Anti-Politically Correct Sign in Houston Restaurant: Yay or Nay?

What is your response to the Anti-PC Sign?

  • Yay - Positive: I like more than dislike

    Votes: 39 84.8%
  • Nay - Negative: I dislike more than I like

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Neutral - It doesn't invoke a response either way, positive or negative

    Votes: 6 13.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, .

In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era

You'd really love the poster campaigns of the ruling Schweizerische Volkspartei....they won the Federal Election earlier this year you know in Switzerland and got the largest share of the votes for ANY party for ONE HUNDRED YEARS!

They've been the largest party in the Schweizerische Bundesversammlung (Swiss Federal Assembly) for quite some time.

The messages in these poster campaigns is blatantly clear and the Swiss vote for the SVP because obviously they agree with the messages:




Yes the poster campaigns are plastered all across Switzerland, from train stations, to airports, to along main roads and mountain roads....everywhere:

Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, .

In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era


Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, not a Nazi Party, nor a Neo-Nazi Party....ONLY in the tiny minds of the Left-Wing media.

Heinz-Christian Strache, being a Christian, is naturally disliked by the Left-Wing.

View attachment 57812

And obviously he's a Patriot....which means the Left-Wing hate that too, Leftists hate Patriotism, as we know.

View attachment 57813

Only in the tiny minds of it's supporters you meant to say. It seems the entire EU disagrees.

The Haider Phenomenon in Austria: Examining the FPO in European Context

"The FPÖ can be better understood by examining both its historic roots and its present agenda. The party was founded in 1956 by former Nazis for former Nazis. Its first chairman, Anton Reinthaller, was a former SS-general, and almost all of its rank and file were former Nazi party members. From its very beginning, the FPÖ represented the tradition of the Pan-German camp in Austria, which became fully integrated into the Austrian NSDAP in the 1930s."
  • Thanks
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No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.

So what's all this rubbish with the "Happy Holidays" stuff then? How did that all come about? That's right, because "Merry Christmas" was considered "offensive" by a minority of bedwetters, and as we know, minority rules now....who cares what the majority thinks anymore :rolleyes-41:

Personally I think the bedwetters problems began in early infancy, they probably weren't breastfed correctly.

You are offended by "Happy Holidays", it would seem.

I'm not offended by "Happy Holidays", I just think it's completely pathetic, it's something only bedwetters could have thought up, obviously using their collectively shared 1.5 braincell.

I blame Andy Williams

Singers don't pronounce words clearly anymore. Every word from andy was understood.

Andy declared War on Christmas....was he too PC to say Merry Christmas?
Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, .

In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era

You'd really love the poster campaigns of the ruling Schweizerische Volkspartei....they won the Federal Election earlier this year you know in Switzerland and got the largest share of the votes for ANY party for ONE HUNDRED YEARS!

They've been the largest party in the Schweizerische Bundesversammlung (Swiss Federal Assembly) for quite some time.

The messages in these poster campaigns is blatantly clear and the Swiss vote for the SVP because obviously they agree with the messages:

View attachment 57815

View attachment 57817

View attachment 57816

Yes the poster campaigns are plastered all across Switzerland, from train stations, to airports, to along main roads and mountain roads....everywhere:

View attachment 57818

Yes, the fear is bringing your type out all around the world. Even here in the US. Fortunately cooler heads will prevail.
The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, .

In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era


Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, not a Nazi Party, nor a Neo-Nazi Party....ONLY in the tiny minds of the Left-Wing media.

Heinz-Christian Strache, being a Christian, is naturally disliked by the Left-Wing.

View attachment 57812

And obviously he's a Patriot....which means the Left-Wing hate that too, Leftists hate Patriotism, as we know.

View attachment 57813

Only in the tiny minds of it's supporters you meant to say. It seems the entire EU disagrees.

The Haider Phenomenon in Austria: Examining the FPO in European Context

"The FPÖ can be better understood by examining both its historic roots and its present agenda. The party was founded in 1956 by former Nazis for former Nazis. Its first chairman, Anton Reinthaller, was a former SS-general, and almost all of its rank and file were former Nazi party members. From its very beginning, the FPÖ represented the tradition of the Pan-German camp in Austria, which became fully integrated into the Austrian NSDAP in the 1930s."

Showing you know nothing about Austrian politics.

A) Jörg Haider died in 2008. B) In 2005 Haider left the FPÖ and formed another party, Bündnis Zukunft Österreich (Alliance for the Future of Austria)

The Government of Austria from 2000-2007 was a Grand Coalition between the ÖVP/FPÖ.

The ÖVP - Österreichische Volkspartei (Austrian People's Party) with Wolfgang Schüssel as Chancellor and across the seven years three Vice-Chancellor's from the FPÖ - Susanne Riess-Passer, Herbert Haupt and Hubert Gorbach.

So, the FPÖ spent nearly a DECADE already WITHIN the Austrian Government.

Who cares what the Leftist Bedwetters in the EU think? That's right NOBODY cares.

If the election were held now, it would be a Grand Coalition again between FPÖ/ÖVP, a reverse of the 2000-2007 situation. Heinz-Christian Strache as Chancellor and Reinhold Mitterlehner as Vice-Chancellor (leader of the ÖVP).

Current polls - FPÖ 33% - ÖVP 23% - SPÖ 20%.
The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, .

In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era

You'd really love the poster campaigns of the ruling Schweizerische Volkspartei....they won the Federal Election earlier this year you know in Switzerland and got the largest share of the votes for ANY party for ONE HUNDRED YEARS!

They've been the largest party in the Schweizerische Bundesversammlung (Swiss Federal Assembly) for quite some time.

The messages in these poster campaigns is blatantly clear and the Swiss vote for the SVP because obviously they agree with the messages:

View attachment 57815

View attachment 57817

View attachment 57816

Yes the poster campaigns are plastered all across Switzerland, from train stations, to airports, to along main roads and mountain roads....everywhere:

View attachment 57818

Yes, the fear is bringing your type out all around the world. Even here in the US. Fortunately cooler heads will prevail.

A typical comment from a Cultural Marxist, who probably has a Che Guevara poster on his wall and is wearing Hammer and Sickle emblazened underwear right this moment.

Your Christmas reading, no doubt you re-reading "Das Kapital"
The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, .

In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era


Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, not a Nazi Party, nor a Neo-Nazi Party....ONLY in the tiny minds of the Left-Wing media.

Heinz-Christian Strache, being a Christian, is naturally disliked by the Left-Wing.

View attachment 57812

And obviously he's a Patriot....which means the Left-Wing hate that too, Leftists hate Patriotism, as we know.

View attachment 57813

Only in the tiny minds of it's supporters you meant to say. It seems the entire EU disagrees.

The Haider Phenomenon in Austria: Examining the FPO in European Context

"The FPÖ can be better understood by examining both its historic roots and its present agenda. The party was founded in 1956 by former Nazis for former Nazis. Its first chairman, Anton Reinthaller, was a former SS-general, and almost all of its rank and file were former Nazi party members. From its very beginning, the FPÖ represented the tradition of the Pan-German camp in Austria, which became fully integrated into the Austrian NSDAP in the 1930s."

Whoever gave you that "Thank-You", yes they know nothing about Austrian politics either.
I will leave this thread to the white supramacists wallowing in their own shit.
In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era


Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, not a Nazi Party, nor a Neo-Nazi Party....ONLY in the tiny minds of the Left-Wing media.

Heinz-Christian Strache, being a Christian, is naturally disliked by the Left-Wing.

View attachment 57812

And obviously he's a Patriot....which means the Left-Wing hate that too, Leftists hate Patriotism, as we know.

View attachment 57813

Only in the tiny minds of it's supporters you meant to say. It seems the entire EU disagrees.

The Haider Phenomenon in Austria: Examining the FPO in European Context

"The FPÖ can be better understood by examining both its historic roots and its present agenda. The party was founded in 1956 by former Nazis for former Nazis. Its first chairman, Anton Reinthaller, was a former SS-general, and almost all of its rank and file were former Nazi party members. From its very beginning, the FPÖ represented the tradition of the Pan-German camp in Austria, which became fully integrated into the Austrian NSDAP in the 1930s."

Showing you know nothing about Austrian politics.

A) Jörg Haider died in 2008. B) In 2005 Haider left the FPÖ and formed another party, Bündnis Zukunft Österreich (Alliance for the Future of Austria)

The Government of Austria from 2000-2007 was a Grand Coalition between the ÖVP/FPÖ.

The ÖVP - Österreichische Volkspartei (Austrian People's Party) with Wolfgang Schüssel as Chancellor and across the seven years three Vice-Chancellor's from the FPÖ - Susanne Riess-Passer, Herbert Haupt and Hubert Gorbach.

So, the FPÖ spent nearly a DECADE already WITHIN the Austrian Government.

Who cares what the Leftist Bedwetters in the EU think? That's right NOBODY cares.

If the election were held now, it would be a Grand Coalition again between FPÖ/ÖVP, a reverse of the 2000-2007 situation. Heinz-Christian Strache as Chancellor and Reinhold Mitterlehner as Vice-Chancellor (leader of the ÖVP).

Current polls - FPÖ 33% - ÖVP 23% - SPÖ 20%.

Like I said, the fear brings you people out. Look at Trump.
In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era

You'd really love the poster campaigns of the ruling Schweizerische Volkspartei....they won the Federal Election earlier this year you know in Switzerland and got the largest share of the votes for ANY party for ONE HUNDRED YEARS!

They've been the largest party in the Schweizerische Bundesversammlung (Swiss Federal Assembly) for quite some time.

The messages in these poster campaigns is blatantly clear and the Swiss vote for the SVP because obviously they agree with the messages:

View attachment 57815

View attachment 57817

View attachment 57816

Yes the poster campaigns are plastered all across Switzerland, from train stations, to airports, to along main roads and mountain roads....everywhere:

View attachment 57818

Yes, the fear is bringing your type out all around the world. Even here in the US. Fortunately cooler heads will prevail.

A typical comment from a Cultural Marxist, who probably has a Che Guevara poster on his wall and is wearing Hammer and Sickle emblazened underwear right this moment.

Your Christmas reading, no doubt you re-reading "Das Kapital"

Actually I'm reading about and schooling you on the history of your own politics.
In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era


Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, not a Nazi Party, nor a Neo-Nazi Party....ONLY in the tiny minds of the Left-Wing media.

Heinz-Christian Strache, being a Christian, is naturally disliked by the Left-Wing.

View attachment 57812

And obviously he's a Patriot....which means the Left-Wing hate that too, Leftists hate Patriotism, as we know.

View attachment 57813

Only in the tiny minds of it's supporters you meant to say. It seems the entire EU disagrees.

The Haider Phenomenon in Austria: Examining the FPO in European Context

"The FPÖ can be better understood by examining both its historic roots and its present agenda. The party was founded in 1956 by former Nazis for former Nazis. Its first chairman, Anton Reinthaller, was a former SS-general, and almost all of its rank and file were former Nazi party members. From its very beginning, the FPÖ represented the tradition of the Pan-German camp in Austria, which became fully integrated into the Austrian NSDAP in the 1930s."

Whoever gave you that "Thank-You", yes they know nothing about Austrian politics either.

Tell us again how the FPO has nothing to do with Nazis. :laugh:
I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era

You'd really love the poster campaigns of the ruling Schweizerische Volkspartei....they won the Federal Election earlier this year you know in Switzerland and got the largest share of the votes for ANY party for ONE HUNDRED YEARS!

They've been the largest party in the Schweizerische Bundesversammlung (Swiss Federal Assembly) for quite some time.

The messages in these poster campaigns is blatantly clear and the Swiss vote for the SVP because obviously they agree with the messages:

View attachment 57815

View attachment 57817

View attachment 57816

Yes the poster campaigns are plastered all across Switzerland, from train stations, to airports, to along main roads and mountain roads....everywhere:

View attachment 57818

Yes, the fear is bringing your type out all around the world. Even here in the US. Fortunately cooler heads will prevail.

A typical comment from a Cultural Marxist, who probably has a Che Guevara poster on his wall and is wearing Hammer and Sickle emblazened underwear right this moment.

Your Christmas reading, no doubt you re-reading "Das Kapital"

Actually I'm reading about and schooling you on the history of your own politics.

'Um even though I proved that you didn't know what you were talking hilariously posted an article about a man who left the Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs in 2005 and has been dead since 2008....Haider has been dead nearly 8 years....combined you're TEN YEARS out of date, if we take it back to 2005.

Mein Gott im Himmel....Kommunisten....Backpfeifengesicht :rolleyes-41:
I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era


Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, not a Nazi Party, nor a Neo-Nazi Party....ONLY in the tiny minds of the Left-Wing media.

Heinz-Christian Strache, being a Christian, is naturally disliked by the Left-Wing.

View attachment 57812

And obviously he's a Patriot....which means the Left-Wing hate that too, Leftists hate Patriotism, as we know.

View attachment 57813

Only in the tiny minds of it's supporters you meant to say. It seems the entire EU disagrees.

The Haider Phenomenon in Austria: Examining the FPO in European Context

"The FPÖ can be better understood by examining both its historic roots and its present agenda. The party was founded in 1956 by former Nazis for former Nazis. Its first chairman, Anton Reinthaller, was a former SS-general, and almost all of its rank and file were former Nazi party members. From its very beginning, the FPÖ represented the tradition of the Pan-German camp in Austria, which became fully integrated into the Austrian NSDAP in the 1930s."

Whoever gave you that "Thank-You", yes they know nothing about Austrian politics either.

Tell us again how the FPO has nothing to do with Nazis. :laugh:

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era


Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, not a Nazi Party, nor a Neo-Nazi Party....ONLY in the tiny minds of the Left-Wing media.

Heinz-Christian Strache, being a Christian, is naturally disliked by the Left-Wing.

View attachment 57812

And obviously he's a Patriot....which means the Left-Wing hate that too, Leftists hate Patriotism, as we know.

View attachment 57813

Only in the tiny minds of it's supporters you meant to say. It seems the entire EU disagrees.

The Haider Phenomenon in Austria: Examining the FPO in European Context

"The FPÖ can be better understood by examining both its historic roots and its present agenda. The party was founded in 1956 by former Nazis for former Nazis. Its first chairman, Anton Reinthaller, was a former SS-general, and almost all of its rank and file were former Nazi party members. From its very beginning, the FPÖ represented the tradition of the Pan-German camp in Austria, which became fully integrated into the Austrian NSDAP in the 1930s."

Showing you know nothing about Austrian politics.

A) Jörg Haider died in 2008. B) In 2005 Haider left the FPÖ and formed another party, Bündnis Zukunft Österreich (Alliance for the Future of Austria)

The Government of Austria from 2000-2007 was a Grand Coalition between the ÖVP/FPÖ.

The ÖVP - Österreichische Volkspartei (Austrian People's Party) with Wolfgang Schüssel as Chancellor and across the seven years three Vice-Chancellor's from the FPÖ - Susanne Riess-Passer, Herbert Haupt and Hubert Gorbach.

So, the FPÖ spent nearly a DECADE already WITHIN the Austrian Government.

Who cares what the Leftist Bedwetters in the EU think? That's right NOBODY cares.

If the election were held now, it would be a Grand Coalition again between FPÖ/ÖVP, a reverse of the 2000-2007 situation. Heinz-Christian Strache as Chancellor and Reinhold Mitterlehner as Vice-Chancellor (leader of the ÖVP).

Current polls - FPÖ 33% - ÖVP 23% - SPÖ 20%.

Like I said, the fear brings you people out. Look at Trump.

Of course, his hair....looking at Trump, one can become fixated at staring at his unique hairdo.
(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates..
That's precisely what it is.

PC: Strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

They have zero (0) interest in the free and open exchange of ideas.

Yes and these are the same hypocrites who screech like hyenas about Free Speech :rolleyes-41:

What people need to do, every time they attempt to shut someone up and prevent debate, just shout them down and keep doing so until they themselves STFU, then the debate can commence.

The Leftists are essentially bullies, as ever the only way to stop a bully is to stand up to them, bully them back if need be, they soon fall apart and crumble, like all bullies they're cowards, which is why they hate debate, they know they'd lose.

More and more people are seeing this and are fed up, and that includes honest liberals.

Is is awesome to see the bond you've formed with our newest white supremacist.


Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, not a Nazi Party, nor a Neo-Nazi Party....ONLY in the tiny minds of the Left-Wing media.

Heinz-Christian Strache, being a Christian, is naturally disliked by the Left-Wing.

View attachment 57812

And obviously he's a Patriot....which means the Left-Wing hate that too, Leftists hate Patriotism, as we know.

View attachment 57813

Only in the tiny minds of it's supporters you meant to say. It seems the entire EU disagrees.

The Haider Phenomenon in Austria: Examining the FPO in European Context

"The FPÖ can be better understood by examining both its historic roots and its present agenda. The party was founded in 1956 by former Nazis for former Nazis. Its first chairman, Anton Reinthaller, was a former SS-general, and almost all of its rank and file were former Nazi party members. From its very beginning, the FPÖ represented the tradition of the Pan-German camp in Austria, which became fully integrated into the Austrian NSDAP in the 1930s."

Showing you know nothing about Austrian politics.

A) Jörg Haider died in 2008. B) In 2005 Haider left the FPÖ and formed another party, Bündnis Zukunft Österreich (Alliance for the Future of Austria)

The Government of Austria from 2000-2007 was a Grand Coalition between the ÖVP/FPÖ.

The ÖVP - Österreichische Volkspartei (Austrian People's Party) with Wolfgang Schüssel as Chancellor and across the seven years three Vice-Chancellor's from the FPÖ - Susanne Riess-Passer, Herbert Haupt and Hubert Gorbach.

So, the FPÖ spent nearly a DECADE already WITHIN the Austrian Government.

Who cares what the Leftist Bedwetters in the EU think? That's right NOBODY cares.

If the election were held now, it would be a Grand Coalition again between FPÖ/ÖVP, a reverse of the 2000-2007 situation. Heinz-Christian Strache as Chancellor and Reinhold Mitterlehner as Vice-Chancellor (leader of the ÖVP).

Current polls - FPÖ 33% - ÖVP 23% - SPÖ 20%.

Like I said, the fear brings you people out. Look at Trump.

Of course, his hair....looking at Trump, one can become fixated at staring at his unique hairdo.
What about his suntan in winter with white eyes
So tell me about your own experiences with 'white discrimination'?

I happen to live in San Francisco- and in my neighborhood- white is a minority- AND yet- I still have yet to experience any discrimination based upon my race.

Of course as a white person- you can do your part- have lots and lots of children.
The reason the 'white population' is declining is because we white folks aren't birthing the babies.

(X)No white discrimination so far. But I am not in the minority yet.

Because SF and America are still a white majority for now. Just wait until whites become the minority, and let us see what happens then..

LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......

Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, most of them just don't know how to conduct themselves within a civilised society. We hear about this on the news each day, each day more violence and aggressive behaviour in general from them.

Dear Lucy Hamilton
ALL human beings tend to be selfish, and project our own experiences, perceptions and judgments on others.
I don't see this as more in one group and less in others.
It depends on the hot-button subject with THAT person.

I happen to go off like a MF when it comes to "certain Constitutionalist" issues.
I can rant and rave, and sound hardly different from a rightwing Bible fundamentalist.
But that is not my background. That just happens to be an area where I have little patience,
and on a bad day, can bite someone's head off.

Each person may have their own area where they just "go off" and emotions exceed reason.

I see this in each person, this potential to hit a emotionally charged issue that just sets people off.

Now, if you mean that certain groups, such as Native Americans or African Americans
who still carry the "spiritual pains and wounds of genocide" in their bloodlines,
YES, that is a factor. People DO carry these injuries from one generation to the next,
and there is deep rooted rage that has never fully healed from the terrible rapes of a person's
physical and spiritual humanity destroyed by genocide. When race is added as a factor in these
tribal wars for dominance and territory, YES, race becomes a factor. But it is not the root cause.

All the violence, abuse and oppression of the past must be healed.
ALL humanity has been affected by it, not just the "non whites" who may most closely identify with
victims of genocide blamed on the "white" European culture and history of patrilineal dominance.

We may see it in such groups for a reason, but we all have work to do to heal ourselves and our relations.
I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era


Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, not a Nazi Party, nor a Neo-Nazi Party....ONLY in the tiny minds of the Left-Wing media.

Heinz-Christian Strache, being a Christian, is naturally disliked by the Left-Wing.

View attachment 57812

And obviously he's a Patriot....which means the Left-Wing hate that too, Leftists hate Patriotism, as we know.

View attachment 57813

Only in the tiny minds of it's supporters you meant to say. It seems the entire EU disagrees.

The Haider Phenomenon in Austria: Examining the FPO in European Context

"The FPÖ can be better understood by examining both its historic roots and its present agenda. The party was founded in 1956 by former Nazis for former Nazis. Its first chairman, Anton Reinthaller, was a former SS-general, and almost all of its rank and file were former Nazi party members. From its very beginning, the FPÖ represented the tradition of the Pan-German camp in Austria, which became fully integrated into the Austrian NSDAP in the 1930s."

Whoever gave you that "Thank-You", yes they know nothing about Austrian politics either.

Tell us again how the FPO has nothing to do with Nazis. :laugh:

You'd really love the poster campaigns of the ruling Schweizerische Volkspartei....they won the Federal Election earlier this year you know in Switzerland and got the largest share of the votes for ANY party for ONE HUNDRED YEARS!

They've been the largest party in the Schweizerische Bundesversammlung (Swiss Federal Assembly) for quite some time.

The messages in these poster campaigns is blatantly clear and the Swiss vote for the SVP because obviously they agree with the messages:

View attachment 57815

View attachment 57817

View attachment 57816

Yes the poster campaigns are plastered all across Switzerland, from train stations, to airports, to along main roads and mountain roads....everywhere:

View attachment 57818

Yes, the fear is bringing your type out all around the world. Even here in the US. Fortunately cooler heads will prevail.

A typical comment from a Cultural Marxist, who probably has a Che Guevara poster on his wall and is wearing Hammer and Sickle emblazened underwear right this moment.

Your Christmas reading, no doubt you re-reading "Das Kapital"

Actually I'm reading about and schooling you on the history of your own politics.

'Um even though I proved that you didn't know what you were talking hilariously posted an article about a man who left the Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs in 2005 and has been dead since 2008....Haider has been dead nearly 8 years....combined you're TEN YEARS out of date, if we take it back to 2005.

Mein Gott im Himmel....Kommunisten....Backpfeifengesicht :rolleyes-41:

You'd really love the poster campaigns of the ruling Schweizerische Volkspartei....they won the Federal Election earlier this year you know in Switzerland and got the largest share of the votes for ANY party for ONE HUNDRED YEARS!

They've been the largest party in the Schweizerische Bundesversammlung (Swiss Federal Assembly) for quite some time.

The messages in these poster campaigns is blatantly clear and the Swiss vote for the SVP because obviously they agree with the messages:

View attachment 57815

View attachment 57817

View attachment 57816

Yes the poster campaigns are plastered all across Switzerland, from train stations, to airports, to along main roads and mountain roads....everywhere:

View attachment 57818

Yes, the fear is bringing your type out all around the world. Even here in the US. Fortunately cooler heads will prevail.

A typical comment from a Cultural Marxist, who probably has a Che Guevara poster on his wall and is wearing Hammer and Sickle emblazened underwear right this moment.

Your Christmas reading, no doubt you re-reading "Das Kapital"

Actually I'm reading about and schooling you on the history of your own politics.

'Um even though I proved that you didn't know what you were talking hilariously posted an article about a man who left the Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs in 2005 and has been dead since 2008....Haider has been dead nearly 8 years....combined you're TEN YEARS out of date, if we take it back to 2005.

Mein Gott im Himmel....Kommunisten....Backpfeifengesicht :rolleyes-41:

(X)I wonder if you will be able to avoid being called a Nazi? It is usually the losers last resort. :smile:

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