Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

I'll boil it all down to its essence for ya...A man answered a question put to him about homosexuality. He answered that he didn't understand men be enamored with other mens' buttholes, and preferring them to vaginas. And then some gay people freaked out and made a mountain out of a mole hill. Their hysterical outrage has been sad and pathetic. Shame on them.
Face it. There are some upon this Earth that refuse to acknowledge that a higher power breathed life into them, and laid a few ground rules for a good life...they balk and put their trust in those that are no better than themselves with the same belief.

I'll boil it all down to its essence for ya...A man answered a question put to him about homosexuality. He answered that he didn't understand men be enamored with other mens' buttholes, and preferring them to vaginas. And then some gay people freaked out and made a mountain out of a mole hill. Their hysterical outrage has been sad and pathetic. Shame on them.
Face it. There are some upon this Earth that refuse to acknowledge that a higher power breathed life into them, and laid a few ground rules for a good life...they balk and put their trust in those that are no better than themselves with the same belief.

For a moron, you, well that's a compliment to call you moron. It's not BILLIONS, its barely millions, that equates to a few dollars per conservative American. No different than any of the Liberal/progressive group/think tanks out there.

But my argument is they are not think tanks, but political lobbyists. Calling them a think tank is disguising what they really are and IMO should be made illegal.

I don't know what you did LTCArmyRet, but you fucked up. You have the wrong people quoting things they didn't say.

No, I didn't fuck up. it was stated these "think tanks", spend billions, which very few of them even have donations that add up to millions and since when did lobbyists become referred to as "think tanks". And the implication was there that liberal wouldn't even think of associating with lobbyist organizations.

People can quote accurately or inaccurately all they want, doesn't mean I have to agree with them.
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I'll boil it all down to its essence for ya...A man answered a question put to him about homosexuality. He answered that he didn't understand men be enamored with other mens' buttholes, and preferring them to vaginas. And then some gay people freaked out and made a mountain out of a mole hill. It's as simple as that. Their hysterical outrage has been sad and pathetic. Shame on them.
How dare he prefer a vagina over an anus. That's the real outrage. He said something reprehensible to gays. A preference for women is insulting and should never be mentioned in polite society. At best, men might be allowed to say there's no difference.
I don't know what you did LTCArmyRet, but you fucked up. You have the wrong people quoting things they didn't say.

No, I didn't fuck up. it was stated these "think tanks", spend billions, which very few of them even have donations that add up to millions and since when did lobbyists become referred to as "think tanks". And the implication was there that liberal wouldn't even think of associating with lobbyist organizations.

People can quote accurately or inaccurately all they want, doesn't mean I have to agree with them.

Yea, you did fuck up. You have by name around words I didn't say. And you have other people's name around words they didn't say. Better to just hit the "Quote" button and type your reply if you don't know what you're doing.

They HAVE spent billions over the last 30 years. They are called 'think tanks'.

Over the last 30 years their think tanks have made a heavy investment in ideas and in language. In 1970, [Supreme Court Justice] Lewis Powell wrote a fateful memo to the National Chamber of Commerce saying that all of our best students are becoming anti-business because of the Vietnam War, and that we needed to do something about it. Powell's agenda included getting wealthy conservatives to set up professorships, setting up institutes on and off campus where intellectuals would write books from a conservative business perspective, and setting up think tanks. He outlined the whole thing in 1970. They set up the Heritage Foundation in 1973, and the Manhattan Institute after that. [There are many others, including the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institute at Stanford, which date from the 1940s.]

And now, as the New York Times Magazine quoted Paul Weyrich, who started the Heritage Foundation, they have 1,500 conservative radio talk show hosts. They have a huge, very good operation, and they understand their own moral system. They understand what unites conservatives, and they understand how to talk about it, and they are constantly updating their research on how best to express their ideas.

How conservatives use language to dominate politics
No, I didn't fuck up. it was stated these "think tanks", spend billions, which very few of them even have donations that add up to millions and since when did lobbyists become referred to as "think tanks". And the implication was there that liberal wouldn't even think of associating with lobbyist organizations.

People can quote accurately or inaccurately all they want, doesn't mean I have to agree with them.

Yea, you did fuck up. You have by name around words I didn't say. And you have other people's name around words they didn't say. Better to just hit the "Quote" button and type your reply if you don't know what you're doing.

They HAVE spent billions over the last 30 years. They are called 'think tanks'.

Over the last 30 years their think tanks have made a heavy investment in ideas and in language. In 1970, [Supreme Court Justice] Lewis Powell wrote a fateful memo to the National Chamber of Commerce saying that all of our best students are becoming anti-business because of the Vietnam War, and that we needed to do something about it. Powell's agenda included getting wealthy conservatives to set up professorships, setting up institutes on and off campus where intellectuals would write books from a conservative business perspective, and setting up think tanks. He outlined the whole thing in 1970. They set up the Heritage Foundation in 1973, and the Manhattan Institute after that. [There are many others, including the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institute at Stanford, which date from the 1940s.]

And now, as the New York Times Magazine quoted Paul Weyrich, who started the Heritage Foundation, they have 1,500 conservative radio talk show hosts. They have a huge, very good operation, and they understand their own moral system. They understand what unites conservatives, and they understand how to talk about it, and they are constantly updating their research on how best to express their ideas.

How conservatives use language to dominate politics
What is that link? Total horseshit. Just like you.
I've observed some very disturbing comments on this thread pertaining to the issue. Some truly believe the Employer should have the power to Approve/Disapprove expressions of Free Speech. And that's a very dangerous Slippery Slope. They're encroaching more & more into their employees' personal lives. So, where does the Employers' reach into its employees' private lives begin and end? It's a question we're all gonna have to begin asking.

Why are you just waking up to the realities here? For years now, employees have been required to to submit to drug testing - even if their jobs doesn't involve operating machinery, or other tasks which would be impacted by recreational drug use in their off hours.

I know of one man whose father was in hospital in the late stages of terminal cancer, who was told he would be fired for taking time off to fly to his father's bedside because the company was negotiating a merger. How focused is this man going to be on his job under these circumstances?

Employees who are charged with crimes, not convicted mind you, just charged, are fired. No "innocent until proven guilty" for this guy. The man was ultimately acquited and completely exonerated in the charges when the prosecution's primary witness admitted to lying.

With the recession and the massive numbers of people who have lost their jobs due to off-shoring, downsizing and other recession related cutbacks, employers in the US can pretty much do what they want to you and there is little recourse for employees.

But when it comes to employees spouting off against their employers and their co-workers, I totally side with the employers. I don't want some racist, homophobic, bigot poisoning the workplace for my employees. I want my workplace to be a happy place because happy, respected employees are productive employees, and loyal too. Most people know and appreciate when they are well-treated, and well protected.
The reason it is a one way street or it has to be with them, is because they can't penetrate the boundaries that people keep in their lives, otherwise if those boundaries are respected and kept intact then they can't get in. So they have to punch through with the use of the government & Hollywood in their corner, and that is where these people are at in their attempting to destroy the American family as we have known it. They are intent on the rebuilding of something they want in order to replace it, and they only want a replacement that is recreated by them in a way in which they will view it as being open to them no matter what they bring to the dinner table next.

The American family is resisting this effort, and people like Joe is working hard to bring forth the new thinking that will expose people to many unseen things in which we have seen a great preview of over the last 30 years or more, and so here we have Joe who ignores all that is bad, and that has happened or is happening still no matter. He is like a devil himself trying to destroy or shut down peoples defense systems in order that he open the door for his ilk to sit down at the table, even if they are not welcome at the table because of their anti-family stance in which they have.

These people can't stand rejection, so they seek to break down the family in order to be accepted, and they do this even if they themselves know that they are wrong in their lives, but they can't be rejected no, and they refuse to change so they try and change others instead. Just as it were in the days of Nazi Germany, where technology was thought to hold up even the devil himself in that war , and this was what was found within their minds at that time. It will be the same come the next war where as if we become the devils lair or the new home for the devils disciples to operate from, then we won't be able to hide behind our technology in order to protect us either, because wrong won't find safety or comfort no matter where it tries to stake it's claim in the world.

Hey they have gotten results in their quest, and we see this now in the new landscape in which they have created or are creating around us. They nourish their ideology on what they want now, and even if what they want is wrong it matters not to them. The American traditional family is the victim here, think about it. They have been attacked from the outside and from the inside now, and that is a shame.

We will find out come the next world war upon how strong this nation really is after all is said and done, but it will be to late by then.
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No, I didn't fuck up. it was stated these "think tanks", spend billions, which very few of them even have donations that add up to millions and since when did lobbyists become referred to as "think tanks". And the implication was there that liberal wouldn't even think of associating with lobbyist organizations.

People can quote accurately or inaccurately all they want, doesn't mean I have to agree with them.

Yea, you did fuck up. You have by name around words I didn't say. And you have other people's name around words they didn't say. Better to just hit the "Quote" button and type your reply if you don't know what you're doing.

They HAVE spent billions over the last 30 years. They are called 'think tanks'.

Over the last 30 years their think tanks have made a heavy investment in ideas and in language. In 1970, [Supreme Court Justice] Lewis Powell wrote a fateful memo to the National Chamber of Commerce saying that all of our best students are becoming anti-business because of the Vietnam War, and that we needed to do something about it. Powell's agenda included getting wealthy conservatives to set up professorships, setting up institutes on and off campus where intellectuals would write books from a conservative business perspective, and setting up think tanks. He outlined the whole thing in 1970. They set up the Heritage Foundation in 1973, and the Manhattan Institute after that. [There are many others, including the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institute at Stanford, which date from the 1940s.]

And now, as the New York Times Magazine quoted Paul Weyrich, who started the Heritage Foundation, they have 1,500 conservative radio talk show hosts. They have a huge, very good operation, and they understand their own moral system. They understand what unites conservatives, and they understand how to talk about it, and they are constantly updating their research on how best to express their ideas.

How conservatives use language to dominate politics

oh, now I get it, conservative lobbyist organizations are called think tanks, while liberals just stick to the term lobbyist organization. nice spin libtard

Yea, you did fuck up. You have by name around words I didn't say. And you have other people's name around words they didn't say. Better to just hit the "Quote" button and type your reply if you don't know what you're doing.

They HAVE spent billions over the last 30 years. They are called 'think tanks'.

Over the last 30 years their think tanks have made a heavy investment in ideas and in language. In 1970, [Supreme Court Justice] Lewis Powell wrote a fateful memo to the National Chamber of Commerce saying that all of our best students are becoming anti-business because of the Vietnam War, and that we needed to do something about it. Powell's agenda included getting wealthy conservatives to set up professorships, setting up institutes on and off campus where intellectuals would write books from a conservative business perspective, and setting up think tanks. He outlined the whole thing in 1970. They set up the Heritage Foundation in 1973, and the Manhattan Institute after that. [There are many others, including the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institute at Stanford, which date from the 1940s.]

And now, as the New York Times Magazine quoted Paul Weyrich, who started the Heritage Foundation, they have 1,500 conservative radio talk show hosts. They have a huge, very good operation, and they understand their own moral system. They understand what unites conservatives, and they understand how to talk about it, and they are constantly updating their research on how best to express their ideas.

How conservatives use language to dominate politics
What is that link? Total horseshit. Just like you.

You have the brain of a child.
Yea, you did fuck up. You have by name around words I didn't say. And you have other people's name around words they didn't say. Better to just hit the "Quote" button and type your reply if you don't know what you're doing.

They HAVE spent billions over the last 30 years. They are called 'think tanks'.

Over the last 30 years their think tanks have made a heavy investment in ideas and in language. In 1970, [Supreme Court Justice] Lewis Powell wrote a fateful memo to the National Chamber of Commerce saying that all of our best students are becoming anti-business because of the Vietnam War, and that we needed to do something about it. Powell's agenda included getting wealthy conservatives to set up professorships, setting up institutes on and off campus where intellectuals would write books from a conservative business perspective, and setting up think tanks. He outlined the whole thing in 1970. They set up the Heritage Foundation in 1973, and the Manhattan Institute after that. [There are many others, including the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institute at Stanford, which date from the 1940s.]

And now, as the New York Times Magazine quoted Paul Weyrich, who started the Heritage Foundation, they have 1,500 conservative radio talk show hosts. They have a huge, very good operation, and they understand their own moral system. They understand what unites conservatives, and they understand how to talk about it, and they are constantly updating their research on how best to express their ideas.

How conservatives use language to dominate politics
What is that link? Total horseshit. Just like you.

You have the brain of a child.
NO. I call Horsepuckey when I see it. THANK YOU for capituplating.
Yea, you did fuck up. You have by name around words I didn't say. And you have other people's name around words they didn't say. Better to just hit the "Quote" button and type your reply if you don't know what you're doing.

They HAVE spent billions over the last 30 years. They are called 'think tanks'.

Over the last 30 years their think tanks have made a heavy investment in ideas and in language. In 1970, [Supreme Court Justice] Lewis Powell wrote a fateful memo to the National Chamber of Commerce saying that all of our best students are becoming anti-business because of the Vietnam War, and that we needed to do something about it. Powell's agenda included getting wealthy conservatives to set up professorships, setting up institutes on and off campus where intellectuals would write books from a conservative business perspective, and setting up think tanks. He outlined the whole thing in 1970. They set up the Heritage Foundation in 1973, and the Manhattan Institute after that. [There are many others, including the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institute at Stanford, which date from the 1940s.]

And now, as the New York Times Magazine quoted Paul Weyrich, who started the Heritage Foundation, they have 1,500 conservative radio talk show hosts. They have a huge, very good operation, and they understand their own moral system. They understand what unites conservatives, and they understand how to talk about it, and they are constantly updating their research on how best to express their ideas.

How conservatives use language to dominate politics

oh, now I get it, conservative lobbyist organizations are called think tanks, while liberals just stick to the term lobbyist organization. nice spin libtard

libtard? Trying to show off your lack of intelligence?
I really can't show respect for a supposedly omnipotent being who thought the world was flat.

You can't show respect for anyone who is different than you.

Yeah, I can't really respect NON-EXISTENT BEINGS.

Now, I realize you are k ind of slow Cleetus.

But either the Bible was written by men inspired by God.

Or it was written by backward ass Bronze Age Savages.

And if it is the latter, then we really shouldn't take what it says seriously on gays if they didn't know the world was Round.
The reason it is a one way street or it has to be with them, is because they can't penetrate the boundaries that people keep in their lives, otherwise if those boundaries are respected and kept intact then they can't get in. So they have to punch through with the use of the government & Hollywood in their corner, and that is where these people are at in their attempting to destroy the American family as we have known it. They are intent on the rebuilding of something they want in order to replace it, and they only want a replacement that is recreated by them in a way in which they will view it as being open to them no matter what they bring to the dinner table next.

The American family is resisting this effort, and people like Joe is working hard to bring forth the new thinking that will expose people to many unseen things in which we have seen a great preview of over the last 30 or more years now, and yet Joe ignores all that has been bad, and that has happened or is happening no matter in his mind. He is like a devil himself trying to destroy or shut down peoples defense systems in order that he open the door for his ilk to sit down at the table, even if they are not welcome at the table because of their anti-family stance in which they have.

These people can't stand rejection, so they seek to break down the family in order to be accepted, and they do this even if they themselves know that they are wrong in their lives, but they can't be rejected no, and they refuse to change so they try and change others instead.

Hey they have gotten results in their quest, and we see this now in the new landscape in which they have created or are creating around us. They nourish their ideology on what they want now, and even if what they want is wrong it matters not to them. The American traditional family is the victim here, think about it. They have been attacked from the outside and from the inside now, and that is a shame.

We will find out come the next world war upon how strong this nation really is after all is said and done, but it will be to late by then. Just as it were in the days of Nazi Germany, where as they thought that technology would hold them up no matter their evilness in which they had become, and it will also be the same for us if we think our technology will protect us if we become evil also.
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just the contrary, bringing it down to your level so you can understand.

Really? But you can't understand that conservatives have spent billions trying to own language and use it as a weapon against anyone who doesn't conform to their world view?
Define for us the conservatives world view, and then tell us all about the liberals new world view or new world order. This ought to be interesting.

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