Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

We already have that standard: unbridled, full-throated debate in a free and private society, where the line is drawn disallowing the government or courts from interfering.

As for a store run by an open racist or members of NAMBLA, assuming no public accommodations laws are violated or crimes against children committed, private citizens alone are at liberty to patronize such businesses or not, thus determining their success or failure.

Obviously, we should keep the government out of regulating free speech, but my concern is how individuals should act in these situations. I don't think it is healthy for society to try to fiscally punish those they dislike. For instance, I don't like that some people are boycotting Duck Dynasty over Si and I don't like that some people will not go to businesses promoting gay rights. People clearly have the right to do what they want, but it doesn't seem healthy to me to be vindictive against those you dislike.
I do not brainwash my kids and they think for themselves. And they are very religious, more than me.
If anyone is brainwashing the youth it would be Robertson and his kind and the rest of the religious kooks in tow.
The youth these days can see that. No wonder they are COMING BACK to the churches and it is the loving, accepting and OPEN DOOR churches that accept folks FOR WHO THEY ARE.

So forcing kids to approve of homosexuality is not brain washing them?

tapatalk post

Name one person on this earth that has been "forced to accept homosexuality".
Where is that person?
That has never happened.
They have brainwashed you to believe that.

I guess you're unaware of the curricula in schools using books like "Billy has two mommies". Teaching that crap in school is brainwashing, indoctrination or what ever you want to call it.
The hate also comes from you on the far right who HATE anyone who does not share your reactionary, wing nut, socon views of life and governent.
You are right that it is reactionary ,and it is based upon being in defend/defensive mode always anymore it seems (or) rather they are always having to take a defensive position once they have been violated against their will in so many ways by these leftist radicals. This is what goes on with the left, where as it is always being played now in their favor or so they think it is with everything, and this no matter what the issue is in life.

They are (getting extremely bold) as within their offense in which they use today on so many, and especially in this carrying of what they feel is their personal ball down the field. It is all being played to offend either by proxy or directly these days upon the opposing team(s).

Now what is part of their huge success, and what is their secret since they don't have the numbers needed ?

Why it's that ole Government & Hollywood of course, and that is the lefts proxy's in all of this (i.e. sort of like their corrupt referee's or coaches), and so the government is their strength to push forward their corrupt agenda, and/or their games when ever that is the case, because they are too few in numbers to do it alone, so they need to cheat in this way always it seems to get-r-done.

The right you refer to in this nation, well they are getting tired of being in defensive mode all the time anymore, so look out for them trying all they can to take back that ball once again, and to swing the game back into their favor. Just sayin !
It is being widely excepted by the young generations eh ? Now why is this you suppose ? It isn't because they just decided all by their little lonesome to except something such as this freely. NO, it took coercion and brainwashing over time in order to get this all to where it is all at today. The government allied with certain sets or groups of people in this nation has since forced this change (not of hearts), but of mindset to occur. People being forced to change their minds is purely seen as control, and to be controlled is to lose ones compass in life, and to lose ones freedoms to think freely in life, and ultimately to lose ones country/home in life.

The weakening down or the destruction of the family was the first steps taken, then once the family cubs were weakened because of this, and then removed from the family in structure there of, well they became weakened, and they become of an easy prey in all of this for the wolves.

Next the wolves and/or the attackers of these cubs had to set traps for them were they congregated or were to be found next in their life, and that was in the public school system.

It's so sad that people know this, but ignore the truths of these matters in life.

I do not brainwash my kids and they think for themselves. And they are very religious, more than me.
If anyone is brainwashing the youth it would be Robertson and his kind and the rest of the religious kooks in tow.
The youth these days can see that. No wonder they are COMING BACK to the churches and it is the loving, accepting and OPEN DOOR churches that accept folks FOR WHO THEY ARE.

So forcing kids to approve of homosexuality is not brain washing them?

tapatalk post
Exactly, and it is just like so many other situations or things that have been forced on the people of this nation over time, and especially against their free will when it didn't have to be like that at all. Even if that free will was a good one, and it was also an excepting one, and it was even being used correctly, well it still didn't matter to some with an agenda, because private and personal agenda's once allied with the power of the Federal Government, and also with Hollywood has since trumped it all now. Will be interesting in watching the people trying to climb back down off of these slippery slopes in which they do now find themselves on. People need to just obey the laws, and they should be respected within their space or within the public spaces as long as they control themselves while in these spaces, but these days that ain't going to happen anymore, because the huge push is on now, and that GQ interviewer was just one in a long line of attackers still yet to come against the Christians in this nation.
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We already have that standard: unbridled, full-throated debate in a free and private society, where the line is drawn disallowing the government or courts from interfering.

As for a store run by an open racist or members of NAMBLA, assuming no public accommodations laws are violated or crimes against children committed, private citizens alone are at liberty to patronize such businesses or not, thus determining their success or failure.

Obviously, we should keep the government out of regulating free speech, but my concern is how individuals should act in these situations. I don't think it is healthy for society to try to fiscally punish those they dislike. For instance, I don't like that some people are boycotting Duck Dynasty over Si and I don't like that some people will not go to businesses promoting gay rights. People clearly have the right to do what they want, but it doesn't seem healthy to me to be vindictive against those you dislike.
Understood, but can everyone together always win in these cases ? Isn't there always going to be losers and winners in these skirmishes or situations ignited between the cultures, and these lifestyles along with their ideologies ? If one loses because the numbers weren't there, then shouldn't they respect the other teams win, and also shouldn't the winning team treat the losing team with some dignity if they lost honorably ? What we have here is the situation where there are those whom don't want to lose or to except a loss, and this no matter what has been shown to not be in their favor when they lost.
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So forcing kids to approve of homosexuality is not brain washing them?

tapatalk post

Name one person on this earth that has been "forced to accept homosexuality".
Where is that person?
That has never happened.

All of us are being forced to approve homosexuality what the f*** do you think this whole thing was about?

tapatalk post

Who has forced you to do a damn thing?
Quit being ridiculous.
YOU are the ones wanting everyone else to approve and validate your opinions.
So you now have changed your opinion because you were "forced" to approve homosexuality.
See how stupid what you claimed is.
No one has forced a damn thing on you. Quit being a big baby.
The fact that most Americans now believe homosexuality IS A NON ISSUE does not force that on you.
So get over it and quit the whining. Get over it. No one but you and a few others now gives a shit if some folk happen to fall in love with the same sex.
We already have that standard: unbridled, full-throated debate in a free and private society, where the line is drawn disallowing the government or courts from interfering.

As for a store run by an open racist or members of NAMBLA, assuming no public accommodations laws are violated or crimes against children committed, private citizens alone are at liberty to patronize such businesses or not, thus determining their success or failure.

Obviously, we should keep the government out of regulating free speech, but my concern is how individuals should act in these situations. I don't think it is healthy for society to try to fiscally punish those they dislike. For instance, I don't like that some people are boycotting Duck Dynasty over Si and I don't like that some people will not go to businesses promoting gay rights. People clearly have the right to do what they want, but it doesn't seem healthy to me to be vindictive against those you dislike.
Understood, but can everyone together always win in these cases ? Isn't there always going to be losers and winners in these skirmishes or situations ignited between the cultures, these lifestyles and their ideologies, and If one loses because the numbers weren't there, then shouldn't they respect the other teams win, and also shouldn't the winning team treat the losing team with some dignity if they lost honorably ? What we have here is the situation where there are those whom don't want to lose or to except a loss, and this no matter what has been shown to not be in their favor when they lost.

How about we go with we are all on the same team.
No doubt it will. That doesn't mean it will be accepted though. Blacks have had civil rights since 1965, has racism gone anywhere? It's been 50 years, how's that integration thing working out?

Looking at the brother in the White House, pretty well.

Oh, snap.

It might be 200 years before there's another brutha in the white house, if we last that long.

Is there more racism today or less? Gays will try to use these laws to mainstream themselves and fail. They will be further marginalized as people fight back in their own ordinary lives. And, unfortunately, there will be those random attacks.

Oh, substantially less racism today.

Just as there is substantially less homophobia than there was 30 years ago.

So as much as you might want to fantasize about participating in a gay bashing, the reality is, you'll probably be charged with a hate crime and go to jail for it.

Lot's of gay stuff going on in prison. Your head would probably explode.
Name one person on this earth that has been "forced to accept homosexuality".
Where is that person?
That has never happened.

All of us are being forced to approve homosexuality what the f*** do you think this whole thing was about?

tapatalk post

Who has forced you to do a damn thing?
Quit being ridiculous.
YOU are the ones wanting everyone else to approve and validate your opinions.
So you now have changed your opinion because you were "forced" to approve homosexuality.
See how stupid what you claimed is.
No one has forced a damn thing on you. Quit being a big baby.
The fact that most Americans now believe homosexuality IS A NON ISSUE does not force that on you.
So get over it and quit the whining. Get over it. No one but you and a few others now gives a shit if some folk happen to fall in love with the same sex.
They tried to force Phil into throwing away his beliefs upon what he believes in or else, but the whole thing backfired on them, so yes there is a want to force this on people or to change their minds in life, but that want was thwarted in this case.

I wonder if GQ has taken action against anyone on their team or were they all on board with the setting Phil up like that ? Hmmm!
All of us are being forced to approve homosexuality what the f*** do you think this whole thing was about?

tapatalk post

Who has forced you to do a damn thing?
Quit being ridiculous.
YOU are the ones wanting everyone else to approve and validate your opinions.
So you now have changed your opinion because you were "forced" to approve homosexuality.
See how stupid what you claimed is.
No one has forced a damn thing on you. Quit being a big baby.
The fact that most Americans now believe homosexuality IS A NON ISSUE does not force that on you.
So get over it and quit the whining. Get over it. No one but you and a few others now gives a shit if some folk happen to fall in love with the same sex.

They tried to force Phil into throwing away his beliefs upon what he believes in or else, but the whole thing backfired on them, so yes there is a want to force this on people or to change their minds in life, but that want was thwarted in this case.

I wonder if GQ has taken action against anyone on their team or were they all on board with the setting Phil up like that ? Hmmm!

What color were those mushrooms?

Who the hell tried to force Phil into anything? He did an interview; nobody told him what to say. What the fuck did the GQ people do? Did you even read the interview? Doesn't sound like it.
Looking at the brother in the White House, pretty well.

Oh, snap.

It might be 200 years before there's another brutha in the white house, if we last that long.

Is there more racism today or less? Gays will try to use these laws to mainstream themselves and fail. They will be further marginalized as people fight back in their own ordinary lives. And, unfortunately, there will be those random attacks.

Oh, substantially less racism today.

Just as there is substantially less homophobia than there was 30 years ago.

So as much as you might want to fantasize about participating in a gay bashing, the reality is, you'll probably be charged with a hate crime and go to jail for it.

Lot's of gay stuff going on in prison. Your head would probably explode.

There is no end to your shame is there ? I mean why do your put words into peoples mouths or fantasize what people are thinking, when they aren't thinking such as you suggest that they are at all ? This is as desperate as it gets for you, but you don't care do you ? What part of the word "Unfortunately" in which he led with don't you understand ?? :cuckoo:
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Obviously, we should keep the government out of regulating free speech, but my concern is how individuals should act in these situations. I don't think it is healthy for society to try to fiscally punish those they dislike. For instance, I don't like that some people are boycotting Duck Dynasty over Si and I don't like that some people will not go to businesses promoting gay rights. People clearly have the right to do what they want, but it doesn't seem healthy to me to be vindictive against those you dislike.
Understood, but can everyone together always win in these cases ? Isn't there always going to be losers and winners in these skirmishes or situations ignited between the cultures, these lifestyles and their ideologies, and If one loses because the numbers weren't there, then shouldn't they respect the other teams win, and also shouldn't the winning team treat the losing team with some dignity if they lost honorably ? What we have here is the situation where there are those whom don't want to lose or to except a loss, and this no matter what has been shown to not be in their favor when they lost.

How about we go with we are all on the same team.
Yep we are all on the same team of course, until someone in the family decides to bring a wolf home and into the house, then it's time to save the babies or anyone else that wants saving or needs saving from that wolf.

Now people have differing views on what constitutes a wolf in their minds, and you will know them when you meet them, and especially if you just so happen to be that wolf in which they worry about in their lives.
After all of beagle and thanatos' hatred, all we get is "So forcing kids to approve of homosexuality is not brain washing them?"

The same as "forcing kids to approve of civil rights for all Americans" is hatred, too?

This is why you are losing the battle nationally on gay marriage just as you did on civil rights.
Who the hell tried to force Phil into anything? He did an interview; nobody told him what to say. What the fuck did the GQ people do? Did you even read the interview? Doesn't sound like it.

Umm what part of suspending Phil don't you understand ? GQ knew the firestorm that asking certain questions would cause, but they did it anyway, almost getting Phil fired or at least they may have thought that they did is what I think.

I just wonder if the whole team at GQ was involved or not, otherwise knowing all to well as to how that interview would be conducted when it was conducted ?
Phil could have waffled or lied or whatever on the questions.

GQ had no obligation to give him softball questions.
After all of beagle and thanatos' hatred, all we get is "So forcing kids to approve of homosexuality is not brain washing them?"

The same as "forcing kids to approve of civil rights for all Americans" is hatred, too?

This is why you are losing the battle nationally on gay marriage just as you did on civil rights.
Yes it has been a strategy to couple groups and things together, and this in order to ride the waves of acceptance of such things, in which therefore leads one thing into another. This is done by joining them together in order to gain power through such unifying. No one is hating on anyone here, it's just that people are picking themselves back up off of the ground after the attack on Phil came, where as they believe the same things that Phil does, and just as Phil does they themselves also believe in treating people as they are to be treated also themselves in life, and so they are just trying to figure out why the attack came, and who was conducting the attack when it was mounted against Phil. They just want to know why is all.
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Phil could have waffled or lied or whatever on the questions.

GQ had no obligation to give him softball questions.
Now you want the man to lie, instead of be left alone on certain issues, just as he probably only wanted to talk about the show, and not instead be drilled about such things as they ask him about. Pathetic!
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Who the hell tried to force Phil into anything? He did an interview; nobody told him what to say. What the fuck did the GQ people do? Did you even read the interview? Doesn't sound like it.

Umm what part of suspending Phil don't you understand ? GQ knew the firestorm that asking certain questions would cause, but they did it anyway, almost getting Phil fired or at least they may have thought that they did is what I think.

The suspension was after the interview there Einstein.

GQ is not related to A&E. They have nothing to do with each other except in your fantasy comics. They're selling a magazine, they're doing an interview, and they want to make that interview worthy of reading. It's that simple.

I just wonder if the whole team at GQ was involved or not, otherwise knowing all to well as to how that interview would be conducted when it was conducted ?


Yeah, that's it. A massive plot by Big Magazine. :rolleyes:
Who the hell tried to force Phil into anything? He did an interview; nobody told him what to say. What the fuck did the GQ people do? Did you even read the interview? Doesn't sound like it.

Umm what part of suspending Phil don't you understand ? GQ knew the firestorm that asking certain questions would cause, but they did it anyway, almost getting Phil fired or at least they may have thought that they did is what I think.

The suspension was after the interview there Einstein.
GQ is not related to A&E. They have nothing to do with each other except in your fantasy comics. They're selling a magazine, they're doing an interview, and they want to make that interview worthy of reading. It's that simple.

I just wonder if the whole team at GQ was involved or not, otherwise knowing all to well as to how that interview would be conducted when it was conducted ?


Yeah, that's it. A massive plot by Big Magazine. :rolleyes:

Umm yes it was after the interview when the suspension took place (DUH), now what's your point on that, because I see no point being made on that by you ? In fact it empowers my point in which I was making about it all.
It might be 200 years before there's another brutha in the white house, if we last that long.

Is there more racism today or less? Gays will try to use these laws to mainstream themselves and fail. They will be further marginalized as people fight back in their own ordinary lives. And, unfortunately, there will be those random attacks.

Oh, substantially less racism today.

Just as there is substantially less homophobia than there was 30 years ago.

So as much as you might want to fantasize about participating in a gay bashing[/SIZE][/B], the reality is, you'll probably be charged with a hate crime and go to jail for it.

Lot's of gay stuff going on in prison. Your head would probably explode.

There is no end to your shame is there ? I mean why do your put words into peoples mouths or fantasize what people are thinking, when they aren't thinking such as you suggest that they are at all ? This is as desperate as it gets for you, but you don't care do you ? What part of the word "Unfortunately" in which he led with don't you understand ?? :cuckoo:

When I see a homophobic fuck say, "unfortunately there might be some attacks".

It's kind of like listening to a mobster say, "This is a nice store, it would be terrible if something happened to it..."

Here's the thing. When homophobes do commit crimes, we charge them with hate crimes and we COMPLETELY RUIN THEIR LIVES.

Problem solved.

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