Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

And yet that doesn't really come across in this:

“You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks,”

:rolleyes: Talk about spin.

At what point in that statement does it say men should marry thier daughters off at 15 or 16? His target audience for that quote is young men. note the use of "your" in the ducks part of the statement.

Oh for Christ sake, if he is talking to young men about marrying 15 and 16 year old girls, then he obviously believes parents should allow their 15 and 16 year old daughters to marry. I mean are you really that dumb to not be able to put 2 and 2 together? Good grief.

unlike you libs who think its fine if a 60 year old male "marries" a 16 year old male. You know, diversity, acceptance, tolerance------all that liberal shit.
I'll give you an example, where as have you ever heard of the tree of knowledge, and if so, do you know what happened to Adam and Even after they took a bite from that tree ? Hollywood has provided a platform ( a tree so to speak that has many branches formed, and these branches reach out far and wide), and it bears many fruits that can be consumed by the innocent as well as by the bad in life.

It can reach people who had not been affected yet by the very things that you love to write about in examples of. The ID channel is the worst I have ever seen these days, in which is found as a limb branching out upon this extended tree of knowledge, and it is teaching things that robs many peoples innocence from them (they have to grapple with and become concerned with such things in life afterwards), yet we love to visit this channel so much today as being entertainment but why ?

How does a channel which bases all of its programming on real crimes, lead to social change? I asked you to provide examples of Hollywood promoting a social agenda. While I agree that vile, disgusting things, once seen, cannot be unseen, how does this change societies attitutes to marriage, divorce and family life.

You asked "Why would people visit this channel?". Why do people slow down at accident scenes, or run to watch fires. Why do we know the names of all of the serial killers, but not their victims? People are fascinated by the gruesome and always have been, but I don't see how this affects social change.

There was a case in Canada where a man stabbed another man to death while having sex with him, dismembered the body, and then mailed body parts to famous people all across the country. The killer made a video of the murder and dismemberment and posted it online. News media coverage broadcast details about the murder, including the name of the website where the murder video was posted, and the website crashed from all of the people trying to access and view this gruesome video, until the police forced the website to remove it.

I take care in what I watch. I would never want to see that murder video because, as you said, what has been seen cannot be unseen. I don't watch porno movies, or snuff films. I don't watch programs which degrade, exploit or humuliate people because I don't find any of this interesting or entertaining.

But I don't see what real crime stories have to do with Hollywood leading the attack against traditional marriage.
I'll give you an example, where as have you ever heard of the tree of knowledge, and if so, do you know what happened to Adam and Even after they took a bite from that tree ? Hollywood has provided a platform ( a tree so to speak that has many branches formed, and these branches reach out far and wide), and it bears many fruits that can be consumed by the innocent as well as by the bad in life.

It can reach people who had not been affected yet by the very things that you love to write about in examples of. The ID channel is the worst I have ever seen these days, in which is found as a limb branching out upon this extended tree of knowledge, and it is teaching things that robs many peoples innocence from them (they have to grapple with and become concerned with such things in life afterwards), yet we love to visit this channel so much today as being entertainment but why ?

How does a channel which bases all of its programming on real crimes, lead to social change? I asked you to provide examples of Hollywood promoting a social agenda. While I agree that vile, disgusting things, once seen, cannot be unseen, how does this change societies attitutes to marriage, divorce and family life.

You asked "Why would people visit this channel?". Why do people slow down at accident scenes, or run to watch fires. Why do we know the names of all of the serial killers, but not their victims? People are fascinated by the gruesome and always have been, but I don't see how this affects social change.

There was a case in Canada where a man stabbed another man to death while having sex with him, dismembered the body, and then mailed body parts to famous people all across the country. The killer made a video of the murder and dismemberment and posted it online. News media coverage broadcast details about the murder, including the name of the website where the murder video was posted, and the website crashed from all of the people trying to access and view this gruesome video, until the police forced the website to remove it.

I take care in what I watch. I would never want to see that murder video because, as you said, what has been seen cannot be unseen. I don't watch porno movies, or snuff films. I don't watch programs which degrade, exploit or humuliate people because I don't find any of this interesting or entertaining.

But I don't see what real crime stories have to do with Hollywood leading the attack against traditional marriage.
Reading your thoughts is gruesome enough.
I could give a rat's ass about Duck Dynasty. My question is the double standard. Why does the media go nuts over something like this, while they embrace lefties and Muslims who have said far worse things ? Seems just to be a passionate endorsement of free speech when some people say things.

The issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech’; First Amendment restrictions apply only to public sector entities, not private.

Otherwise, whining about a ‘double standard’ is pointless absent examples of ‘far worse’ things ‘lefties’ and Muslims have said.

Martin Bashir for one.. and he wasn't fired. He resigned without pressure. You have your head in the sand, if you don't think their is a huge double standard of tolerance with the media in this country.
I could give a rat's ass about Duck Dynasty. My question is the double standard. Why does the media go nuts over something like this, while they embrace lefties and Muslims who have said far worse things ? Seems just to be a passionate endorsement of free speech when some people say things.

The issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech’; First Amendment restrictions apply only to public sector entities, not private.

Otherwise, whining about a ‘double standard’ is pointless absent examples of ‘far worse’ things ‘lefties’ and Muslims have said.

Martin Bashir for one.. and he wasn't fired. He resigned without pressure. You have your head in the sand, if you don't think their is a huge double standard of tolerance with the media in this country.


If you actually believe Bashir quit, at the bottom of his value, I have a bridge for sale. Actually I'll give you a two for one. They go over the river deNial.

:cuckoo: Gullible's Travels...
The issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech’; First Amendment restrictions apply only to public sector entities, not private.

Otherwise, whining about a ‘double standard’ is pointless absent examples of ‘far worse’ things ‘lefties’ and Muslims have said.

Martin Bashir for one.. and he wasn't fired. He resigned without pressure. You have your head in the sand, if you don't think their is a huge double standard of tolerance with the media in this country.


If you actually believe Bashir quit, at the bottom of his value, I have a bridge for sale. Actually I'll give you a two for one. They go over the river deNial.

:cuckoo: Gullible's Travels...

Right, some of our less intelligent posters actually think Bashir was not fired. When the boss calls you and says "you need to resign" you have been fired.:lol:
Martin Bashir for one.. and he wasn't fired. He resigned without pressure. You have your head in the sand, if you don't think their is a huge double standard of tolerance with the media in this country.


If you actually believe Bashir quit, at the bottom of his value, I have a bridge for sale. Actually I'll give you a two for one. They go over the river deNial.

:cuckoo: Gullible's Travels...

Right, some of our less intelligent posters actually think Bashir was not fired. When the boss calls you and says "you need to resign" you have been fired.:lol:

If it had been any conservative they wouldn't have had him resign they would have outright fired his ass.

tapatalk post
I think most Americans are completely sick of the forced Gay Agenda thing. You're not entitled to any special treatment just because you like putting your penis in another man's anus. That just doesn't make you special in any way. You're subject to ridicule and insult just like any other American is. However, i don't think this man expressed any hate at all. He merely gave some honest answers to questions put to him. Gays definitely over-played their Outrage-Hand on this one. Reasonable people just aren't buying their manufactured hype. This one's a big loss for them, but a big win for Free Speech. Pretty refreshing.
I think most Americans are completely sick of the forced Gay Agenda thing. You're not entitled to any special treatment just because you like putting your penis in another man's anus. That just doesn't make you special in any way. You're subject to ridicule and insult just like any other American is. However, i don't think this man expressed any hate at all. He merely gave some honest answers to questions put to him. Gays definitely over-played their Outrage-Hand on this one. Reasonable people just aren't buying their manufactured hype. This one's a big loss for them, but a big win for Free Speech. Pretty refreshing.

If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless" I am sure you would take it as benign free speech.
I think most Americans are completely sick of the forced Gay Agenda thing. You're not entitled to any special treatment just because you like putting your penis in another man's anus. That just doesn't make you special in any way. You're subject to ridicule and insult just like any other American is. However, i don't think this man expressed any hate at all. He merely gave some honest answers to questions put to him. Gays definitely over-played their Outrage-Hand on this one. Reasonable people just aren't buying their manufactured hype. This one's a big loss for them, but a big win for Free Speech. Pretty refreshing.

If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless" I am sure you would take it as benign free speech.

That is called speaking the truth.
I think most Americans are completely sick of the forced Gay Agenda thing. You're not entitled to any special treatment just because you like putting your penis in another man's anus. That just doesn't make you special in any way. You're subject to ridicule and insult just like any other American is. However, i don't think this man expressed any hate at all. He merely gave some honest answers to questions put to him. Gays definitely over-played their Outrage-Hand on this one. Reasonable people just aren't buying their manufactured hype. This one's a big loss for them, but a big win for Free Speech. Pretty refreshing.

If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless" I am sure you would take it as benign free speech.

:lol: Sounds just like what Communists & Gays say on a daily basis, to those they disagree with. In fact, i would say Communists & Gays are far more vicious with their ridicule and insults. But this man was not expressing hate in any way. Gays simply over-played their Outrage-Card on this one. Reasonable people aren't buying it.
The bottom line is, the vast majority of people on this planet think homosexuality is sick, disgusting and perverted, and rightfully so because it is. But people have yielded over the decades to the relentless onslaught of militant homos and their supporters badgering them if they should even DARE to speak against the homo agenda. Now at this point, people are getting fed up with it. They've had their fill of being bullied by the homos and the PC crowd, and they're telling them to FUCK... OFF!

The fact of the matter is, the fags brought this all on themselves by pushing people too far.
I think most Americans are completely sick of the forced Gay Agenda thing. You're not entitled to any special treatment just because you like putting your penis in another man's anus. That just doesn't make you special in any way. You're subject to ridicule and insult just like any other American is. However, i don't think this man expressed any hate at all. He merely gave some honest answers to questions put to him. Gays definitely over-played their Outrage-Hand on this one. Reasonable people just aren't buying their manufactured hype. This one's a big loss for them, but a big win for Free Speech. Pretty refreshing.

If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless" I am sure you would take it as benign free speech.

That is called speaking the truth.

Really? This just goes to show how sick you folks on the right are.
I think most Americans are completely sick of the forced Gay Agenda thing. You're not entitled to any special treatment just because you like putting your penis in another man's anus. That just doesn't make you special in any way. You're subject to ridicule and insult just like any other American is. However, i don't think this man expressed any hate at all. He merely gave some honest answers to questions put to him. Gays definitely over-played their Outrage-Hand on this one. Reasonable people just aren't buying their manufactured hype. This one's a big loss for them, but a big win for Free Speech. Pretty refreshing.

If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless" I am sure you would take it as benign free speech.

Listen you dishonest hack Phil Robertson did not compare homosexuality with beastiality and you're lying about it continuously does nothing more but show what an a****** you really are

tapatalk post
I think most Americans are completely sick of the forced Gay Agenda thing. You're not entitled to any special treatment just because you like putting your penis in another man's anus. That just doesn't make you special in any way. You're subject to ridicule and insult just like any other American is. However, i don't think this man expressed any hate at all. He merely gave some honest answers to questions put to him. Gays definitely over-played their Outrage-Hand on this one. Reasonable people just aren't buying their manufactured hype. This one's a big loss for them, but a big win for Free Speech. Pretty refreshing.

If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless" I am sure you would take it as benign free speech.

:lol: Sounds just like what Communists & Gays say on a daily basis, to those they disagree with. In fact, i would say Communists & Gays are far more vicious with their ridicule and insults. But this man was not expressing hate in any way. Gays simply over-played their Outrage-Card on this one. Reasonable people aren't buying it.


Federal hate crime statistics

In 2008, 17.6% of hate crimes were based on the victim's perceived sexual orientation. Of those crimes, 72.23% were violent in nature.


You mean like Vladimir Putin?? WHY is it that everything Vladimir Putin supports is EXACTLY the same as you right wingers support???
I think most Americans are completely sick of the forced Gay Agenda thing. You're not entitled to any special treatment just because you like putting your penis in another man's anus. That just doesn't make you special in any way. You're subject to ridicule and insult just like any other American is. However, i don't think this man expressed any hate at all. He merely gave some honest answers to questions put to him. Gays definitely over-played their Outrage-Hand on this one. Reasonable people just aren't buying their manufactured hype. This one's a big loss for them, but a big win for Free Speech. Pretty refreshing.

If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless" I am sure you would take it as benign free speech.

Listen you dishonest hack Phil Robertson did not compare homosexuality with beastiality and you're lying about it continuously does nothing more but show what an a****** you really are

tapatalk post

It's all delusional spin for em now. They lost, and Free Speech won. They're still stinging from the loss. Once they chill and think about it a bit more, they'll realize they over-reacted and the People called em on it. It is what it is.
I think most Americans are completely sick of the forced Gay Agenda thing. You're not entitled to any special treatment just because you like putting your penis in another man's anus. That just doesn't make you special in any way. You're subject to ridicule and insult just like any other American is. However, i don't think this man expressed any hate at all. He merely gave some honest answers to questions put to him. Gays definitely over-played their Outrage-Hand on this one. Reasonable people just aren't buying their manufactured hype. This one's a big loss for them, but a big win for Free Speech. Pretty refreshing.

If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless" I am sure you would take it as benign free speech.

:lol: Sounds just like what Communists & Gays say on a daily basis, to those they disagree with. In fact, i would say Communists & Gays are far more vicious with their ridicule and insults. But this man was not expressing hate in any way. Gays simply over-played their Outrage-Card on this one. Reasonable people aren't buying it.

Sounds like you and the poster just before you can't even get your own stories on the same page.

It's all delusional spin for em now. They lost, and Free Speech won. They're still stinging from the loss. Once they chill and think about it a bit more, they'll realize they over-reacted and the People called em on it. It is what it is.

They'll never think they overreacted. They'll just say they "didn't get their message out" or the "Bigots won, but they need to be stopped". That's why they tried the "Robertson wants men to marry 15 year olds" over the weekend. Since that didn't work, we'll hear he hates puppies next. They've declared a jihad on Robertson and they'll be after him for the rest of their lives.

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