Anti-Politically Correct Sign in Houston Restaurant: Yay or Nay?

What is your response to the Anti-PC Sign?

  • Yay - Positive: I like more than dislike

    Votes: 39 84.8%
  • Nay - Negative: I dislike more than I like

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Neutral - It doesn't invoke a response either way, positive or negative

    Votes: 6 13.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.

So what's all this rubbish with the "Happy Holidays" stuff then? How did that all come about? That's right, because "Merry Christmas" was considered "offensive" by a minority of bedwetters, and as we know, minority rules now....who cares what the majority thinks anymore :rolleyes-41:

Personally I think the bedwetters problems began in early infancy, they probably weren't breastfed correctly.

You are offended by "Happy Holidays", it would seem.

I'm not offended by "Happy Holidays", I just think it's completely pathetic, it's something only bedwetters could have thought up, obviously using their collectively shared 1.5 braincell.

I've never noticed you until today. You are a fairly unintelligent person, I see. You'll fit right in.

Yes, I'm so unintelligent that I've got a History and Politics degree from Balliol College, Oxford University and I did a year at Heidelberg University in Germany....two of the world's leading and most difficult to get into Universities. want to talk about intelligence vs unintelligence....go for it :popcorn:

You have to laugh at rwnjs playing the victim.
We laugh at you still trying to play two faced.

You think people haven't caught on yet?

You're dumber than I ever thought you were.
Merry Christmas little man. And may all your Christmases be white.

OMG you RACIST!!!! What's COLOUR got to do with this? Why not may all your Christmases be BLACK? Or how about may all your Christmases be "Neutral-and-Non-Gender Specific Colour"


(X)I am still waiting for the day when the cultural left-wing Marxists try to turn Santa at the mall into a Black and transgendered fellow. :afro:
View attachment 57634 Anti-politically correct signs draw attention at popular Houston chain restaurant Berryhill Baja Grill

Businesses take a lot of care in catering to customers and clients, avoiding offending them at nearly any cost.

That is why signs posted on each of the five company-owned Berryhill Baja Grill restaurants in the Houston area are getting attention.

The signs read: "Notice. This store is politically incorrect.
We say Merry Christmas. God bless America.
We salute our flag and give thanks to our troops, police officers and firefighters.
If this offends you, you are welcome to leave. In God we trust."

It is signed, Berryhill.

The signs were posted at the direction of Berryhill CEO Jeff Anon. The tipping point for him was the generic red cups used for the holiday season by a well-known coffee establishment. At the time it was described as more inclusive for people of all beliefs.

When Anon's son showed him a picture of similar signs going up at other businesses around the country, he had his own printed.

"I don't think anybody means anything bad or mean when they say Merry Christmas, and I thought somebody had to stand up and say enough of this," he said.

Some signs have disappeared from the restaurants, from customers who were offended. They are quickly replaced.

Anon said there have been some complaints, but "I'd say for every one who thought it wasn't appropriate, probably 10 to 20 who thought it was and supported it."

That's echoed by customers like Randy Massy.

"I guess the political correctness has gone overboard sometimes," he said.

Ditto for Cynthia Bivins. While lunching at the Post Oak location with her friend, the attorney said, "I celebrate Christmas. I salute the flagl I'm an American. It doesn't offend me at all."

Business continues to go well at Anon's restaurants. The company owns five Berryhills in Houston. There are franchises as well. Anon says those are not included on the sign list, and doesn't know if any franchise-holders have asked to display them.


What is your response to the Sign: Yay Nay or Neutral?

Of course I voted Yay, being anti-politically correct myself.

What on earth is happening, when these perfectly normal sayings and comments are considered in any way offensive?

"Notice. This store is politically incorrect.
We say Merry Christmas. God bless America.
We salute our flag and give thanks to our troops, police officers and firefighters.
If this offends you, you are welcome to leave. In God we trust."

I mean, something is seriously wrong with a person if they're offended by any of these things. The whole political correctness craziness has totally got out of hand now, and is in fact bordering on total insanity.

Nobody is offended by those things,but right wingers like to pretend some are. It helps them maintain their persecution complex.
Abuse is advocating hatred and violence, something I've never done and never intend to do.
You do masturbate a bit over the superiority of the 'white race' though.
  1. to use incorrectly or improperly; misuse
  2. to maltreat, esp physically or sexually
  3. to speak insultingly or cruelly to; revile
  4. (reflexive) to masturbate

(X)Nothing wrong with masturbating. It always gives one a nice orgasmic feeling. Anyway, I am pretty sure that you have tried it at least a dozen times in your useless life. Maybe you only do it when you are reading one of your anti-white hate whitey rags, uhmm? :banana:
What IS a racist exactly?
One who considers a race to be superior/inferior to another. That's you. Tell me, have you ever had a longing to subjugate Volgograd?

It's a historical fact that the Caucasian is superior in every way to the blacks. From Philosophy to Science - everything from Medicine to Physics to Chemistry to Mathematics - to Architecture to the Arts to pretty much EVERYTHING....this is all historical fact and you simply cannot disprove it, if you attempt to, it'll just completely illustrate how deep your absolute denial of reality is.

Post a list of the AMAZING achievements throughout Centuries of HISTORY of blacks, how they HAVEN'T advanced any form of Civilisation ONE iota.

You won't able to post a list because there isn't one, their achievements throughout Centuries of history are non-existent.

(X)I agree. It just shows that no one will be allowed to praise the Caucasian race for doing anything good. They only want to look for and find anything bad that white people may have done throughout history. And they like to lump all white people in there with it. I don't see thousands of Caucasian people running off too Africa to live. But Africans sure do a lot of running to Caucasian countries. We are a superior race in many ways, something that I am very proud to be a part of. Ok, all you anti-white haters, go ahead make your day, call me a racist. I know that is the best and only thing that you can come back with. Like a duck, it is just water off my back. :badgrin:
Yes because red cups are the scourge of humanity. One would assume if the cups were all green the reaction would be the same, so those two colors are offensive to conservatives and cannot be put on cups. Brown and black seem to offend them as well. And pink. And purple. White, apparently is A-OK.
Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era


Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, not a Nazi Party, nor a Neo-Nazi Party....ONLY in the tiny minds of the Left-Wing media.

Heinz-Christian Strache, being a Christian, is naturally disliked by the Left-Wing.

View attachment 57812

And obviously he's a Patriot....which means the Left-Wing hate that too, Leftists hate Patriotism, as we know.

View attachment 57813

Only in the tiny minds of it's supporters you meant to say. It seems the entire EU disagrees.

The Haider Phenomenon in Austria: Examining the FPO in European Context

"The FPÖ can be better understood by examining both its historic roots and its present agenda. The party was founded in 1956 by former Nazis for former Nazis. Its first chairman, Anton Reinthaller, was a former SS-general, and almost all of its rank and file were former Nazi party members. From its very beginning, the FPÖ represented the tradition of the Pan-German camp in Austria, which became fully integrated into the Austrian NSDAP in the 1930s."

Whoever gave you that "Thank-You", yes they know nothing about Austrian politics either.

Tell us again how the FPO has nothing to do with Nazis. :laugh:

You'd really love the poster campaigns of the ruling Schweizerische Volkspartei....they won the Federal Election earlier this year you know in Switzerland and got the largest share of the votes for ANY party for ONE HUNDRED YEARS!

They've been the largest party in the Schweizerische Bundesversammlung (Swiss Federal Assembly) for quite some time.

The messages in these poster campaigns is blatantly clear and the Swiss vote for the SVP because obviously they agree with the messages:

View attachment 57815

View attachment 57817

View attachment 57816

Yes the poster campaigns are plastered all across Switzerland, from train stations, to airports, to along main roads and mountain roads....everywhere:

View attachment 57818

Yes, the fear is bringing your type out all around the world. Even here in the US. Fortunately cooler heads will prevail.

A typical comment from a Cultural Marxist, who probably has a Che Guevara poster on his wall and is wearing Hammer and Sickle emblazened underwear right this moment.

Your Christmas reading, no doubt you re-reading "Das Kapital"

Actually I'm reading about and schooling you on the history of your own politics.

'Um even though I proved that you didn't know what you were talking hilariously posted an article about a man who left the Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs in 2005 and has been dead since 2008....Haider has been dead nearly 8 years....combined you're TEN YEARS out of date, if we take it back to 2005.

Mein Gott im Himmel....Kommunisten....Backpfeifengesicht :rolleyes-41:
You'd really love the poster campaigns of the ruling Schweizerische Volkspartei....they won the Federal Election earlier this year you know in Switzerland and got the largest share of the votes for ANY party for ONE HUNDRED YEARS!

They've been the largest party in the Schweizerische Bundesversammlung (Swiss Federal Assembly) for quite some time.

The messages in these poster campaigns is blatantly clear and the Swiss vote for the SVP because obviously they agree with the messages:

View attachment 57815

View attachment 57817

View attachment 57816

Yes the poster campaigns are plastered all across Switzerland, from train stations, to airports, to along main roads and mountain roads....everywhere:

View attachment 57818

Yes, the fear is bringing your type out all around the world. Even here in the US. Fortunately cooler heads will prevail.

A typical comment from a Cultural Marxist, who probably has a Che Guevara poster on his wall and is wearing Hammer and Sickle emblazened underwear right this moment.

Your Christmas reading, no doubt you re-reading "Das Kapital"

Actually I'm reading about and schooling you on the history of your own politics.

'Um even though I proved that you didn't know what you were talking hilariously posted an article about a man who left the Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs in 2005 and has been dead since 2008....Haider has been dead nearly 8 years....combined you're TEN YEARS out of date, if we take it back to 2005.

Mein Gott im Himmel....Kommunisten....Backpfeifengesicht :rolleyes-41:

(X)I wonder if you will be able to avoid being called a Nazi? It is usually the losers last resort. :smile:

My party is the Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, the FPÖ, we are yes, Right-Wing, we're anti-EU, we're anti-Globalisation, we're anti-Immigration, we're anti-World Bank, anti-IMF, anti-ECB, anti-UN, anti-Islamification of Europa and we're pro-Europa, pro-Christianity and we support Pan-Germanism.
Yes because red cups are the scourge of humanity. One would assume if the cups were all green the reaction would be the same, so those two colors are offensive to conservatives and cannot be put on cups. Brown and black seem to offend them as well. And pink. And purple. White, apparently is A-OK.

I'm not understanding this, what are the red cups for example? Sorry :confused-84:
(X)No white discrimination so far. But I am not in the minority yet.

Because SF and America are still a white majority for now. Just wait until whites become the minority, and let us see what happens then..

LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......

Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, most of them just don't know how to conduct themselves within a civilised society. We hear about this on the news each day, each day more violence and aggressive behaviour in general from them.

Dear Lucy Hamilton
ALL human beings tend to be selfish, and project our own experiences, perceptions and judgments on others.
I don't see this as more in one group and less in others.
It depends on the hot-button subject with THAT person.

I happen to go off like a MF when it comes to "certain Constitutionalist" issues.
I can rant and rave, and sound hardly different from a rightwing Bible fundamentalist.
But that is not my background. That just happens to be an area where I have little patience,
and on a bad day, can bite someone's head off.

Each person may have their own area where they just "go off" and emotions exceed reason.

I see this in each person, this potential to hit a emotionally charged issue that just sets people off.

Now, if you mean that certain groups, such as Native Americans or African Americans
who still carry the "spiritual pains and wounds of genocide" in their bloodlines,
YES, that is a factor. People DO carry these injuries from one generation to the next,
and there is deep rooted rage that has never fully healed from the terrible rapes of a person's
physical and spiritual humanity destroyed by genocide. When race is added as a factor in these
tribal wars for dominance and territory, YES, race becomes a factor. But it is not the root cause.

All the violence, abuse and oppression of the past must be healed.
ALL humanity has been affected by it, not just the "non whites" who may most closely identify with
victims of genocide blamed on the "white" European culture and history of patrilineal dominance.

We may see it in such groups for a reason, but we all have work to do to heal ourselves and our relations.

But do I have to feel "guilty" for anything? No, which is why I don't and if the "guilt-trip crowd" don't like that, tough.
Yes because red cups are the scourge of humanity. One would assume if the cups were all green the reaction would be the same, so those two colors are offensive to conservatives and cannot be put on cups. Brown and black seem to offend them as well. And pink. And purple. White, apparently is A-OK.

I'm not understanding this, what are the red cups for example? Sorry :confused-84:

From the article:

"The signs were posted at the direction of Berryhill CEO Jeff Anon. The tipping point for him was the generic red cups used for the holiday season by a well-known coffee establishment."

The guy finally lost his shite when he saw red cups. In the words of the head elf in the Rudolph stop motion film, GOOD GRIEF.
Yes because red cups are the scourge of humanity. One would assume if the cups were all green the reaction would be the same, so those two colors are offensive to conservatives and cannot be put on cups. Brown and black seem to offend them as well. And pink. And purple. White, apparently is A-OK.

I'm not understanding this, what are the red cups for example? Sorry :confused-84:

From the article:

"The signs were posted at the direction of Berryhill CEO Jeff Anon. The tipping point for him was the generic red cups used for the holiday season by a well-known coffee establishment."

The guy finally lost his shite when he saw red cups. In the words of the head elf in the Rudolph stop motion film, GOOD GRIEF.

The thread is that long now, I forgot about the original article :eusa_doh:

Thanks for re-posting the bit, and activating my grey sponge :wink:
LOL.....wait- are you thinking that once whites are a minority- that you will be treated like you treat minorities now?

Oh the terrible race fueled angst of White Supremacists......

Huh? I've never mistreated any minority.

Then you have no reason to expect to be mistreated yourself.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, most of them just don't know how to conduct themselves within a civilised society. We hear about this on the news each day, each day more violence and aggressive behaviour in general from them.

Dear Lucy Hamilton
ALL human beings tend to be selfish, and project our own experiences, perceptions and judgments on others.
I don't see this as more in one group and less in others.
It depends on the hot-button subject with THAT person.

I happen to go off like a MF when it comes to "certain Constitutionalist" issues.
I can rant and rave, and sound hardly different from a rightwing Bible fundamentalist.
But that is not my background. That just happens to be an area where I have little patience,
and on a bad day, can bite someone's head off.

Each person may have their own area where they just "go off" and emotions exceed reason.

I see this in each person, this potential to hit a emotionally charged issue that just sets people off.

Now, if you mean that certain groups, such as Native Americans or African Americans
who still carry the "spiritual pains and wounds of genocide" in their bloodlines,
YES, that is a factor. People DO carry these injuries from one generation to the next,
and there is deep rooted rage that has never fully healed from the terrible rapes of a person's
physical and spiritual humanity destroyed by genocide. When race is added as a factor in these
tribal wars for dominance and territory, YES, race becomes a factor. But it is not the root cause.

All the violence, abuse and oppression of the past must be healed.
ALL humanity has been affected by it, not just the "non whites" who may most closely identify with
victims of genocide blamed on the "white" European culture and history of patrilineal dominance.

We may see it in such groups for a reason, but we all have work to do to heal ourselves and our relations.

But do I have to feel "guilty" for anything? No, which is why I don't and if the "guilt-trip crowd" don't like that, tough.

(X)That is right, Lucy, never feel guilty for being white. Instead be proud of your white color and stand up and fight to protect it. Just because there have been some white people in the past that have done something bad, all white people should not be included. We are still a great and proud people and we need to keep pushing that belief on our white brothers and sisters. They need to be woken up and informed and brought out of their zombie like brainwashed state. It will happen one day, and I can only hope that it will be very soon. A great website for our people is" The Political Cesspool" with James Edward. There you will find like-minded people like yourself. :beer:
Abuse is advocating hatred and violence, something I've never done and never intend to do.
You do masturbate a bit over the superiority of the 'white race' though.
  1. to use incorrectly or improperly; misuse
  2. to maltreat, esp physically or sexually
  3. to speak insultingly or cruelly to; revile
  4. (reflexive) to masturbate

(X)Nothing wrong with masturbating. It always gives one a nice orgasmic feeling. Anyway, I am pretty sure that you have tried it at least a dozen times in your useless life. Maybe you only do it when you are reading one of your anti-white hate whitey rags, uhmm? :banana:
He's the byproduct of someone masturbating. They rubbed it off the floor and, bingo, there he was.
Abuse is advocating hatred and violence, something I've never done and never intend to do.
You do masturbate a bit over the superiority of the 'white race' though.
  1. to use incorrectly or improperly; misuse
  2. to maltreat, esp physically or sexually
  3. to speak insultingly or cruelly to; revile
  4. (reflexive) to masturbate

(X)Nothing wrong with masturbating. It always gives one a nice orgasmic feeling. Anyway, I am pretty sure that you have tried it at least a dozen times in your useless life. Maybe you only do it when you are reading one of your anti-white hate whitey rags, uhmm? :banana:
He's the byproduct of someone masturbating. They rubbed it off the floor and, bingo, there he was.

The difference is non-whites tend not to be house-trained, .

In my experience white supremacists like yourself tend to be the ones who piddle on the floor.

I've never piddled on the floor sweet cheeks. I'm far too well-bred and sophisticated for that sort of thing....sorry to disappoint you.

Some of your fellow sophisticates.


Rise of Austrian Right Lengthens Shadow of Nazi Era


Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, not a Nazi Party, nor a Neo-Nazi Party....ONLY in the tiny minds of the Left-Wing media.

Heinz-Christian Strache, being a Christian, is naturally disliked by the Left-Wing.

View attachment 57812

And obviously he's a Patriot....which means the Left-Wing hate that too, Leftists hate Patriotism, as we know.

View attachment 57813

Only in the tiny minds of it's supporters you meant to say. It seems the entire EU disagrees.

The Haider Phenomenon in Austria: Examining the FPO in European Context

"The FPÖ can be better understood by examining both its historic roots and its present agenda. The party was founded in 1956 by former Nazis for former Nazis. Its first chairman, Anton Reinthaller, was a former SS-general, and almost all of its rank and file were former Nazi party members. From its very beginning, the FPÖ represented the tradition of the Pan-German camp in Austria, which became fully integrated into the Austrian NSDAP in the 1930s."

Dear Hutch Starskey and Lucy Hamilton
If the fear is that the "far right extremists" will push "exclusive" agenda and thus should be restricted in their influence in decision making, why not apply this same "restriction" to "far left extreme agenda."

At least that would be fair.

What I would suggest is facilitating issue by issue, point by point, one policy and conflict at a time.
Either the parties and their reps agree to include each other's input equally, if they want to be included equally in a consensus. Or if they only want to push THEIR way and exclude ANOTHER way, such people or groups that are onesided will only get input considered but will not have a direct say in the final output.

Only people, groups, and reps willing to INCLUDE all other input in making a consensus based decision will have a voice in the final decision, with the agreement to accommodate the input, objections, suggestions etc. from the parties or groups that are not inclusive, but seek to exclude each other. They will have the right to represent themselves and their own groups, but not the right to represent the entire nation if they are unable to get past their own interests and agenda.

That way, these bullying types can participate by giving input, and creating policies that affect their groups only, but will not be allowed to dominate the decisions that affect other people of other groups and beliefs. The people seeking to include can still accommodate that input, and work out solutions that satisfy all parties. This is possible as long as the mediation process isn't thrown off by BULLIES.

Whatever all groups can agree upon can pass as public policy.
Whatever falls apart because groups cannot agree and get divided, can remain as private policy
within groups that agree, but can't be imposed on the rest of the public. The public has to agree to it. So if policy were based on that standard, this would stop rewarding bullying and
start rewarding the ideas and leadership that really serves the greater public interest, inclusively.

Cutting out the rightwing does not count as inclusion.
Those objections and beliefs should still be included, and only the leaders who can truly
include all such input, left and right, and arrive at consensus should facilitate public policies.
Last edited:
What IS a racist exactly?
One who considers a race to be superior/inferior to another. That's you. Tell me, have you ever had a longing to subjugate Volgograd?

It's a historical fact that the Caucasian is superior in every way to the blacks. From Philosophy to Science - everything from Medicine to Physics to Chemistry to Mathematics - to Architecture to the Arts to pretty much EVERYTHING....this is all historical fact and you simply cannot disprove it, if you attempt to, it'll just completely illustrate how deep your absolute denial of reality is.

Post a list of the AMAZING achievements throughout Centuries of HISTORY of blacks, how they HAVEN'T advanced any form of Civilisation ONE iota.

You won't able to post a list because there isn't one, their achievements throughout Centuries of history are non-existent.

Dear Lucy Hamilton
drifter posted links to Reconciliation Villages
Reconciliation Village Hosts Victims, Perpetrators of Rwandan Genocide

In terms of Restorative Justice, some of the poorest victims of genocide in Africa are wealthier in terms of spiritual health and peace than the rich people in America still living in fear of gangs and crime.

We are not judged by what great acts we accomplish, or the contest would never be fair.
Those who can afford to trumpet their history on record and in books would win,
and we'd never know the accomplishments of those we never hear about.

The courage and struggle of the man recovering from a brain injury to tie his shoes again
would not show up on the scale next to the victory of Mary Lou Retton at the Olympics.

How can we possibly compare the victory of one to the other based on how much
"publicity" they get?

What really decides justice is how much we are able to forgive.

So the worst things that happen or the greater setbacks we overcome, the greater the wealth we gain.

That is more the judge of a person's character and where the scales of justice stand.

The more forgiving we are, the greater we receive in life.
The greater sacrifices we forgive, that is where the greatest wealth comes from.

That makes us all equal. The less suffering and struggle we experience in life,
the less we have to forgive, and the less reward. The more suffering and hardship,
and the harder it is to forgive and overcome, the rewards are also greater in the process.

So it comes out even.

If you judge by your standards, no one is going to judge anyone equally.
I'm not offended by "Happy Holidays", I just think it's completely pathetic, it's something only bedwetters could have thought up, obviously using their collectively shared 1.5 braincell.

I've never noticed you until today. You are a fairly unintelligent person, I see. You'll fit right in.

Yes, I'm so unintelligent that I've got a History and Politics degree from Balliol College, Oxford University and I did a year at Heidelberg University in Germany....two of the world's leading and most difficult to get into Universities. want to talk about intelligence vs unintelligence....go for it :popcorn:
Is the beer in Germany still better than the beer here, or have our microbreweries pretty much caught us up?

I have a brother who lives near London, on a recent trip here he was amazed.

A far more important issue to me than slap fights with the Regressive Left/PC Police liars.
Nothing is more important to you than your strawman war on PC.

Why the Lighthorse slouch hat; you a warrior wannabe or something?

She used to be a nurse during WW2... the hat is just a way to recall fond memories....
I've never noticed you until today. You are a fairly unintelligent person, I see. You'll fit right in.

Yes, I'm so unintelligent that I've got a History and Politics degree from Balliol College, Oxford University and I did a year at Heidelberg University in Germany....two of the world's leading and most difficult to get into Universities. want to talk about intelligence vs unintelligence....go for it :popcorn:
Is the beer in Germany still better than the beer here, or have our microbreweries pretty much caught us up?

I have a brother who lives near London, on a recent trip here he was amazed.

A far more important issue to me than slap fights with the Regressive Left/PC Police liars.
Nothing is more important to you than your strawman war on PC.

Why the Lighthorse slouch hat; you a warrior wannabe or something?

She used to be a nurse during WW2... the hat is just a way to recall fond memories....

lol. Except it is from WW1!!


So I suppose it's a horse related thing...maybe???

What IS a racist exactly?
One who considers a race to be superior/inferior to another. That's you. Tell me, have you ever had a longing to subjugate Volgograd?

It's a historical fact that the Caucasian is superior in every way to the blacks. From Philosophy to Science - everything from Medicine to Physics to Chemistry to Mathematics - to Architecture to the Arts to pretty much EVERYTHING....this is all historical fact and you simply cannot disprove it, if you attempt to, it'll just completely illustrate how deep your absolute denial of reality is.

Post a list of the AMAZING achievements throughout Centuries of HISTORY of blacks, how they HAVEN'T advanced any form of Civilisation ONE iota.

You won't able to post a list because there isn't one, their achievements throughout Centuries of history are non-existent.

Dear Lucy Hamilton
drifter posted links to Reconciliation Villages
Reconciliation Village Hosts Victims, Perpetrators of Rwandan Genocide

In terms of Restorative Justice, some of the poorest victims of genocide in Africa are wealthier in terms of spiritual health and peace than the rich people in America still living in fear of gangs and crime.

We are not judged by what great acts we accomplish, or the contest would never be fair.
Those who can afford to trumpet their history on record and in books would win,
and we'd never know the accomplishments of those we never hear about.

The courage and struggle of the man recovering from a brain injury to tie his shoes again
would not show up on the scale next to the victory of Mary Lou Retton at the Olympics.

How can we possibly compare the victory of one to the other based on how much
"publicity" they get?

What really decides justice is how much we are able to forgive.

So the worst things that happen or the greater setbacks we overcome, the greater the wealth we gain.

That is more the judge of a person's character and where the scales of justice stand.

The more forgiving we are, the greater we receive in life.
The greater sacrifices we forgive, that is where the greatest wealth comes from.

That makes us all equal. The less suffering and struggle we experience in life,
the less we have to forgive, and the less reward. The more suffering and hardship,
and the harder it is to forgive and overcome, the rewards are also greater in the process.

So it comes out even.

If you judge by your standards, no one is going to judge anyone equally.

Why judge at all??


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