Anti-Politically Correct Sign in Houston Restaurant: Yay or Nay?

What is your response to the Anti-PC Sign?

  • Yay - Positive: I like more than dislike

    Votes: 39 84.8%
  • Nay - Negative: I dislike more than I like

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Neutral - It doesn't invoke a response either way, positive or negative

    Votes: 6 13.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Earmuffs, bitch.

LoneLaugher Bildung = Bauernhof mit das Schaf der Hahn die Ziege die Kuh etc.

Oh yes, obviously mein freund or if you're female meine freundin.

Sugoi! Lucy Hamilton wa doitzu go wo hanasu coto ga dekimasu. Urayamashii!!

You should feel privileged darling, you haven't lived until you've been even mildly insulted in German....I mean look how gloriously violent the language looks even....gosh, marvellous stuff.

You really think I'm impressed that you can speak German, dont you?

Well, I'm Austrian, we speak German.

That's awesome! You are amazing. Please.....write some more German for us. It's so cool!
Earmuffs, bitch.

LoneLaugher Bildung = Bauernhof mit das Schaf der Hahn die Ziege die Kuh etc.

Oh yes, obviously mein freund or if you're female meine freundin.

I have a very limited knowledge of German (virtually ZERO) but that does indeed sound quite appropriate...whatever it is.


I'm saying he/she obviously was educated on the farm with those animals sheep, rooster, goat, cow....I could have chosen schwein - the pig and thrown in hund - the dog....but I choose not to, my sophisticated manners couldn't bring me to resort to that.

That may be so but I do like that you have a sense of humour...something the lefties here seem not to have.

Thanks, 'um I'm not a Leftie though....sorry to disappoint :(

lol; not YOU a I am not disappointed at all. Having a sense of humour and being a leftie are mutually exclusive.

LoneLaugher Bildung = Bauernhof mit das Schaf der Hahn die Ziege die Kuh etc.

Oh yes, obviously mein freund or if you're female meine freundin.

I have a very limited knowledge of German (virtually ZERO) but that does indeed sound quite appropriate...whatever it is.


I'm saying he/she obviously was educated on the farm with those animals sheep, rooster, goat, cow....I could have chosen schwein - the pig and thrown in hund - the dog....but I choose not to, my sophisticated manners couldn't bring me to resort to that.

That may be so but I do like that you have a sense of humour...something the lefties here seem not to have.

Thanks, 'um I'm not a Leftie though....sorry to disappoint :(

He didn't call you a lefty. He compared you to lefties. You failed to comprehend once again. That's the intelligence I was referring to.

As English isn't my first language, have you thought that MAYBE sometimes I failed to comprehend as I sometimes don't pick up on these subtle phrases and such?

I can write English, I can speak English, but sometimes subtle differences in certain things escape me.
LoneLaugher Bildung = Bauernhof mit das Schaf der Hahn die Ziege die Kuh etc.

Oh yes, obviously mein freund or if you're female meine freundin.

I have a very limited knowledge of German (virtually ZERO) but that does indeed sound quite appropriate...whatever it is.


I'm saying he/she obviously was educated on the farm with those animals sheep, rooster, goat, cow....I could have chosen schwein - the pig and thrown in hund - the dog....but I choose not to, my sophisticated manners couldn't bring me to resort to that.

That may be so but I do like that you have a sense of humour...something the lefties here seem not to have.

Thanks, 'um I'm not a Leftie though....sorry to disappoint :(

lol; not YOU a I am not disappointed at all. Having a sense of humour and being a leftie are mutually exclusive.


And there shall be peace in la la land once again.
LoneLaugher Bildung = Bauernhof mit das Schaf der Hahn die Ziege die Kuh etc.

Oh yes, obviously mein freund or if you're female meine freundin.

I have a very limited knowledge of German (virtually ZERO) but that does indeed sound quite appropriate...whatever it is.


I'm saying he/she obviously was educated on the farm with those animals sheep, rooster, goat, cow....I could have chosen schwein - the pig and thrown in hund - the dog....but I choose not to, my sophisticated manners couldn't bring me to resort to that.

That may be so but I do like that you have a sense of humour...something the lefties here seem not to have.

Thanks, 'um I'm not a Leftie though....sorry to disappoint :(

lol; not YOU a I am not disappointed at all. Having a sense of humour and being a leftie are mutually exclusive.


Oh good, that's okay then.
I have a very limited knowledge of German (virtually ZERO) but that does indeed sound quite appropriate...whatever it is.


I'm saying he/she obviously was educated on the farm with those animals sheep, rooster, goat, cow....I could have chosen schwein - the pig and thrown in hund - the dog....but I choose not to, my sophisticated manners couldn't bring me to resort to that.

That may be so but I do like that you have a sense of humour...something the lefties here seem not to have.

Thanks, 'um I'm not a Leftie though....sorry to disappoint :(

He didn't call you a lefty. He compared you to lefties. You failed to comprehend once again. That's the intelligence I was referring to.

As English isn't my first language, have you thought that MAYBE sometimes I failed to comprehend as I sometimes don't pick up on these subtle phrases and such?

I can write English, I can speak English, but sometimes subtle differences in certain things escape me.

Nope. Never gave it a moment's thought. If you like, I can view everything you write with that in mind.
As I have always considered mastery of a second language to be a sign of intelligence, I will retract my earlier statement regarding Lucy Hamltons intellect. She is brighter than I had given her credit for.

All that is left now is to find out why an intelligent person would find herself supporting Donald Trump and other unintelligent political points of view.
LoneLaugher Bildung = Bauernhof mit das Schaf der Hahn die Ziege die Kuh etc.

Oh yes, obviously mein freund or if you're female meine freundin.

Sugoi! Lucy Hamilton wa doitzu go wo hanasu coto ga dekimasu. Urayamashii!!

You should feel privileged darling, you haven't lived until you've been even mildly insulted in German....I mean look how gloriously violent the language looks even....gosh, marvellous stuff.

You really think I'm impressed that you can speak German, dont you?

Well, I'm Austrian, we speak German.

That's awesome! You are amazing. Please.....write some more German for us. It's so cool!

I'll give you a long word....Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl....of course there's no English language equivalent of this word. So basically it means community spirit or common identity.

Then Straßenbahnhaltestelle means pretty much Tram Stop.
I'm saying he/she obviously was educated on the farm with those animals sheep, rooster, goat, cow....I could have chosen schwein - the pig and thrown in hund - the dog....but I choose not to, my sophisticated manners couldn't bring me to resort to that.

That may be so but I do like that you have a sense of humour...something the lefties here seem not to have.

Thanks, 'um I'm not a Leftie though....sorry to disappoint :(

He didn't call you a lefty. He compared you to lefties. You failed to comprehend once again. That's the intelligence I was referring to.

As English isn't my first language, have you thought that MAYBE sometimes I failed to comprehend as I sometimes don't pick up on these subtle phrases and such?

I can write English, I can speak English, but sometimes subtle differences in certain things escape me.

Nope. Never gave it a moment's thought. If you like, I can view everything you write with that in mind.

Okay, maybe that would be good.
As I have always considered mastery of a second language to be a sign of intelligence, I will retract my earlier statement regarding Lucy Hamltons intellect. She is brighter than I had given her credit for.

All that is left now is to find out why an intelligent person would find herself supporting Donald Trump and other unintelligent political points of view.

That's okay, of course you weren't aware I was Austrian until I pointed it, we'll just start again, thanks for understanding.

"All that is left now is to find out why an intelligent person would find herself supporting Donald Trump and other unintelligent political points of view."

I can only handle a few hours here every couple of weeks. The progs are enough to make me wanna vomit. I don't take them seriously... I just come here give them a taste of their own medicine once and awhile, and they hate that... which gives me pleasure.
Just try to remember they're the wingers. They don't represent everyone who leans left. There's plenty of honest, decent real liberals out there.
True... I have faithful democrat friends that have voted D all their lives, and they are now vehemently supporting Trump. They feel completely betrayed by obama and the left. But, we are talking old school dems.
Yep. Proud, long time Democrat (and hottie) Kirsten Powers (the lady author in my sig) calls these people the "Illiberal Left", and that's very appropriate.

And I got "Regressive Left" from another proud, long time Democrat, Bill Maher.

They're out there, they're just currently being out-screamed by the nasties.
That "screaming" is coming under ever growing scrutiny, Mac. People are sick of it. It's reached fever pitch and it's ridiculous. Most normal people see that, as you do, and it's taking hold.
Slowly but surely.

And you provide me with a delightful excuse to post my ever-growing list of liberals who are admitting it:
I am a VERY free thinker. In my youth, I made friends with many radicals and reactionaries. As time goes on and we get older and mellow out, I am finding that the liberals tend to drift away b/c of PC, and the conservatives? Well, they just don't give a fuck.

The other day I was trying to drive this point home to a liberal "friend" of mine on FB to remind her of how intolerant the nation was becoming, after posting this video, she unfriended me. I told her it was the left that fought for freedom of expression in the sixties, and now it seems to be the right that is the bulwark of our freedom of expression.

Is that odd? Check out this clip, by a man named Lenny Bruce. Explaining to us, that words only have the power that we give them. If we used all words all the time, nothing would be offensive.

Instead of understanding my point, progressives just focus on getting offended. Such a shame. We could use some progressives like Lenny today.

Language is purposely being used by the rulers and the media to divide the people.

I'm ok with the sign. They are just saying what a lot of Americans are saying. Many are tired of the PC junk put out by used car salesmen in America. Offend me and I'll sue culture of Stupidity.

You would actually sue for being offended?

RWNJs are such pansy ass drama queens. Always the victim. They want to be nasty and rude but don't you dare offend them. I picture them pressing a lily white hanky to their foreheads at the very thought of marriage equality

Like the RW, the restaurant is trying to be divisive. We don't need more of that. What we need is to pull together for the good of the individual and the country.

Used to be that people were courteous and inclusive. Now that's called "pc" and it has become something to jeer at.

Rude and nasty is what certain people want now. We even have a froot loop running for president who is popular not because of promising to work for the people but because he's rude and crass and openly hates the founding principles of the US.

The sign is childish. I don't support what they say but I do support their right to say it.
BTW, my bet is they're lying about supporting military, police and firefighters.

If they're like RWNJs they're trying to appeal to, they support the murder of unarmed black Americans and not much more.

If they actually "supported" military, police and firefighters, they wouldn't vote R.

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