would have known that it was another attempt to bring them down, only after what had happened, and this because the attack was mounted from a different approach and/or a new angle, and so it was seen as a set up only after the facts were known or the firestorm came shortly afterwards? The problems came not before the interview was conducted in this case, but afterwards, so what in tarnation are you talking about ? And so here you are spinning like a wheel out of control, and trying to outsmart the situation by turning it back onto the Robertson's who are innocent in the situation.

Yes they knew that there were those in the industry who were trying to get them to make it more real on the show, and this by the industry wanting them to curse maybe a little bit on the show or if they didn't then at least let them bleep some in the show a few times, you know as if they did curse a little bit to make it more real, but the Robertson's refused to do it or allow it, and that was great.

They didn't know how bad it would get though afterwards, and this as was found within the process of some who are in the industry trying to set them up for the kill, and so the trap was this time set by GQ, and it was sprung on Phil who was unaware in this new set up or attack by the industry on them, but Phil escaped from their trap because the door slammed shut on them instead of on Phil in their scheme of an interview in which they had conducted like this.

Everyone expected Phil Robertson to do what Paul Deen did, promise to never do it again, apologize profusely, make the rounds of all the talk shows begging forgiveness. If A&E could humiliate this bunch enough, they could make the show into what they envisioned it to be.

It just didn't work. They picked on the wrong bunch. They picked on a bunch that didn't care.

Just to show how completely GLAAD lost this round, they are still demanding that Phil Robertson meet with gays to listen to them and apologize in person. They don't even know how badly they lost!
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I gotta make sure I understand what you said. In other words, after KNOWING he was being "set up" for this interview, the idiot (Robertson) walked right in to this "set up" and said exactly what he knew would cause him issues and problems. Is that about it?

Is Robertson really that stupid? Or was this entire debacle just one great advertising scheme? Concocted by Robertson and the A&E network?
Are you so stupid that you don't understand that the Robertson's only would have known that it was another attempt to bring them down, only after what had happened, and this because the attack was mounted from a different approach and/or a new angle, and so it was seen as a set up only after the facts were known or the firestorm came shortly afterwards? The problems came not before the interview was conducted in this case, but afterwards, so what in tarnation are you talking about ? And so here you are spinning like a wheel out of control, and trying to outsmart the situation by turning it back onto the Robertson's who are innocent in the situation.

Yes they knew that there were those in the industry who were trying to get them to make it more real on the show, and this by the industry wanting them to curse maybe a little bit on the show or if they didn't then at least let them bleep some in the show a few times, you know as if they did curse a little bit to make it more real, but the Robertson's refused to do it or allow it, and that was great.

They didn't know how bad it would get though afterwards, and this as was found within the process of some who are in the industry trying to set them up for the kill, and so the trap was this time set by GQ, and it was sprung on Phil who was unaware in this new set up or attack by the industry on them, but Phil escaped from their trap because the door slammed shut on them instead of on Phil in their scheme of an interview in which they had conducted like this.

Everyone expected Phil Robertson to do what Paul Deen did, promise to never do it again, apologize profusely, make the rounds of all the talk shows begging forgiveness. If A&E could humiliate this bunch enough, they could make the show into what they envisioned it to be.

It just didn't work. They picked on the wrong bunch. They picked on a bunch that didn't care.

Just to show how completely GLAAD lost this round, they are still demanding that Phil Robertson meet with gays to listen to them and apologize in person. They don't even know how badly they lost!
Well civil rights was one thing, and yes it was a good thing of course, but all the satellite attachments that have come about as a result of new groups seeing untold opportunities as to also be found for them within these rights in which were granted, has open their eyes for them to somehow get the same rights for their causes (no matter what their causes are within their minds), so in some cases it has been a high jacking really. It has actually taken on a counter or reverse discrimination element that is being found within it all now, where as all these groups combined in power, are seeking to change the nation so much so now, and into their own favor by what we are seeing these days, that is has become a huge rub for many in this process of change that is happening so fast around everyone.

The problem being seen, is that it (the new wave) actually see's no room for the old traditional values that were held by groups in this nation, and who are still in numbers here by the millions, and so (the new wave) is coming in conflict with or it is stepping on the rights of others (even mounting attacks against them) in which what is found in these others that they attack, is that they still hold onto the things in life in which they still believe, and even if (the new wave) does feel that those things are now outdated in a modern society in which they are creating all around those old values or rights in which people still value in their lives, it is conflicting badly out in society, and therefore the feds have all the answers for us now ?
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Liberals seem angry there are still a majority if us who cling to out God and guns. Deal with it progressives you don't have the numbers lol

tapatalk post
Liberals seem angry there are still a majority if us who cling to out God and guns. Deal with it progressives you don't have the numbers lol

tapatalk post
Well they see those things as being in the way of their progressive agenda, and especially against a majority whom don't want anything much to do with such a broad agenda in which they are attempting to accomplish today.

They will re-group and attack again, so beware America because they are coming no matter what you believe in or think like.
Liberals seem angry there are still a majority if us who cling to out God and guns. Deal with it progressives you don't have the numbers lol

tapatalk post
Well they see those things as being in the way of their progressive agenda, and especially against a majority whom don't want anything much to do with such a broad agenda in which they are attempting to accomplish today.

They will re-group and attack again, so beware America because they are coming no matter what you believe in or think like.
Then again, so long as Mainstream America continues to demonstrate to itself that it is far larger and more powerful than any of the attacking forces - as we see manifested in the large-scale public pushback in the Chick-Fil-A and A&E incidents - then Mainstream America will continue to take-heart and be encouraged that it can withstand such assaults and eventually reverse much of the damage done by those assaults.

Personally, I take great comfort in the idea that Mainstream America is beginning to awaken to the dangers of such - and, of course, it took something repugnant and repulsive like the theme we've been commenting upon, in order to make that happen - but, at least, it's awakening to the dangers... that's the most important thing... better late than never.
"Mainstream America" isn't nearly as right wing or as bigoted as the posters here. Mainstream America favours gay marriage.

As for the Robertsons and A&E, my best guess is that very few of the posters here have actually read the interview, and that would include anyone who still thinks Phil was set up. I think it was Phil who did the setting up, to promote his own agenda to rid America of sinners.
"Mainstream America" isn't nearly as right wing or as bigoted as the posters here. Mainstream America favours gay marriage.

As for the Robertsons and A&E, my best guess is that very few of the posters here have actually read the interview, and that would include anyone who still thinks Phil was set up. I think it was Phil who did the setting up, to promote his own agenda to rid America of sinners.

Mainstream America is not bigoted that is correct that is because they're not left wing

tapatalk post
"Mainstream America" isn't nearly as right wing or as bigoted as the posters here. Mainstream America favours gay marriage...
Don't kid yourself.

If you want the pulse of Mainstream America, forego the surveys and look to the results of the Gay Lobby's public relations disasters in 2012 (Chick-Fil-A) and 2013 (A&E).

When you get right down to where the bear shits in the woods (bottom-line), people vote with their dollars, and we know how they voted on both such high-visibility Gay-vs-Straight public-relations confrontations so far, don't we?

Ya'll have had a good run on the legal front in recent months and years, but that was mostly done through lobbying and veiled voting-bloc threats against politicians, rather than the manifestation of the will of The People themselves, and, ya'll have left behind a trail of much resentment and a growing sense of alarm and anger in the wake of those victories.

True or not, rightly or wrongly, justifiably or no, intentional or no, that is the present state of affairs, insofar as my own poor talents and biases allow me to perceive it and to share it.

I suggest that you are now seeing the beginnings of 'blow-back' that have been building, like the pressure in a steam line, for quite some time now.

I respectfully submit that ya'll on on a wee-bit shakier ground than you're admitting to yourselves.
Then again, so long as Mainstream America continues to demonstrate to itself that it is far larger and more powerful than any of the attacking forces - as we see manifested in the large-scale public pushback in the Chick-Fil-A and A&E incidents - then Mainstream America will continue to take-heart and be encouraged that it can withstand such assaults and eventually reverse much of the damage done by those assaults.

Personally, I take great comfort in the idea that Mainstream America is beginning to awaken to the dangers of such - and, of course, it took something repugnant and repulsive like the theme we've been commenting upon, in order to make that happen - but, at least, it's awakening to the dangers... that's the most important thing... better late than never.

Guy, you are claiming Phyrric victories in a war you are losing.

The Chik-Fil-A guy had to promise to stop funding homophobic groups and they have stayed pretty much away from this controversy since. Phil Robertson will have A&E minders making sure that he doesn't say anything really stupid in public again. Yup, their wealth and positions saved them from the consequences of the office asshole who called his co-worker a "dyke", who will still be cleaning out his desk afterwards.

At some point, you are going to have to get used to the fact that gays will have all the rights you have no matter how many times you thump the bible and claim your Sky Pixie is mad.
At some point, you are going to have to get used to the fact that gays will have all the rights you have no matter how many times you thump the bible and claim your Sky Pixie is mad.

Not really.

Gays won't get more than they have now at the Federal level.
At some point, you are going to have to get used to the fact that gays will have all the rights you have no matter how many times you thump the bible and claim your Sky Pixie is mad.

Not really.

Gays won't get more than they have now at the Federal level.

Ummmm.... no.

Gay marriage will be legal in the entire union by 2020.

Deal with it.

Here's the ugly thing for you guys. While a few REpublican Politicians came out for "Phil's right to believe", none of them really came out for the "Sanctity of Marriage".

We are not seeing a 2004 type, "Let's get the knuckle draggers upset about Gay Marriage" push this time.

Instead you are whimpering like dogs that society is picking on your crazy uncle that you otherwise consider an embarrassment.
"Mainstream America" isn't nearly as right wing or as bigoted as the posters here. Mainstream America favours gay marriage.

As for the Robertsons and A&E, my best guess is that very few of the posters here have actually read the interview, and that would include anyone who still thinks Phil was set up. I think it was Phil who did the setting up, to promote his own agenda to rid America of sinners.
Who went looking for who, and when they found what they were looking for, then who set up the questions that were going to be asked ? It wasn't Phil because all he did was just answer the questions, so who was it that set it all up ? Why would Phil set his own self up like that ? Amuse us with your fantasizing of what these people were up to, and who is to blame. XXXXXXX Just sayin !

No Family Attacks, real, implied, or hypothetical. - Intense
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"Mainstream America" isn't nearly as right wing or as bigoted as the posters here. Mainstream America favours gay marriage.

Actually I would be willing to bet that the average American could care less one way or the other about gay marriage or whether or not it's a sin.
Then again, so long as Mainstream America continues to demonstrate to itself that it is far larger and more powerful than any of the attacking forces - as we see manifested in the large-scale public pushback in the Chick-Fil-A and A&E incidents - then Mainstream America will continue to take-heart and be encouraged that it can withstand such assaults and eventually reverse much of the damage done by those assaults.

Personally, I take great comfort in the idea that Mainstream America is beginning to awaken to the dangers of such - and, of course, it took something repugnant and repulsive like the theme we've been commenting upon, in order to make that happen - but, at least, it's awakening to the dangers... that's the most important thing... better late than never.

Guy, you are claiming Phyrric victories in a war you are losing.

The Chik-Fil-A guy had to promise to stop funding homophobic groups and they have stayed pretty much away from this controversy since. Phil Robertson will have A&E minders making sure that he doesn't say anything really stupid in public again. Yup, their wealth and positions saved them from the consequences of the office asshole who called his co-worker a "dyke", who will still be cleaning out his desk afterwards.

At some point, you are going to have to get used to the fact that gays will have all the rights you have no matter how many times you thump the bible and claim your Sky Pixie is mad.
I don't know Joe, because that is a lot that you are spewing there, and especially when one considers all the things and changes that this nation has been through in the past. Years can sometimes go by before generations might decide to not want to continue on with what they had been engaging in before or to continue in something that is being found as not so productive in their current lives now. So they seek change to come once again, and even if it means going backwards sometime to get that change in which they seek as a new generation, they might look back instead of forward for that change to be found once again by them.

Otherwise if they view something as a thing in which they may have wasted a lot of time doing, and it had a lot of bad attached to it, then they will change sooner or later that thing in which they no longer want or no longer will think that they need as such in their life.

This nation goes through fazes, and sometimes it takes a few generations to change the fazes in which it is going through, and especially if those activities were bringing forth some undesirable results or strange things and stats that are recorded from the previous generations whom had tired of these things during their time period.
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Understood, but can everyone together always win in these cases ? Isn't there always going to be losers and winners in these skirmishes or situations ignited between the cultures, and these lifestyles along with their ideologies ? If one loses because the numbers weren't there, then shouldn't they respect the other teams win, and also shouldn't the winning team treat the losing team with some dignity if they lost honorably ? What we have here is the situation where there are those whom don't want to lose or to except a loss, and this no matter what has been shown to not be in their favor when they lost.

I hear you, and I agree that people should not whine too much about being mistreated for partisan reasons. I would say it appropriate to say, "Hey, this is what happened," just so people know the truth of the situation, but whining about things and making hay out of these sorts of situations, as the victim, is just pouring salt on a cultural would and crying for attention. I suppose if others ask you to clarify what happened, then it would be fair game, but it's clear that some people are attention hogs.

However, I still think their is a big distinction to be made. There if fighting a cultural war on the basis of ideas where you have, "I believe in X," debate with, "I believe in Y," and then there is "Because you believe in X, I'm going to try to hurt you financially," and that's a whole different ball game. It's clearly your right to do, but should it be encouraged and should civil people engage in that sort of behavior?
Who went looking for who, and when they found what they were looking for, then who set up the questions that were going to be asked ? It wasn't Phil because all he did was just answer the questions, so who was it that set it all up ? Why would Phil set his own self up like that ? Amuse us with your fantasizing of what these people were up to, and who is to blame. . Just sayin !

That's quite an accusation.

I don't think it's fair to say that Si was set up. It's not as if he was tricked into saying or revealing something he did not believe. Now, did the reporter ask a question that he knew would create controversy? It's quite possible. Did he write the article and make sure to include this because he knew it would create controversy? Almost certainly, but he was not tricked in any way.
"Mainstream America" isn't nearly as right wing or as bigoted as the posters here. Mainstream America favours gay marriage.

Actually I would be willing to bet that the average American could care less one way or the other about gay marriage or whether or not it's a sin.

I agree that it's a small issue to most voters, but technically, a slight majority favors gay marriage. The scales finally tipped back around 2012...which coincidentally is the same time Hillary and Obama finally started to support gay marriage without qualifications.

I can see why the LGBT crowd supports Democrats over Republicans for these issues, but I can't see why they would support them happily considering they wait until public favor shifts to do more than pandering.
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