Anti-Politically Correct Sign in Houston Restaurant: Yay or Nay?

What is your response to the Anti-PC Sign?

  • Yay - Positive: I like more than dislike

    Votes: 39 84.8%
  • Nay - Negative: I dislike more than I like

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Neutral - It doesn't invoke a response either way, positive or negative

    Votes: 6 13.0%

  • Total voters
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We need several open and honest debates within society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white"

Then we need a proper debate about immigration into our nations.
What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites.
That is not a debate, it's a circle jerk.

I don't know what a circle jerk is, it's not a common phrase in my nation of origin, so you'll have to tell me what it is please?
Circle jerk (sexual practice) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A circle jerk is a sexual practice in which a group of men or boys form a circle and masturbate themselves or each other. In the metaphorical sense, the term is used to refer to self-congratulatory behavior or discussion amongst a group of people, usually in reference to a "boring or time-wasting meeting or other event".[1]

Thanks....'um I'm thinking how this now figures into my comment.
None of those things offend anyone.

Some people freak at *gasp* Merry Christmas, I mean, seriously those people need to get help.
No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.

So what's all this rubbish with the "Happy Holidays" stuff then? How did that all come about? That's right, because "Merry Christmas" was considered "offensive" by a minority of bedwetters, and as we know, minority rules now....who cares what the majority thinks anymore :rolleyes-41:

Personally I think the bedwetters problems began in early infancy, they probably weren't breastfed correctly.

Happy holidays is not something new. It's been around forever and is used in classic carols. There are multiple holidays from thanksgiving to new year. It is the holiday season. Happy holidays is simply a way to give best wishes for all at once. This "war on Christmas" shit was totally manufactured by the talk radio crowd to stir the idiots. Apparently it worked.

(X)There is nothing wrong with wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. After all, isn't it suppose to be Christmas time? This bull about wishing people a Happy Holidays is nothing more than a bunch of political correct nonsense. So yes deary, there really is a "war on Christmas". You just cannot seem to be able to read between the lines.

I never said there was anything wrong with it, "deary".
Some people freak at *gasp* Merry Christmas, I mean, seriously those people need to get help.
No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.

So what's all this rubbish with the "Happy Holidays" stuff then? How did that all come about? That's right, because "Merry Christmas" was considered "offensive" by a minority of bedwetters, and as we know, minority rules now....who cares what the majority thinks anymore :rolleyes-41:

Personally I think the bedwetters problems began in early infancy, they probably weren't breastfed correctly.

You are offended by "Happy Holidays", it would seem.

I'm not offended by "Happy Holidays", I just think it's completely pathetic, it's something only bedwetters could have thought up, obviously using their collectively shared 1.5 braincell.

I blame Andy Williams

Singers don't pronounce words clearly anymore. Every word from andy was understood.
It's a shame everything has to be political now.


You're correct, society was much better when politics was kept out of everyday life situations.

(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates, to know and learn the truth, and we are all being set up for a communist way of life in the future. If there is no freedom to question, then there is no freedom at all. But don't mention that to any lieberal, they are just to stunned to figure that one out. Geez, I think that I just offended a lieberal.

Aw well. :beer:

We need several open and honest debates within society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white".

You have the fundamental and legal right to say all of that without any government interference.

You have absolutely no 'fundamental right' to say anything on a privately owned board like this.

And you have no right- and should have no expectation outside of a KKK meeting- that your opinion's about the 'downtrodden' white race should be without criticism.

You want to complain about the discrimination you face as a white person- complain.

As a white person- hell I have never been discriminated against for being white. I have nothing to complain about in that regard.

(X)Maybe right now you have not felt the wrath of white discrimination against you, but wait, your day will come, it is just a matter of time. Once you become a white minority in your own country you will begin to feel the pain of racism and discrimination that will be forced upon you, and you ain't going to like it, pardner. Once the non-white races take over, you will now be on the end of what I like to call get even time. Vengence will be sweet for them. One only has to see what is going on in some European countries where Muslims have taken over an area, and actually patrol THEIR streets now, and have forced their beliefs on anyone who enters their turf who is not Muslim. Women who don't cover up from head to toe or anyone caught drinking in THEIR new country will enter at their own risk. This is just an example of what will happen when they take over. Your Caucasian values,way of life,traditions,heritage and culture will be eliminated to the point of no return. You will be treated as the new immigrant, and your rights will be no more. Being offended for who you are will become the norm and a way of life. You laugh now, but your/our children and grandchildren wont' be laughing. They will no nothing about the life we once lived decades ago. They will learn to assimilate and become one of them or else. Wake up and smell the chit coming.
No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.

So what's all this rubbish with the "Happy Holidays" stuff then? How did that all come about? That's right, because "Merry Christmas" was considered "offensive" by a minority of bedwetters, and as we know, minority rules now....who cares what the majority thinks anymore :rolleyes-41:

Personally I think the bedwetters problems began in early infancy, they probably weren't breastfed correctly.

You are offended by "Happy Holidays", it would seem.

I'm not offended by "Happy Holidays", I just think it's completely pathetic, it's something only bedwetters could have thought up, obviously using their collectively shared 1.5 braincell.

I blame Andy Williams

Singers don't pronounce words clearly anymore. Every word from andy was understood.

I blame Rap myself and also TextSpeak.
So what's all this rubbish with the "Happy Holidays" stuff then? How did that all come about? That's right, because "Merry Christmas" was considered "offensive" by a minority of bedwetters, and as we know, minority rules now....who cares what the majority thinks anymore :rolleyes-41:

Personally I think the bedwetters problems began in early infancy, they probably weren't breastfed correctly.

You are offended by "Happy Holidays", it would seem.

I'm not offended by "Happy Holidays", I just think it's completely pathetic, it's something only bedwetters could have thought up, obviously using their collectively shared 1.5 braincell.

I blame Andy Williams

Singers don't pronounce words clearly anymore. Every word from andy was understood.

I blame Rap myself and also TextSpeak.

(X):iagree: Rap is crap.
What ever happened to the good old days when we use to say "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me". We need to get back to those good old days before the Marxists lieberals took over the program and agenda for all the world to adhere too.
The Regressive Left has learned how to weaponize PC to its advantage.

If being "offended" can give them some kind of advantage, then you bet, they'll be "offended".

They've overplayed their hand though, I think the majority of people, even non-political people, are just really tired of all this horsecrap now.
I think the end of this nonsense from the liberals is nearing with all the publicity about the Yale girl screeching about wanting her safe place and BLM demanding segregated places from white people so they can protest white privileges. That one was hilarious.
It's a shame everything has to be political now.


You're correct, society was much better when politics was kept out of everyday life situations.

(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates, to know and learn the truth, and we are all being set up for a communist way of life in the future. If there is no freedom to question, then there is no freedom at all. But don't mention that to any lieberal, they are just to stunned to figure that one out. Geez, I think that I just offended a lieberal.

Aw well. :beer:

We need several open and honest debates within society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white".

You have the fundamental and legal right to say all of that without any government interference.

You have absolutely no 'fundamental right' to say anything on a privately owned board like this.

And you have no right- and should have no expectation outside of a KKK meeting- that your opinion's about the 'downtrodden' white race should be without criticism.

You want to complain about the discrimination you face as a white person- complain.

As a white person- hell I have never been discriminated against for being white. I have nothing to complain about in that regard.

(X)Maybe right now you have not felt the wrath of white discrimination against you, but wait, your day will come, it is just a matter of time. Once you become a white minority in your own country you will begin to feel the pain of racism and discrimination that will be forced upon you, and you ain't going to like it, pardner. Once the non-white races take over, you will now be on the end of what I like to call get even time. Vengence will be sweet for them.

So tell me about your own experiences with 'white discrimination'?

I happen to live in San Francisco- and in my neighborhood- white is a minority- AND yet- I still have yet to experience any discrimination based upon my race.

Of course as a white person- you can do your part- have lots and lots of children.
The reason the 'white population' is declining is because we white folks aren't birthing the babies.
As a white person, reading the 'woe is me' stories from my fellow white Americans is just hilarious.

(X)It's always so easy to attack Christmas or anything Christian because guys like this one can get away with it. The lame duck media will ignore it. Now make fun of some other religion, and watch the media go bonkers over it. I just wonder as too how long Christians are going to allow themselves to be fed to the lions, by these Zio haters?
You're correct, society was much better when politics was kept out of everyday life situations.

(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates, to know and learn the truth, and we are all being set up for a communist way of life in the future. If there is no freedom to question, then there is no freedom at all. But don't mention that to any lieberal, they are just to stunned to figure that one out. Geez, I think that I just offended a lieberal.

Aw well. :beer:

We need several open and honest debates within society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white".

You have the fundamental and legal right to say all of that without any government interference.

You have absolutely no 'fundamental right' to say anything on a privately owned board like this.

And you have no right- and should have no expectation outside of a KKK meeting- that your opinion's about the 'downtrodden' white race should be without criticism.

You want to complain about the discrimination you face as a white person- complain.

As a white person- hell I have never been discriminated against for being white. I have nothing to complain about in that regard.

(X)Maybe right now you have not felt the wrath of white discrimination against you, but wait, your day will come, it is just a matter of time. Once you become a white minority in your own country you will begin to feel the pain of racism and discrimination that will be forced upon you, and you ain't going to like it, pardner. Once the non-white races take over, you will now be on the end of what I like to call get even time. Vengence will be sweet for them.

So tell me about your own experiences with 'white discrimination'?

I happen to live in San Francisco- and in my neighborhood- white is a minority- AND yet- I still have yet to experience any discrimination based upon my race.

Of course as a white person- you can do your part- have lots and lots of children.
The reason the 'white population' is declining is because we white folks aren't birthing the babies.

Yet San Francisco, like Los Angeles County used to be majority white....can't you see what's happening? It's being repeated everywhere, white people being turned into a minority in places where we once were ALWAYS for Centuries the MAJORITY.

Doesn't this disturb you? If not, then it should.

That's because the UN Bedwetters in the mid-1970s started saying the world was getting overpopulated, so everyone should have less children....again this was ONLY said towards majority white nations, here in Europa and in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc.

The place this message should have been drilled home was the ENTIRE African Continent, where they continue to breed like rabbits, producing yet more millions of essentially useless mouths, who not only can they not feed, but 80% of them will grow up into being completely useless, no use to mankind nor fish.

The UN just want to make white people the minority everywhere, turning us into the minority in every nation we have always been in control of....handing therefore our wonderful nations into the hands of a mixture of Muslims and Sub-Saharan basic savages.

THIS to the Globalists apparently is called progress :rolleyes-41:

We call it the Genocide of the Caucasian Race, slowly by a combination of Population Reduction through having less children and Population Replacement.

They are importing Muslims and Sub-Saharan Africans in, who on average have between 5-7 children per family....after forty years of getting white people to have say 2 children instead of 4 or 4 plus children per family....HOW can white families possibly compete with the breeding rate of this other crowd? Unless ALL white couples start having between 10-15 children each to maintain the majority for future generations.

I don't expect you to understand this, I mean what we're saying, but that's okay.
As a white person, reading the 'woe is me' stories from my fellow white Americans is just hilarious.

Have you heard how the blacks whine? 'Um, I just saw on the news the Black Lives Matter Black Supremacists are blocking some major road into an American airport that I can't remember the name of, causing chaos and inconvenience again.

When did a group of white people ever do this AND get AWAY with it, I might add....never.
You are offended by "Happy Holidays", it would seem.

I'm not offended by "Happy Holidays", I just think it's completely pathetic, it's something only bedwetters could have thought up, obviously using their collectively shared 1.5 braincell.

I blame Andy Williams

Singers don't pronounce words clearly anymore. Every word from andy was understood.

I blame Rap myself and also TextSpeak.

(X):iagree: Rap is crap.

It's not only racist but it's very anti-women also....because they're black they consistently get away with referring to women as "bitches" and "ho's"....the rest of it is the rapper gibbering on about "muh dick" usually.
What ever happened to the good old days when we use to say "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me". We need to get back to those good old days before the Marxists lieberals took over the program and agenda for all the world to adhere too.
The Regressive Left has learned how to weaponize PC to its advantage.

If being "offended" can give them some kind of advantage, then you bet, they'll be "offended".

They've overplayed their hand though, I think the majority of people, even non-political people, are just really tired of all this horsecrap now.
I'm hopeful.
You are offended by "Happy Holidays", it would seem.

I'm not offended by "Happy Holidays", I just think it's completely pathetic, it's something only bedwetters could have thought up, obviously using their collectively shared 1.5 braincell.

I blame Andy Williams

Singers don't pronounce words clearly anymore. Every word from andy was understood.

I blame Rap myself and also TextSpeak.

(X):iagree: Rap is crap.

They are also to blame for those trousers where the seat of them is in the knee region....WTF is that ALL about?

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