Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

actually, I couldn't care less what the inbred, too stupid to breathe bible thumping morons want.

Gay marriage will be legal in the entire country by 2020.

No doubt it will. That doesn't mean it will be accepted though. Blacks have had civil rights since 1965, has racism gone anywhere? It's been 50 years, how's that integration thing working out?

It IS being widely accepted by the younger generations. It is a NON issue with them. So maybe you can talk to God as see if He will let you and your ilk scream from the grave.
It is being widely excepted by the young generations eh ? Now why is this you suppose ? It isn't because they just decided all by their little lonesome to except something such as this freely. NO, it took coercion and brainwashing over time in order to get this all to where it is all at today. The government allied with certain sets or groups of people in this nation has since forced this change (not of hearts), but of mindset to occur. People being forced to change their minds is purely seen as control, and to be controlled is to lose ones compass in life, and to lose ones freedoms to think freely in life, and ultimately to lose ones country/home in life.

The weakening down or the destruction of the family was the first steps taken, then once the family cubs were weakened because of this, and then removed from the family in structure there of, well they became weakened, and they become of an easy prey in all of this for the wolves.

Next the wolves and/or the attackers of these cubs had to set traps for them were they congregated or were to be found next in their life, and that was in the public school system.

It's so sad that people know this, but ignore the truths of these matters in life.
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Holding and expressing one's religious and cultural beliefs does not make one a bigot.

Being intolerant of the religious and cultural beliefs of others makes one a bigot.


Using religion or culture to justify your hate because you can't do it logically does make you a bigot.

Because honestly, you aren't out burning any witches like the bible tells you to, so it seems to me you are cherry-picking which parts of your religion you are following.

See thats what you don't get. Theres no hate involved in having religious and cultural beliefs. I don't hate gays, I have gay friends and relatives. The hate is always coming from you on the left who HATE anyone who does not share your progressive, leftist, marxist views of life and governent.

The Bible teaches to hate the sin but love the person. A good lesson that you on the left might benefit from.
I disagree. I think the reason we are in such poor shape today is because the GOP was very good at getting stupid people all worked up about the abortion and the gays and the guns while the real theft was going on back room where they signed the trade treaties and busted up the unions and did stuff that really made all of our lives worse. That's why I think the bible thumping assholes who helped them need to be called out on their bullshit.

So your whole argument is "My imaginary friend in the sky thinks it's bad and I think it's icky (when dudes do it.)" This is really your whole argument in a nutshell.

HOnestly, if your last stands are greasy chicken and shows about rednecks, you really aren't standing on very firm ground.

Actually, having lived through the civil rights movement, this is just kind of the last gasp of the bigots trying to claw a few wins against the tide of history.

Frankly, I'm not seeing what you've won. You've won the right to be ignorant and hateful? You're proud of this, really?

Your win is "A 70 year old bigot from Louisiana spewed some bigotry, but he gets to still be a clown on a reality TV show."

This is a win by you guys?

I remember back in the 1980's when the Moral Majority went all apeshit about "Love Sidney", where Tony Randall played a gay man.

And then they went all apeshit back in the 1990's when Ellen came out.

Now we are in the twenty-teens, and your best argument is, "I can still be a bigot on the Redneck Channel!!!! Weeeeeee!"

Holding and expressing one's religious and cultural beliefs does not make one a bigot.

Being intolerant of the religious and cultural beliefs of others makes one a bigot.


I was born and raised in the deep south. Some of my black team mates dated white girls in the early 70s. One white one dated a black girl.
And they were told that was wrong by people.
People's reason: RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.
And they were bigots.
"Religious beliefs" = cop out.
You can do it but it did not stop them from being bigots.
Not always the case and things are changing.

So was I and I had the same experiences. How many of those mixed relationships survived? in my experience, not many.

Believing that race mixing is wrong (and I don't think its wrong) is a widely held belief around the world. Do people not have the right to think its wrong?

Is it your goal to control what people think and believe? See, thats what this is really about----------government mandated thought control.

have a dos XX and think about it.
OMG, you have been thoroughly brainwashed with the bullshit of the left. You are devoid of any capability to think rationally. Your brain is owned and controlled by your left wing masters.

You are right about one thing, you can't have a business if no one can afford to buy your product------------thats why your underwear is now made in Costa Rica. If it was still made in the USA, YOU could not afford it.

You know what, guy, when I was growing up, everything was made in the USA, save some cheap "Made in Japan" shit, people got paid good wages and the country was better off for it.

The wholesale transfer of wealth to the third world is not a good thing for us... even a bible thumping retard such as yourself has to get this.

I agree, I wish we still built things in this country. But it was not corporate greed that drove the jobs out of the country. It was corporate survival in an environment that was unfriendly to business and was determined to punish the successful.

You lose what little credibility you have when you hurl insults like "bible thumping...". I am not one of those and I am as critical of the far right as I am of the far left.

The difference between you and me is that I deal in facts and you deal in talking points and lies.
[There's a time and place to talk about Economics, and there's a time and place to talk about Social Engineering revolving around sexual orientation.

I disagree. I think the reason we are in such poor shape today is because the GOP was very good at getting stupid people all worked up about the abortion and the gays and the guns while the real theft was going on back room where they signed the trade treaties and busted up the unions and did stuff that really made all of our lives worse. That's why I think the bible thumping assholes who helped them need to be called out on their bullshit.

So your whole argument is "My imaginary friend in the sky thinks it's bad and I think it's icky (when dudes do it.)" This is really your whole argument in a nutshell.

HOnestly, if your last stands are greasy chicken and shows about rednecks, you really aren't standing on very firm ground.

It should come as no surprise that people are celebrating such 'Wins' by the Straight Community - as battered as they've been in recent months and years.

An entirely understandable and long-overdue respite and reaction, and a state-of-affairs that the Gay Lobby would be well-advised to contemplate seriously, as part of both strategic and tactical planning, from this point forward.

Times are changing... again.[/SIZE]

Actually, having lived through the civil rights movement, this is just kind of the last gasp of the bigots trying to claw a few wins against the tide of history.

Frankly, I'm not seeing what you've won. You've won the right to be ignorant and hateful? You're proud of this, really?

Your win is "A 70 year old bigot from Louisiana spewed some bigotry, but he gets to still be a clown on a reality TV show."

This is a win by you guys?

I remember back in the 1980's when the Moral Majority went all apeshit about "Love Sidney", where Tony Randall played a gay man.

And then they went all apeshit back in the 1990's when Ellen came out.

Now we are in the twenty-teens, and your best argument is, "I can still be a bigot on the Redneck Channel!!!! Weeeeeee!"

Holding and expressing one's religious and cultural beliefs does not make one a bigot.

Being intolerant of the religious and cultural beliefs of others makes one a bigot.

Funny how that side doesn't see it that way, even though yes we all take stands against things we don't want around our children in life, and we seek to agree with others who think the same as us, so then it comes down to the numbers always, and that is the way that we always looked at it in life.

However what has happened in this nation over time, and in which has allowed so much division to come about as a result of, (causing this in your face hatred now), is that the one side has been controlling the other side against it's will, and they have been doing this with all sorts of mind manipulating mechanisms, theories, bad sciences, psychobabble, diversity gone wild, multi-culturists thinking's and such in which they use, and then while they are empowered during their moments, they are constantly pushing agenda's while they have such control over the other side they perceive as their enemy in this nation.

They have been doing this not by the numbers, but instead by way of the federal government from whom backed them up with the use of rogue activist federal judges who were then ruling hap hazzardly within these people's (who only numbered a few), favor from their benches.

They have been thwarting the very will of the American people in which they were elected to serve for quite sometime now, and that has been a major problem today for the American people I think. Things like this place a huge spotlight on it all.
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Holding and expressing one's religious and cultural beliefs does not make one a bigot.

Being intolerant of the religious and cultural beliefs of others makes one a bigot.


Using religion or culture to justify your hate because you can't do it logically does make you a bigot.

Because honestly, you aren't out burning any witches like the bible tells you to, so it seems to me you are cherry-picking which parts of your religion you are following.

See thats what you don't get. Theres no hate involved in having religious and cultural beliefs. I don't hate gays, I have gay friends and relatives. The hate is always coming from you on the left who HATE anyone who does not share your progressive, leftist, marxist views of life and governent.

The Bible teaches to hate the sin but love the person. A good lesson that you on the left might benefit from.
Good points.
The hate also comes from you on the far right who HATE anyone who does not share your reactionary, wing nut, socon views of life and governent.
The hate also comes from you on the far right who HATE anyone who does not share your reactionary, wing nut, socon views of life and governent.

Not true, jakey boy. Not true at all. And its not the far right who want the freedom to express their beliefs and live as they choose. Its mainstream america.

The HATE is coming from you on the intolerant left who refuse to respect the views of others and want the governmen to punish them for not thinking as you do.

We don't want to change how you think, you can think and live as you choose. But thats not good enough, is it? you want to control how everyone thinks and lives.

YOU ON THE LEFT ARE ANTI-FREEDOM. Orwell and Rand wrote about you--and they were right.
I'm sure that's what you hope for.

You see, this is what I never get about homophobes. No one is making you have the gay sex, guy.

Frankly, the stuff you ought to be worried about, like big corporations dismantling the middle class, you talk about not a bit.

but man, them homos getting married, that makes you sooooooo angry.
There's a time and place to talk about Economics, and there's a time and place to talk about Social Engineering revolving around sexual orientation.

This is the time and place to talk about the latter.

A great many people see homosexuality - its sexual practices, its tendency towards licentiousness and degenerate behaviors - its mannerisms and the related lifestyle - as lewd, filthy, unclean, self-indulgent, perverse, unholy, ungodly, degenerate, dissipated, emasculating, and a harbinger of the decline of a society, as well as prohibited by various religious 'sacred' books and teachings and interpretations, as well as centuries of prohibition by all manner of cultures and societies worldwide.

I don't think it's so much 'anger' as it is revulsion; dealing with something that so many find repugnant and repelling and downright nauseating. Many perceive it as a mental illness; a sickness; regardless of what the science says. It's a visceral, gut-level emotional revulsion on the part of a great many amongst the straight population.

There are a great many people who do not feel that way.

There are a great many people who DO feel that way.

And there are a great many people who have had a bellyful of the Gay Lobby and its political activism and its intrusion into the laws and lives of communities and families.

We seem to be quickly approaching the limits of tolerance on the part of the American Public, if massive pushback reactions such as Chick-Fil-A and A&E are any indication.

It should come as no surprise that people are celebrating such 'Wins' by the Straight Community - as battered as they've been in recent months and years.

An entirely understandable and long-overdue respite and reaction, and a state-of-affairs that the Gay Lobby would be well-advised to contemplate seriously, as part of both strategic and tactical planning, from this point forward.

Times are changing... again.

It is amazing that you folks always like to throw around terms like "Communists" and "Marxists" in regards to liberals, yet your views and Putin's Russia are absolutely identical on every topic.
First, I have no idea who 'you folks' are, in this context...

Second, I don't see the phrase 'Communist' or 'Marxist' anywhere in the above - indeed, not even the word 'Liberal'...


Oh, and, insofar as Vladimir Putin is concerned...

If you're accusing folks who oppose homosexuality of being cut from the same cloth as Vladimir Putin... try again.

It's entirely possible to be on the same page as some Questionable Foreigner on Issue A or B, and yet NOT be on the same page on a thousand other issues.

It just so happens that Putin's (and Russia's official) stance on homosexuality is symmetrical with that of a majority of his constitutuency...

It's a position that is symmetrical with a vast percentage of Obama's constituency, as well, if the 2012 Chick-Fil-A and the 2013 A&E gay-lobby public relations disasters are any indicator...

Musn't over-indulge in sour grapes...
There's a time and place to talk about Economics, and there's a time and place to talk about Social Engineering revolving around sexual orientation.

This is the time and place to talk about the latter.

A great many people see homosexuality - its sexual practices, its tendency towards licentiousness and degenerate behaviors - its mannerisms and the related lifestyle - as lewd, filthy, unclean, self-indulgent, perverse, unholy, ungodly, degenerate, dissipated, emasculating, and a harbinger of the decline of a society, as well as prohibited by various religious 'sacred' books and teachings and interpretations, as well as centuries of prohibition by all manner of cultures and societies worldwide.

I don't think it's so much 'anger' as it is revulsion; dealing with something that so many find repugnant and repelling and downright nauseating. Many perceive it as a mental illness; a sickness; regardless of what the science says. It's a visceral, gut-level emotional revulsion on the part of a great many amongst the straight population.

There are a great many people who do not feel that way.

There are a great many people who DO feel that way.

And there are a great many people who have had a bellyful of the Gay Lobby and its political activism and its intrusion into the laws and lives of communities and families.

We seem to be quickly approaching the limits of tolerance on the part of the American Public, if massive pushback reactions such as Chick-Fil-A and A&E are any indication.

It should come as no surprise that people are celebrating such 'Wins' by the Straight Community - as battered as they've been in recent months and years.

An entirely understandable and long-overdue respite and reaction, and a state-of-affairs that the Gay Lobby would be well-advised to contemplate seriously, as part of both strategic and tactical planning, from this point forward.

Times are changing... again.

It is amazing that you folks always like to throw around terms like "Communists" and "Marxists" in regards to liberals, yet your views and Putin's Russia are absolutely identical on every topic.
First, I have no idea who 'you folks' are, in this context...

Second, I don't see the phrase 'Communist' or 'Marxist' anywhere in the above - indeed, not even the word 'Liberal'...


Oh, and, insofar as Vladimir Putin is concerned...

If you're accusing folks who oppose homosexuality of being cut from the same cloth as Vladimir Putin... try again.

It's entirely possible to be on the same page as some Questionable Foreigner on Issue A or B, and yet NOT be on the same page on a thousand other issues.

It just so happens that Putin's (and Russia's official) stance on homosexuality is symmetrical with that of a majority of his constitutuency...

It's a position that is symmetrical with a vast percentage of Obama's constituency, as well, if the 2012 Chick-Fil-A and the 2013 A&E gay-lobby public relations disasters are any indicator...

Musn't over-indulge in sour grapes...

So this is the first time you ever heard that liberals have been called "Communists" and Marxists" by "YOU FOLKS" who call themselves 'conservative'?

Well maybe you live under a rock...

When I say "your views and Putin's Russia are absolutely identical on every topic", I MEAN every topic.

Conservative Russia

People simply do not realize that Russia is a deeply conservative country.

Fiscal policy is buttressed on a low, flat rate of income tax (13%), and there is virtually no social safety net, with spending on unemployment security, medical provision, disability aid, infrastructure, the environment, and urban regeneration far lower, in both absolute terms and as a percentage of GDP, than its G8 contemporaries.

Similarly, military spending is high in comparison — and growing — medical care is available free in theory, but requires private insurance or additional cash payment in practice, and businesses are in reality pretty un-regulated.

If that doesn’t sound to you like a set of policies Newt Gingrich or William F Buckley would support, then you don’t know your dyed in the wool conservatives from your woolly jumper wearing liberals.
It is amazing that you folks always like to throw around terms like "Communists" and "Marxists" in regards to liberals, yet your views and Putin's Russia are absolutely identical on every topic.
First, I have no idea who 'you folks' are, in this context...

Second, I don't see the phrase 'Communist' or 'Marxist' anywhere in the above - indeed, not even the word 'Liberal'...


Oh, and, insofar as Vladimir Putin is concerned...

If you're accusing folks who oppose homosexuality of being cut from the same cloth as Vladimir Putin... try again.

It's entirely possible to be on the same page as some Questionable Foreigner on Issue A or B, and yet NOT be on the same page on a thousand other issues.

It just so happens that Putin's (and Russia's official) stance on homosexuality is symmetrical with that of a majority of his constitutuency...

It's a position that is symmetrical with a vast percentage of Obama's constituency, as well, if the 2012 Chick-Fil-A and the 2013 A&E gay-lobby public relations disasters are any indicator...

Musn't over-indulge in sour grapes...

So this is the first time you ever heard that liberals have been called "Communists" and Marxists" by "YOU FOLKS" who call themselves 'conservative'?

Well maybe you live under a rock...

When I say "your views and Putin's Russia are absolutely identical on every topic", I MEAN every topic.

Conservative Russia

People simply do not realize that Russia is a deeply conservative country.

Fiscal policy is buttressed on a low, flat rate of income tax (13%), and there is virtually no social safety net, with spending on unemployment security, medical provision, disability aid, infrastructure, the environment, and urban regeneration far lower, in both absolute terms and as a percentage of GDP, than its G8 contemporaries.

Similarly, military spending is high in comparison — and growing — medical care is available free in theory, but requires private insurance or additional cash payment in practice, and businesses are in reality pretty un-regulated.

If that doesn’t sound to you like a set of policies Newt Gingrich or William F Buckley would support, then you don’t know your dyed in the wool conservatives from your woolly jumper wearing liberals.

It never dawned on your stupid ass that we call you that because you are communists and Marxistd?

tapatalk post
First, I have no idea who 'you folks' are, in this context...

Second, I don't see the phrase 'Communist' or 'Marxist' anywhere in the above - indeed, not even the word 'Liberal'...


Oh, and, insofar as Vladimir Putin is concerned...

If you're accusing folks who oppose homosexuality of being cut from the same cloth as Vladimir Putin... try again.

It's entirely possible to be on the same page as some Questionable Foreigner on Issue A or B, and yet NOT be on the same page on a thousand other issues.

It just so happens that Putin's (and Russia's official) stance on homosexuality is symmetrical with that of a majority of his constitutuency...

It's a position that is symmetrical with a vast percentage of Obama's constituency, as well, if the 2012 Chick-Fil-A and the 2013 A&E gay-lobby public relations disasters are any indicator...

Musn't over-indulge in sour grapes...

So this is the first time you ever heard that liberals have been called "Communists" and Marxists" by "YOU FOLKS" who call themselves 'conservative'?

Well maybe you live under a rock...

When I say "your views and Putin's Russia are absolutely identical on every topic", I MEAN every topic.

Conservative Russia

People simply do not realize that Russia is a deeply conservative country.

Fiscal policy is buttressed on a low, flat rate of income tax (13%), and there is virtually no social safety net, with spending on unemployment security, medical provision, disability aid, infrastructure, the environment, and urban regeneration far lower, in both absolute terms and as a percentage of GDP, than its G8 contemporaries.

Similarly, military spending is high in comparison — and growing — medical care is available free in theory, but requires private insurance or additional cash payment in practice, and businesses are in reality pretty un-regulated.

If that doesn’t sound to you like a set of policies Newt Gingrich or William F Buckley would support, then you don’t know your dyed in the wool conservatives from your woolly jumper wearing liberals.

It never dawned on your stupid ass that we call you that because you are communists and Marxistd?

tapatalk post

Whatever someone as stupid as you are says is always the same..........................








Holding and expressing one's religious and cultural beliefs does not make one a bigot.

Being intolerant of the religious and cultural beliefs of others makes one a bigot.


I was born and raised in the deep south. Some of my black team mates dated white girls in the early 70s. One white one dated a black girl.
And they were told that was wrong by people.
People's reason: RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.
And they were bigots.
"Religious beliefs" = cop out.
You can do it but it did not stop them from being bigots.
Not always the case and things are changing.

So was I and I had the same experiences. How many of those mixed relationships survived? in my experience, not many.

Believing that race mixing is wrong (and I don't think its wrong) is a widely held belief around the world. Do people not have the right to think its wrong?

Is it your goal to control what people think and believe? See, thats what this is really about----------government mandated thought control.

have a dos XX and think about it.

They have the right to believe whatever they want.
But they can not claim "religious beliefs" and suffer no consequences as a result of that.
If someone else believes IT IS wrong.
It goes both ways. "religious" folk want to have their cake and eat it too and then claim THEY are the victim if someone else dare question their "religious" beliefs and tell THEM they are wrong.
That is why Robertson is a hypocrite of the highest order.
But he has every right to be one.
So this is the first time you ever heard that liberals have been called "Communists" and Marxists" by "YOU FOLKS" who call themselves 'conservative'?

Well maybe you live under a rock...

When I say "your views and Putin's Russia are absolutely identical on every topic", I MEAN every topic.

Conservative Russia

People simply do not realize that Russia is a deeply conservative country.

Fiscal policy is buttressed on a low, flat rate of income tax (13%), and there is virtually no social safety net, with spending on unemployment security, medical provision, disability aid, infrastructure, the environment, and urban regeneration far lower, in both absolute terms and as a percentage of GDP, than its G8 contemporaries.

Similarly, military spending is high in comparison — and growing — medical care is available free in theory, but requires private insurance or additional cash payment in practice, and businesses are in reality pretty un-regulated.

If that doesn’t sound to you like a set of policies Newt Gingrich or William F Buckley would support, then you don’t know your dyed in the wool conservatives from your woolly jumper wearing liberals.

It never dawned on your stupid ass that we call you that because you are communists and Marxistd?

tapatalk post

Whatever someone as stupid as you are says is always the same..........................









Do you think denying that you're a communist makes you less a communist when every policy you support is communist in nature?

tapatalk post
No doubt it will. That doesn't mean it will be accepted though. Blacks have had civil rights since 1965, has racism gone anywhere? It's been 50 years, how's that integration thing working out?

It IS being widely accepted by the younger generations. It is a NON issue with them. So maybe you can talk to God as see if He will let you and your ilk scream from the grave.
It is being widely excepted by the young generations eh ? Now why is this you suppose ? It isn't because they just decided all by their little lonesome to except something such as this freely. NO, it took coercion and brainwashing over time in order to get this all to where it is all at today. The government allied with certain sets or groups of people in this nation has since forced this change (not of hearts), but of mindset to occur. People being forced to change their minds is purely seen as control, and to be controlled is to lose ones compass in life, and to lose ones freedoms to think freely in life, and ultimately to lose ones country/home in life.

The weakening down or the destruction of the family was the first steps taken, then once the family cubs were weakened because of this, and then removed from the family in structure there of, well they became weakened, and they become of an easy prey in all of this for the wolves.

Next the wolves and/or the attackers of these cubs had to set traps for them were they congregated or were to be found next in their life, and that was in the public school system.

It's so sad that people know this, but ignore the truths of these matters in life.

I do not brainwash my kids and they think for themselves. And they are very religious, more than me.
If anyone is brainwashing the youth it would be Robertson and his kind and the rest of the religious kooks in tow.
The youth these days can see that. No wonder they are COMING BACK to the churches and it is the loving, accepting and OPEN DOOR churches that accept folks FOR WHO THEY ARE.
It IS being widely accepted by the younger generations. It is a NON issue with them. So maybe you can talk to God as see if He will let you and your ilk scream from the grave.
It is being widely excepted by the young generations eh ? Now why is this you suppose ? It isn't because they just decided all by their little lonesome to except something such as this freely. NO, it took coercion and brainwashing over time in order to get this all to where it is all at today. The government allied with certain sets or groups of people in this nation has since forced this change (not of hearts), but of mindset to occur. People being forced to change their minds is purely seen as control, and to be controlled is to lose ones compass in life, and to lose ones freedoms to think freely in life, and ultimately to lose ones country/home in life.

The weakening down or the destruction of the family was the first steps taken, then once the family cubs were weakened because of this, and then removed from the family in structure there of, well they became weakened, and they become of an easy prey in all of this for the wolves.

Next the wolves and/or the attackers of these cubs had to set traps for them were they congregated or were to be found next in their life, and that was in the public school system.

It's so sad that people know this, but ignore the truths of these matters in life.

I do not brainwash my kids and they think for themselves. And they are very religious, more than me.
If anyone is brainwashing the youth it would be Robertson and his kind and the rest of the religious kooks in tow.
The youth these days can see that. No wonder they are COMING BACK to the churches and it is the loving, accepting and OPEN DOOR churches that accept folks FOR WHO THEY ARE.

So forcing kids to approve of homosexuality is not brain washing them?

tapatalk post
It is being widely excepted by the young generations eh ? Now why is this you suppose ? It isn't because they just decided all by their little lonesome to except something such as this freely. NO, it took coercion and brainwashing over time in order to get this all to where it is all at today. The government allied with certain sets or groups of people in this nation has since forced this change (not of hearts), but of mindset to occur. People being forced to change their minds is purely seen as control, and to be controlled is to lose ones compass in life, and to lose ones freedoms to think freely in life, and ultimately to lose ones country/home in life.

The weakening down or the destruction of the family was the first steps taken, then once the family cubs were weakened because of this, and then removed from the family in structure there of, well they became weakened, and they become of an easy prey in all of this for the wolves.

Next the wolves and/or the attackers of these cubs had to set traps for them were they congregated or were to be found next in their life, and that was in the public school system.

It's so sad that people know this, but ignore the truths of these matters in life.

I do not brainwash my kids and they think for themselves. And they are very religious, more than me.
If anyone is brainwashing the youth it would be Robertson and his kind and the rest of the religious kooks in tow.
The youth these days can see that. No wonder they are COMING BACK to the churches and it is the loving, accepting and OPEN DOOR churches that accept folks FOR WHO THEY ARE.

So forcing kids to approve of homosexuality is not brain washing them?

tapatalk post

Name one person on this earth that has been "forced to accept homosexuality".
Where is that person?
That has never happened.
They have brainwashed you to believe that.
I do not brainwash my kids and they think for themselves. And they are very religious, more than me.
If anyone is brainwashing the youth it would be Robertson and his kind and the rest of the religious kooks in tow.
The youth these days can see that. No wonder they are COMING BACK to the churches and it is the loving, accepting and OPEN DOOR churches that accept folks FOR WHO THEY ARE.

So forcing kids to approve of homosexuality is not brain washing them?

tapatalk post

Name one person on this earth that has been "forced to accept homosexuality".
Where is that person?
That has never happened.

All of us are being forced to approve homosexuality what the f*** do you think this whole thing was about?

tapatalk post
The hate also comes from you on the far right who HATE anyone who does not share your reactionary, wing nut, socon views of life and governent.

Not true, jakey boy. Not true at all. And its not the far right who want the freedom to express their beliefs and live as they choose. Its mainstream america.

The HATE is coming from you on the intolerant left who refuse to respect the views of others and want the governmen to punish them for not thinking as you do.

We don't want to change how you think, you can think and live as you choose. But thats not good enough, is it? you want to control how everyone thinks and lives.

YOU ON THE LEFT ARE ANTI-FREEDOM. Orwell and Rand wrote about you--and they were right.

I am mainstream right of center. Your silly comments above undermine your false statements. You are a far right wingnut reactionary who tries to hide his failed socon values unsuccessfully. You want to tell the rest of us to confirm to your small group's despicable beliefs that debase true conservatism and Americanism.
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