Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

You might as well NOT address BuFU...He's a clueless lying political hack. On the DOLE trying to defend/justify his Gubmint check. IGNORE him and his posts. - It's not what you say, it's what they hear - Home

I suggest you read up on who Frank Luntz is you moron. good god a 2 year old can run circles around you in an argument.
*I* suggest YOU get a job and get off these boards. GET LOST Dork.:eusa_hand:

thank you for admitting you are wrong and every other thread you have ever entered, you drunk troll. - It's not what you say, it's what they hear - Home

I suggest you read up on who Frank Luntz is you moron. good god a 2 year old can run circles around you in an argument.
*I* suggest YOU get a job and get off these boards. GET LOST Dork.:eusa_hand:

thank you for admitting you are wrong and every other thread you have ever entered, you drunk troll.
NO...*I* am getting 30 an hour for being on call and EXISTING. I freely ADMIT that...ASSmunch. :lol:
*I* suggest YOU get a job and get off these boards. GET LOST Dork.:eusa_hand:

thank you for admitting you are wrong and every other thread you have ever entered, you drunk troll.
NO...*I* am getting 30 an hour for being on call and EXISTING. I freely ADMIT that...ASSmunch. :lol:

I dont care what you are doing, you lie about everything.
Anywhoo go educate yourself on Frank.
Define for us the conservatives world view, and then tell us all about the liberals new world view or new world order. This ought to be interesting.

In simple terms, the history of conservatism is to create an aristocracy. The current form conservatives in America worship is a corporatocracy.

The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.

You can't run it all together like that, because there is wrong in conservative camps, and there is wrong in liberal camps, so defensive battles have to be waged on these wrongs when it raises it's ugly heads, and this is whether it's on the conservative side or on the liberal side. How hard is this for people to understand in life ? The trick is however, is the figuring out of what is wrong and what is right in life, because people always try and confuse this area, but the masses usually prevail when come together in the understanding of what is wrong and what is right. The problem then becomes as to whether or not the attacker can somehow get a powerful enough following or an army to follow him into the wrong headed abyss, and this all due to being found as a charismatic leader who can make wrong seem right just like Hitler did or others who thought like him in life also did. This is why history is so important to all the people in the world who are good, because many attacks have been waged and attempted against what is good in life for centuries now, but thank God the good people were still able to hold on no matter how bad it got for them.
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Yeah, I can't really respect NON-EXISTENT BEINGS.

I know so progressive and kewl.

No, just logical, guy.

Either the Universe is run by an angry homophobic Sky Fairie or it isn't.

I kind of find it hard to believe a being that has a 14 billion year plan to create a universe would take time off to torment one tribe of sheep-herders for a couple thousand years...

but that's Judeo-Christianity in a nutshell.

That is your version.

The measure of man is his respect for spirituality in others which he personally finds foolish.
I know so progressive and kewl.

No, just logical, guy.

Either the Universe is run by an angry homophobic Sky Fairie or it isn't.

I kind of find it hard to believe a being that has a 14 billion year plan to create a universe would take time off to torment one tribe of sheep-herders for a couple thousand years...

but that's Judeo-Christianity in a nutshell.

That is your version.

The measure of man is his respect for spirituality in others which he personally finds foolish.

why should I respect illogical, hateful things.

Now, I used to work with a nice lady who was a Seventh Day Adventist. Which means she wouldn't eat Pork or Shellfish and she wouldn't work on Saturday. But you know what. those beliefs affected no one but her.

The problem with Phil and his (Bibically approved) homophobia is that it does affect other people. Hence, it is worthy of my contempt.
No, just logical, guy.

Either the Universe is run by an angry homophobic Sky Fairie or it isn't.

I kind of find it hard to believe a being that has a 14 billion year plan to create a universe would take time off to torment one tribe of sheep-herders for a couple thousand years...

but that's Judeo-Christianity in a nutshell.

That is your version.

The measure of man is his respect for spirituality in others which he personally finds foolish.

why should I respect illogical, hateful things.

Now, I used to work with a nice lady who was a Seventh Day Adventist. Which means she wouldn't eat Pork or Shellfish and she wouldn't work on Saturday. But you know what. those beliefs affected no one but her.

The problem with Phil and his (Bibically approved) homophobia is that it does affect other people. Hence, it is worthy of my contempt.

So just how did Phil's opinion that homosexual acts are a sin affect anyone?
The American family is resisting this effort, and people like Joe is working hard to bring forth the new thinking that will expose people to many unseen things in which we have seen a great preview of over the last 30 years or more, and so here we have Joe who ignores all that is bad, and that has happened or is happening still no matter. He is like a devil himself trying to destroy or shut down peoples defense systems in order that he open the door for his ilk to sit down at the table, even if they are not welcome at the table because of their anti-family stance in which they have.

These people can't stand rejection, so they seek to break down the family in order to be accepted, and they do this even if they themselves know that they are wrong in their lives, but they can't be rejected no, and they refuse to change so they try and change others instead.

If you truly believe this drivel, you have been completely brainwashed by religious conservatives. I don't know a single human being who is "anti-family", but the religious right has a particularly narrow and destructive concept of what marriage really is. The idea that a husband sits at the head of the family, with a dutiful, subserviant wife, and two adoring children, is at best, a myth, and at worst, a cruel hoax. Many of the divorces you decry as an assault on the family, are in fact failures to achieve this mythic idealized family.

If the so-called "traditional family" was the rock solid be all and end all that you perceive it to be, it wouldn't need to be so vigorously defended because it would be strong and resilliant, and it's worth would be self-evident. In fact such families are really quite brittle and break apart easily, precisely because the members have such static roles that they cannot adapt or respond to the winds of change or the unheavals of illness, infidelity or financial misfortune.

But the families are the created and formed from people who are connected through bonds of love and/or blood, are often far stronger and more resilliant precisely because the members of that family are not forced into predetermined roles which their emotional make-up or their intellect makes them incapable of taking on. The wife can take over breadwinner duties when called upon, and the husband can stay at home because neither are locked into the idea that he is a lesser man because he's not the breadwinner.

I've seen men thrown in depression or become bitter because their wife earns more money than them. I've seen other families where it doesn't matter who makes the money, because both the husband and wife prosper and thrive because one of them is making a good living. Not every man is suited to being the chief bread winner and head of the household. Not every woman is subserviant.

Yes you are right in the sense of the biological make up of the many American families that exist in this nation anymore, but what has caused the breakdown or the break up of the more traditional family (dad, mom, brother and sister), and their traditional values , a key word that was once held by them is what I'm getting at.

And why is this that they are recreated in this way ? It is because of the breakdown of society under pressure that was coming in from many points, in which were designed specifically by those who hated the tradition strength created by the values held in the traditional family, so they attacked and it was on, and it has been on for a very long time now ever since.

Infidelity is a big cause of marriage breakdown. One partner or the other strays which breaks the trust the couple has, or the unfaithful partner falls in love with his/her new partner and leaves the marriage. 22% of husbands and 14% of wives admit to cheating. The sad statistic is that 69% of marriages where cheating occurs, end in divorce. Now it can reasonably be argued that there had to be something lacking in the marriage for the partner to look elsewhere, and I would tend to agree, but unless the rift can be healed, the marriage is headed for trouble.

Another big cause of marriage breakdown is financial difficulties, either due to unemployment or bad management. Such difficulties stress a marriage and unless the partners can pull together and be flexible in finding solutions to the problem, the marriage may not last.

Marriages don't break down because of assault by outside factors as you suggest, but rather from problems within the marriage structure itself. Differences in core values, expectations, and rigidity in roles.

I think that it's very telling how very important that marriage is as a form of long-term commitment and security between couples that gays yearn so fervently to be married to their partners. Allowing gays to marry doesn't weaken traditional marriages, it actually strengthens them, and reinforces the value of marriage and family to an individual's emotional well-being.

The Bible says that marriage sanctifies the bond between the husband and the wife. It also sanctifies between any couple who is prepared to make the commitment.
Really? But you can't understand that conservatives have spent billions trying to own language and use it as a weapon against anyone who doesn't conform to their world view?

Really? But you can't understand that liberals have done the same? I'm not saying it's right, but it's how the corruption and political spin occurs.

Liberals HAVEN'T done the same. Why don't you try reading the article I posted in post 885?

Even a conservative rhetor/word smith admits liberals don't have any.


Frank Luntz
Pollster and communications specialist

The 11 Words for 2011

Words matter. The most powerful words have helped launch social movements and cultural revolutions. The most effective words have instigated great change in public policy. The right words at the right time can literally change history.

Most of you know me as a wordsmith. From time to time my memos and language guides have appeared on these pages -- sometimes with my blessings and sometimes against my will. I realize that my work is often controversial, and often you like to attack the messenger, but it's the message that matters.

For those who care about words, I'm going to make it easy for you. No need to dig through my trash or shuffle through my papers. I will voluntarily open up my computer files to give you the "11 for 11"... the 11 most powerful words and phrases for 2011.

These are 11 phrases that will be shaping the public discourse over the coming year. You won't find a similar list from a liberal wordsmith -- there aren't any -- so you might as well use these. And if you want the other 89 words and phrases that really matter, you'll just have to buy the book.
Well, this is just the latest and most well-known example of many.

There will be many more, no doubt.


Playing the political correctness card has become the Right's equivalent of playing the race card.

Think of it as you will. But the bottom line is that the PC Police have jumped the shark, they've overplayed their hand, and the games are no longer working. Hopefully soon they'll realize that they have to honestly discuss issues instead of playing the PC game of putting people who dare to disagree with them on the defensive.

Then maybe we can starting healing wounds, finally.


no they havent. Seriously Mac they havent. You have a group for everything these days, and if you think they overstepped here then you are dead wrong. This wont change their minds either. They will retreat into their bubble till the next situation arises. Just like every other group.

you guys just dont get it.
The American family is resisting this effort, and people like Joe is working hard to bring forth the new thinking that will expose people to many unseen things in which we have seen a great preview of over the last 30 years or more, and so here we have Joe who ignores all that is bad, and that has happened or is happening still no matter. He is like a devil himself trying to destroy or shut down peoples defense systems in order that he open the door for his ilk to sit down at the table, even if they are not welcome at the table because of their anti-family stance in which they have.

These people can't stand rejection, so they seek to break down the family in order to be accepted, and they do this even if they themselves know that they are wrong in their lives, but they can't be rejected no, and they refuse to change so they try and change others instead.

If you truly believe this drivel, you have been completely brainwashed by religious conservatives. I don't know a single human being who is "anti-family", but the religious right has a particularly narrow and destructive concept of what marriage really is. The idea that a husband sits at the head of the family, with a dutiful, subserviant wife, and two adoring children, is at best, a myth, and at worst, a cruel hoax. Many of the divorces you decry as an assault on the family, are in fact failures to achieve this mythic idealized family.

If the so-called "traditional family" was the rock solid be all and end all that you perceive it to be, it wouldn't need to be so vigorously defended because it would be strong and resilliant, and it's worth would be self-evident. In fact such families are really quite brittle and break apart easily, precisely because the members have such static roles that they cannot adapt or respond to the winds of change or the unheavals of illness, infidelity or financial misfortune.

But the families are the created and formed from people who are connected through bonds of love and/or blood, are often far stronger and more resilliant precisely because the members of that family are not forced into predetermined roles which their emotional make-up or their intellect makes them incapable of taking on. The wife can take over breadwinner duties when called upon, and the husband can stay at home because neither are locked into the idea that he is a lesser man because he's not the breadwinner.

I've seen men thrown in depression or become bitter because their wife earns more money than them. I've seen other families where it doesn't matter who makes the money, because both the husband and wife prosper and thrive because one of them is making a good living. Not every man is suited to being the chief bread winner and head of the household. Not every woman is subserviant.

Yes you are right in the sense of the biological make up of the many American families that exist in this nation anymore, but what has caused the breakdown or the break up of the more traditional family (dad, mom, brother and sister), and their traditional values , a key word that was once held by them is what I'm getting at.

And why is this that they are recreated in this way ? It is because of the breakdown of society under pressure that was coming in from many points, in which were designed specifically by those who hated the tradition strength created by the values held in the traditional family, so they attacked and it was on, and it has been on for a very long time now ever since.

Infidelity is a big cause of marriage breakdown. One partner or the other strays which breaks the trust the couple has, or the unfaithful partner falls in love with his/her new partner and leaves the marriage. 22% of husbands and 14% of wives admit to cheating. The sad statistic is that 69% of marriages where cheating occurs, end in divorce. Now it can reasonably be argued that there had to be something lacking in the marriage for the partner to look elsewhere, and I would tend to agree, but unless the rift can be healed, the marriage is headed for trouble.

Another big cause of marriage breakdown is financial difficulties, either due to unemployment or bad management. Such difficulties stress a marriage and unless the partners can pull together and be flexible in finding solutions to the problem, the marriage may not last.

Marriages don't break down because of assault by outside factors as you suggest, but rather from problems within the marriage structure itself. Differences in core values, expectations, and rigidity in roles.

I think that it's very telling how very important that marriage is as a form of long-term commitment and security between couples that gays yearn so fervently to be married to their partners. Allowing gays to marry doesn't weaken traditional marriages, it actually strengthens them, and reinforces the value of marriage and family to an individual's emotional well-being.

The Bible says that marriage sanctifies the bond between the husband and the wife. It also sanctifies between any couple who is prepared to make the commitment.
Are you preaching to me about marriage ? I have been married for a long, long, time, and I have been faithful through the thick and the thin. I grew up in a time where the nation was more in tune with traditional marriage, but slowly that changed into what you are trying so desperately to defend now, and it didn't change willingly, but instead it was forced to change by outside forces that became either hostile towards it or was influential by way of Hollywood and the government who has duped this nation into believing in fairytales. Outside forces had absolutely nothing to do with any of this you say ? Well how do you think that this nation has changed over the years then, and has it been a change for the better or for the worse in your opinion ? Tell the truth now...Hell you won't tell the truth, because you live in a fantasy land, and you will justify anything probably, even if it means assigning words or meanings to things that people did not say or rather you reinterpret them to say. You do this in order to try and make it look as if they said something that meant one thing according to you, even though they meant something else according to them. Actually your ilk is way worse than any Phil Robertson in this nation could ever be, and that is why we are where we are at right now in all of this to date. Actually you are one of those outsider advocates trying to work to change the meaning of things in which people don't want changed in their lives, I mean just listen to your own self in these post that you write.
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No, I didn't fuck up. it was stated these "think tanks", spend billions, which very few of them even have donations that add up to millions and since when did lobbyists become referred to as "think tanks". And the implication was there that liberal wouldn't even think of associating with lobbyist organizations.

People can quote accurately or inaccurately all they want, doesn't mean I have to agree with them.

Yea, you did fuck up. You have by name around words I didn't say. And you have other people's name around words they didn't say. Better to just hit the "Quote" button and type your reply if you don't know what you're doing.

They HAVE spent billions over the last 30 years. They are called 'think tanks'.

Over the last 30 years their think tanks have made a heavy investment in ideas and in language. In 1970, [Supreme Court Justice] Lewis Powell wrote a fateful memo to the National Chamber of Commerce saying that all of our best students are becoming anti-business because of the Vietnam War, and that we needed to do something about it. Powell's agenda included getting wealthy conservatives to set up professorships, setting up institutes on and off campus where intellectuals would write books from a conservative business perspective, and setting up think tanks. He outlined the whole thing in 1970. They set up the Heritage Foundation in 1973, and the Manhattan Institute after that. [There are many others, including the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institute at Stanford, which date from the 1940s.]

And now, as the New York Times Magazine quoted Paul Weyrich, who started the Heritage Foundation, they have 1,500 conservative radio talk show hosts. They have a huge, very good operation, and they understand their own moral system. They understand what unites conservatives, and they understand how to talk about it, and they are constantly updating their research on how best to express their ideas.

How conservatives use language to dominate politics

I thought I fixed this a few times already!

srsly, sometimes the board has a software glitch.
Guess what. Yet another Duck Dynasty marathon on A&E this weekend ...


Another network that has absolutely nothing else going for it.

The thing is, none of these networks are what they say they are.

The History Channel is about Loggers, Pawn Shops and Truckers.

The Learning Channel is about Bakeries and Mail Order Brides

Arts and Entertainment is about Hillbilly Duck Hunters

The Discovery Channel is about various people living in outdoor places.

Bravo is about bitchy housewives...

The SyFy channel is about Ghost hunters and wrestlers

Seriously, this reality TV garbage has pretty much ruined basic cable.

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