Anti-Politically Correct Sign in Houston Restaurant: Yay or Nay?

What is your response to the Anti-PC Sign?

  • Yay - Positive: I like more than dislike

    Votes: 39 84.8%
  • Nay - Negative: I dislike more than I like

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Neutral - It doesn't invoke a response either way, positive or negative

    Votes: 6 13.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Pardon my interruption... but I'll speak for LL... "aaaahhh... derp, slurp, gurgle burp... I once fucked a chicken."

I thought you were going to argue with Lucy about whether or not education equals intelligence. What happened?
You chimed in.

That's weak. You realized that she was a nutbag and begged off. You are clear like a pane of glass, dummy.
Oh now... c'mon... mister brainiac... let's have your full force of intelligence... blow us away Einstein...

Been doing that to you for years now. This, you know.

I just did it.
You are an idiot. Trust me on that.

What are your educational qualifications exactly?
Pardon my interruption... but I'll speak for LL... "aaaahhh... derp, slurp, gurgle burp... I once fucked a chicken."

What are you babbling on about? You make no sense.

He's trying to impress you, Lucy. He's going to be very upset that you didn't get it.
What's the matter, skippy, can't you impress anyone?

You are on fire!
I thought you were going to argue with Lucy about whether or not education equals intelligence. What happened?
You chimed in.

That's weak. You realized that she was a nutbag and begged off. You are clear like a pane of glass, dummy.
Oh now... c'mon... mister brainiac... let's have your full force of intelligence... blow us away Einstein...

Been doing that to you for years now. This, you know.

I just did it.

Burning up. Awesome.
I'm not offended by "Happy Holidays", I just think it's completely pathetic, it's something only bedwetters could have thought up, obviously using their collectively shared 1.5 braincell.

I've never noticed you until today. You are a fairly unintelligent person, I see. You'll fit right in.

Yes, I'm so unintelligent that I've got a History and Politics degree from Balliol College, Oxford University and I did a year at Heidelberg University in Germany....two of the world's leading and most difficult to get into Universities. want to talk about intelligence vs unintelligence....go for it :popcorn:
Is the beer in Germany still better than the beer here, or have our microbreweries pretty much caught us up?

I have a brother who lives near London, on a recent trip here he was amazed.

A far more important issue to me than slap fights with the Regressive Left/PC Police liars.

The beer in Germany has always been the best in the world! You're correct beer is highly important, there's something wrong with people who don't appreciate quality beer.

I had a very good local Texas beer in, well Texas, Shiner beer:

View attachment 57637
Anybody that says they like COLD beer is not a true beer drinker. I like my beer luke warm is it's served in Germany. I was in Bamberg, Germany recently and wanted to bring a German distillery home with me. They know how to make beer.

When room temperature is about 90oF then a "coldie" is fine; I usually let mine sit a while to get to about 45oF. But lagers are better cooler than warm imo. Beer is somewhat different; English beers are better cool than cold. It took me a while to get used to them...(and if I give the impression that I am trying to be some sort of expert on beers then that is not the case; I never drink more than a single pint at any sitting, and even then not all that often). Beer companies would go broke if they depended on a clientele such as me. But I know what I like.

You chimed in.

That's weak. You realized that she was a nutbag and begged off. You are clear like a pane of glass, dummy.
Oh now... c'mon... mister brainiac... let's have your full force of intelligence... blow us away Einstein...

Been doing that to you for years now. This, you know.

I just did it.

Burning up. Awesome.
Aaaawww... have you run out of steam, chief?
What are your educational qualifications exactly?
Pardon my interruption... but I'll speak for LL... "aaaahhh... derp, slurp, gurgle burp... I once fucked a chicken."

I thought you were going to argue with Lucy about whether or not education equals intelligence. What happened?
You chimed in... and dumbed it down to a toilet.

I don't argue and resort to name calling darling. I think it's because I'm from Europa and have more sophisticated manners.

Of course. You are clearly well mannered. If one considers bragging about their education good manners, that is.

You called me unintelligent, in fact you stated that I was OBVIOUSLY unintelligent....proving what a blödes arschloch depp you are....'um if you're female, I'll just refer to you as an dumpfbacke.

The fact that you called me unintelligent, was why I presented my educational qualifications and educational establishments to you, which ISN'T bragging is it now.
Pardon my interruption... but I'll speak for LL... "aaaahhh... derp, slurp, gurgle burp... I once fucked a chicken."

I thought you were going to argue with Lucy about whether or not education equals intelligence. What happened?
You chimed in... and dumbed it down to a toilet.

I don't argue and resort to name calling darling. I think it's because I'm from Europa and have more sophisticated manners.

Of course. You are clearly well mannered. If one considers bragging about their education good manners, that is.

You called me unintelligent, in fact you stated that I was OBVIOUSLY unintelligent....proving what a blödes arschloch depp you are....'um if you're female, I'll just refer to you as an dumpfbacke.

The fact that you called me unintelligent, was why I presented my educational qualifications and educational establishments to you, which ISN'T bragging is it now.

Yes it is.

And...I am convinced that you are fairly unintelligent. I didn't say anything about it being obvious, though. That's you failing to comprehend. It's OK. You are among friends.
I worked in Quality Control in a brewery in Oz many years ago. We were constantly trialing German yeasts and methods. I would tend to agree. I have not tried many US beers; we just don't import many here at all. Mind you; I am a lager man and really enjoy a good Pilsner style. I tasted many beers in the UK when I was there; OK but the German beers were outstanding.


I sold beer for a few years.

Beers in Germany and Belgium are absolutely outstanding.

There are a lot of very good brew pubs here in America but I think Americans put preservatives in their beers that alters the taste.

There were two main additives...Sodium dithionite and sodium erythorbate. Both were anti-oxidants and were all about improving shelf life. I try and go for beers that are additive free. We'd do our taste samples both before and after the additives and pasteurising. It's more the pasteurising that kills the flavour imo. It really knocks out the malt taste...dammit. It's why I go for the bottle fermented.


But if you can get unpasteurised then you have a head start in flavour.

I'm not offended by "Happy Holidays", I just think it's completely pathetic, it's something only bedwetters could have thought up, obviously using their collectively shared 1.5 braincell.

I've never noticed you until today. You are a fairly unintelligent person, I see. You'll fit right in.

Yes, I'm so unintelligent that I've got a History and Politics degree from Balliol College, Oxford University and I did a year at Heidelberg University in Germany....two of the world's leading and most difficult to get into Universities. want to talk about intelligence vs unintelligence....go for it :popcorn:

You are an idiot. Trust me on that.

What are your educational qualifications exactly?
Pardon my interruption... but I'll speak for LL... "aaaahhh... derp, slurp, gurgle burp... I once fucked a chicken."

By George I do believe you've got it in one!!!

  • Thanks
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You are an idiot. Trust me on that.

What are your educational qualifications exactly?
Pardon my interruption... but I'll speak for LL... "aaaahhh... derp, slurp, gurgle burp... I once fucked a chicken."

I thought you were going to argue with Lucy about whether or not education equals intelligence. What happened?
You chimed in... and dumbed it down to a toilet.

I don't argue and resort to name calling darling. I think it's because I'm from Europa and have more sophisticated manners.

No: it is because you are more sophisticated and have manners; being Euro has little to do with it...I know several Euros on this site who are of the LL ilk....but that is another story.

What are your educational qualifications exactly?
Pardon my interruption... but I'll speak for LL... "aaaahhh... derp, slurp, gurgle burp... I once fucked a chicken."

I thought you were going to argue with Lucy about whether or not education equals intelligence. What happened?
You chimed in... and dumbed it down to a toilet.

I don't argue and resort to name calling darling. I think it's because I'm from Europa and have more sophisticated manners.

No: it is because you are more sophisticated and have manners; being Euro has little to do with it...I know several Euros on this site who are of the LL ilk....but that is another story.


The LL ilk? I LL like that.
None of those things offend anyone.

Some people freak at *gasp* Merry Christmas, I mean, seriously those people need to get help.
No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.

Dear Ravi
What planet may I ask you are from?

1. First of all, have you not heard, read, or believed any of the stories such as
a. the school staff who quit over the issue of a Christmas field trip because of cultural references being contested (I think it was the display of a Christmas tree at a Nutcracker event)
b. the volunteer who had Christmas decorations ripped out and thrown away,
after "complaints" to the staff at the Veterans facility where these were displayed

‘BE _________!’ Texas VA censors veteran’s ‘overly religious’ Christmas decorations

If that's not "freaking out" and going overboard with fear of offending people,
What is YOUR term for this extreme reaction?

2. Secondly, the point is not to offend by going too far and saying something offensive.
The point is there is nothing offensive about using culturally traditional terms such
as God and Christmas.

3. Isn't it ironic to you if the very critics who are preaching to be culturally inclusive and sensitive
to diversity, such as accepting gays and transgender and not to take offense "due to differences in belief," turn around and reject and take offense at cultural references "due to differences in belief" instead of accepting this as diversity!

Why the double standard, Ravi?
Are we just living in two different universes that intersect on the same planet?
What are your educational qualifications exactly?
Pardon my interruption... but I'll speak for LL... "aaaahhh... derp, slurp, gurgle burp... I once fucked a chicken."

What are you babbling on about? You make no sense.

He's trying to impress you, Lucy. He's going to be very upset that you didn't get it.
What's the matter, skippy, can't you impress anyone?

You are on fire!

I wish you were and then I wouldn't bother pissing on you!!

Pardon my interruption... but I'll speak for LL... "aaaahhh... derp, slurp, gurgle burp... I once fucked a chicken."

I thought you were going to argue with Lucy about whether or not education equals intelligence. What happened?
You chimed in.

That's weak. You realized that she was a nutbag and begged off. You are clear like a pane of glass, dummy.
Oh now... c'mon... mister brainiac... let's have your full force of intelligence... blow us away Einstein...

Been doing that to you for years now. This, you know.

I just did it.

Thank your gods that your Depends are supplied by nursey!!

Ridiculous and infantile – one can't be 'anti' something that doesn't exist; there is no such thing as 'PC,' everyone is at liberty to say 'Merry Christmas' with impunity, no one is 'offended' by what the sign says.
What are your educational qualifications exactly?
Pardon my interruption... but I'll speak for LL... "aaaahhh... derp, slurp, gurgle burp... I once fucked a chicken."

I thought you were going to argue with Lucy about whether or not education equals intelligence. What happened?
You chimed in... and dumbed it down to a toilet.

I don't argue and resort to name calling darling. I think it's because I'm from Europa and have more sophisticated manners.

No: it is because you are more sophisticated and have manners; being Euro has little to do with it...I know several Euros on this site who are of the LL ilk....but that is another story.


What a gentleman you are, thanks :smoke:

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