Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story


Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to-- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


the pushback will be massive because people are sick and tired of having their lives dictated. it has always been a game of moving the line in the sand for them. push a little and after awhile, that becomes the new norm. push a little more ant the movement continues. you don't react much at first because you aren't really the affected. but one day you realize what you do and say is highly controlled. and that's when people start to push back.

Seems to me that the PC Police finally (and mercifully) jumped the shark when Obama was elected. No matter what was said, if it was critical in any way, at any level, to any degree, on any issue, it was made into a racial issue. Right away. And for a long time it worked, they were able to deflect away from the original point of the criticism.

Look at Chris Matthews, fer chrissake. He's gone completely off the rails with it.

Hey, fine, whatever it takes. I'm just very happy to see it.




Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


the pushback will be massive because people are sick and tired of having their lives dictated. it has always been a game of moving the line in the sand for them. push a little and after awhile, that becomes the new norm. push a little more ant the movement continues. you don't react much at first because you aren't really the affected. but one day you realize what you do and say is highly controlled. and that's when people start to push back.

Seems to me that the PC Police finally (and mercifully) jumped the shark when Obama was elected. No matter what was said, if it was critical in any way, at any level, to any degree, on any issue, it was made into a racial issue. Right away. And for a long time it worked, they were able to deflect away from the original point of the criticism.

Look at Chris Matthews, fer chrissake. He's gone completely off the rails with it.

Hey, fine, whatever it takes. I'm just very happy to see it.

Pfft. Who cares. You don't even have the stones to defend your own OP.
the pushback will be massive because people are sick and tired of having their lives dictated. it has always been a game of moving the line in the sand for them. push a little and after awhile, that becomes the new norm. push a little more ant the movement continues. you don't react much at first because you aren't really the affected. but one day you realize what you do and say is highly controlled. and that's when people start to push back.

Seems to me that the PC Police finally (and mercifully) jumped the shark when Obama was elected. No matter what was said, if it was critical in any way, at any level, to any degree, on any issue, it was made into a racial issue. Right away. And for a long time it worked, they were able to deflect away from the original point of the criticism.

Look at Chris Matthews, fer chrissake. He's gone completely off the rails with it.

Hey, fine, whatever it takes. I'm just very happy to see it.

Pfft. Who cares. You don't even have the stones to defend your own OP.

"Pfft. Who cares." Thanks for that admission.


If you have a question or some kind of challenge, bring it up.

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Right wing think tanks????? Spending billions????? Really????? WOW, I may found a new liberal to pity other than rdean.

What are the names of these RW think tanks if you please?

For a Lt Col. you don't seem to know much. Try Google and remember the words Heritage Foundation. Now there is a right wing think tank. If anyone can associate "thinking" with "right wing". Hard to do.

For a moron, you, well that's a compliment to call you moron. It's not BILLIONS, its barely millions, that equates to a few dollars per conservative American. No different than any of the Liberal/progressive group/think tanks out there.

But my argument is they are not think tanks, but political lobbyists. Calling them a think tank is disguising what they really are and IMO should be made illegal.
Your 'sig' line is EXACTLY what right wing rhetors and right wing word smiths are PAID to do. Right wing think tanks spend billions trying to own words, phrases and language and turn those words, phrases and language against liberals and progressives to CONTROL the conversation and contol how political issues are framed.

But carry on Poly...

Right wing think tanks????? Spending billions????? Really????? ...

What are the names of these RW think tanks if you please?

Here's a start:

Heritage Foundation
American Enterprise Institute
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Cato Institute
Hoover Institution
Manhattan Institute
Lexington Institute
Project for the New American Century
Center for Security Policy
Foreign Policy Research Institute
Center for Immigration Studies
Claremont Institute
Hudson Institute

Plenty more.

Again, not think tanks, political lobbyists that, along with all the liberal progressive lobbyists as well, should be outlawed.
the pushback will be massive because people are sick and tired of having their lives dictated. it has always been a game of moving the line in the sand for them. push a little and after awhile, that becomes the new norm. push a little more ant the movement continues. you don't react much at first because you aren't really the affected. but one day you realize what you do and say is highly controlled. and that's when people start to push back.

Seems to me that the PC Police finally (and mercifully) jumped the shark when Obama was elected. No matter what was said, if it was critical in any way, at any level, to any degree, on any issue, it was made into a racial issue. Right away. And for a long time it worked, they were able to deflect away from the original point of the criticism.

Look at Chris Matthews, fer chrissake. He's gone completely off the rails with it.

Hey, fine, whatever it takes. I'm just very happy to see it.

Pfft. Who cares. You don't even have the stones to defend your own OP.
Here we have a post where you can truly see they have lost....They act like it was nothing and somehow you are at fault for their ignorance LOL The PC crowd is confused
Your 'sig' line is EXACTLY what right wing rhetors and right wing word smiths are PAID to do. Right wing think tanks spend billions trying to own words, phrases and language and turn those words, phrases and language against liberals and progressives to CONTROL the conversation and contol how political issues are framed.

But carry on Poly...

Right wing think tanks????? Spending billions????? Really????? WOW, I may found a new liberal to pity other than rdean.

What are the names of these RW think tanks if you please?

Pretty much all of them...examples: the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institute...

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Right wing think tanks????? Spending billions????? Really????? WOW, I may found a new liberal to pity other than rdean.

What are the names of these RW think tanks if you please?

Pretty much all of them...examples: the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institute...

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

LOL no because unlike Kennedy they are not racist pigs
For a Lt Col. you don't seem to know much. Try Google and remember the words Heritage Foundation. Now there is a right wing think tank. If anyone can associate "thinking" with "right wing". Hard to do.

For a moron, you, well that's a compliment to call you moron. It's not BILLIONS, its barely millions, that equates to a few dollars per conservative American. No different than any of the Liberal/progressive group/think tanks out there.

But my argument is they are not think tanks, but political lobbyists. Calling them a think tank is disguising what they really are and IMO should be made illegal.

I don't know what you did LTCArmyRet, but you fucked up. You have the wrong people quoting things they didn't say.
Faux Outrage is all the rage these days. People just love getting outraged. It somehow makes them feel morally superior to others. It's a chance for them to hop up on their horses and preach away. I would wager most expressing such outrage here on this Board, probably don't even know what the man actually said. All they know is that someone told them they should be outraged over it.

A reasonable person would have to conclude, the man was asked a question, and he simply answered it honestly. No big deal. He did not express hate towards anyone in any way. He simply gave an opinion. But of course the usual suspects freaked out and contrived a silly faux outrage non-controversy. I do think this one backfired on em a bit though. Too much manufactured outrage can actually achieve the opposite result. It's time to stop beating this dead horse.
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Faux Outrage is all the rage these days. People just love getting outraged. It somehow makes them feel morally superior to others. It's a chance for them to hop up on their horses and preach away. I would wager most expressing such outrage here on this Board, probably don't even know what the man actually said. All they know is that someone told them they should be outraged over it.

A reasonable person would have to conclude, the man was asked a question, and he simply answered it honestly. No big deal. He did not express hate towards anyone in any way. He simply gave an opinion. But of course the usual suspects freaked out and contrived a silly faux outrage non-controversy. I do think this one backfired on em a bit though. Too much manufactured outrage can actually achieve the opposite result. It's time to stop beating this dead horse.

All sides beat a dead horse.
No one ever denied Robertson the right to do anything.
Most are missing the bigger point here. How much of your Free Speech Rights do you have to sign away in order to be employed? If you can't do or say anything the Employer doesn't approve of, are you really a free Citizen? Haw far will the Employers go in controlling their employees' private lives? I mean they do have a big upper-hand on the People. Most people have to be employed to survive. Does your Employer reserve the right to own you 24/7? Are you permanently on the clock?

I've observed some very disturbing comments on this thread pertaining to the issue. Some truly believe the Employer should have the power to Approve/Disapprove expressions of Free Speech. And that's a very dangerous Slippery Slope. They're encroaching more & more into their employees' personal lives. So, where does the Employers' reach into its employees' private lives begin and end? It's a question we're all gonna have to begin asking.
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No one should be sanctioned for expressing opinions that others find offensive. Robertson slandered no one.
Faux Outrage is all the rage these days. People just love getting outraged. It somehow makes them feel morally superior to others. It's a chance for them to hop up on their horses and preach away. I would wager most expressing such outrage here on this Board, probably don't even know what the man actually said. All they know is that someone told them they should be outraged over it.

A reasonable person would have to conclude, the man was asked a question, and he simply answered it honestly. No big deal. He did not express hate towards anyone in any way. He simply gave an opinion. But of course the usual suspects freaked out and contrived a silly faux outrage non-controversy. I do think this one backfired on em a bit though. Too much manufactured outrage can actually achieve the opposite result. It's time to stop beating this dead horse.

All sides beat a dead horse.
No one ever denied Robertson the right to do anything.

But you tried

tapatalk post
Faux Outrage is all the rage these days. People just love getting outraged. It somehow makes them feel morally superior to others. It's a chance for them to hop up on their horses and preach away. I would wager most expressing such outrage here on this Board, probably don't even know what the man actually said. All they know is that someone told them they should be outraged over it.

A reasonable person would have to conclude, the man was asked a question, and he simply answered it honestly. No big deal. He did not express hate towards anyone in any way. He simply gave an opinion. But of course the usual suspects freaked out and contrived a silly faux outrage non-controversy. I do think this one backfired on em a bit though. Too much manufactured outrage can actually achieve the opposite result. It's time to stop beating this dead horse.

All sides beat a dead horse.
No one ever denied Robertson the right to do anything.

But you tried

tapatalk post

And many others did to. But it looks like it's gonna be a rare and much-needed victory for Free Speech. Like i said, too much manufactured outrage can actually achieve the opposite results.
I'll boil it all down to its essence for ya...A man answered a question put to him about homosexuality. He answered that he didn't understand men be enamored with other mens' buttholes, and preferring them to vaginas. And then some gay people freaked out and made a mountain out of a mole hill. It's as simple as that. Their hysterical outrage has been sad and pathetic. Shame on them.
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