Anti-Politically Correct Sign in Houston Restaurant: Yay or Nay?

What is your response to the Anti-PC Sign?

  • Yay - Positive: I like more than dislike

    Votes: 39 84.8%
  • Nay - Negative: I dislike more than I like

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Neutral - It doesn't invoke a response either way, positive or negative

    Votes: 6 13.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates..
That's precisely what it is.

PC: Strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

They have zero (0) interest in the free and open exchange of ideas.

Yes and these are the same hypocrites who screech like hyenas about Free Speech :rolleyes-41:

What people need to do, every time they attempt to shut someone up and prevent debate, just shout them down and keep doing so until they themselves STFU, then the debate can commence.

The Leftists are essentially bullies, as ever the only way to stop a bully is to stand up to them, bully them back if need be, they soon fall apart and crumble, like all bullies they're cowards, which is why they hate debate, they know they'd lose.
(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates..
That's precisely what it is.

PC: Strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

They have zero (0) interest in the free and open exchange of ideas.

(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates..
That's precisely what it is.

PC: Strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

They have zero (0) interest in the free and open exchange of ideas.

Yes and these are the same hypocrites who screech like hyenas about Free Speech :rolleyes-41:

What people need to do, every time they attempt to shut someone up and prevent debate, just shout them down and keep doing so until they themselves STFU, then the debate can commence.

The Leftists are essentially bullies, as ever the only way to stop a bully is to stand up to them, bully them back if need be, they soon fall apart and crumble, like all bullies they're cowards, which is why they hate debate, they know they'd lose.

More and more people are seeing this and are fed up, and that includes honest liberals.

It's a shame everything has to be political now.


You're correct, society was much better when politics was kept out of everyday life situations.

(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates, to know and learn the truth, and we are all being set up for a communist way of life in the future. If there is no freedom to question, then there is no freedom at all. But don't mention that to any lieberal, they are just to stunned to figure that one out. Geez, I think that I just offended a lieberal.

Aw well. :beer:

This is it, this is exactly why they're obsessed with stopping any debate and why they need to make everything offensive, Leftists are actually the least tolerant group on the planet....and they're terrified of the truth.

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(X)If you keep up postings like this, those intolerant Lieberals are going to end up having a chit fit, and they may even end up with a truth hurts conservative headache.

Aw well, chit happens.

Great, let's do it to them :tank::whip::dev2::smoke:
(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates..
That's precisely what it is.

PC: Strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

They have zero (0) interest in the free and open exchange of ideas.

Yes and these are the same hypocrites who screech like hyenas about Free Speech :rolleyes-41:

What people need to do, every time they attempt to shut someone up and prevent debate, just shout them down and keep doing so until they themselves STFU, then the debate can commence.

The Leftists are essentially bullies, as ever the only way to stop a bully is to stand up to them, bully them back if need be, they soon fall apart and crumble, like all bullies they're cowards, which is why they hate debate, they know they'd lose.

More and more people are seeing this and are fed up, and that includes honest liberals.


I've noticed the honest liberals are running away from the crazy ones, I don't blame them.
What ever happened to the good old days when we use to say "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me". We need to get back to those good old days before the Marxists lieberals took over the program and agenda for all the world to adhere too.
The Regressive Left has learned how to weaponize PC to its advantage.

If being "offended" can give them some kind of advantage, then you bet, they'll be "offended".

They've overplayed their hand though, I think the majority of people, even non-political people, are just really tired of all this horsecrap now.
What ever happened to the good old days when we use to say "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me". We need to get back to those good old days before the Marxists lieberals took over the program and agenda for all the world to adhere too.

The skins are so incredibly thin they're almost non-existent. It also shows that they're actually very emotionally immature. One of the signs of a mature person, that's being able to take a knock, deal with it and move on ahead....not start screaming and throwing a tantrum and displaying "victim mentality" and being in need of Mummy and/or Wet Nurse.
I personally think the sign is stupid, but I could care less if it's posted or not.
It's a shame everything has to be political now.


You're correct, society was much better when politics was kept out of everyday life situations.

(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates, to know and learn the truth, and we are all being set up for a communist way of life in the future. If there is no freedom to question, then there is no freedom at all. But don't mention that to any lieberal, they are just to stunned to figure that one out. Geez, I think that I just offended a lieberal.

Aw well. :beer:

We need several open and honest debates within society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white"

Then we need a proper debate about immigration into our nations.
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It's a shame everything has to be political now.


You're correct, society was much better when politics was kept out of everyday life situations.

(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates, to know and learn the truth, and we are all being set up for a communist way of life in the future. If there is no freedom to question, then there is no freedom at all. But don't mention that to any lieberal, they are just to stunned to figure that one out. Geez, I think that I just offended a lieberal.

Aw well. :beer:

We need several open and honest debates with society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white"

Then we need a proper debate about immigration into our nations.

(X)We are told today that we should all celebrate "Black History Month" for what Blacks have given and done for society. Ok, so let's have a "White History Month"? Why shouldn't Whites have their day, and be able to celebrate and be proud of their culture, heritage, traditions and achievements like we are suppose to celebrate all others?

It always seems to be a one-sided affair here. All other races and their cultures are to be enjoyed and celebrated, but yet when it comes to wanting to celebrate white culture and history it is suddenly attacked as being racist, and trying to promote white supremacy. This needs to stop. Caucasians need to start taking an interest in their race instead of being told to ignore it, and being led to believe that we are the problem, not the solution. Massive non-white immigration and multiculturalism, or as some call it "white genocide" is a detriment, and it will be our demise if we don't step up to to the plate soon, and nip this anti-white racism in the bud and allow it to continue on.
None of those things offend anyone.

Some people freak at *gasp* Merry Christmas, I mean, seriously those people need to get help.
No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.

So what's all this rubbish with the "Happy Holidays" stuff then? How did that all come about? That's right, because "Merry Christmas" was considered "offensive" by a minority of bedwetters, and as we know, minority rules now....who cares what the majority thinks anymore :rolleyes-41:

Personally I think the bedwetters problems began in early infancy, they probably weren't breastfed correctly.

Why does "Happy Holidays" upset you so much?

Personally- I don't care- Merry Christmas- Happy Holidays- Happy Hannukah- Happy Kwanza- Joyous Ramadan- I don't wig out by someone attempting to be polite.
It's a shame everything has to be political now.


You're correct, society was much better when politics was kept out of everyday life situations.

(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates, to know and learn the truth, and we are all being set up for a communist way of life in the future. If there is no freedom to question, then there is no freedom at all. But don't mention that to any lieberal, they are just to stunned to figure that one out. Geez, I think that I just offended a lieberal.

Aw well. :beer:

We need several open and honest debates within society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white".

You have the fundamental and legal right to say all of that without any government interference.

You have absolutely no 'fundamental right' to say anything on a privately owned board like this.

And you have no right- and should have no expectation outside of a KKK meeting- that your opinion's about the 'downtrodden' white race should be without criticism.

You want to complain about the discrimination you face as a white person- complain.

As a white person- hell I have never been discriminated against for being white. I have nothing to complain about in that regard.
It's a shame everything has to be political now.


You're correct, society was much better when politics was kept out of everyday life situations.

(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates, to know and learn the truth, and we are all being set up for a communist way of life in the future. If there is no freedom to question, then there is no freedom at all. But don't mention that to any lieberal, they are just to stunned to figure that one out. Geez, I think that I just offended a lieberal.

Aw well. :beer:

We need several open and honest debates with society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white"

Then we need a proper debate about immigration into our nations.

(X)We are told today that we should all celebrate "Black History Month" for what Blacks have given and done for society. Ok, so let's have a "White History Month"? Why shouldn't Whites have their day, and be able to celebrate and be proud of their culture, heritage, traditions and achievements like we are suppose to celebrate all others?

It always seems to be a one-sided affair here. All other races and their cultures are to be enjoyed and celebrated, but yet when it comes to wanting to celebrate white culture and history it is suddenly attacked as being racist, and trying to promote white supremacy. This needs to stop. Caucasians need to start taking an interest in their race instead of being told to ignore it, and being led to believe that we are the problem, not the solution. Massive non-white immigration and multiculturalism, or as some call it "white genocide" is a detriment, and it will be our demise if we don't step up to to the plate soon, and nip this anti-white racism in the bud and allow it to continue on.

Seriously, the white race has contributed pretty much EVERYTHING to this world....White History Month? Gosh, we could have White History DAY....EVERY day, it would run for decades, that's how much WE have given this world.

If there's one race that needs celebrating it's our own. Other races are simply jealous of us, this is why they hate the white race, they hate us because we have ALWAYS been EVERYTHING they know they can NEVER be.
It's a shame everything has to be political now.


You're correct, society was much better when politics was kept out of everyday life situations.

(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates, to know and learn the truth, and we are all being set up for a communist way of life in the future. If there is no freedom to question, then there is no freedom at all. But don't mention that to any lieberal, they are just to stunned to figure that one out. Geez, I think that I just offended a lieberal.

Aw well. :beer:

We need several open and honest debates within society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white".

You have the fundamental and legal right to say all of that without any government interference.

You have absolutely no 'fundamental right' to say anything on a privately owned board like this.

And you have no right- and should have no expectation outside of a KKK meeting- that your opinion's about the 'downtrodden' white race should be without criticism.

You want to complain about the discrimination you face as a white person- complain.

As a white person- hell I have never been discriminated against for being white. I have nothing to complain about in that regard.

Sorry, what are you trying to say again?
It's a shame everything has to be political now.


You're correct, society was much better when politics was kept out of everyday life situations.

(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates, to know and learn the truth, and we are all being set up for a communist way of life in the future. If there is no freedom to question, then there is no freedom at all. But don't mention that to any lieberal, they are just to stunned to figure that one out. Geez, I think that I just offended a lieberal.

Aw well. :beer:

We need several open and honest debates with society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white"

Then we need a proper debate about immigration into our nations.

(X)We are told today that we should all celebrate "Black History Month" for what Blacks have given and done for society. Ok, so let's have a "White History Month"? Why shouldn't Whites have their day, and be able to celebrate and be proud of their culture, heritage, traditions and achievements like we are suppose to celebrate all others?

It always seems to be a one-sided affair here. All other races and their cultures are to be enjoyed and celebrated, but yet when it comes to wanting to celebrate white culture and history it is suddenly attacked as being racist, and trying to promote white supremacy. This needs to stop. Caucasians need to start taking an interest in their race instead of being told to ignore it, and being led to believe that we are the problem, not the solution. Massive non-white immigration and multiculturalism, or as some call it "white genocide" is a detriment, and it will be our demise if we don't step up to to the plate soon, and nip this anti-white racism in the bud and allow it to continue on.

Or not.

I don't celebrate Black History Month- I appreciate why it exists, but I don't celebrate it. But I hear about 'white'- meaning European culture in almost every book I read.

I have no interest in my 'race'- nor no need to celebrate my race- my heritage is celebrated in pretty much every TV program and history book in America.

'white genocide' LOL

Having fewer babies by choice is not 'genocide'.
View attachment 57634 Anti-politically correct signs draw attention at popular Houston chain restaurant Berryhill Baja Grill

Businesses take a lot of care in catering to customers and clients, avoiding offending them at nearly any cost.

That is why signs posted on each of the five company-owned Berryhill Baja Grill restaurants in the Houston area are getting attention.

The signs read: "Notice. This store is politically incorrect.
We say Merry Christmas. God bless America.
We salute our flag and give thanks to our troops, police officers and firefighters.
If this offends you, you are welcome to leave. In God we trust."

It is signed, Berryhill.

The signs were posted at the direction of Berryhill CEO Jeff Anon. The tipping point for him was the generic red cups used for the holiday season by a well-known coffee establishment. At the time it was described as more inclusive for people of all beliefs.

When Anon's son showed him a picture of similar signs going up at other businesses around the country, he had his own printed.

"I don't think anybody means anything bad or mean when they say Merry Christmas, and I thought somebody had to stand up and say enough of this," he said.

Some signs have disappeared from the restaurants, from customers who were offended. They are quickly replaced.

Anon said there have been some complaints, but "I'd say for every one who thought it wasn't appropriate, probably 10 to 20 who thought it was and supported it."

That's echoed by customers like Randy Massy.

"I guess the political correctness has gone overboard sometimes," he said.

Ditto for Cynthia Bivins. While lunching at the Post Oak location with her friend, the attorney said, "I celebrate Christmas. I salute the flagl I'm an American. It doesn't offend me at all."

Business continues to go well at Anon's restaurants. The company owns five Berryhills in Houston. There are franchises as well. Anon says those are not included on the sign list, and doesn't know if any franchise-holders have asked to display them.


What is your response to the Sign: Yay Nay or Neutral?
I do not find the sign offensive since I do all on the list, but the implication that the sign poster has a patent superiority over those who don't is a tad snarky! BTW, does this employer, or his employees or his customers stand at attention while the National anthem is played before a sporting event. Nothing tees me off more that a jittery wavering inattentive line of players AND fans ignoring the anthem, chewing gum, eating popcorn and yelling for the hot dog vendor, while the team scratches, blows noses and otherwise disrespects our symbol of liberty.
It's a shame everything has to be political now.


You're correct, society was much better when politics was kept out of everyday life situations.

(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates, to know and learn the truth, and we are all being set up for a communist way of life in the future. If there is no freedom to question, then there is no freedom at all. But don't mention that to any lieberal, they are just to stunned to figure that one out. Geez, I think that I just offended a lieberal.

Aw well. :beer:

We need several open and honest debates within society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white".

You have the fundamental and legal right to say all of that without any government interference.

You have absolutely no 'fundamental right' to say anything on a privately owned board like this.

And you have no right- and should have no expectation outside of a KKK meeting- that your opinion's about the 'downtrodden' white race should be without criticism.

You want to complain about the discrimination you face as a white person- complain.

As a white person- hell I have never been discriminated against for being white. I have nothing to complain about in that regard.

Sorry, what are you trying to say again?

Did you patting yourself on your back for the great fortune of being born white interfere with your reading comprehension?
None of those things offend anyone.

Some people freak at *gasp* Merry Christmas, I mean, seriously those people need to get help.
No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.

So what's all this rubbish with the "Happy Holidays" stuff then? How did that all come about? That's right, because "Merry Christmas" was considered "offensive" by a minority of bedwetters, and as we know, minority rules now....who cares what the majority thinks anymore :rolleyes-41:

Personally I think the bedwetters problems began in early infancy, they probably weren't breastfed correctly.

Why does "Happy Holidays" upset you so much?

Personally- I don't care- Merry Christmas- Happy Holidays- Happy Hannukah- Happy Kwanza- Joyous Ramadan- I don't wig out by someone attempting to be polite.

Christmas is Christmas, yes it's I suppose in a way a "Holiday", but only because most people don't work and children are not at school, so it's not actually a "Holiday" in any other form.

So it's not a "Happy Holiday" therefore, Christmas is Christmas.
You're correct, society was much better when politics was kept out of everyday life situations.

(X)It has come to the point that every thing has become offensive these days. It is getting to the point that one, and maybe being done on purpose, that this could be one way of trying to shut shutting down any honest debates, to know and learn the truth, and we are all being set up for a communist way of life in the future. If there is no freedom to question, then there is no freedom at all. But don't mention that to any lieberal, they are just to stunned to figure that one out. Geez, I think that I just offended a lieberal.

Aw well. :beer:

We need several open and honest debates within society.

We need a proper debate about race. We know all about the blacks, so we don't need to hear what they think, that record is well-played. What the debate needs to be is, white people need to be allowed to have our say without any verbal aggression from the anti-white self-hating whites. We have a fundamental right to say what we all know, that's white people are suffering discrimination, that why should we be made to feel that we have ANYTHING to feel guilty about and why is it in any way WRONG to say "I'm proud to be white".

You have the fundamental and legal right to say all of that without any government interference.

You have absolutely no 'fundamental right' to say anything on a privately owned board like this.

And you have no right- and should have no expectation outside of a KKK meeting- that your opinion's about the 'downtrodden' white race should be without criticism.

You want to complain about the discrimination you face as a white person- complain.

As a white person- hell I have never been discriminated against for being white. I have nothing to complain about in that regard.

Sorry, what are you trying to say again?

Did you patting yourself on your back for the great fortune of being born white interfere with your reading comprehension?

None of those things offend anyone.

Some people freak at *gasp* Merry Christmas, I mean, seriously those people need to get help.
No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.

So what's all this rubbish with the "Happy Holidays" stuff then? How did that all come about? That's right, because "Merry Christmas" was considered "offensive" by a minority of bedwetters, and as we know, minority rules now....who cares what the majority thinks anymore :rolleyes-41:

Personally I think the bedwetters problems began in early infancy, they probably weren't breastfed correctly.

Why does "Happy Holidays" upset you so much?

Personally- I don't care- Merry Christmas- Happy Holidays- Happy Hannukah- Happy Kwanza- Joyous Ramadan- I don't wig out by someone attempting to be polite.

(X)It is simple. It is Christmas time. To say Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings is just being politically correct. Those are the new politically correct terms for the Marxists Lieberals to use who have a hatred for Christmas and Christianity. I bet you that those same Marxists would never say anything but Happy Hannukah or Happy Kwanza, uhmm? That would be just to politically incorrect. F'n political correctness. It is trying to destroy everything that involves everything of British/European heritage and traditions.

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