Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

It's all delusional spin for em now. They lost, and Free Speech won. They're still stinging from the loss. Once they chill and think about it a bit more, they'll realize they over-reacted and the People called em on it. It is what it is.

They'll never think they overreacted. They'll just say they "didn't get their message out" or the "Bigots won, but they need to be stopped". That's why they tried the "Robertson wants men to marry 15 year olds" over the weekend. Since that didn't work, we'll hear he hates puppies next. They've declared a jihad on Robertson and they'll be after him for the rest of their lives.

Do you people imagine each other nodding heads in agreement as you write and read these posts?
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It's all delusional spin for em now. They lost, and Free Speech won. They're still stinging from the loss. Once they chill and think about it a bit more, they'll realize they over-reacted and the People called em on it. It is what it is.

They'll never think they overreacted. They'll just say they "didn't get their message out" or the "Bigots won, but they need to be stopped". That's why they tried the "Robertson wants men to marry 15 year olds" over the weekend. Since that didn't work, we'll hear he hates puppies next. They've declared a jihad on Robertson and they'll be after him for the rest of their lives.

Spot On. And yeah, they'll probably even pull out the ole 'He Hates America!!' shite too. But whatever, Free Speech victories are few & far between these days. I'll take what i can get.
It's all delusional spin for em now. They lost, and Free Speech won. They're still stinging from the loss. Once they chill and think about it a bit more, they'll realize they over-reacted and the People called em on it. It is what it is.

They'll never think they overreacted. They'll just say they "didn't get their message out" or the "Bigots won, but they need to be stopped". That's why they tried the "Robertson wants men to marry 15 year olds" over the weekend. Since that didn't work, we'll hear he hates puppies next. They've declared a jihad on Robertson and they'll be after him for the rest of their lives.

Spot On. And yeah, they'll probably even pull out the ole 'He Hates America!!' shite too. But whatever, Free Speech victories are few & far between these days. I'll take what i can get.

I understand. It is nice to win a battle...just remember the war goes on.
It's all delusional spin for em now. They lost, and Free Speech won. They're still stinging from the loss. Once they chill and think about it a bit more, they'll realize they over-reacted and the People called em on it. It is what it is.

They'll never think they overreacted. They'll just say they "didn't get their message out" or the "Bigots won, but they need to be stopped". That's why they tried the "Robertson wants men to marry 15 year olds" over the weekend. Since that didn't work, we'll hear he hates puppies next. They've declared a jihad on Robertson and they'll be after him for the rest of their lives.

Do you people imagine each other nodding heads in agreement as you read these posts?

Zombie jamboree. :thup:
They'll never think they overreacted. They'll just say they "didn't get their message out" or the "Bigots won, but they need to be stopped". That's why they tried the "Robertson wants men to marry 15 year olds" over the weekend. Since that didn't work, we'll hear he hates puppies next. They've declared a jihad on Robertson and they'll be after him for the rest of their lives.

Do you people imagine each other nodding heads in agreement as you read these posts?

Zombie jamboree. :thup:

Every day.
The issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech’; First Amendment restrictions apply only to public sector entities, not private.

Otherwise, whining about a ‘double standard’ is pointless absent examples of ‘far worse’ things ‘lefties’ and Muslims have said.

Martin Bashir for one.. and he wasn't fired. He resigned without pressure. You have your head in the sand, if you don't think their is a huge double standard of tolerance with the media in this country.


If you actually believe Bashir quit, at the bottom of his value, I have a bridge for sale. Actually I'll give you a two for one. They go over the river deNial.

:cuckoo: Gullible's Travels...

Well if he didn't quit, why didn't the network have the balls to announce his firing.? Again, the double standard.
Well if he didn't quit, why didn't the network have the balls to announce his firing.? Again, the double standard.

Well, as the people who produced his show had to have approved his comments, if they admit they fired him, they admit that they were wrong. Just like the troll you're arguing with, they'll NEVER admit they were wrong.
Martin Bashir for one.. and he wasn't fired. He resigned without pressure. You have your head in the sand, if you don't think their is a huge double standard of tolerance with the media in this country.


If you actually believe Bashir quit, at the bottom of his value, I have a bridge for sale. Actually I'll give you a two for one. They go over the river deNial.

:cuckoo: Gullible's Travels...

Right, some of our less intelligent posters actually think Bashir was not fired. When the boss calls you and says "you need to resign" you have been fired.:lol:

He mvery well may have been fired. If so, why didn't the network announce it, and the reason why? Some of our less intelligent posters still don't get the simple point. There is a big double standard.

If you actually believe Bashir quit, at the bottom of his value, I have a bridge for sale. Actually I'll give you a two for one. They go over the river deNial.

:cuckoo: Gullible's Travels...

Right, some of our less intelligent posters actually think Bashir was not fired. When the boss calls you and says "you need to resign" you have been fired.:lol:

He mvery well may have been fired. If so, why didn't the network announce it, and the reason why? Some of our less intelligent posters still don't get the simple point. There is a big double standard.

Some of our more intelligent posters know that nobody in show biz gets "fired" officially, but everybody does in reality.

Glenn Beck didn't get "fired" either. Officially.

That bridge is still available. Think of the tolls.
Right, some of our less intelligent posters actually think Bashir was not fired. When the boss calls you and says "you need to resign" you have been fired.:lol:

He mvery well may have been fired. If so, why didn't the network announce it, and the reason why? Some of our less intelligent posters still don't get the simple point. There is a big double standard.

Some of our more intelligent posters know that nobody in show biz gets "fired" officially, but everybody does in reality.

Glenn Beck didn't get "fired" either. Officially.

That bridge is still available. Think of the tolls.

Why do you insist Beck got fired when he told his audience months before he left he wasn't renewing his contract? Oh that's right you're a lying hack.

tapatalk post
Why do you insist Beck got fired when he told his audience months before he left he wasn't renewing his contract? Oh that's right you're a lying hack.

Perhaps Beck knew that his contract wasn't going to be renewed and that's why he said he was leaving. It allowed him to save face and make it look like he wasn't being fired.

Failure to get your contract renewed is the least offensive way of being fired, allowing the former employee to spin it to his own benefit. If your boss calls you in and says "Your contract is coming up for renewal on February 1st, and we've decided not to exercise your renewal option", your ass has just been fired.

Phil Robertson made it clear in the GQ article that Duck Dynasty is just a means to an end - to save America from sinners, and to lead a Christian ministry to do so. DD allows the Robertsons to amass a huge fortune to carry on this ministry. While all of you are laughing about Phil's victory over the PC agenda, they guy is about to become the worst nightmare of freedom loving people.

In the meantime, the gay hating conservatives are sounding more and more like Vladamir Putin every day.
" hating conservatives..."
Given the extent of Hetero Pushback on both the 2012 Chick-Fil-A public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, and the 2013 A&E public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, well...

I'm not sure that it's safe to write this all off as a purely 'Conservative' reaction...

Which, if true, should go a long way towards informing the Gay Lobby that they've pushed Mainstream America too far.

But the Gay Lobby won't reach that conclusion, because they're incapable of admitting that to themselves, never mind anyone else.

So, they'll just continue to get bitch-slapped in incidents such as these; not learning from their past mistakes.

Oh, and, it's not '-hating'... more like 'repulsed', 'revolted', 'disgusted', 'nauseated', etc.
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" hating conservatives..."
Given the extent of Hetero Pushback on both the 2012 Chick-Fil-A public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, and the 2013 A&E public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, well...

I'm not sure that it's safe to write this all off as a purely 'Conservative' reaction...

Which, if true, should go a long way towards informing the Gay Lobby that they've pushed Mainstream America too far.

But the Gay Lobby won't reach that conclusion, because they're incapable of admitting that to themselves, never mind anyone else.

So, they'll just continue to get bitch-slapped in incidents such as these; not learning from their past mistakes.

Oh, and, it's not '-hating'... more like 'repulsed', 'revolted', 'disgusted', 'nauseated', etc.

You folks are sub human scum.
And yet that doesn't really come across in this:

“You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks,”

:rolleyes: Talk about spin.

At what point in that statement does it say men should marry thier daughters off at 15 or 16? His target audience for that quote is young men. note the use of "your" in the ducks part of the statement.

Oh for Christ sake, if he is talking to young men about marrying 15 and 16 year old girls, then he obviously believes parents should allow their 15 and 16 year old daughters to marry. I mean are you really that dumb to not be able to put 2 and 2 together? Good grief.
How old was Elvis Presley when he got married to Pricilla or better yet how old was she when he brought her back from Germany, and to later be married to him ? How old was Loretta Lyn when she got married ?

Do you think that these people were as perverts in your mind such as a Loretta Lynn or Elvis Presley that was mentioned ?

All the left is doing is showing their stripes on this duck man, and how they hate everything that he stands for in life, so they are like a pack of wolves trying to bring him down with anything and everything that they can. How does it feel though, by not having the numbers you all thought you had in life, especially when this thing was attempted on the dynasty like it was?
The bottom line is, the vast majority of people on this planet think homosexuality is sick, disgusting and perverted, and rightfully so because it is. But people have yielded over the decades to the relentless onslaught of militant homos and their supporters badgering them if they should even DARE to speak against the homo agenda. Now at this point, people are getting fed up with it. They've had their fill of being bullied by the homos and the PC crowd, and they're telling them to FUCK... OFF!

The fact of the matter is, the fags brought this all on themselves by pushing people too far.

The real face of conservatism.
" hating conservatives..."
Given the extent of Hetero Pushback on both the 2012 Chick-Fil-A public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, and the 2013 A&E public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, well...

I'm not sure that it's safe to write this all off as a purely 'Conservative' reaction...

Which, if true, should go a long way towards informing the Gay Lobby that they've pushed Mainstream America too far.

But the Gay Lobby won't reach that conclusion, because they're incapable of admitting that to themselves, never mind anyone else.

So, they'll just continue to get bitch-slapped in incidents such as these; not learning from their past mistakes.

Oh, and, it's not '-hating'... more like 'repulsed', 'revolted', 'disgusted', 'nauseated', etc.

You folks are sub human scum.
You sound kind of bigoted to me.
" hating conservatives..."
Given the extent of Hetero Pushback on both the 2012 Chick-Fil-A public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, and the 2013 A&E public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, well...

I'm not sure that it's safe to write this all off as a purely 'Conservative' reaction...

Which, if true, should go a long way towards informing the Gay Lobby that they've pushed Mainstream America too far.

But the Gay Lobby won't reach that conclusion, because they're incapable of admitting that to themselves, never mind anyone else.

So, they'll just continue to get bitch-slapped in incidents such as these; not learning from their past mistakes.

Oh, and, it's not '-hating'... more like 'repulsed', 'revolted', 'disgusted', 'nauseated', etc.

Conservatives have lost their war on gay Americans. Now they're just clinging to their last stronghold,

their right to hate them and say so whenever they please.

Enjoy yourselves. That's all you have left.
The bottom line is, the vast majority of people on this planet think homosexuality is sick, disgusting and perverted, and rightfully so because it is. But people have yielded over the decades to the relentless onslaught of militant homos and their supporters badgering them if they should even DARE to speak against the homo agenda. Now at this point, people are getting fed up with it. They've had their fill of being bullied by the homos and the PC crowd, and they're telling them to FUCK... OFF!

The fact of the matter is, the fags brought this all on themselves by pushing people too far.

The real face of conservatism.
Got a label for yourself ?
Given the extent of Hetero Pushback on both the 2012 Chick-Fil-A public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, and the 2013 A&E public relations disaster for the Gay Lobby, well...

I'm not sure that it's safe to write this all off as a purely 'Conservative' reaction...

Which, if true, should go a long way towards informing the Gay Lobby that they've pushed Mainstream America too far.

But the Gay Lobby won't reach that conclusion, because they're incapable of admitting that to themselves, never mind anyone else.

So, they'll just continue to get bitch-slapped in incidents such as these; not learning from their past mistakes.

Oh, and, it's not '-hating'... more like 'repulsed', 'revolted', 'disgusted', 'nauseated', etc.

You folks are sub human scum.
You sound kind of bigoted to me.

I am bigoted against stupidity.

There is no sin except stupidity.
Oscar Wilde
Yes, nutters...the gays have pushed their agenda too far! The last straw was telling a cable network company that they don't appreciate one of the bigots on their payroll. That did it!

Now...all of the tolerant people.....the majority of Americans who have come to understand that gay people are entitled to every right afforded straight people....are going to suddenly revert to being bigots. It is going to happen! You just watch!!

Especially the youth. They are going to start discriminating against gay people again. Being gay will be suicide for any entertainer! It is king to happen! America has awakened! Yeeeeeeeehaaaawwwwww!
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