Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

You obviously haven't read the piece or you would know that there really weren't any questions asked by GQ, and that Phil was basically preaching to the reporter from GQ. The reporter asked some questions to clarify what Phil was telling him, but it wasn't really an interview in the Q&A format but a rather monologue by Phil as reported by GQ.

In the piece, Phil complains that A&E has made them tone down the Christian references in the show.

As to the rest of your post, it is beyond vile and will be reported.
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Understood, but can everyone together always win in these cases ? Isn't there always going to be losers and winners in these skirmishes or situations ignited between the cultures, and these lifestyles along with their ideologies ? If one loses because the numbers weren't there, then shouldn't they respect the other teams win, and also shouldn't the winning team treat the losing team with some dignity if they lost honorably ? What we have here is the situation where there are those whom don't want to lose or to except a loss, and this no matter what has been shown to not be in their favor when they lost.

I hear you, and I agree that people should not whine too much about being mistreated for partisan reasons. I would say it appropriate to say, "Hey, this is what happened," just so people know the truth of the situation, but whining about things and making hay out of these sorts of situations, as the victim, is just pouring salt on a cultural would and crying for attention. I suppose if others ask you to clarify what happened, then it would be fair game, but it's clear that some people are attention hogs.

However, I still think their is a big distinction to be made. There if fighting a cultural war on the basis of ideas where you have, "I believe in X," debate with, "I believe in Y," and then there is "Because you believe in X, I'm going to try to hurt you financially," and that's a whole different ball game. It's clearly your right to do, but should it be encouraged and should civil people engage in that sort of behavior?

Who went looking for who, and when they found what they were looking for, then who set up the questions that were going to be asked ? It wasn't Phil because all he did was just answer the questions, so who was it that set it all up ? Why would Phil set his own self up like that ? Amuse us with your fantasizing of what these people were up to, and who is to blame. I bet you are the kind of person that if you had a hypothetical son, and he were to rape a women, and also he was caught red handed doing it, then you would try everything that you could to label the girl as the whore, and that she brought it on herself, and that your son was innocent in such a case that you would be cast into in such a situation. Just sayin !

That's quite an accusation. I don't think it's fair to say that Si ?was set up. It's not as if he was tricked into saying or revealing something he did not believe. Now, did the reporter ask a question that he knew would create controversy? It's quite possible. Did he write the article and make sure to include this because he knew it would create controversy? Almost certainly, but he was not tricked in any way.

1. It is Phil not Si that did the interview. 2. Depends on how the interview was discussed with Phil & A&E prior to agreeing with the interviewer before Phil was to be interviewed. If the interviewer deceived Phil in any way or A&E was in cahoots with the interviewer behind Phil's back, then it was a set up.

I agree that it's a small issue to most voters, but technically, a slight majority favors gay marriage. The scales finally tipped back around 2012...which coincidentally is the same time Hillary and Obama finally started to support gay marriage without qualifications.

How do you figure a slight majority favors Gay marriage, when the government has used these rogue federal judges to push all that has been pushed now on the American people, and I will say that it has pushed it on them against their will too for the most part.

I can see why the LGBT crowd supports Democrats over Republicans for these issues, but I can't see why they would support them happily considering they wait until public favor shifts to do more than pandering.
"Mainstream America" isn't nearly as right wing or as bigoted as the posters here. Mainstream America favours gay marriage.

As for the Robertsons and A&E, my best guess is that very few of the posters here have actually read the interview, and that would include anyone who still thinks Phil was set up. I think it was Phil who did the setting up, to promote his own agenda to rid America of sinners.
Who went looking for who, and when they found what they were looking for, then who set up the questions that were going to be asked ? It wasn't Phil because all he did was just answer the questions, so who was it that set it all up ? Why would Phil set his own self up like that ? Amuse us with your fantasizing of what these people were up to, and who is to blame. XXXXXXX Just sayin !

No Family Attacks, real, implied, or hypothetical. - Intense

So PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY does not apply to what comes out of Phil's pie hole. He is a VICTIM...
So PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY does not apply to what comes out of Phil's pie hole. He is a VICTIM...

Why would he not have the same right to personal opinions and beliefs as any other American? If I were him I would be making a lot of money from slander and liable suits now.
So PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY does not apply to what comes out of Phil's pie hole. He is a VICTIM...

Why would he not have the same right to personal opinions and beliefs as any other American? If I were him I would be making a lot of money from slander and liable suits now.

First, it's "Libel" suits.

Second, it isn't slander or Libel to merely report on what he has said.

Third, he has a right to his opinions but not to employment. He still has a job because the A&E network isn't done making m oney off him yet.
I don't know Joe, because that is a lot that you are spewing there, and especially when one considers all the things and changes that this nation has been through in the past. Years can sometimes go by before generations might decide to not want to continue on with what they had been engaging in before or to continue in something that is being found as not so productive in their current lives now. So they seek change to come once again, and even if it means going backwards sometime to get that change in which they seek as a new generation, they might look back instead of forward for that change to be found once again by them.

Otherwise if they view something as a thing in which they may have wasted a lot of time doing, and it had a lot of bad attached to it, then they will change sooner or later that thing in which they no longer want or no longer will think that they need as such in their life.

This nation goes through fazes, and sometimes it takes a few generations to change the fazes in which it is going through, and especially if those activities were bringing forth some undesirable results or strange things and stats that are recorded from the previous generations whom had tired of these things during their time period.

This is what happens when a dumb person tries to sound smart.

Sorry, guy, this is the war you guys are losing. In 2004 the GOP ran on "sanctity of Marriage". Today they want nothing to do with it politically. They are reduced to "Freedom of Speech" arguments.

Phil Robertson got a pass because he's the crazy uncle who says bizarre stuff at Thanksgiving, but you really don't want people picking on him for it.
I agree that it's a small issue to most voters, but technically, a slight majority favors gay marriage. The scales finally tipped back around 2012...which coincidentally is the same time Hillary and Obama finally started to support gay marriage without qualifications.

How do you figure a slight majority favors Gay marriage, when the government has used these rogue federal judges to push all that has been pushed now on the American people, and I will say that it has pushed it on them against their will too for the most part.

Reams and reams and reams of current polling from completely independent-from-each-other polling organizations throughout the USA.

Google is your friend. Feel free to check it out.

They cannot all be wrong.
Second, it isn't slander or Libel to merely report on what he has said.

True. But did he say that he was a homophobe? Or a bigot? Or that he hated anyone? I don't think so.
My question stands.
"Mainstream America" isn't nearly as right wing or as bigoted as the posters here. Mainstream America favours gay marriage.

As for the Robertsons and A&E, my best guess is that very few of the posters here have actually read the interview, and that would include anyone who still thinks Phil was set up. I think it was Phil who did the setting up, to promote his own agenda to rid America of sinners.

That's why the voters in liberal California voted down gay marriage because they favor it so much.

Phil's agenda is not to rid America of sinners. He knows and understand the Bible which says that all fall short of the glory of God. In other words we are all sinners, even Phil.

Tell me, does it hurt being ignorant?
So PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY does not apply to what comes out of Phil's pie hole. He is a VICTIM...

Why would he not have the same right to personal opinions and beliefs as any other American? If I were him I would be making a lot of money from slander and liable suits now.

First, it's "Libel" suits.

Second, it isn't slander or Libel to merely report on what he has said.

Third, he has a right to his opinions but not to employment. He still has a job because the A&E network isn't done making m oney off him yet.

So no one has a right to employment.
Glad you feel that way as that is a fact.
"Mainstream America" isn't nearly as right wing or as bigoted as the posters here. Mainstream America favours gay marriage.

As for the Robertsons and A&E, my best guess is that very few of the posters here have actually read the interview, and that would include anyone who still thinks Phil was set up. I think it was Phil who did the setting up, to promote his own agenda to rid America of sinners.

That's why the voters in liberal California voted down gay marriage because they favor it so much.

Phil's agenda is not to rid America of sinners. He knows and understand the Bible which says that all fall short of the glory of God. In other words we are all sinners, even Phil.

Tell me, does it hurt being ignorant?

Where does Phil state you are a 2nd class citizen because you are straight?
Phil picks and chooses which parts of the Bible he likes and does not like.
Similar to liberals and The Constitution.
This is much ado about nothing.
A family of yuppy preppie sons doctored up to portray a bunch of rednecks.
Funny as hell but as fake as anything could ever be.
These folks are ENTERTAINERS
More power to them but media has conned the public once again.
Same media that told us Trayvon Martin was a choir boy.
"Mainstream America" isn't nearly as right wing or as bigoted as the posters here. Mainstream America favours gay marriage.

As for the Robertsons and A&E, my best guess is that very few of the posters here have actually read the interview, and that would include anyone who still thinks Phil was set up. I think it was Phil who did the setting up, to promote his own agenda to rid America of sinners.

That's why the voters in liberal California voted down gay marriage because they favor it so much.

Phil's agenda is not to rid America of sinners. He knows and understand the Bible which says that all fall short of the glory of God. In other words we are all sinners, even Phil.

Tell me, does it hurt being ignorant?

Where does Phil state you are a 2nd class citizen because you are straight?
Phil picks and chooses which parts of the Bible he likes and does not like.
Similar to liberals and The Constitution.
This is much ado about nothing.
A family of yuppy preppie sons doctored up to portray a bunch of rednecks.
Funny as hell but as fake as anything could ever be.
These folks are ENTERTAINERS
More power to them but media has conned the public once again.
Same media that told us Trayvon Martin was a choir boy.

How do you know that Phil picks and chooses which parts of the Bible he likes and does not like?

Please use a credible source with your answer.

Oh and your a non sequitur.

"Where does Phil state you are a 2nd class citizen because you are straight?"

I never made and reference to straights being second class citizens nor did I attribute any such comment to Phil or anyone else.
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That's why the voters in liberal California voted down gay marriage because they favor it so much.

Phil's agenda is not to rid America of sinners. He knows and understand the Bible which says that all fall short of the glory of God. In other words we are all sinners, even Phil.

Tell me, does it hurt being ignorant?

Where does Phil state you are a 2nd class citizen because you are straight?
Phil picks and chooses which parts of the Bible he likes and does not like.
Similar to liberals and The Constitution.
This is much ado about nothing.
A family of yuppy preppie sons doctored up to portray a bunch of rednecks.
Funny as hell but as fake as anything could ever be.
These folks are ENTERTAINERS
More power to them but media has conned the public once again.
Same media that told us Trayvon Martin was a choir boy.

How do you know that Phil picks and chooses which parts of the Bible he likes and does not like?

Please use a credible source with your answer.

Oh and your a non sequitur.

"Where does Phil state you are a 2nd class citizen because you are straight?"

I never made and reference to straights being second class citizens nor did I attribute any such comment to Phil or anyone else.

Where does he say not to eat pork?
Fat?Blood? Leviticus 3:17
Leviticus 11:13 Many birds are a sin to eat
Leviticus 10:16 many clothes are a sin to wear
Leviticus 19:19 do not mingle your clothes or you are a sinner
Lonestar, can you explain that terrible sin to us?
Do not mar the corners of your beard. Phil has that one right, do you?
If not you are a sinner.
Do you have a mixed garden? If so you are a sinner Leviticus 19:19
Just a few of many ridiculous things the Bible says are sins, similar to gay folk falling in love with those of the same sex.
But should Phil Robertson be condemned for HIS beliefs in what I also believe to be the greatest book on earth, The Bible?
If they want to but I do not. Who did he hurt?
No one.
Who did HE STOP from saying what THEY wanted to say?
No one.
Who did he try to force out of a job anywhere?
No one.
This street goes both ways, no pun intended.
A & E can do what they want to him but concerning his remarks, WHO GIVES A SHIT what a duck whistle manufacturer with a ZZ Top beard says?
I don't. He has every damn right to say what he wants to. He did and just as I predicted.
He is back at work today.
Because HIS EMPLOYER has the right to fire or keep him.
Same as everyone else has a right to ask his employer to fire or keep him.
Sticking your penis in another man's butthole does not make you special in any way. You're subject to the same ridicule & insult everyone else is. However, this particular man didn't say anything hateful or insulting. But this dead horse's been dead for a long long time. Time to move on.
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Sticking your penis in another man's butthole does not make you special in any way. You're subject to the same ridicule & insult everyone else is. However, this particular man didn't say anything hateful or insulting. But this dead horse's been dead for a long long time. Time to move on.

No one should be subject to ridicule or insult what they do in their private love life.
If you want to fuck your wife in the ass or whatever why is it anyone else's business?
"Fag" jokes or any jokes of the sexual preferences of law abiding citizens have no place in normal human behavior.
Those that put folks up to ridicule and insult are worse than those they condemn.
Sticking your penis in another man's butthole does not make you special in any way. You're subject to the same ridicule & insult everyone else is. However, this particular man didn't say anything hateful or insulting. But this dead horse's been dead for a long long time. Time to move on.

Have you always had this obsession?
Sticking your penis in another man's butthole does not make you special in any way. You're subject to the same ridicule & insult everyone else is. However, this particular man didn't say anything hateful or insulting. But this dead horse's been dead for a long long time. Time to move on.

No one should be subject to ridicule or insult what they do in their private love life.
If you want to fuck your wife in the ass or whatever why is it anyone else's business?
"Fag" jokes or any jokes of the sexual preferences of law abiding citizens have no place in normal human behavior.
Those that put folks up to ridicule and insult are worse than those they condemn.

Everyone is subject to ridicule and insult. That's just the way it is. Such is life in a free country. Communists and Gays are just gonna have to get over it and deal. God knows, they're absolutely vicious when ridiculing and insulting those they disagree with. So basically, quit the whining. Most know it's very disingenuous and hypocritical. They weren't buying this over-reaction farce from the beginning.
Sticking your penis in another man's butthole does not make you special in any way. You're subject to the same ridicule & insult everyone else is. However, this particular man didn't say anything hateful or insulting. But this dead horse's been dead for a long long time. Time to move on.

No one should be subject to ridicule or insult what they do in their private love life.
If you want to fuck your wife in the ass or whatever why is it anyone else's business?
"Fag" jokes or any jokes of the sexual preferences of law abiding citizens have no place in normal human behavior.
Those that put folks up to ridicule and insult are worse than those they condemn.

Everyone is subject to ridicule and insult. That's just the way it is. Such is life in a free country. Communists and Gays are just gonna have to get over it and deal. God knows, they're absolutely vicious when ridiculing and insulting those they disagree with. So basically, quit the whining. Most know it's very disingenuous and hypocritical. They weren't buying this over-reaction farce from the beginning.

Oh, I agree. Also ridicule for the utterly fucked-up Paulbots who really think that the aliens are controlling us through the use of flouride and that there are sunken chests at the bottom of the ocean with AMEROs in them, just waiting for the NAU to happen.

Yepp, yer right. Everyone is subject to ridicule and insult. Thanks for reminding me of that!!!

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