Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

Actually he was telling men they are better off settling down earlier than waiting, but spin it all you want.

And yet that doesn't really come across in this:

“You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks,”

:rolleyes: Talk about spin.

At what point in that statement does it say men should marry thier daughters off at 15 or 16? His target audience for that quote is young men. note the use of "your" in the ducks part of the statement.

It doesn't matter who he is "targeting", he's advocating marrying children. The spin is all yours.
Why can't we just go back to the future? Why isn't it ok to marry off your daughter at 14 or 15? Why should women have jobs outside the home? Why can't todays women can food, slaughter hogs, fish, cook, clean, have and raise children, be subservient to the man of the house. And offer blow jobs on demand.

I think the duck dude may be on to something. Wonder is he has a young sister? Or maybe he shares his wife? Anyone of you duck lovers know the answer to my questions?

The Bible doesn't say anything bad about "blow jobs" does it?
I could give a rat's ass about Duck Dynasty. My question is the double standard. Why does the media go nuts over something like this, while they embrace lefties and Muslims who have said far worse things ? Seems just to be a passionate endorsement of free speech when some people say things.

What specific "worse things" are you talking about?

Are there any Muslims with TV shows?
No, they as in the (extremist) ones, well they just use Airplanes and get right to the point quickly. They don't need the entertainment industry, because they got the hard core leftist along with the blind greedy righties who do occupy both wings of our government all the time, to just open the door wide open for them to just fly right on in you see.
The only thing I find unsettling about this whole thing is that so many Americans are in love with this gay bashing fucker who believes our daughters should be married off at the age of 15 or 16. It's scary how many Americans agree with him.
Now wait a minute here, because how can we have another poster that says Hollywood has no affect on any of this, yet here you are saying that Hollywood or the entertainment industry does affect things such as outcomes and change in America ?

Did Hollywood or lets say the entertainment industry give what you consider your enemy Phil, a stage to operate from, and what if we see it also as Hollywood or the entertainment companies giving equal time to what we consider our enemies of our values and culture also a stage as well ? Should we be up in arms as you are about Phil, or should we just change the channel like you should do also ?

I think it's not Phil that worries you the most, but rather it's the popularity of that show to millions of people, that is what worries you the most I think. Now why is this ? It's because you very much worry (I think) that the show may have a negative impact on what you think your specific group of people has since set out to accomplish in life, and for which is something that you agree with or do participate in also. You and others fear a push back coming upon your specific plans if something like a show that is so popular, and this say to so many all of a sudden threatens to "derail" those plans or slows them down a bit.

You all don't want people to think that there is an alternative choice or better solutions in life once again for them to realize in all of this, and that they may want to take their choices in the matters freely once again, instead of what someone else has been shoving down their throats over the years, in which has been the case now for to long.

Are you one of Sarah Palin's speech writers?

Unlikely...he used punctuation.
The only thing I find unsettling about this whole thing is that so many Americans are in love with this gay bashing fucker who believes our daughters should be married off at the age of 15 or 16. It's scary how many Americans agree with him.
Now wait a minute here, because how can we have another poster that says Hollywood has no affect on any of this, yet here you are saying that Hollywood or the entertainment industry does affect things such as outcomes and change in America ?

Did Hollywood or lets say the entertainment industry give what you consider your enemy Phil, a stage to operate from, and what if we see it also as Hollywood or the entertainment companies giving equal time to what we consider our enemies of our values and culture also a stage as well ? Should we be up in arms as you are about Phil, or should we just change the channel like you should do also ?

I think it's not Phil that worries you the most, but rather it's the popularity of that show to millions of people, that is what worries you the most I think. Now why is this ? It's because you very much worry (I think) that the show may have a negative impact on what you think your specific group of people has since set out to accomplish in life, and for which is something that you agree with or do participate in also. You and others fear a push back coming upon your specific plans if something like a show that is so popular, and this say to so many all of a sudden threatens to "derail" those plans or slows them down a bit.

You all don't want people to think that there is an alternative choice or better solutions in life once again for them to realize in all of this, and that they may want to take their choices in the matters freely once again, instead of what someone else has been shoving down their throats over the years, in which has been the case now for to long.

Are you one of Sarah Palin's speech writers?
I know that last sentence just ran on and on didn't it ?...LOL
Now wait a minute here, because how can we have another poster that says Hollywood has no affect on any of this, yet here you are saying that Hollywood or the entertainment industry does affect things such as outcomes and change in America ?

Did Hollywood or lets say the entertainment industry give what you consider your enemy Phil, a stage to operate from, and what if we see it also as Hollywood or the entertainment companies giving equal time to what we consider our enemies of our values and culture also a stage as well ? Should we be up in arms as you are about Phil, or should we just change the channel like you should do also ?

I think it's not Phil that worries you the most, but rather it's the popularity of that show to millions of people, that is what worries you the most I think. Now why is this ? It's because you very much worry (I think) that the show may have a negative impact on what you think your specific group of people has since set out to accomplish in life, and for which is something that you agree with or do participate in also. You and others fear a push back coming upon your specific plans if something like a show that is so popular, and this say to so many all of a sudden threatens to "derail" those plans or slows them down a bit.

You all don't want people to think that there is an alternative choice or better solutions in life once again for them to realize in all of this, and that they may want to take their choices in the matters freely once again, instead of what someone else has been shoving down their throats over the years, in which has been the case now for to long.

Are you one of Sarah Palin's speech writers?
I know that last sentence just ran on and on didn't it ?...LOL

Not just the last sentence, bro. That second "paragraph" is what got me.
Why can't we just go back to the future? Why isn't it ok to marry off your daughter at 14 or 15? Why should women have jobs outside the home? Why can't todays women can food, slaughter hogs, fish, cook, clean, have and raise children, be subservient to the man of the house. And offer blow jobs on demand.

I think the duck dude may be on to something. Wonder is he has a young sister? Or maybe he shares his wife? Anyone of you duck lovers know the answer to my questions?

The Bible doesn't say anything bad about "blow jobs" does it?
You are the very Ilk that Phil and millions in this nation wants nothing to do with in life by their own choices made, because I mean listen to your own self speak in this way. WOW!

Do you see yourself as informing us of something in life that we need desperately to know about or are you just a perv that needs attention in life maybe ? Are you using this format as a way to reach your following, and if so should I be offended and ask US message board to shut you up or sit you down somehow ? Nope, because you have a right to make a fool out of yourself just like any other does in life, so let the chips fall where they may is what I always say.
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The Bible doesn't say anything bad about "blow jobs" does it?

Depends on how it's interpreted.

Most Repubs would interpret it as sinful. But wouldn't have any issue with paying some women to give them a blow job.

Most Democrats would interpret this as a gift from God. Along with beer. Another of Gods gifts.

So to recap, Rethugs have to pay for a blow job then go to church and pray for forgiveness. The pay and pray method.

Dems gladly receive a blow job and go to church and give all the thanks and glory to God
for that which they received.

Now tell me; which party loves God the most? That's an easy one. Dems.
The Bible doesn't say anything bad about "blow jobs" does it?

Depends on how it's interpreted.

Most Repubs would interpret it as sinful. But wouldn't have any issue with paying some women to give them a blow job.

Most Democrats would interpret this as a gift from God. Along with beer. Another of Gods gifts.

So to recap, Rethugs have to pay for a blow job then go to church and pray for forgiveness. The pay and pray method.

Dems gladly receive a blow job and go to church and give all the thanks and glory to God
for that which they received.

Now tell me; which party loves God the most? That's an easy one. Dems.
WOW, just WOW!
Depends on how it's interpreted.

Most Repubs would interpret it as sinful. But wouldn't have any issue with paying some women to give them a blow job.

Most Democrats would interpret this as a gift from God. Along with beer. Another of Gods gifts.

So to recap, Rethugs have to pay for a blow job then go to church and pray for forgiveness. The pay and pray method.

Dems gladly receive a blow job and go to church and give all the thanks and glory to God
for that which they received.

Now tell me; which party loves God the most? That's an easy one. Dems.
WOW, just WOW!

I see you are in agreement? Or just speechless? Or do you really think all that bullshit you type means something, anything? Which is it?

Obama GOOD. BUSH bad. Or vice versa. That's what it all comes down to. An opinion. Which are just like assholes. Everybody's got one. I just wanted to give my opinions on blow jobs. Seems as pertinent as anything else I have read this AM.
Not really. Your thoughts are jumbled.
Either that or your comprehension skills are lacking... Now which is it ? LOL

I think you know the answer to that question. Would you care to answer honestly?
Ok, my thoughts are generally good, and they are easily understood/interpreted by many here with no problem.

Otherwise for many there is no problem at all because (they are smart). Now it must be that your lacking in comprehension, social, and interpretational skills or is it that you are playing this as if you can't understand, when instead it's highly likely that you can? Now are you willing to make the leap and confess here also ?
Most Repubs would interpret it as sinful. But wouldn't have any issue with paying some women to give them a blow job.

Most Democrats would interpret this as a gift from God. Along with beer. Another of Gods gifts.

So to recap, Rethugs have to pay for a blow job then go to church and pray for forgiveness. The pay and pray method.

Dems gladly receive a blow job and go to church and give all the thanks and glory to God
for that which they received.

Now tell me; which party loves God the most? That's an easy one. Dems.
WOW, just WOW!

I see you are in agreement? Or just speechless? Or do you really think all that bullshit you type means something, anything? Which is it?

Obama GOOD. BUSH bad. Or vice versa. That's what it all comes down to. An opinion. Which are just like assholes. Everybody's got one. I just wanted to give my opinions on blow jobs. Seems as pertinent as anything else I have read this AM.
And everybody should maybe bow down now ?
The only thing I find unsettling about this whole thing is that so many Americans are in love with this gay bashing fucker who believes our daughters should be married off at the age of 15 or 16. It's scary how many Americans agree with him.

Actually he was telling men they are better off settling down earlier than waiting, but spin it all you want.

And yet that doesn't really come across in this:

“You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks,”

:rolleyes: Talk about spin.
You need to look up the age of Miss Kay when Phil married her. You do know that women reaching the age of 20 or t30 before getting married is recently right? They use to call these girls spinsters. Society changed. Phil is old school.
Either that or your comprehension skills are lacking... Now which is it ? LOL

I think you know the answer to that question. Would you care to answer honestly?
Ok, my thoughts are generally good, and they are easily understood/interpreted by many here with no problem.

Otherwise for many there is no problem at all because (they are smart). Now it must be that your lacking in comprehension, social, and interpretational skills or is it that you are playing this as if you can't understand, when instead it's highly likely that you can? Now are you willing to make the leap and confess here also ?

No.....others are being kind. You are a poor communicator. That you think your thoughts need to be interpreted is a pretty good indicator that you already know this.

Your overall message is understood. That is a low bar. Try harder. Work on yourself. Stop making others wade through your mess and use "interpretational" skills in order to get what you want to say.

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