Anti-Politically Correct Sign in Houston Restaurant: Yay or Nay?

What is your response to the Anti-PC Sign?

  • Yay - Positive: I like more than dislike

    Votes: 39 84.8%
  • Nay - Negative: I dislike more than I like

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Neutral - It doesn't invoke a response either way, positive or negative

    Votes: 6 13.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

(X)It's always so easy to attack Christmas or anything Christian because guys like this one can get away with it. The lame duck media will ignore it. Now make fun of some other religion, and watch the media go bonkers over it. I just wonder as too how long Christians are going to allow themselves to be fed to the lions, by these Zio haters?


Sarcasm and attempt at humor. That is a parody and not an attack on Christmas. Some think it is funny........others.........not so much...

I'm aware of the ACLU and their attacks and lawsuits against Religious symbols........such as the Soledad Cross.......such as targeting simple Nativity scenes in a public park.............a Christmas tree at an airport........................and so on..........

Lighten up.

The ACLU are a hate organisation and have always been, of course they were founded by a group of Marxist-Pacifists. They also consider the Celtic Cross "racist" :rolleyes-41:

There are thousands of Celtic Crosses right across the Republic of Ireland, the Irish consider it essentially a sacred symbol, which of course must mean that the majority of the Irish therefore are "racist"....:rolleyes-41:

Oh the angst of the poor down trodden white folk in America......oppressed by the 'ebil ACLU'

When did my fellow white folk get to be such big babies?
You have the fundamental and legal right to say all of that without any government interference.

You have absolutely no 'fundamental right' to say anything on a privately owned board like this.

And you have no right- and should have no expectation outside of a KKK meeting- that your opinion's about the 'downtrodden' white race should be without criticism.

You want to complain about the discrimination you face as a white person- complain.

As a white person- hell I have never been discriminated against for being white. I have nothing to complain about in that regard.

(X)Maybe right now you have not felt the wrath of white discrimination against you, but wait, your day will come, it is just a matter of time. Once you become a white minority in your own country you will begin to feel the pain of racism and discrimination that will be forced upon you, and you ain't going to like it, pardner. Once the non-white races take over, you will now be on the end of what I like to call get even time. Vengence will be sweet for them.

So tell me about your own experiences with 'white discrimination'?

I happen to live in San Francisco- and in my neighborhood- white is a minority- AND yet- I still have yet to experience any discrimination based upon my race.

Of course as a white person- you can do your part- have lots and lots of children.
The reason the 'white population' is declining is because we white folks aren't birthing the babies.

Yet San Francisco, like Los Angeles County used to be majority white....can't you see what's happening? It's being repeated everywhere, white people being turned into a minority in places where we once were ALWAYS for Centuries the MAJORITY.

Doesn't this disturb you? If not, then it should.

That's because the UN Bedwetters in the mid-1970s started saying the world was getting overpopulated, so everyone should have less children....again this was ONLY said towards majority white nations, here in Europa and in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc.

The place this message should have been drilled home was the ENTIRE African Continent, where they continue to breed like rabbits, producing yet more millions of essentially useless mouths, who not only can they not feed, but 80% of them will grow up into being completely useless, no use to mankind nor fish.

The UN just want to make white people the minority everywhere, turning us into the minority in every nation we have always been in control of....handing therefore our wonderful nations into the hands of a mixture of Muslims and Sub-Saharan basic savages.

THIS to the Globalists apparently is called progress :rolleyes-41:

We call it the Genocide of the Caucasian Race, slowly by a combination of Population Reduction through having less children and Population Replacement.

They are importing Muslims and Sub-Saharan Africans in, who on average have between 5-7 children per family....after forty years of getting white people to have say 2 children instead of 4 or 4 plus children per family....HOW can white families possibly compete with the breeding rate of this other crowd? Unless ALL white couples start having between 10-15 children each to maintain the majority for future generations.

I don't expect you to understand this, I mean what we're saying, but that's okay.

(X)You are probably right, he/she won't get it. He/she is most likely one of those Joe or Mary zombie types that believe anything the mainstream lame duck corporate media tells them. The mainstream media will tell them that the sky is starting to fall down, and they would run for cover. :badgrin:

No, we believe in Nationhood, National Borders and keeping our Sovereignty. We don't want to be Globalised.

And apparently you believe in speaking in the third person.
(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates, to know and learn the truth, and we are all being set up for a communist way of life in the future. If there is no freedom to question, then there is no freedom at all. But don't mention that to any lieberal, they are just to stunned to figure that one out. Geez, I think that I just offended a lieberal.

Aw well. :beer:

We need several open and honest debates within society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white".

You have the fundamental and legal right to say all of that without any government interference.

You have absolutely no 'fundamental right' to say anything on a privately owned board like this.

And you have no right- and should have no expectation outside of a KKK meeting- that your opinion's about the 'downtrodden' white race should be without criticism.

You want to complain about the discrimination you face as a white person- complain.

As a white person- hell I have never been discriminated against for being white. I have nothing to complain about in that regard.

(X)Maybe right now you have not felt the wrath of white discrimination against you, but wait, your day will come, it is just a matter of time. Once you become a white minority in your own country you will begin to feel the pain of racism and discrimination that will be forced upon you, and you ain't going to like it, pardner. Once the non-white races take over, you will now be on the end of what I like to call get even time. Vengence will be sweet for them.

So tell me about your own experiences with 'white discrimination'?

I happen to live in San Francisco- and in my neighborhood- white is a minority- AND yet- I still have yet to experience any discrimination based upon my race.

Of course as a white person- you can do your part- have lots and lots of children.
The reason the 'white population' is declining is because we white folks aren't birthing the babies.

(X)No white discrimination so far. But I am not in the minority yet.

Because SF and America are still a white majority for now. Just wait until whites become the minority, and let us see what happens then..

LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......
We need several open and honest debates within society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white".

You have the fundamental and legal right to say all of that without any government interference.

You have absolutely no 'fundamental right' to say anything on a privately owned board like this.

And you have no right- and should have no expectation outside of a KKK meeting- that your opinion's about the 'downtrodden' white race should be without criticism.

You want to complain about the discrimination you face as a white person- complain.

As a white person- hell I have never been discriminated against for being white. I have nothing to complain about in that regard.

(X)Maybe right now you have not felt the wrath of white discrimination against you, but wait, your day will come, it is just a matter of time. Once you become a white minority in your own country you will begin to feel the pain of racism and discrimination that will be forced upon you, and you ain't going to like it, pardner. Once the non-white races take over, you will now be on the end of what I like to call get even time. Vengence will be sweet for them.

So tell me about your own experiences with 'white discrimination'?

I happen to live in San Francisco- and in my neighborhood- white is a minority- AND yet- I still have yet to experience any discrimination based upon my race.

Of course as a white person- you can do your part- have lots and lots of children.
The reason the 'white population' is declining is because we white folks aren't birthing the babies.

(X)No white discrimination so far. But I am not in the minority yet.

Because SF and America are still a white majority for now. Just wait until whites become the minority, and let us see what happens then..

LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......

Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.
We need several open and honest debates within society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white"

Then we need a proper debate about immigration into our nations.
What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites.
That is not a debate, it's a circle jerk.

Dear Tehon and Lucy Hamilton
What I am guessing is the point is that we need real honest DIALOGUE.
and NO, Tehon, this doesn't mean verbal masturbation.

REAL dialogue has a healing effect by releasing all that pent up emotion, stress, and ill feeling attached to the issues and stigmas of even discussing them.
It's about truly establishing honest relations and communication, with trust that we can hear and share even if we have deep rooted differences. Of course we will.

The nonprofit Center for the Healing of Racism has developed guidelines to
open up and maintain free speech discussions WITHOUT pushing hot buttons and triggering the same old knee jerk reactions. I reference them as a positive model to show this can be done.

There are ways to facilitate open dialogue in a safe healing environment of sharing between caring colleagues who really want these pains resolved.

Some of the keys are inclusion and forgiving past issues and conflicts.
Not judging each other as "representing" a larger idea or group and reacting to that by projecting onto each other.

There is a way to let go and just speak for ourselves and our own experiences, flaws biases and all.
And accept that isn't going to be perfect. And not jump on each other for every little thing we say or get right or wrong.

It takes work to build that level of community, so why not use our resources to start building better relations.
Once we have that foundation of trust to listen and include each other, then maybe we can address these bigger problems and find working solutions.
You have the fundamental and legal right to say all of that without any government interference.

You have absolutely no 'fundamental right' to say anything on a privately owned board like this.

And you have no right- and should have no expectation outside of a KKK meeting- that your opinion's about the 'downtrodden' white race should be without criticism.

You want to complain about the discrimination you face as a white person- complain.

As a white person- hell I have never been discriminated against for being white. I have nothing to complain about in that regard.

(X)Maybe right now you have not felt the wrath of white discrimination against you, but wait, your day will come, it is just a matter of time. Once you become a white minority in your own country you will begin to feel the pain of racism and discrimination that will be forced upon you, and you ain't going to like it, pardner. Once the non-white races take over, you will now be on the end of what I like to call get even time. Vengence will be sweet for them.

So tell me about your own experiences with 'white discrimination'?

I happen to live in San Francisco- and in my neighborhood- white is a minority- AND yet- I still have yet to experience any discrimination based upon my race.

Of course as a white person- you can do your part- have lots and lots of children.
The reason the 'white population' is declining is because we white folks aren't birthing the babies.

(X)No white discrimination so far. But I am not in the minority yet.

Because SF and America are still a white majority for now. Just wait until whites become the minority, and let us see what happens then..

LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......

Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.
(X)Maybe right now you have not felt the wrath of white discrimination against you, but wait, your day will come, it is just a matter of time. Once you become a white minority in your own country you will begin to feel the pain of racism and discrimination that will be forced upon you, and you ain't going to like it, pardner. Once the non-white races take over, you will now be on the end of what I like to call get even time. Vengence will be sweet for them.

So tell me about your own experiences with 'white discrimination'?

I happen to live in San Francisco- and in my neighborhood- white is a minority- AND yet- I still have yet to experience any discrimination based upon my race.

Of course as a white person- you can do your part- have lots and lots of children.
The reason the 'white population' is declining is because we white folks aren't birthing the babies.

(X)No white discrimination so far. But I am not in the minority yet.

Because SF and America are still a white majority for now. Just wait until whites become the minority, and let us see what happens then..

LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......

Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, most of them just don't know how to conduct themselves within a civilised society. We hear about this on the news each day, each day more violence and aggressive behaviour in general from them.
LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......
With the self awareness of gophers.

'Oh no, they're going to treat us like we treated them. The bastards!'
So tell me about your own experiences with 'white discrimination'?

I happen to live in San Francisco- and in my neighborhood- white is a minority- AND yet- I still have yet to experience any discrimination based upon my race.

Of course as a white person- you can do your part- have lots and lots of children.
The reason the 'white population' is declining is because we white folks aren't birthing the babies.

(X)No white discrimination so far. But I am not in the minority yet.

Because SF and America are still a white majority for now. Just wait until whites become the minority, and let us see what happens then..

LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......

Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, .

In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I'd hit the middle one.
Paris Hilton?
LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......
With the self awareness of gophers.

'Oh no, they're going to treat us like we treated them. The bastards!'

How did "we" treat "them"? Oh that's right, by giving them a better standard of existence than they were able to give themselves, on every level, from basic education to housing.

"They" couldn't have done anything on their own accord, "they" have always needed us hated white people to give them a hand-out and a lift-up, and "they" always will need us and "they" KNOW it....which is another reason why "they" hate us...."they" hate us because of our unique abilities and qualities in every single area.

It's a common thing, people ALWAYS hate what they can't ever be in a million years.
(X)No white discrimination so far. But I am not in the minority yet.

Because SF and America are still a white majority for now. Just wait until whites become the minority, and let us see what happens then..

LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......

Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, .

In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

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