Anti-Politically Correct Sign in Houston Restaurant: Yay or Nay?

What is your response to the Anti-PC Sign?

  • Yay - Positive: I like more than dislike

    Votes: 39 84.8%
  • Nay - Negative: I dislike more than I like

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Neutral - It doesn't invoke a response either way, positive or negative

    Votes: 6 13.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.
'Sophisticated'. That's an unusual definition of 'A racial bigot'.

Whatever :rolleyes-41:

Let's talk about "racial bigots" the Rev. Al Sharpton one? How about the Rev. Jesse Jackson, is he one? What about the entire concept of Black Lives Matter, is that racial bigotry?
You have the fundamental and legal right to say all of that without any government interference.

You have absolutely no 'fundamental right' to say anything on a privately owned board like this.

And you have no right- and should have no expectation outside of a KKK meeting- that your opinion's about the 'downtrodden' white race should be without criticism.

You want to complain about the discrimination you face as a white person- complain.

As a white person- hell I have never been discriminated against for being white. I have nothing to complain about in that regard.

(X)Maybe right now you have not felt the wrath of white discrimination against you, but wait, your day will come, it is just a matter of time. Once you become a white minority in your own country you will begin to feel the pain of racism and discrimination that will be forced upon you, and you ain't going to like it, pardner. Once the non-white races take over, you will now be on the end of what I like to call get even time. Vengence will be sweet for them.

So tell me about your own experiences with 'white discrimination'?

I happen to live in San Francisco- and in my neighborhood- white is a minority- AND yet- I still have yet to experience any discrimination based upon my race.

Of course as a white person- you can do your part- have lots and lots of children.
The reason the 'white population' is declining is because we white folks aren't birthing the babies.

(X)No white discrimination so far. But I am not in the minority yet.

Because SF and America are still a white majority for now. Just wait until whites become the minority, and let us see what happens then..

LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......

Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Only verbally over the last several pages.
So tell me about your own experiences with 'white discrimination'?

I happen to live in San Francisco- and in my neighborhood- white is a minority- AND yet- I still have yet to experience any discrimination based upon my race.

Of course as a white person- you can do your part- have lots and lots of children.
The reason the 'white population' is declining is because we white folks aren't birthing the babies.

(X)No white discrimination so far. But I am not in the minority yet.

Because SF and America are still a white majority for now. Just wait until whites become the minority, and let us see what happens then..

LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......

Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, most of them just don't know how to conduct themselves within a civilised society. We hear about this on the news each day, each day more violence and aggressive behaviour in general from them.

More abuse of minorities.
(X)Maybe right now you have not felt the wrath of white discrimination against you, but wait, your day will come, it is just a matter of time. Once you become a white minority in your own country you will begin to feel the pain of racism and discrimination that will be forced upon you, and you ain't going to like it, pardner. Once the non-white races take over, you will now be on the end of what I like to call get even time. Vengence will be sweet for them.

So tell me about your own experiences with 'white discrimination'?

I happen to live in San Francisco- and in my neighborhood- white is a minority- AND yet- I still have yet to experience any discrimination based upon my race.

Of course as a white person- you can do your part- have lots and lots of children.
The reason the 'white population' is declining is because we white folks aren't birthing the babies.

(X)No white discrimination so far. But I am not in the minority yet.

Because SF and America are still a white majority for now. Just wait until whites become the minority, and let us see what happens then..

LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......

Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Only verbally over the last several pages.

Oh come on, that was all mild when compared to what the Black Supremacists say about white people, and you know it, yet you're unable to admit it, that'd be truth telling of course.
(X)No white discrimination so far. But I am not in the minority yet.

Because SF and America are still a white majority for now. Just wait until whites become the minority, and let us see what happens then..

LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......

Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, most of them just don't know how to conduct themselves within a civilised society. We hear about this on the news each day, each day more violence and aggressive behaviour in general from them.

More abuse of minorities.

This is what you call abuse? Most people would call it the truth.

Abuse is advocating hatred and violence, something I've never done and never intend to do.
LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......

Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, .

In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era
What IS a racist exactly?
One who considers a race to be superior/inferior to another. That's you. Tell me, have you ever had a longing to subjugate Volgograd?

It's a historical fact that the Caucasian is superior in every way to the blacks. From Philosophy to Science - everything from Medicine to Physics to Chemistry to Mathematics - to Architecture to the Arts to pretty much EVERYTHING....this is all historical fact and you simply cannot disprove it, if you attempt to, it'll just completely illustrate how deep your absolute denial of reality is.

Post a list of the AMAZING achievements throughout Centuries of HISTORY of blacks, how they HAVEN'T advanced any form of Civilisation ONE iota.

You won't able to post a list because there isn't one, their achievements throughout Centuries of history are non-existent.
It's a historical fact that the Caucasian is superior in every way to the blacks.
I note how you've gone from 'non-white' to 'black' while making your unsupported assertions.

Tell you what, go and watch 'Triumph of the Will' a few times. That will reassure your insecurities.
What IS a racist exactly?
One who considers a race to be superior/inferior to another. That's you. Tell me, have you ever had a longing to subjugate Volgograd?

It's a historical fact that the Caucasian is superior in every way to the blacks. From Philosophy to Science - everything from Medicine to Physics to Chemistry to Mathematics - to Architecture to the Arts to pretty much EVERYTHING....this is all historical fact and you simply cannot disprove it, if you attempt to, it'll just completely illustrate how deep your absolute denial of reality is.

Post a list of the AMAZING achievements throughout Centuries of HISTORY of blacks, how they HAVEN'T advanced any form of Civilisation ONE iota.

You won't able to post a list because there isn't one, their achievements throughout Centuries of history are non-existent.

What's a racist? :eusa_think:

You do a fair impression of one while claiming ignorance.
It's a shame everything has to be political now.

It doesn't "HAVE TO BE." Fuck all these little weasels that think it does. Speak your mind, speak the truth, and don't be afraid.

THAT IS THE NEW TREND, because people are fed up with it.
View attachment 57634 Anti-politically correct signs draw attention at popular Houston chain restaurant Berryhill Baja Grill

Businesses take a lot of care in catering to customers and clients, avoiding offending them at nearly any cost.

That is why signs posted on each of the five company-owned Berryhill Baja Grill restaurants in the Houston area are getting attention.

The signs read: "Notice. This store is politically incorrect.
We say Merry Christmas. God bless America.
We salute our flag and give thanks to our troops, police officers and firefighters.
If this offends you, you are welcome to leave. In God we trust."

It is signed, Berryhill.

The signs were posted at the direction of Berryhill CEO Jeff Anon. The tipping point for him was the generic red cups used for the holiday season by a well-known coffee establishment. At the time it was described as more inclusive for people of all beliefs.

When Anon's son showed him a picture of similar signs going up at other businesses around the country, he had his own printed.

"I don't think anybody means anything bad or mean when they say Merry Christmas, and I thought somebody had to stand up and say enough of this," he said.

Some signs have disappeared from the restaurants, from customers who were offended. They are quickly replaced.

Anon said there have been some complaints, but "I'd say for every one who thought it wasn't appropriate, probably 10 to 20 who thought it was and supported it."

That's echoed by customers like Randy Massy.

"I guess the political correctness has gone overboard sometimes," he said.

Ditto for Cynthia Bivins. While lunching at the Post Oak location with her friend, the attorney said, "I celebrate Christmas. I salute the flagl I'm an American. It doesn't offend me at all."

Business continues to go well at Anon's restaurants. The company owns five Berryhills in Houston. There are franchises as well. Anon says those are not included on the sign list, and doesn't know if any franchise-holders have asked to display them.


What is your response to the Sign: Yay Nay or Neutral?

Silliness and stupidity are now on the menu at Berryhill it seems. Hopefully it replaced that crappy purple cabbage they use to blanket everything.
Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, .

In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era


Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, not a Nazi Party, nor a Neo-Nazi Party....ONLY in the tiny minds of the Left-Wing media.

Heinz-Christian Strache, being a Christian, is naturally disliked by the Left-Wing.


And obviously he's a Patriot....which means the Left-Wing hate that too, Leftists hate Patriotism, as we know.


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