Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

I'm sure that's what you hope for.

You see, this is what I never get about homophobes. No one is making you have the gay sex, guy.

Frankly, the stuff you ought to be worried about, like big corporations dismantling the middle class, you talk about not a bit.

but man, them homos getting married, that makes you sooooooo angry.

a union of two men or two women is NOT a marriage. Its an aberation of the human species. But I have no objection to making those gay hook ups legal.

Which big evil corporations are "dismantling the middle class" ? Name them.

All the ones moving their factories overseas...

Are you really this dense.

I do find it funny that you are just sooooo upset that two men can call their relationship a marriage because it is an "aberration of the human species".

The human species has existed for 250,000 years.

Marriage has only really existed for 6000 of those. And in most cases, it was a man taking a woman as property, not the union of two equals. In many parts of the world, that is still the case.

Used to be it was acceptable to beat your wife as long as the stick wasn't thicker than your thumb. (Hense, the awful metaphor "rule of thumb".)

Marriage has already been redefined many times. Deal with it.

Lets take these one at a time:

1. jobs have left the USA because of unions and taxes. Deal with it. Why do you think there is no longer a textile industry in SC, GA, TN, Al ? Any idea? The textile workers union, thats why. Remember "look for the union label" ? Well its gone.

2. Gay marriage. No society in the history of the world has condoned gay marriage, no religion in the history of the world has condoned gay marriage-until recently.

your statements about wives as property and beating wives has nothing to do with the topic. But your attempt to deflect is noted.

Lets take these one at a time:

1. jobs have left the USA because of unions and taxes. Deal with it. Why do you think there is no longer a textile industry in SC, GA, TN, Al ? Any idea? The textile workers union, thats why. Remember "look for the union label" ? Well its gone.

2. Gay marriage. No society in the history of the world has condoned gay marriage, no religion in the history of the world has condoned gay marriage-until recently.

your statements about wives as property and beating wives has nothing to do with the topic. But your attempt to deflect is noted.

1. Jobs left the USA because the rich are too fucking greedy. Until we stop tolerating it and let them buy politicians, we get what we deserve.

2. Past societies had human sacrifice, witch burnings and slavery... I prefer to look forward, not past.

Lets take these one at a time:

1. jobs have left the USA because of unions and taxes. Deal with it. Why do you think there is no longer a textile industry in SC, GA, TN, Al ? Any idea? The textile workers union, thats why. Remember "look for the union label" ? Well its gone.

2. Gay marriage. No society in the history of the world has condoned gay marriage, no religion in the history of the world has condoned gay marriage-until recently.

your statements about wives as property and beating wives has nothing to do with the topic. But your attempt to deflect is noted.

1. Jobs left the USA because the rich are too fucking greedy. Until we stop tolerating it and let them buy politicians, we get what we deserve.

2. Past societies had human sacrifice, witch burnings and slavery... I prefer to look forward, not past.

1. horeshit, they moved in order to stay in business, when making profit in the USA became impossible, the had the choice to go out of business, raise their prices so much that the product would not sell, or move. Which would you do if you had a businss?

2. Again, a false analogy. Those same societies recoginzed that a marriage was one man and one woman. Equating allowing gay marriage to banning witch burning is just silly.
Well, the wrong side of a current trend, certainly.

And folks who oppose 'societal normalizing' of homosexuality are OK with that.

I'm not convinced that many of the inroads made by the Gay Lobby in recent years are going to withstand the test of time, but that's another conversation, and non sequitur at this junction.

I'm sure that's what you hope for.

You see, this is what I never get about homophobes. No one is making you have the gay sex, guy.

Frankly, the stuff you ought to be worried about, like big corporations dismantling the middle class, you talk about not a bit.

but man, them homos getting married, that makes you sooooooo angry.
There's a time and place to talk about Economics, and there's a time and place to talk about Social Engineering revolving around sexual orientation.

This is the time and place to talk about the latter.

A great many people see homosexuality - its sexual practices, its tendency towards licentiousness and degenerate behaviors - its mannerisms and the related lifestyle - as lewd, filthy, unclean, self-indulgent, perverse, unholy, ungodly, degenerate, dissipated, emasculating, and a harbinger of the decline of a society, as well as prohibited by various religious 'sacred' books and teachings and interpretations, as well as centuries of prohibition by all manner of cultures and societies worldwide.

I don't think it's so much 'anger' as it is revulsion; dealing with something that so many find repugnant and repelling and downright nauseating. Many perceive it as a mental illness; a sickness; regardless of what the science says. It's a visceral, gut-level emotional revulsion on the part of a great many amongst the straight population.

There are a great many people who do not feel that way.

There are a great many people who DO feel that way.

And there are a great many people who have had a bellyful of the Gay Lobby and its political activism and its intrusion into the laws and lives of communities and families.

We seem to be quickly approaching the limits of tolerance on the part of the American Public, if massive pushback reactions such as Chick-Fil-A and A&E are any indication.

It should come as no surprise that people are celebrating such 'Wins' by the Straight Community - as battered as they've been in recent months and years.

An entirely understandable and long-overdue respite and reaction, and a state-of-affairs that the Gay Lobby would be well-advised to contemplate seriously, as part of both strategic and tactical planning, from this point forward.

Times are changing... again.

It is amazing that you folks always like to throw around terms like "Communists" and "Marxists" in regards to liberals, yet your views and Putin's Russia are absolutely identical on every topic.
[There's a time and place to talk about Economics, and there's a time and place to talk about Social Engineering revolving around sexual orientation.

I disagree. I think the reason we are in such poor shape today is because the GOP was very good at getting stupid people all worked up about the abortion and the gays and the guns while the real theft was going on back room where they signed the trade treaties and busted up the unions and did stuff that really made all of our lives worse. That's why I think the bible thumping assholes who helped them need to be called out on their bullshit.

This is the time and place to talk about the latter.

A great many people see homosexuality - its sexual practices, its tendency towards licentiousness and degenerate behaviors - its mannerisms and the related lifestyle - as lewd, filthy, unclean, self-indulgent, perverse, unholy, ungodly, degenerate, dissipated, emasculating, and a harbinger of the decline of a society, as well as prohibited by various religious 'sacred' books and teachings and interpretations, as well as centuries of prohibition by all manner of cultures and societies worldwide.

I don't think it's so much 'anger' as it is revulsion; dealing with something that so many find repugnant and repelling and downright nauseating. Many perceive it as a mental illness; a sickness; regardless of what the science says. It's a visceral, gut-level emotional revulsion on the part of a great many amongst the straight population.

So your whole argument is "My imaginary friend in the sky thinks it's bad and I think it's icky (when dudes do it.)" This is really your whole argument in a nutshell.

There are a great many people who do not feel that way.

There are a great many people who DO feel that way.

And there are a great many people who have had a bellyful of the Gay Lobby and its political activism and its intrusion into the laws and lives of communities and families.

We seem to be quickly approaching the limits of tolerance on the part of the American Public, if massive pushback reactions such as Chick-Fil-A and A&E are any indication.

HOnestly, if your last stands are greasy chicken and shows about rednecks, you really aren't standing on very firm ground.

It should come as no surprise that people are celebrating such 'Wins' by the Straight Community - as battered as they've been in recent months and years.

An entirely understandable and long-overdue respite and reaction, and a state-of-affairs that the Gay Lobby would be well-advised to contemplate seriously, as part of both strategic and tactical planning, from this point forward.

Times are changing... again.[/SIZE]

Actually, having lived through the civil rights movement, this is just kind of the last gasp of the bigots trying to claw a few wins against the tide of history.

Frankly, I'm not seeing what you've won. You've won the right to be ignorant and hateful? You're proud of this, really?

Your win is "A 70 year old bigot from Louisiana spewed some bigotry, but he gets to still be a clown on a reality TV show."

This is a win by you guys?

I remember back in the 1980's when the Moral Majority went all apeshit about "Love Sidney", where Tony Randall played a gay man.

And then they went all apeshit back in the 1990's when Ellen came out.

Now we are in the twenty-teens, and your best argument is, "I can still be a bigot on the Redneck Channel!!!! Weeeeeee!"
The thing is, you guys think that because these laws were imposed on an unwilling people, they accept it and these laws are supported by the majority.

actually, I couldn't care less what the inbred, too stupid to breathe bible thumping morons want.

Gay marriage will be legal in the entire country by 2020.

No doubt it will. That doesn't mean it will be accepted though. Blacks have had civil rights since 1965, has racism gone anywhere? It's been 50 years, how's that integration thing working out?

1. horeshit, they moved in order to stay in business, when making profit in the USA became impossible, the had the choice to go out of business, raise their prices so much that the product would not sell, or move. Which would you do if you had a businss?

2. Again, a false analogy. Those same societies recoginzed that a marriage was one man and one woman. Equating allowing gay marriage to banning witch burning is just silly.

1. How come companies can't really afford to pay living wages to the people who do the work, but they can always find money to pay 8 figure salaries to CEO's?

Can't have a business if no one can afford to buy your product, dumbass.

2. Actually, they are both the same thing. Rules come up with by ignorant people in the past who didn't know any better.
The thing is, you guys think that because these laws were imposed on an unwilling people, they accept it and these laws are supported by the majority.

actually, I couldn't care less what the inbred, too stupid to breathe bible thumping morons want.

Gay marriage will be legal in the entire country by 2020.

No doubt it will. That doesn't mean it will be accepted though. Blacks have had civil rights since 1965, has racism gone anywhere? It's been 50 years, how's that integration thing working out?

Looking at the brother in the White House, pretty well.

Oh, snap.
[There's a time and place to talk about Economics, and there's a time and place to talk about Social Engineering revolving around sexual orientation.

I disagree. I think the reason we are in such poor shape today is because the GOP was very good at getting stupid people all worked up about the abortion and the gays and the guns while the real theft was going on back room where they signed the trade treaties and busted up the unions and did stuff that really made all of our lives worse. That's why I think the bible thumping assholes who helped them need to be called out on their bullshit.

This is the time and place to talk about the latter.

A great many people see homosexuality - its sexual practices, its tendency towards licentiousness and degenerate behaviors - its mannerisms and the related lifestyle - as lewd, filthy, unclean, self-indulgent, perverse, unholy, ungodly, degenerate, dissipated, emasculating, and a harbinger of the decline of a society, as well as prohibited by various religious 'sacred' books and teachings and interpretations, as well as centuries of prohibition by all manner of cultures and societies worldwide.

I don't think it's so much 'anger' as it is revulsion; dealing with something that so many find repugnant and repelling and downright nauseating. Many perceive it as a mental illness; a sickness; regardless of what the science says. It's a visceral, gut-level emotional revulsion on the part of a great many amongst the straight population.

So your whole argument is "My imaginary friend in the sky thinks it's bad and I think it's icky (when dudes do it.)" This is really your whole argument in a nutshell.

There are a great many people who do not feel that way.

There are a great many people who DO feel that way.

And there are a great many people who have had a bellyful of the Gay Lobby and its political activism and its intrusion into the laws and lives of communities and families.

We seem to be quickly approaching the limits of tolerance on the part of the American Public, if massive pushback reactions such as Chick-Fil-A and A&E are any indication.

HOnestly, if your last stands are greasy chicken and shows about rednecks, you really aren't standing on very firm ground.

It should come as no surprise that people are celebrating such 'Wins' by the Straight Community - as battered as they've been in recent months and years.

An entirely understandable and long-overdue respite and reaction, and a state-of-affairs that the Gay Lobby would be well-advised to contemplate seriously, as part of both strategic and tactical planning, from this point forward.

Times are changing... again.[/SIZE]

Actually, having lived through the civil rights movement, this is just kind of the last gasp of the bigots trying to claw a few wins against the tide of history.

Frankly, I'm not seeing what you've won. You've won the right to be ignorant and hateful? You're proud of this, really?

Your win is "A 70 year old bigot from Louisiana spewed some bigotry, but he gets to still be a clown on a reality TV show."

This is a win by you guys?

I remember back in the 1980's when the Moral Majority went all apeshit about "Love Sidney", where Tony Randall played a gay man.

And then they went all apeshit back in the 1990's when Ellen came out.

Now we are in the twenty-teens, and your best argument is, "I can still be a bigot on the Redneck Channel!!!! Weeeeeee!"

Holding and expressing one's religious and cultural beliefs does not make one a bigot.

Being intolerant of the religious and cultural beliefs of others makes one a bigot.


1. horeshit, they moved in order to stay in business, when making profit in the USA became impossible, the had the choice to go out of business, raise their prices so much that the product would not sell, or move. Which would you do if you had a businss?

2. Again, a false analogy. Those same societies recoginzed that a marriage was one man and one woman. Equating allowing gay marriage to banning witch burning is just silly.

1. How come companies can't really afford to pay living wages to the people who do the work, but they can always find money to pay 8 figure salaries to CEO's?

Can't have a business if no one can afford to buy your product, dumbass.

2. Actually, they are both the same thing. Rules come up with by ignorant people in the past who didn't know any better.

OMG, you have been thoroughly brainwashed with the bullshit of the left. You are devoid of any capability to think rationally. Your brain is owned and controlled by your left wing masters.

You are right about one thing, you can't have a business if no one can afford to buy your product------------thats why your underwear is now made in Costa Rica. If it was still made in the USA, YOU could not afford it.
The thing is, you guys think that because these laws were imposed on an unwilling people, they accept it and these laws are supported by the majority.

actually, I couldn't care less what the inbred, too stupid to breathe bible thumping morons want.

Gay marriage will be legal in the entire country by 2020.

No doubt it will. That doesn't mean it will be accepted though. Blacks have had civil rights since 1965, has racism gone anywhere? It's been 50 years, how's that integration thing working out?

It IS being widely accepted by the younger generations. It is a NON issue with them. So maybe you can talk to God as see if He will let you and your ilk scream from the grave.
[There's a time and place to talk about Economics, and there's a time and place to talk about Social Engineering revolving around sexual orientation.

I disagree. I think the reason we are in such poor shape today is because the GOP was very good at getting stupid people all worked up about the abortion and the gays and the guns while the real theft was going on back room where they signed the trade treaties and busted up the unions and did stuff that really made all of our lives worse. That's why I think the bible thumping assholes who helped them need to be called out on their bullshit.

So your whole argument is "My imaginary friend in the sky thinks it's bad and I think it's icky (when dudes do it.)" This is really your whole argument in a nutshell.

HOnestly, if your last stands are greasy chicken and shows about rednecks, you really aren't standing on very firm ground.

It should come as no surprise that people are celebrating such 'Wins' by the Straight Community - as battered as they've been in recent months and years.

An entirely understandable and long-overdue respite and reaction, and a state-of-affairs that the Gay Lobby would be well-advised to contemplate seriously, as part of both strategic and tactical planning, from this point forward.

Times are changing... again.[/SIZE]

Actually, having lived through the civil rights movement, this is just kind of the last gasp of the bigots trying to claw a few wins against the tide of history.

Frankly, I'm not seeing what you've won. You've won the right to be ignorant and hateful? You're proud of this, really?

Your win is "A 70 year old bigot from Louisiana spewed some bigotry, but he gets to still be a clown on a reality TV show."

This is a win by you guys?

I remember back in the 1980's when the Moral Majority went all apeshit about "Love Sidney", where Tony Randall played a gay man.

And then they went all apeshit back in the 1990's when Ellen came out.

Now we are in the twenty-teens, and your best argument is, "I can still be a bigot on the Redneck Channel!!!! Weeeeeee!"

Holding and expressing one's religious and cultural beliefs does not make one a bigot.

Being intolerant of the religious and cultural beliefs of others makes one a bigot.


I was born and raised in the deep south. Some of my black team mates dated white girls in the early 70s. One white one dated a black girl.
And they were told that was wrong by people.
People's reason: RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.
And they were bigots.
"Religious beliefs" = cop out.
You can do it but it did not stop them from being bigots.
Not always the case and things are changing.

Holding and expressing one's religious and cultural beliefs does not make one a bigot.

Being intolerant of the religious and cultural beliefs of others makes one a bigot.


Using religion or culture to justify your hate because you can't do it logically does make you a bigot.

Because honestly, you aren't out burning any witches like the bible tells you to, so it seems to me you are cherry-picking which parts of your religion you are following.
OMG, you have been thoroughly brainwashed with the bullshit of the left. You are devoid of any capability to think rationally. Your brain is owned and controlled by your left wing masters.

You are right about one thing, you can't have a business if no one can afford to buy your product------------thats why your underwear is now made in Costa Rica. If it was still made in the USA, YOU could not afford it.

You know what, guy, when I was growing up, everything was made in the USA, save some cheap "Made in Japan" shit, people got paid good wages and the country was better off for it.

The wholesale transfer of wealth to the third world is not a good thing for us... even a bible thumping retard such as yourself has to get this.
actually, I couldn't care less what the inbred, too stupid to breathe bible thumping morons want.

Gay marriage will be legal in the entire country by 2020.

No doubt it will. That doesn't mean it will be accepted though. Blacks have had civil rights since 1965, has racism gone anywhere? It's been 50 years, how's that integration thing working out?

Looking at the brother in the White House, pretty well.

Oh, snap.

It might be 200 years before there's another brutha in the white house, if we last that long.

Is there more racism today or less? Gays will try to use these laws to mainstream themselves and fail. They will be further marginalized as people fight back in their own ordinary lives. And, unfortunately, there will be those random attacks.
No doubt it will. That doesn't mean it will be accepted though. Blacks have had civil rights since 1965, has racism gone anywhere? It's been 50 years, how's that integration thing working out?

Looking at the brother in the White House, pretty well.

Oh, snap.

It might be 200 years before there's another brutha in the white house, if we last that long.

Is there more racism today or less? Gays will try to use these laws to mainstream themselves and fail. They will be further marginalized as people fight back in their own ordinary lives. And, unfortunately, there will be those random attacks.

If that brother was Herman, Joe and his legions would hate him.
Because he is a BLACK conservative.
That is how liberals operate. They label you, they are the most judgmental folk on earth.
They would go after Herman solely because he is a BLACK conservative.
Label him an Uncle Tom and a disgrace to his RACE.
Liberals are stupid.
[There's a time and place to talk about Economics, and there's a time and place to talk about Social Engineering revolving around sexual orientation.

I disagree. I think the reason we are in such poor shape today is because the GOP was very good at getting stupid people all worked up about the abortion and the gays and the guns while the real theft was going on back room where they signed the trade treaties and busted up the unions and did stuff that really made all of our lives worse. That's why I think the bible thumping assholes who helped them need to be called out on their bullshit.

This is the time and place to talk about the latter.

A great many people see homosexuality - its sexual practices, its tendency towards licentiousness and degenerate behaviors - its mannerisms and the related lifestyle - as lewd, filthy, unclean, self-indulgent, perverse, unholy, ungodly, degenerate, dissipated, emasculating, and a harbinger of the decline of a society, as well as prohibited by various religious 'sacred' books and teachings and interpretations, as well as centuries of prohibition by all manner of cultures and societies worldwide.

I don't think it's so much 'anger' as it is revulsion; dealing with something that so many find repugnant and repelling and downright nauseating. Many perceive it as a mental illness; a sickness; regardless of what the science says. It's a visceral, gut-level emotional revulsion on the part of a great many amongst the straight population.

So your whole argument is "My imaginary friend in the sky thinks it's bad and I think it's icky (when dudes do it.)" This is really your whole argument in a nutshell.

There are a great many people who do not feel that way.

There are a great many people who DO feel that way.

And there are a great many people who have had a bellyful of the Gay Lobby and its political activism and its intrusion into the laws and lives of communities and families.

We seem to be quickly approaching the limits of tolerance on the part of the American Public, if massive pushback reactions such as Chick-Fil-A and A&E are any indication.

HOnestly, if your last stands are greasy chicken and shows about rednecks, you really aren't standing on very firm ground.

It should come as no surprise that people are celebrating such 'Wins' by the Straight Community - as battered as they've been in recent months and years.

An entirely understandable and long-overdue respite and reaction, and a state-of-affairs that the Gay Lobby would be well-advised to contemplate seriously, as part of both strategic and tactical planning, from this point forward.

Times are changing... again.[/SIZE]

Actually, having lived through the civil rights movement, this is just kind of the last gasp of the bigots trying to claw a few wins against the tide of history.

Frankly, I'm not seeing what you've won. You've won the right to be ignorant and hateful? You're proud of this, really?

Your win is "A 70 year old bigot from Louisiana spewed some bigotry, but he gets to still be a clown on a reality TV show."

This is a win by you guys?

I remember back in the 1980's when the Moral Majority went all apeshit about "Love Sidney", where Tony Randall played a gay man.

And then they went all apeshit back in the 1990's when Ellen came out.

Now we are in the twenty-teens, and your best argument is, "I can still be a bigot on the Redneck Channel!!!! Weeeeeee!"
It bothers you, and for me that is simply fantastic....I mean that is a win all by itself. Your posting here so much about this issue, and running it all over the place, purty much says that you are butt hurt over this big time, and I love every second of it.. Keep posting, then denying, and then in your last ditch effort deflecting (LOL) This is great.
Looking at the brother in the White House, pretty well.

Oh, snap.

It might be 200 years before there's another brutha in the white house, if we last that long.

Is there more racism today or less? Gays will try to use these laws to mainstream themselves and fail. They will be further marginalized as people fight back in their own ordinary lives. And, unfortunately, there will be those random attacks.

If that brother was Herman, Joe and his legions would hate him.
Because he is a BLACK conservative.
That is how liberals operate. They label you, they are the most judgmental folk on earth.
They would go after Herman solely because he is a BLACK conservative.
Label him an Uncle Tom and a disgrace to his RACE.
Liberals are stupid.
No, libs think that we are the stupid ones, and for them that has become a huge problem in all of this, because it hasn't stood up to their being able to condemn us with that way of thinking quite yet, and that just runs them slam fool in life. LOL
OMG, you have been thoroughly brainwashed with the bullshit of the left. You are devoid of any capability to think rationally. Your brain is owned and controlled by your left wing masters.

You are right about one thing, you can't have a business if no one can afford to buy your product------------thats why your underwear is now made in Costa Rica. If it was still made in the USA, YOU could not afford it.

You know what, guy, when I was growing up, everything was made in the USA, save some cheap "Made in Japan" shit, people got paid good wages and the country was better off for it.

The wholesale transfer of wealth to the third world is not a good thing for us... even a bible thumping retard such as yourself has to get this.
Dang, I might take a second to agree with you that the past was better for Americans in this respect, and it was also better for families as well, but now we have the loss of what you remember in life, and then the loss of our family values to boot. I don't see how you don't understand that it all goes together in life. RESPECT IS HIGHLY IMPORTANT FOR A PEOPLE TO HAVE WITHIN ANY NATION, AND WHEN YOU SEE ALL THAT WE SEE GOING ON IN THIS NATION NOW, THEN THERE IS NO WAY THAT WE ARE GOING TO CONTINUE TO GET RESPECT, AND THAT IS JUST THAT. PERIOD!

1. horeshit, they moved in order to stay in business, when making profit in the USA became impossible, the had the choice to go out of business, raise their prices so much that the product would not sell, or move. Which would you do if you had a businss?

2. Again, a false analogy. Those same societies recoginzed that a marriage was one man and one woman. Equating allowing gay marriage to banning witch burning is just silly.

1. How come companies can't really afford to pay living wages to the people who do the work, but they can always find money to pay 8 figure salaries to CEO's?

Can't have a business if no one can afford to buy your product, dumbass.

2. Actually, they are both the same thing. Rules come up with by ignorant people in the past who didn't know any better.

yep. Sad trend for this great nation. Even sadder that rw'ers like Refish are cheering-on the widening, income-gap.

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