Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

Well, that's because, I don't think the Constitution came from a Magic Sky Fairy.

It came from Men. And we have to apply it with a lick of common sense to the world we live in today. Right to Bear Arms might have made sense in 1787 when you needed a musket to chase off a wolf, but it makes less sense when a crazy person takes a machine gun to a school.

Now, to the point. We don't stone our daughters to death for knowing a man before her wedding. We don't eschew pork and shellfish as abominations. We've grown beyond those laws.

I will even concede some of the laws in the bible actually kind of make sense, but only after you think about them.

So, that all said, "Homosexuality is bad because....."

(It's in the Bible is not a good enough answer anymore.)

Homosexuality is wrong because of biology, the Bible and all other religious teachings are merely confirming the biological reality of the human species.

BTW, I am offended when you refer to God as a sky fairy. I am going to sue you for hate speech.
Then he should applaud you as you use his same tactic as he, but watch this jackass spin on a dime and change his tune.

Well, I do wonder if he thinks he's God, because God would be the only one who would have umbrage at me calling him a "Sky Fairy".
Needed a musket to fend of tyrannical government.

Same as it ever was.

Okay, so those kids who got whacked at Newtown were a tyrannical government?
Nice try jackwad. They were victims of a mentally disturbed child...just as YOU are mentally disturbed.

No, they the victims of a gun indusry that pushes to get as many guns into society as they can for a quick profit.
Homosexuality is wrong because of biology, the Bible and all other religious teachings are merely confirming the biological reality of the human species.

BTW, I am offended when you refer to God as a sky fairy. I am going to sue you for hate speech.
Then he should applaud you as you use his same tactic as he, but watch this jackass spin on a dime and change his tune.

Well, I do wonder if he thinks he's God, because God would be the only one who would have umbrage at me calling him a "Sky Fairy".
ALL in interpretation Joey. GOD commands respect...YOU show ZERO, and show your blatant ignorance for the beliefs of others as YOU foist yours and expect others to just shut up and take it.

TWO WAY STREET son. Liberty is like that.

[ALL in interpretation Joey. GOD commands respect...YOU show ZERO, and show your blatant ignorance for the beliefs of others as YOU foist yours and expect others to just shut up and take it.

TWO WAY STREET son. Liberty is like that.


I really can't show respect for a supposedly omnipotent being who thought the world was flat.

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


the pushback will be massive because people are sick and tired of having their lives dictated. it has always been a game of moving the line in the sand for them. push a little and after awhile, that becomes the new norm. push a little more ant the movement continues. you don't react much at first because you aren't really the affected. but one day you realize what you do and say is highly controlled. and that's when people start to push back.
Ya know......the whole individual freedom thing and the submit to the will of god thing don't mix too well.

I assume you have a definition for the will of God ?
It's in that nasty book called the 'BIBLE" or the book of LIFE that they shun in lieu of listening to MEN tell them what is and isn't to their detriment. History teaches these people nothing, but they wish to repeat it incessantly.
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Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


the pushback will be massive because people are sick and tired of having their lives dictated. it has always been a game of moving the line in the sand for them. push a little and after awhile, that becomes the new norm. push a little more ant the movement continues. you don't react much at first because you aren't really the affected. but one day you realize what you do and say is highly controlled. and that's when people start to push back.

Seems to me that the PC Police finally (and mercifully) jumped the shark when Obama was elected. No matter what was said, if it was critical in any way, at any level, to any degree, on any issue, it was made into a racial issue. Right away. And for a long time it worked, they were able to deflect away from the original point of the criticism.

Look at Chris Matthews, fer chrissake. He's gone completely off the rails with it.

Hey, fine, whatever it takes. I'm just very happy to see it.


Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


the pushback will be massive because people are sick and tired of having their lives dictated. it has always been a game of moving the line in the sand for them. push a little and after awhile, that becomes the new norm. push a little more ant the movement continues. you don't react much at first because you aren't really the affected. but one day you realize what you do and say is highly controlled. and that's when people start to push back.

And that time is now? Or not yet?

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


the pushback will be massive because people are sick and tired of having their lives dictated. it has always been a game of moving the line in the sand for them. push a little and after awhile, that becomes the new norm. push a little more ant the movement continues. you don't react much at first because you aren't really the affected. but one day you realize what you do and say is highly controlled. and that's when people start to push back.

And that time is now? Or not yet?
YOU better have an escape plan Lunger. Forewarned is forearmed.

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


the pushback will be massive because people are sick and tired of having their lives dictated. it has always been a game of moving the line in the sand for them. push a little and after awhile, that becomes the new norm. push a little more ant the movement continues. you don't react much at first because you aren't really the affected. but one day you realize what you do and say is highly controlled. and that's when people start to push back.

Seems to me that the PC Police finally (and mercifully) jumped the shark when Obama was elected. No matter what was said, if it was critical in any way, at any level, to any degree, on any issue, it was made into a racial issue. Right away. And for a long time it worked, they were able to deflect away from the original point of the criticism.

Look at Chris Matthews, fer chrissake. He's gone completely off the rails with it.

Hey, fine, whatever it takes. I'm just very happy to see it.


Not true.
the pushback will be massive because people are sick and tired of having their lives dictated. it has always been a game of moving the line in the sand for them. push a little and after awhile, that becomes the new norm. push a little more ant the movement continues. you don't react much at first because you aren't really the affected. but one day you realize what you do and say is highly controlled. and that's when people start to push back.

Seems to me that the PC Police finally (and mercifully) jumped the shark when Obama was elected. No matter what was said, if it was critical in any way, at any level, to any degree, on any issue, it was made into a racial issue. Right away. And for a long time it worked, they were able to deflect away from the original point of the criticism.

Look at Chris Matthews, fer chrissake. He's gone completely off the rails with it.

Hey, fine, whatever it takes. I'm just very happy to see it.


Not true.
Correct...RACIAL AND RELIGIOUS. Good catch Lunger.

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