Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

Why can't we just go back to the future? Why isn't it ok to marry off your daughter at 14 or 15? Why should women have jobs outside the home? Why can't todays women can food, slaughter hogs, fish, cook, clean, have and raise children, be subservient to the man of the house. And offer blow jobs on demand.

I think the duck dude may be on to something. Wonder is he has a young sister? Or maybe he shares his wife? Anyone of you duck lovers know the answer to my questions?

The Bible doesn't say anything bad about "blow jobs" does it?

Instead they should not get married and be sex drones not deserving respect like all you liberals see them?
And yet that doesn't really come across in this:

“You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks,”

:rolleyes: Talk about spin.

At what point in that statement does it say men should marry thier daughters off at 15 or 16? His target audience for that quote is young men. note the use of "your" in the ducks part of the statement.

It doesn't matter who he is "targeting", he's advocating marrying children. The spin is all yours.

He is advocating people marrying young, when they are young (both young).

Considering liberals advocate people being sexually active around the age of 12, your outrage is comical at best, felonious at worst.
The Bible doesn't say anything bad about "blow jobs" does it?

Depends on how it's interpreted.

Most Repubs would interpret it as sinful. But wouldn't have any issue with paying some women to give them a blow job.

Most Democrats would interpret this as a gift from God. Along with beer. Another of Gods gifts.

So to recap, Rethugs have to pay for a blow job then go to church and pray for forgiveness. The pay and pray method.

Dems gladly receive a blow job and go to church and give all the thanks and glory to God
for that which they received.

Now tell me; which party loves God the most? That's an easy one. Dems.

You keep confusing Bill Clinton with Republicans.
Most Repubs would interpret it as sinful. But wouldn't have any issue with paying some women to give them a blow job.

Most Democrats would interpret this as a gift from God. Along with beer. Another of Gods gifts.

So to recap, Rethugs have to pay for a blow job then go to church and pray for forgiveness. The pay and pray method.

Dems gladly receive a blow job and go to church and give all the thanks and glory to God
for that which they received.

Now tell me; which party loves God the most? That's an easy one. Dems.
WOW, just WOW!

I see you are in agreement? Or just speechless? Or do you really think all that bullshit you type means something, anything? Which is it?

Obama GOOD. BUSH bad. Or vice versa. That's what it all comes down to. An opinion. Which are just like assholes. Everybody's got one. I just wanted to give my opinions on blow jobs. Seems as pertinent as anything else I have read this AM.

The Bible condemns man on man blow jobs. This is really not nearly as complicated as you libtards are trying to make it.
Depends on how it's interpreted.

Most Repubs would interpret it as sinful. But wouldn't have any issue with paying some women to give them a blow job.

Most Democrats would interpret this as a gift from God. Along with beer. Another of Gods gifts.

So to recap, Rethugs have to pay for a blow job then go to church and pray for forgiveness. The pay and pray method.

Dems gladly receive a blow job and go to church and give all the thanks and glory to God
for that which they received.

Now tell me; which party loves God the most? That's an easy one. Dems.
WOW, just WOW!

That's why they booed God at the democratic convention. They love Him so much.
The Bible doesn't say anything bad about "blow jobs" does it?

Depends on how it's interpreted.

Most Repubs would interpret it as sinful. But wouldn't have any issue with paying some women to give them a blow job.

Most Democrats would interpret this as a gift from God. Along with beer. Another of Gods gifts.

So to recap, Rethugs have to pay for a blow job then go to church and pray for forgiveness. The pay and pray method.

Dems gladly receive a blow job and go to church and give all the thanks and glory to God
for that which they received.

Now tell me; which party loves God the most? That's an easy one. Dems.

Are you really so stupid that you believe that religion is a partisan thing?
1. You refer to a baby as an IT ?

2, So you are saying that Hollywood never leads or has never led in any of the social changes in which have occurred in this nation, and for which is found throughout and/or within our societies as a result of now ? Kidding me right ?

How do you think that people became connected in all that goes on or has went on over the years ? I think they have been highly instrumental in fostering change in our society, and they have been involved in pulling the levers themselves many times. The government has also been highly involved in this to, but you want to try and spin it where as to say that they have no direct role in this changing in which we have witnessed over time now, when in fact they have played a huge role in these changes over time and we know it. Come on now, I don't believe that you believe in half the stuff you write, but you are of an agenda, and you have to tow the line no matter what is what I think.

I referred to the baby as it because I have no recollection as to the child's sex.

Give me some examples of where you think Hollywood has promoted social change? I can't think of a single instance where any Hollywood confection promoted any sort of social change before it happened. Even the movie Hurricane about the boxer who spent years in prison for crimes he didn't commit, was made long after he was exonerated.

Even the swinger movie "Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice" was 20 years late. Swinging had been going on in suburbia since the 1950's.

The gay rights movement started in the 1960's when gays took to the streets in New York to protest bath house raids. It was 15 years later before we saw movies which depicted the lives of gays, and 15 years after that before there was an openly gay character on TV.

The civil rights movement in the South wasn't covered by Hollywood until Mississippi Burning in 1988.

So please, give me examples where Hollywood has worked to liberalize society.

As for me having an agenda, all I can say is that's the best laugh I've had in days. I'm a retired law clerk who sold my liberal soul to work for big time Bay Street law firms working on corporate transactions and multi-million dollar real estate files.

Now I live in a small town tending chickens and watching my grandsons grow up.
1. You refer to a baby as an IT ?

2, So you are saying that Hollywood never leads or has never led in any of the social changes in which have occurred in this nation, and for which is found throughout and/or within our societies as a result of now ? Kidding me right ?

How do you think that people became connected in all that goes on or has went on over the years ? I think they have been highly instrumental in fostering change in our society, and they have been involved in pulling the levers themselves many times. The government has also been highly involved in this to, but you want to try and spin it where as to say that they have no direct role in this changing in which we have witnessed over time now, when in fact they have played a huge role in these changes over time and we know it. Come on now, I don't believe that you believe in half the stuff you write, but you are of an agenda, and you have to tow the line no matter what is what I think.

I referred to the baby as it because I have no recollection as to the child's sex.

Give me some examples of where you think Hollywood has promoted social change? I can't think of a single instance where any Hollywood confection promoted any sort of social change before it happened. Even the movie Hurricane about the boxer who spent years in prison for crimes he didn't commit, was made long after he was exonerated.

Even the swinger movie "Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice" was 20 years late. Swinging had been going on in suburbia since the 1950's.

The gay rights movement started in the 1960's when gays took to the streets in New York to protest bath house raids. It was 15 years later before we saw movies which depicted the lives of gays, and 15 years after that before there was an openly gay character on TV.

The civil rights movement in the South wasn't covered by Hollywood until Mississippi Burning in 1988.

So please, give me examples where Hollywood has worked to liberalize society.

As for me having an agenda, all I can say is that's the best laugh I've had in days. I'm a retired law clerk who sold my liberal soul to work for big time Bay Street law firms working on corporate transactions and multi-million dollar real estate files.

Now I live in a small town tending chickens and watching my grandsons grow up.
I'll give you an example, where as have you ever heard of the tree of knowledge, and if so, do you know what happened to Adam and Even after they took a bite from that tree ? Hollywood has provided a platform ( a tree so to speak that has many branches formed, and these branches reach out far and wide), and it bears many fruits that can be consumed by the innocent as well as by the bad in life.

It can reach people who had not been affected yet by the very things that you love to write about in examples of. The ID channel is the worst I have ever seen these days, in which is found as a limb branching out upon this extended tree of knowledge, and it is teaching things that robs many peoples innocence from them (they have to grapple with and become concerned with such things in life afterwards), yet we love to visit this channel so much today as being entertainment but why ?

Once bite from this tree, all innocence is gone, then it comes down to choice. How do you think gangs have spread like wild fire all across this land our ours now ? Do you think that the innocent farm boy in the Carolinas some how met up with the gang member from California, and next they innocently traded base ball cards on the day that they somehow met ? No they didn't, because there had to have been some connecting device or platform used that brought these two together in a virtual way, then it all depended upon how influential one culture was to another, and also in what type of thing is being promoted one over another in this medium. This is what ends up making all the difference in the world to either one or the other. Now what does Hollywood promote these days more so than anything else is the better question, and who exactly is it targeting more so than anyone else these days ? How does government use Hollywood to do it's bidding for them is another great question to go in debt about. Now if you are not up to speed on what all I am talking about, then I suggest you bow out gracefully at this point and time.
I could give a rat's ass about Duck Dynasty. My question is the double standard. Why does the media go nuts over something like this, while they embrace lefties and Muslims who have said far worse things ? Seems just to be a passionate endorsement of free speech when some people say things.

What specific "worse things" are you talking about?

Are there any Muslims with TV shows?

wow.. I could compile a list for you, but let's start with one Martin Bashir had a show. Let's compare the MSM reaction to his comments. He decided to resign, with no pressure from the MSM. The DD guy calls himself a redneck, and Bashir calls himself a journalist. I would expect one thing from a redneck, and something else from a journalist. I wonder what NOW would have said publicly, if Bashir was a conservative on FOX. Didn't hear a peep from them.
Depends on how it's interpreted.

Most Repubs would interpret it as sinful. But wouldn't have any issue with paying some women to give them a blow job.

Most Democrats would interpret this as a gift from God. Along with beer. Another of Gods gifts.

So to recap, Rethugs have to pay for a blow job then go to church and pray for forgiveness. The pay and pray method.

Dems gladly receive a blow job and go to church and give all the thanks and glory to God
for that which they received.

Now tell me; which party loves God the most? That's an easy one. Dems.

Are you really so stupid that you believe that religion is a partisan thing?

For two days I have been posting stupid (blow jobs and which party loves them, babies with guns) shit making fun of you rethugs.

And for two days I have laughed my ass off at people like you and Beagle not knowing when you are being fucked with.

Good god you are stupid. Even the rabbit knew what was happening.

But Happy NY. May you get a lot smarter next year. But I doubt that will happen.
Most Repubs would interpret it as sinful. But wouldn't have any issue with paying some women to give them a blow job.

Most Democrats would interpret this as a gift from God. Along with beer. Another of Gods gifts.

So to recap, Rethugs have to pay for a blow job then go to church and pray for forgiveness. The pay and pray method.

Dems gladly receive a blow job and go to church and give all the thanks and glory to God
for that which they received.

Now tell me; which party loves God the most? That's an easy one. Dems.

Are you really so stupid that you believe that religion is a partisan thing?

For two days I have been posting stupid (blow jobs and which party loves them, babies with guns) shit making fun of you rethugs.

And for two days I have laughed my ass off at people like you and Beagle not knowing when you are being fucked with.

Good god you are stupid. Even the rabbit knew what was happening.

But Happy NY. May you get a lot smarter next year. But I doubt that will happen.

We all saw it, it was not clever or funny, just stupid and juvenile. HNY to you too, asshole :cool:
WOW, just WOW!

I see you are in agreement? Or just speechless? Or do you really think all that bullshit you type means something, anything? Which is it?

Obama GOOD. BUSH bad. Or vice versa. That's what it all comes down to. An opinion. Which are just like assholes. Everybody's got one. I just wanted to give my opinions on blow jobs. Seems as pertinent as anything else I have read this AM.

The Bible condemns man on man blow jobs. This is really not nearly as complicated as you libtards are trying to make it.

Are you sure? I thought Jesus loved Peter.
I see you are in agreement? Or just speechless? Or do you really think all that bullshit you type means something, anything? Which is it?

Obama GOOD. BUSH bad. Or vice versa. That's what it all comes down to. An opinion. Which are just like assholes. Everybody's got one. I just wanted to give my opinions on blow jobs. Seems as pertinent as anything else I have read this AM.

The Bible condemns man on man blow jobs. This is really not nearly as complicated as you libtards are trying to make it.

Are you sure? I thought Jesus loved Peter.

not in "that" way. But you knew that and thought you were being clever----NOT
I see you are in agreement? Or just speechless? Or do you really think all that bullshit you type means something, anything? Which is it?

Obama GOOD. BUSH bad. Or vice versa. That's what it all comes down to. An opinion. Which are just like assholes. Everybody's got one. I just wanted to give my opinions on blow jobs. Seems as pertinent as anything else I have read this AM.

The Bible condemns man on man blow jobs. This is really not nearly as complicated as you libtards are trying to make it.

Are you sure? I thought Jesus loved Peter.


I could give a rat's ass about Duck Dynasty. My question is the double standard. Why does the media go nuts over something like this, while they embrace lefties and Muslims who have said far worse things ? Seems just to be a passionate endorsement of free speech when some people say things.

The issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech’; First Amendment restrictions apply only to public sector entities, not private.

Otherwise, whining about a ‘double standard’ is pointless absent examples of ‘far worse’ things ‘lefties’ and Muslims have said.
I could give a rat's ass about Duck Dynasty. My question is the double standard. Why does the media go nuts over something like this, while they embrace lefties and Muslims who have said far worse things ? Seems just to be a passionate endorsement of free speech when some people say things.

The issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech’; First Amendment restrictions apply only to public sector entities, not private.

Otherwise, whining about a ‘double standard’ is pointless absent examples of ‘far worse’ things ‘lefties’ and Muslims have said.

-- within the confines of a contract that might have made their employer look bad.

Take Martin Bashir. Fired. First Amendment infringement? Nope. Not even if he'd been a US citizen. Or Bill Maher: fired from ABC. Same thing.
Actually he was telling men they are better off settling down earlier than waiting, but spin it all you want.

And yet that doesn't really come across in this:

“You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks,”

:rolleyes: Talk about spin.

At what point in that statement does it say men should marry thier daughters off at 15 or 16? His target audience for that quote is young men. note the use of "your" in the ducks part of the statement.

Oh for Christ sake, if he is talking to young men about marrying 15 and 16 year old girls, then he obviously believes parents should allow their 15 and 16 year old daughters to marry. I mean are you really that dumb to not be able to put 2 and 2 together? Good grief.

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