Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

First you state that divorce and marriage have nothing to do with politics and then you use an example stating what "conservatives" want and illustrate as what marriage should be.

In between a long list of cut and paste "facts".

There is nothing cut and pasted in my post. I wrote every word myself. The only thing I looked up was the divorce statistics and the life expectancies over the years.

My mother was born in 1902 and was a typical housewife of her era. She kept chickens in her yard, and had a large kitchen garden. She sewed clothes for 6 children and had a washboard to do her laundry. As a child, I helped my parents plant and tend the garden. I helped my mother clean, cut and can the fruits and vegetables she grew. Unlike most women today, I can sew my own clothes, knit my own sweaters, and have the ability to grow my own food as well as cook it, can and preserve it.

I am also a student of history and I know very well that this longing for a so-called traditional family is based on a Hollywood myth, not a real past. I am well aware that the 1920's was an era of loose morality which people blamed on the easy availability of liquor and short skirts. My parents lived through the Great Depression and told me stories of how difficult life was then. Our family home was purchased at a foreclosure auction for $450. As a WWI veteran, my father was able to get a government funded veteran's mortgage to buy it.

I was placed for adoption when my biological mother's first marrriage ended in divorce and she saw having a child as an impediment to finding a new husband. She divorced and remarried a second time, and again, "disposed" of the children of the second marriage so that she find and marry a man with "no strings" attached. I was adopted by a middle-aged couple whose own children had grown and left the nest. In addition to adopting me, my parents raised one of their grandsons when his parents's marriage ended in divorce. This all happened in the 1950's so the idea that the "traditional family" was the norm is utterly false. 25% of all marriages in the 1950's ended in divorce.

As a feminist, I know well that the history of the women's movement is rooted in the freedom and independence which women first experienced during WWII. That was a pivotal moment in the history of women's rights.

It was not uncommon in the 1950's for girls who got pregnant out of wedlock to leave town with their mothers and re-appear months later with a new "brother" or "sister". I recently learned that a friend's grandmother who had been "widowed" and remarried in the 1930's, was in fact divorced and remarried, but such was the stigma on divorce in those days, that she told people that her first husband had died, when he ran out on her. Only in Hollywood did the family consist of a husband, wife and two children living happily together. I grew up in a small town and I didn't know a single family who remotely resembled the Cleavers.

When you mix in the enormous advances in medicine, manufacturing, transportation and communications whicih have completely changed every aspect of how people live, work, and interact, it's extremely naive to think that marriage wouldn't change. Any institution which has not evolved or adapted to the great social upheaval of the past 150 years, no longer exists.

I don't need to cut and paste any of this information to order to write a well-thought out synopsis as to why marriage has evolved from the 1850's. Beagle asked for my opinion as to what caused marriage to change if it wasn't the attacks of special interest groups and the influence of Hollywood. I provided an answer based on my reading of history, mixed with my own personal experiences.
Oh please, do you think you can baffle people with crap. Your failure in thought process is the failure of so many black families and far too many others. While it is true that somethings change, the family is the nucleus of an ordered society, and nothing can or will change that, not even dingbat theories.
NAlter shepherding thousands of couples through divorce, the major cause of divorce is selfishness and some concept that a spouse is supposed to make us happy. If we aren't happy, it's their fault. It's the same kind of person that gets a puppy who is cute but a dog isn't nearly as cuddly. Off to the pound.

People marry for superficial reasons instead of marrying a person because of the kind of person they are and the character they have.

When there is a couple married for many years, that couple has put up with monumental shit from one another. They ride it out.
When there is a couple married for many years, that couple has put up with monumental shit from one another. They ride it out.

Your cynical view of marriage speaks volumes about your own personal experiences. I have been married for 30 years to the same man and what we share is mutual love and respect as well as many similar core values. Neither of us has had to put up with monumental shit from one another. What we have had to ride out is changes to the economy, unemployment, illness, accidents, and other surprises that life has thrown our way. That we are still together is an due to our flexibility and ability to work together to overcome the challenges that life has thrown at us.

The couples that I find who split up are those who blame one another when faced with problems, instead of pulling together to overcome them. If you cannot work together to conquer the challenges thrown at you, life will pull you apart.
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Oh please, do you think you can baffle people with crap. Your failure in thought process is the failure of so many black families and far too many others. While it is true that somethings change, the family is the nucleus of an ordered society, and nothing can or will change that, not even dingbat theories.

Yeah, the whole idea that Hollywood is attacking traditional marriage makes so much more sense than the massive changes in science, technology, medicine, transportation, communication and lifestyles over the past 150 years have impacted how people relate to one another.

I grew up in an all-white manufacturing town, in a nice middle class neighbourhood, so suggesting my experience is typical of black families, just won't fly. There were no black families in our town. Not even one.
Oh please, do you think you can baffle people with crap. Your failure in thought process is the failure of so many black families and far too many others. While it is true that somethings change, the family is the nucleus of an ordered society, and nothing can or will change that, not even dingbat theories.

Yeah, the whole idea that Hollywood is attacking traditional marriage makes so much more sense than the massive changes in science, technology, medicine, transportation, communication and lifestyles over the past 150 years have impacted how people relate to one another.

I grew up in an all-white manufacturing town, in a nice middle class neighbourhood, so suggesting my experience is typical of black families, just won't fly. There were no black families in our town. Not even one.
So why do you refuse to assign some role or blame in all of this to Hollywood, and also to the government just as well ? Yes it is as you say, that there are many factors involved, but you can't or shouldn't exclude not one of them in the investigative process, and this when trying to get to the bottom of things especially with today's problems.

Why do you seek to shield the government or Hollywood from their impact on society as well ?
Because Hollywood has never lead or formed public opinion on social issues, it has only reflected changing morals, and usually the come years late to the game.

Until the 1960's, married couples in TV shows slept in twin beds, even if the actors portraying the couple were married in real life.

The Mary Tyler Moore Show which ran from 1970 to 1977 was considered groundbreaking because its female lead was focused on her career and not on finding a husband.

Murphy Brown was the first female lead character to have a child out of wedlock and there was a huge outcry from the religious right about the example she set by doing so. These episodes aired in the late 1990's.

I remember that the first girl in our town to have a baby out of wedlock and raise it by herself. It was the early 1970's. By the 1980's no one was surprised or shocked by girls having babies and raising them without husbands. It took Hollywood a further 15 years to run a series about it.

That's not assaulting the status quo. That's waiting for 15 years to so much as acknowledge that society is changing.

Hollywood reflects social changes. It never leads them.
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Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


The only thing I find unsettling about this whole thing is that so many Americans are in love with this gay bashing fucker who believes our daughters should be married off at the age of 15 or 16. It's scary how many Americans agree with him.
Because Hollywood has never lead or formed public opinion on social issues, it has only reflected changing morals, and usually the come years late to the game.

Until the 1960's, married couples in TV shows slept in twin beds, even if the actors portraying the couple were married in real life.

The Mary Tyler Moore Show which ran from 1970 to 1977 was considered groundbreaking because its female lead was focused on her career and not on finding a husband.

Murphy Brown was the first female lead character to have a child out of wedlock and there was a huge outcry from the religious right about the example she set by doing so. These episodes aired in the late 1990's.

I remember that the first girl in our town to have a baby out of wedlock and raise it by herself. It was the early 1970's. By the 1980's no one was surprised or shocked by girls having babies and raising them without husbands. It took Hollywood a further 15 years to run a series about it.

That's not assaulting the status quo. That's waiting for 15 years to so much as acknowledge that society is changing.

Hollywood reflects social changes. It never leads them.

1. You refer to a baby as an IT ?

2, So you are saying that Hollywood never leads or has never led in any of the social changes in which have occurred in this nation, and for which is found throughout and/or within our societies as a result of now ? Kidding me right ?

How do you think that people became connected in all that goes on or has went on over the years ? I think they have been highly instrumental in fostering change in our society, and they have been involved in pulling the levers themselves many times. The government has also been highly involved in this to, but you want to try and spin it where as to say that they have no direct role in this changing in which we have witnessed over time now, when in fact they have played a huge role in these changes over time and we know it. Come on now, I don't believe that you believe in half the stuff you write, but you are of an agenda, and you have to tow the line no matter what is what I think.

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


The only thing I find unsettling about this whole thing is that so many Americans are in love with this gay bashing fucker who believes our daughters should be married off at the age of 15 or 16. It's scary how many Americans agree with him.

Actually he was telling men they are better off settling down earlier than waiting, but spin it all you want.

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


The only thing I find unsettling about this whole thing is that so many Americans are in love with this gay bashing fucker who believes our daughters should be married off at the age of 15 or 16. It's scary how many Americans agree with him.

Hearts and minds need to be changed. And that can be done (to a large extent, anyway) with civil, mature, honest, patient discourse. Seems to me that's a pretty good way to change hearts and minds on pretty much anything.

The only thing I find unsettling about this whole thing is that so many Americans are in love with this gay bashing fucker who believes our daughters should be married off at the age of 15 or 16. It's scary how many Americans agree with him.

Actually he was telling men they are better off settling down earlier than waiting, but spin it all you want.

And yet that doesn't really come across in this:

“You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks,”

:rolleyes: Talk about spin.
The only thing I find unsettling about this whole thing is that so many Americans are in love with this gay bashing fucker who believes our daughters should be married off at the age of 15 or 16. It's scary how many Americans agree with him.

Actually he was telling men they are better off settling down earlier than waiting, but spin it all you want.

And yet that doesn't really come across in this:

“You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks,”

:rolleyes: Talk about spin.

I'm just hoping "Pick your ducks" isn't a sexual euphamism. :eek:
The only thing I find unsettling about this whole thing is that so many Americans are in love with this gay bashing fucker who believes our daughters should be married off at the age of 15 or 16. It's scary how many Americans agree with him.

Actually he was telling men they are better off settling down earlier than waiting, but spin it all you want.

And yet that doesn't really come across in this:

“You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks,”

:rolleyes: Talk about spin.

At what point in that statement does it say men should marry thier daughters off at 15 or 16? His target audience for that quote is young men. note the use of "your" in the ducks part of the statement.

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


The only thing I find unsettling about this whole thing is that so many Americans are in love with this gay bashing fucker who believes our daughters should be married off at the age of 15 or 16. It's scary how many Americans agree with him.

Hearts and minds need to be changed. And that can be done (to a large extent, anyway) with civil, mature, honest, patient discourse. Seems to me that's a pretty good way to change hearts and minds on pretty much anything.



Nobody with any sense disagrees with that statement. But I think you will agree that it requires civil, mature, honest and patient discourse from both sides of a debate.

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I could give a rat's ass about Duck Dynasty. My question is the double standard. Why does the media go nuts over something like this, while they embrace lefties and Muslims who have said far worse things ? Seems just to be a passionate endorsement of free speech when some people say things.
I could give a rat's ass about Duck Dynasty. My question is the double standard. Why does the media go nuts over something like this, while they embrace lefties and Muslims who have said far worse things ? Seems just to be a passionate endorsement of free speech when some people say things.

What specific "worse things" are you talking about?

Are there any Muslims with TV shows?
I could give a rat's ass about Duck Dynasty. My question is the double standard. Why does the media go nuts over something like this, while they embrace lefties and Muslims who have said far worse things ? Seems just to be a passionate endorsement of free speech when some people say things.

Yeah! The double standard is horrible! Just horrible!

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


The only thing I find unsettling about this whole thing is that so many Americans are in love with this gay bashing fucker who believes our daughters should be married off at the age of 15 or 16. It's scary how many Americans agree with him.
Now wait a minute here, because how can we have another poster that says Hollywood has no affect on any of this, yet here you are saying that Hollywood or the entertainment industry does affect things such as outcomes and change in America ?

Did Hollywood or lets say the entertainment industry give what you consider your enemy Phil, a stage to operate from, and what if we see it also as Hollywood or the entertainment companies giving equal time to what we consider our enemies of our values and culture also a stage as well ? Should we be up in arms as you are about Phil, or should we just change the channel like you should do also ?

I think it's not Phil that worries you the most, but rather it's the popularity of that show to millions of people, that is what worries you the most I think. Now why is this ? It's because you very much worry (I think) that the show may have a negative impact on what you think your specific group of people has since set out to accomplish in life, and for which is something that you agree with or do participate in also. You and others fear a push back coming upon your specific plans if something like a show that is so popular, and this say to so many all of a sudden threatens to "derail" those plans or slows them down a bit.

You all don't want people to think that there is an alternative choice or better solutions in life once again for them to realize in all of this, and that they may want to take their choices in the matters freely once again, instead of what someone else has been shoving down their throats over the years, in which has been the case now for to long.

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


The only thing I find unsettling about this whole thing is that so many Americans are in love with this gay bashing fucker who believes our daughters should be married off at the age of 15 or 16. It's scary how many Americans agree with him.
Now wait a minute here, because how can we have another poster that says Hollywood has no affect on any of this, yet here you are saying that Hollywood or the entertainment industry does affect things such as outcomes and change in America ?

Did Hollywood or lets say the entertainment industry give what you consider your enemy Phil, a stage to operate from, and what if we see it also as Hollywood or the entertainment companies giving equal time to what we consider our enemies of our values and culture also a stage as well ? Should we be up in arms as you are about Phil, or should we just change the channel like you should do also ?

I think it's not Phil that worries you the most, but rather it's the popularity of that show to millions of people, that is what worries you the most I think. Now why is this ? It's because you very much worry (I think) that the show may have a negative impact on what you think your specific group of people has since set out to accomplish in life, and for which is something that you agree with or do participate in also. You and others fear a push back coming upon your specific plans if something like a show that is so popular, and this say to so many all of a sudden threatens to "derail" those plans or slows them down a bit.

You all don't want people to think that there is an alternative choice or better solutions in life once again for them to realize in all of this, and that they may want to take their choices in the matters freely once again, instead of what someone else has been shoving down their throats over the years, in which has been the case now for to long.

Are you one of Sarah Palin's speech writers?

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