Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

" hating conservatives..."
Given the extent of Hetero Pushback on both the 2012 Chick-Fil-A public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, and the 2013 A&E public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, well...

I'm not sure that it's safe to write this all off as a purely 'Conservative' reaction...

Which, if true, should go a long way towards informing the Gay Lobby that they've pushed Mainstream America too far.

But the Gay Lobby won't reach that conclusion, because they're incapable of admitting that to themselves, never mind anyone else.

So, they'll just continue to get bitch-slapped in incidents such as these; not learning from their past mistakes.

Oh, and, it's not '-hating'... more like 'repulsed', 'revolted', 'disgusted', 'nauseated', etc.

You folks are sub human scum.
Awwwww... I don't think you liked my analysis... I'm crushed.

Given the extent of Hetero Pushback on both the 2012 Chick-Fil-A public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, and the 2013 A&E public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, well...

I'm not sure that it's safe to write this all off as a purely 'Conservative' reaction...

Which, if true, should go a long way towards informing the Gay Lobby that they've pushed Mainstream America too far.

But the Gay Lobby won't reach that conclusion, because they're incapable of admitting that to themselves, never mind anyone else.

So, they'll just continue to get bitch-slapped in incidents such as these; not learning from their past mistakes.

Oh, and, it's not '-hating'... more like 'repulsed', 'revolted', 'disgusted', 'nauseated', etc.

You folks are sub human scum.
Awwwww... I don't think you liked my analysis... I'm crushed.


You folks are really showing how much hate you are infested with, but it will only consume you, not me.

And ultimately you regressive hate mongers will lose.

The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.
"...You folks are really showing how much hate you are infested with, but it will only consume you, not me. And ultimately you regressive hate mongers will lose..."
The only one here dealing in 'hate-terms' is you, boy, with your 'scum' comments; simply because someone dared to disagree with you, and dared to say that such practices and behaviors repel and disgust a great many Americans.

It is this 'intolerance-of-criticism / lash-out at the first sign' mindset, and pure arrogance on your part after a good year or two for your side, which triggered the Chick-Fil-A and A&E public relations disasters in the first place, as the American Public is coming to realize just how oppressive and intolerant and overbearing and hypocritical that the Gay Lobby and its supporters have become, and as the American Public is growing in its confidence to discuss such things openly...

You lost the A&E controversy in the Public Eye, just as you lost the Chick-Fil-A controversy...

My suggestion is to take your defeat like a Man, learn from it, and do better next time.

"...The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them..."
Absolutely correct.

"...The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives."
Also absolutely correct.

Except in circumstances where the object of the exercise is a despised group, and then things get a bit more complicated.

What sets this group apart from such analogies is that the 1000 or 2000 or 3000-year-old Holy Books and religious teachings of all of the People-of-the-Book religions portray such practices and behaviors and lifestyle as unnatural and perverse and unclean and filthy and despicable and detrimental to society...

And, of course, the vast majority of Mainstream America - Left, Right and Center - all subscribe to one of those three major belief-systems, in whole or in part, to some extent or another... many of whose factions are not jettisoning centuries-old prohibitions on such perversity.
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"...You folks are really showing how much hate you are infested with, but it will only consume you, not me. And ultimately you regressive hate mongers will lose..."
The only one here dealing in 'hate-terms' is you, boy, with your 'scum' comments; simply because someone dared to disagree with you, and dared to say that such practices and behaviors repel and disgust a great many Americans.

It is this 'intolerance-of-criticism / lash-out at the first sign' mindset which triggered the Chick-Fil-A and A&E public relations disasters in the first place, as the American Public is coming to realize just how oppressive and intolerant and overbearing and hypocritical that the Gay Lobby and its supporters have become, and as the American Public is growing in its confidence to discuss such things openly...

My suggestion is to take your defeat like a Man, learn from it, and do better next time.

"...The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them..."
Absolutely correct.

"...The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives."
Also absolutely correct.

Except in circumstances where the object of the exercise is a despised group, and then things get a bit more complicated.

What sets this group apart from such analogies is that the 1000 or 2000 or 3000-year-old Holy Books and religious teachings of all of the People-of-the-Book religions portray such practices and behaviors and lifestyle as unnatural and perverse and unclean and filthy and despicable and detrimental to society...

And, of course, the vast majority of Mainstream America - Left, Right and Center - all subscribe to one of those three major belief-systems, in whole or in part, to some extent or another... many of whose factions are not jettisoning centuries-old prohibitions on such perversity.

"People-of-the-book religions? Fucking fantastic. A despised group? Outstanding?

Does one have to read one of these books to get the message? Or, can they be told what the book says by someone else?
"People-of-the-book religions? Fucking fantastic. A despised group? Outstanding? Does one have to read one of these books to get the message? Or, can they be told what the book says by someone else?"
Your ridicule and mocking of the operative state of affairs does nothing to alter it.
"People-of-the-book religions? Fucking fantastic. A despised group? Outstanding? Does one have to read one of these books to get the message? Or, can they be told what the book says by someone else?"
Your ridicule and mocking of the operative state of affairs does nothing to alter it.

Hey...can you try harder to sound important? I like it.
"People-of-the-book religions? Fucking fantastic. A despised group? Outstanding? Does one have to read one of these books to get the message? Or, can they be told what the book says by someone else?"
Your ridicule and mocking of the operative state of affairs does nothing to alter it.

Hey...can you try harder to sound important? I like it.
Can you try harder to make a coherent argument (rather than throwing rocks like a child)? You're not doing very well so far.

Are you another of these Gay Lobby hate-mongers?
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Your ridicule and mocking of the operative state of affairs does nothing to alter it.

Hey...can you try harder to sound important? I like it.
Can you try harder to make a coherent argument (rather than throwing rocks like a child)? You're not doing very well so far.

Are you another of these Gay Lobby hate-mongers?

You are not worth the effort, are you?

Did you check out the link I posted?

Why won't you answer my questions? They were not difficult.

And no....I don't do much lobbying. I am just interested in making bigots understand how ridiculous they are. It is fun.
Hey...can you try harder to sound important? I like it.
Can you try harder to make a coherent argument (rather than throwing rocks like a child)? You're not doing very well so far.

Are you another of these Gay Lobby hate-mongers?

"You are not worth the effort, are you?..."
Not to you, apparently, but I won't lose any sleep over that.

"...Did you check out the link I posted?..."
Whatever for? The airwaves have been full of 'The Bible Says This' - 'No It Doesn't" back-and-forth for years.

I've seen it all before. So have you.

"...Why won't you answer my questions? They were not difficult..."
Again... whatever for?

We both know the pros and cons of reliance upon Scripture as a guide for either condemning or tolerating such practices and behaviors.

I ran out of patience for that game ages ago... it never ends-up going anywhere... after long effort on the part of both sides.

We aren't talking about what you and I think... we're talking about what Mainstream America thinks.

"...And no....I don't do much lobbying. I am just interested in making bigots understand how ridiculous they are. It is fun."
Your self-appointed Sheriff act is pretty good... there's an HBO Comedy Special in there somewhere.
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Hey...can you try harder to sound important? I like it.
Can you try harder to make a coherent argument (rather than throwing rocks like a child)? You're not doing very well so far.

Are you another of these Gay Lobby hate-mongers?

You are not worth the effort, are you?

Did you check out the link I posted?

Why won't you answer my questions? They were not difficult.

And no....I don't do much lobbying. I am just interested in making bigots understand how ridiculous they are. It is fun.
Find another hobby. Maybe something you're good at.
Can you try harder to make a coherent argument (rather than throwing rocks like a child)? You're not doing very well so far.

Are you another of these Gay Lobby hate-mongers?

"You are not worth the effort, are you?..."
Not to you, apparently, but I won't lose any sleep over that.

Whatever for? The airwaves have been full of 'The Bible Says This' - 'No It Doesn't" back-and-forth for years.

I've seen it all before. So have you.

"...Why won't you answer my questions? They were not difficult..."
Again... whatever for?

We both know the pros and cons of reliance upon Scripture as a guide for either condemning or tolerating such practices and behaviors.

I ran out of patience for that game ages ago... it never ends-up going anywhere... after long effort on the part of both sides.

We aren't talking about what you and I think... we're talking about what Mainstream America thinks.

"...And no....I don't do much lobbying. I am just interested in making bigots understand how ridiculous they are. It is fun."
Your self-appointed Sheriff act is pretty good... there's an HBO Comedy Special in there somewhere.

Well....Fuck me! I might actually end up liking you after all. You could be one of those knowledgeable bigots. You know....the kind who know that they are pushing the crazy......but don't care.

I wonder why......if you know that there are "cons" to relying on scripture to form an argument and you see a discussion of interpreting scripture as futile....why you try to use scripture as the FOUNDATION of your philosophy? If you are not able to set a guy like me straight on the matter ( so to speak, of course ), then maybe you should search for some other way to argue your case?

And...if we are talking about what "mainstream America" thinks....then I am on the right side of this issue. There are 8 more States where two dudes can get legally married now than there were one year ago. The friggin' Boy Scouts of America are allowing flaming homo's to wear those fancy uniforms. The youth of this nation coukd give a grand fuck who another person wants to bang.

Seriously.....America is going in the direction opposite of you on this one.
"...Seriously.....America is going in the direction opposite of you on this one."
Discounting possible wishful thinking, in truth, I wonder about that, and whether that observation is actually an accurate one, recent trending to the contrary notwithstanding...

I believe that you are probably mistaking the Great Caving-In (of legislatures and organizations) with an actual Change of Heart.

That massive and formidable collective 'Heart' can be seen in the PR disasters that unfolded as a result of the Gay Lobby assaults upon Chick-Fil-A and A&E, and stores carrying Duck merchandise.

In the end, the 'Heart' can oftentimes overcome onerous Law and Institutionalizings, given some time to build momentum and to set things right.

Frankly, I don't think this is over - not by a long shot - this is all still too new - but time will tell us that story, one way or another.

As to choosing some other baseline for advocacy or counter-advocacy, because it's not perfectly aligned with one's own stance...

That's the chickenshit way out... the baseline (Scripture) in this case is sufficient to the day... and influences one helluva lot of people (Left, Right and Center) when interpreted in the Traditional Manner.

Far more fun (and effective) to take the thing... warts and all... and... rather than working it in-detail... merely hold it out as an example of Traditional Barrier and Prohibiting Authority, as it is widely perceived, rather than getting endlessly mired in the minutiae.
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You folks are sub human scum.
You sound kind of bigoted to me.

I am bigoted against stupidity.

There is no sin except stupidity.
Oscar Wilde
At least you admit to being a bigot, and that could be the first step to your recovery, but I think you like it to much. But when that shoe is accused of being on the other foot, well then your pissed huh ?
You sound kind of bigoted to me.

I am bigoted against stupidity.

There is no sin except stupidity.
Oscar Wilde
At least you admit to being a bigot, and that could be the first step to your recovery, but I think you like it to much. But when that shoe is accused of being on the other foot, well then your pissed huh ?

Is there a nutter alive who knows the difference between "to" and "too"?

"...Seriously.....America is going in the direction opposite of you on this one."
Discounting possible wishful thinking, in truth, I wonder about that, and whether that observation is actually an accurate one, recent trending to the contrary notwithstanding...

I believe that you are probably mistaking the Great Caving-In (of legislatures and organizations) with an actual Change of Heart.

That massive and formidable collective 'Heart' can be seen in the PR disasters that unfolded as a result of the Gay Lobby assaults upon Chick-Fil-A and A&E, and stores carrying Duck merchandise.

In the end, the 'Heart' can oftentimes overcome onerous Law and Institutionalizings, given some time to build momentum and to set things right.

Frankly, I don't think this is over - not by a long shot - this is all still too new - but time will tell us that story, one way or another.

As to choosing some other baseline for advocacy or counter-advocacy, because it's not perfectly aligned with one's own stance...

That's the chickenshit way out... the baseline (Scripture) in this case is sufficient to the day... and influences one helluva lot of people (Left, Right and Center) when interpreted in the Traditional Manner.

Far more fun (and effective) to take the thing... warts and all... and... rather than working it in-detail... merely hold it out as an example of Traditional Barrier and Prohibiting Authority, as it is widely perceived, rather than getting endlessly mired in the minutiae. How disappointing. Come on man.......step up.
Can you try harder to make a coherent argument (rather than throwing rocks like a child)? You're not doing very well so far.

Are you another of these Gay Lobby hate-mongers?

You are not worth the effort, are you?

Did you check out the link I posted?

Why won't you answer my questions? They were not difficult.

And no....I don't do much lobbying. I am just interested in making bigots understand how ridiculous they are. It is fun.
Find another hobby. Maybe something you're good at.

If Kondor were honest....he'd tell you to fuck off and take a seat at the kid's table.

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