Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

Robertson can say WTF he wants.
The allegations from the Ozzie and Harriet believers was that someone told him he had to shut up.
That never happened. He will always be able to say what he wants.
A&E by suspending him under pressure because of others who were pulling their strings if only for a minute, umm pretty much were trying to get him to shut up, but hey it back fired on them didn't it ?
While Phil is entitled to his opinions, I just can't find one single reason to idolize a guy who thinks black people were more "Godly" under segregation

He didn't say they were better off under segregation, because those are your words in which you put into his mouth, and you have done this just to stir up crap, and so you are a crap stirrer trying to stir up some crap out of nothing or better yet out of thin air you do this in your life. They may have been more Godly under oppression, just as any people would be under oppression, and it doesn't say that you can't be happy knowing that you have God in your life while under oppression or during any other bad circumstances maybe found in your life.

Why is this ? It is because if you believe in God, then no man can oppress you ever, even though he can try to, but you are stronger than he is, and so he could never steal your soul or your happiness, because you have already won against him, he just doesn't realize it yet.

Fear not man whom can take your life in the first death, but fear him who can take your life for the second death, and therefore it is he whom holds the keys to life within his own hands, and if you are held within his hands safely by your own choosing, then there shall your eternal life be also.

He said that they were seemingly happier back when he knew them as a young man (the ones that he knew), and that he was just like them, and they all worked for the farmers, and that he worked in the fields with them, and they were a more Godly people back then is what he noticed about them it seemed, and he never saw them once walk away saying that the white man was bad or to blame for their work load as was found in their current lives. They all together were poor and worked hard together Phil and the Black folk, and the thing that they shared most of all was the uniting as Christians in which helped them all get through the tougher economic times in which he remembered along with them in their lives as well.

He compares gay sex to bestiality, and who thinks that women should be married off at the age of 15 or 16 because if you wait until they're 20, it's too late. And yes, he said that. I've seen the video.

Well these days if one waits to long to get married, it probably is to late for them to get a woman who is pure and untouched, so Phil believes the old way of hopefully catching a woman before she has been around so to speak. Now what is wrong with teaching that to the young men and women of today these things, and especially since the world has changed so much from the way he remembered it was before back in his day ? When a woman and man would wait on sex before marriage, their marriages usually lasted a whole lot longer.

They got married earlier back then in hopes to get a woman that will have only been with the one man that is to be married, and for the man it is the same when it comes to marrying the woman. It was also better for the bearing of his and her children, and this from a more innocent stand point in which would be found between them in the relationship in such a case.

It is then for all of them to make it for their whole lives together afterwards, as this was the thinking of the time is what I think. Now what's wrong with this in your mind again ?

He thinks probably that gay sex ranks right up there and/or to the degree of a sin that bestiality represents, or with any other sin that is in that category of sins in which he looks at them in his mind as being purty bad ones. That is just his interpretation of what is found within the word that he has read.

It's just his belief is all, and the crap stirring GQ interviewer knew he thought or believed in this way, so he set Phil up to say it from the mountain top in hopes to destroy Phil and the dynasty by his deceptive tactics, and he figured that he would have it by a landslide because of the opinions from those the GQ interviewer felt were way on stronger than the numbers Phil had.

It back fired on them, and rightly so.

I respect people who respect others, and Phil only respects other straight white guys - not women, not blacks, not gays. In other words, he's a Republican.

And your a stone cold bigot, but you try and cloak it or hide it. WHY ? :cuckoo:
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Bringing up freedom of speech on this issue is definitely a mistake, and I cringe every time I hear somebody do it especially if they are someone politically savvy who should really know better. The Bill of Rights specifies what the government is prohibited from doing to the individual. It has nothing to do with how you treat divisive opinion.

However, you could make the case that this is linked to the first amendment in terms of underlying principles. An open discussion of ideas is required for a free society. It was partially for this reason that the Founding Fathers put the first amendment in the Constitution. Likewise, anybody wishing to promote a free society should encourage others to share their views rather than attempt to shut them down.

I admit that I'm a bit torn on the issue of tolerance to divisive ideas. On one hand, I do not want to live in a country where everyone boycotts those who have different beliefs. On the other hand, I would not want to go to a store run by an open racist or NAMBLA supporter, so where do we draw the line? I haven't come up with a good standard myself. Still working on that one.
While Phil is entitled to his opinions, I just can't find one single reason to idolize a guy who thinks black people were more "Godly" under segregation, compares gay sex to bestiality, and who thinks that women should be married off at the age of 15 or 16 because if you wait until they're 20, it's too late. And yes, he said that. I've seen the video.

I respect people who respect others, and Phil only respects other straight white guys - not women, not blacks, not gays. In other words, he's a Republican.

I have no affinity for Duck Dynasty, but I can't say I agree with you on most of this. Si did not say that black people were more godly during segregation, he said the black people he knew were godly and happy.

He didn't compare homosexuality to bestiality. He was asked what he considered sinful behavior, and he listed homosexuality, bestiality, greed, drunkenness and other sins.

I haven't looked at the video in question. I've spent more time looking at Si's words than I really intended already. Can't quite bring myself to dig into them any more at the moment.

Robertson can say WTF he wants.
The allegations from the Ozzie and Harriet believers was that someone told him he had to shut up.
That never happened. He will always be able to say what he wants.
A&E by suspending him under pressure because of others who were pulling their strings if only for a minute, umm pretty much were trying to get him to shut up, but hey it back fired on them didn't it ?

Only if by backfired you mean it gave them a huge windfall in free publicity. The only way A&E gets hurt by this is if the Robertsons choose not to renew their contract.
Robertson can say WTF he wants.
The allegations from the Ozzie and Harriet believers was that someone told him he had to shut up.
That never happened. He will always be able to say what he wants.

And so do the people who disagree with him.
Bringing up freedom of speech on this issue is definitely a mistake, and I cringe every time I hear somebody do it especially if they are someone politically savvy who should really know better. The Bill of Rights specifies what the government is prohibited from doing to the individual. It has nothing to do with how you treat divisive opinion.

However, you could make the case that this is linked to the first amendment in terms of underlying principles. An open discussion of ideas is required for a free society. It was partially for this reason that the Founding Fathers put the first amendment in the Constitution. Likewise, anybody wishing to promote a free society should encourage others to share their views rather than attempt to shut them down.

I admit that I'm a bit torn on the issue of tolerance to divisive ideas. On one hand, I do not want to live in a country where everyone boycotts those who have different beliefs. On the other hand, I would not want to go to a store run by an open racist or NAMBLA supporter, so where do we draw the line? I haven't come up with a good standard myself. Still working on that one.

We already have that standard: unbridled, full-throated debate in a free and private society, where the line is drawn disallowing the government or courts from interfering.

As for a store run by an open racist or members of NAMBLA, assuming no public accommodations laws are violated or crimes against children committed, private citizens alone are at liberty to patronize such businesses or not, thus determining their success or failure.
Doesn't matter... so long as the Gay Lobby took one on the chin...
Doesn't matter... so long as the Gay Lobby took one on the chin...

Yup, because sounding like a small-minded bigot is totally cool as long as the gay's "Take it on the chin".

Hey, Remember when A&E used to be the "Arts and Entertainment" network and it showed Opera and did shows about biography and history?

Now it's about duck hunting rednecks and redneck exterminators.

5 Sad Ways A&E Became the Walmart of Television Networks |
A&E was wonderful while they were bowing at the alter of political correctness. You scatterbrains are so fickle.
Doesn't matter... so long as the Gay Lobby took one on the chin...

Yup, because sounding like a small-minded bigot is totally cool as long as the gay's "Take it on the chin".

Hey, Remember when A&E used to be the "Arts and Entertainment" network and it showed Opera and did shows about biography and history?

Now it's about duck hunting rednecks and redneck exterminators.

5 Sad Ways A&E Became the Walmart of Television Networks |
Doesn't matter...

The Gay Lobby got bitch-slapped in 2012 over their bullying of Chick-Fil-A...

The Gay Lobby got bitch-slapped in 2013 over their bullying of A&E et al...

The Gay Lobby will get bitch-slapped in 2014 over...???

It's good to see that the American Public has begun to distance itself from these bullies...

Way-to-go, America!
Doesn't matter... so long as the Gay Lobby took one on the chin...

Yup, because sounding like a small-minded bigot is totally cool as long as the gay's "Take it on the chin".

Hey, Remember when A&E used to be the "Arts and Entertainment" network and it showed Opera and did shows about biography and history?

Now it's about duck hunting rednecks and redneck exterminators.

5 Sad Ways A&E Became the Walmart of Television Networks |
Doesn't matter...

The Gay Lobby got bitch-slapped in 2012 over their bullying of Chick-Fil-A...

The Gay Lobby got bitch-slapped in 2013 over their bullying of A&E et al...

The Gay Lobby will get bitch-slapped in 2014 over...???

It's good to see that the American Public has begun to distance itself from these bullies...

Way-to-go, America!

Gay marriage was legalized in Maine, Washington and Maryland in 2012.

Gay marriage was legalized in Illinois, Hawaii, Utah, New Jersey, and New Mexico, Prop 8 was overturned and DOMA was effectively gutted.

The thing is, you guys are on the wrong side of history.
Doesn't matter... so long as the Gay Lobby took one on the chin...

Yup, because sounding like a small-minded bigot is totally cool as long as the gay's "Take it on the chin".

Hey, Remember when A&E used to be the "Arts and Entertainment" network and it showed Opera and did shows about biography and history?

Now it's about duck hunting rednecks and redneck exterminators.

5 Sad Ways A&E Became the Walmart of Television Networks |
A&E was wonderful while they were bowing at the alter of political correctness. You scatterbrains are so fickle.

Well, for a minute there, it seemed like it would do the right thing.

Then it remembered that it became the Redneck Network some time ago...
Yup, because sounding like a small-minded bigot is totally cool as long as the gay's "Take it on the chin".

Hey, Remember when A&E used to be the "Arts and Entertainment" network and it showed Opera and did shows about biography and history?

Now it's about duck hunting rednecks and redneck exterminators.

5 Sad Ways A&E Became the Walmart of Television Networks |
Doesn't matter...

The Gay Lobby got bitch-slapped in 2012 over their bullying of Chick-Fil-A...

The Gay Lobby got bitch-slapped in 2013 over their bullying of A&E et al...

The Gay Lobby will get bitch-slapped in 2014 over...???

It's good to see that the American Public has begun to distance itself from these bullies...

Way-to-go, America!

Gay marriage was legalized in Maine, Washington and Maryland in 2012.

Gay marriage was legalized in Illinois, Hawaii, Utah, New Jersey, and New Mexico, Prop 8 was overturned and DOMA was effectively gutted.

The thing is, you guys are on the wrong side of history.
The thing is, you guys think that because these laws were imposed on an unwilling people, they accept it and these laws are supported by the majority.
The thing is, you guys think that because these laws were imposed on an unwilling people, they accept it and these laws are supported by the majority.

actually, I couldn't care less what the inbred, too stupid to breathe bible thumping morons want.

Gay marriage will be legal in the entire country by 2020.
"...Gay marriage was legalized in Maine, Washington and Maryland in 2012. Gay marriage was legalized in Illinois, Hawaii, Utah, New Jersey, and New Mexico, Prop 8 was overturned and DOMA was effectively gutted. The thing is, you guys are on the wrong side of history."
Well, the wrong side of a current trend, certainly.

And folks who oppose 'societal normalizing' of homosexuality are OK with that.

I'm not convinced that many of the inroads made by the Gay Lobby in recent years are going to withstand the test of time, but that's another conversation, and non sequitur at this junction.

For now, it's sufficient to the day, for folks who oppose that 'societal normalizing' of homosexuality, to enjoy Big PR Win No. 2 (Chick-Fil-A, A&E) amongst the American public.
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"...Gay marriage was legalized in Maine, Washington and Maryland in 2012. Gay marriage was legalized in Illinois, Hawaii, Utah, New Jersey, and New Mexico, Prop 8 was overturned and DOMA was effectively gutted. The thing is, you guys are on the wrong side of history."
Well, the wrong side of a current trend, certainly.

And folks who oppose 'societal normalizing' of homosexuality are OK with that.

I'm not convinced that many of the inroads made by the Gay Lobby in recent years are going to withstand the test of time, but that's another conversation, and non sequitur at this junction.

I'm sure that's what you hope for.

You see, this is what I never get about homophobes. No one is making you have the gay sex, guy.

Frankly, the stuff you ought to be worried about, like big corporations dismantling the middle class, you talk about not a bit.

but man, them homos getting married, that makes you sooooooo angry.
"...Gay marriage was legalized in Maine, Washington and Maryland in 2012. Gay marriage was legalized in Illinois, Hawaii, Utah, New Jersey, and New Mexico, Prop 8 was overturned and DOMA was effectively gutted. The thing is, you guys are on the wrong side of history."
Well, the wrong side of a current trend, certainly.

And folks who oppose 'societal normalizing' of homosexuality are OK with that.

I'm not convinced that many of the inroads made by the Gay Lobby in recent years are going to withstand the test of time, but that's another conversation, and non sequitur at this junction.

I'm sure that's what you hope for.

You see, this is what I never get about homophobes. No one is making you have the gay sex, guy.

Frankly, the stuff you ought to be worried about, like big corporations dismantling the middle class, you talk about not a bit.

but man, them homos getting married, that makes you sooooooo angry.

a union of two men or two women is NOT a marriage. Its an aberation of the human species. But I have no objection to making those gay hook ups legal.

Which big evil corporations are "dismantling the middle class" ? Name them.
Well, the wrong side of a current trend, certainly.

And folks who oppose 'societal normalizing' of homosexuality are OK with that.

I'm not convinced that many of the inroads made by the Gay Lobby in recent years are going to withstand the test of time, but that's another conversation, and non sequitur at this junction.

I'm sure that's what you hope for.

You see, this is what I never get about homophobes. No one is making you have the gay sex, guy.

Frankly, the stuff you ought to be worried about, like big corporations dismantling the middle class, you talk about not a bit.

but man, them homos getting married, that makes you sooooooo angry.

a union of two men or two women is NOT a marriage. Its an aberation of the human species. But I have no objection to making those gay hook ups legal.

Which big evil corporations are "dismantling the middle class" ? Name them.

All the ones moving their factories overseas...

Are you really this dense.

I do find it funny that you are just sooooo upset that two men can call their relationship a marriage because it is an "aberration of the human species".

The human species has existed for 250,000 years.

Marriage has only really existed for 6000 of those. And in most cases, it was a man taking a woman as property, not the union of two equals. In many parts of the world, that is still the case.

Used to be it was acceptable to beat your wife as long as the stick wasn't thicker than your thumb. (Hense, the awful metaphor "rule of thumb".)

Marriage has already been redefined many times. Deal with it.
"...Gay marriage was legalized in Maine, Washington and Maryland in 2012. Gay marriage was legalized in Illinois, Hawaii, Utah, New Jersey, and New Mexico, Prop 8 was overturned and DOMA was effectively gutted. The thing is, you guys are on the wrong side of history."
Well, the wrong side of a current trend, certainly.

And folks who oppose 'societal normalizing' of homosexuality are OK with that.

I'm not convinced that many of the inroads made by the Gay Lobby in recent years are going to withstand the test of time, but that's another conversation, and non sequitur at this junction.

I'm sure that's what you hope for.

You see, this is what I never get about homophobes. No one is making you have the gay sex, guy.

Frankly, the stuff you ought to be worried about, like big corporations dismantling the middle class, you talk about not a bit.

but man, them homos getting married, that makes you sooooooo angry.
There's a time and place to talk about Economics, and there's a time and place to talk about Social Engineering revolving around sexual orientation.

This is the time and place to talk about the latter.

A great many people see homosexuality - its sexual practices, its tendency towards licentiousness and degenerate behaviors - its mannerisms and the related lifestyle - as lewd, filthy, unclean, self-indulgent, perverse, unholy, ungodly, degenerate, dissipated, emasculating, and a harbinger of the decline of a society, as well as prohibited by various religious 'sacred' books and teachings and interpretations, as well as centuries of prohibition by all manner of cultures and societies worldwide.

I don't think it's so much 'anger' as it is revulsion; dealing with something that so many find repugnant and repelling and downright nauseating. Many perceive it as a mental illness; a sickness; regardless of what the science says. It's a visceral, gut-level emotional revulsion on the part of a great many amongst the straight population.

There are a great many people who do not feel that way.

There are a great many people who DO feel that way.

And there are a great many people who have had a bellyful of the Gay Lobby and its political activism and its intrusion into the laws and lives of communities and families.

We seem to be quickly approaching the limits of tolerance on the part of the American Public, if massive pushback reactions such as Chick-Fil-A and A&E are any indication.

It should come as no surprise that people are celebrating such 'Wins' by the Straight Community - as battered as they've been in recent months and years.

An entirely understandable and long-overdue respite and reaction, and a state-of-affairs that the Gay Lobby would be well-advised to contemplate seriously, as part of both strategic and tactical planning, from this point forward.

Times are changing... again.

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