Anti Semitism rising.

We have quite a few of them right here. They've been emboldened by our anti-semitic president who makes no attempt to hide his hatred of Jews. They're following suit.

I agree.

We do indeed have quite a few of those here.

Not a day passes where antisemitism doesn't show its disgusting face .....

Islamo nazis dripping blood from their fangs.....a daily event and quite a sight!

Sad but true :(

I see many Nazi's dripping blood from their fangs..... yes, it's a daily event and quite a sight unfortunately. Sometimes it's directed at Jews, sometimes it's directed at Muslims.

You are mistaken.

What you mainly call Muslim haters usually are those who realistically accept the fact that radical Islam is the source of savagery and immense danger to the world.

No. What I call "Muslim haters" are those that make no differentiation between extremists and muslims.

I am not mistaken.

We have to face reality and accept the fact that the extremists are in charge.

The moderate Muslims are just not powerful enough to control the radicals and terrorists.
We have quite a few of them right here. They've been emboldened by our anti-semitic president who makes no attempt to hide his hatred of Jews. They're following suit.

I agree.

We do indeed have quite a few of those here.

Not a day passes where antisemitism doesn't show its disgusting face .....

Islamo nazis dripping blood from their fangs.....a daily event and quite a sight!

Sad but true :(

I see many Nazi's dripping blood from their fangs..... yes, it's a daily event and quite a sight unfortunately. Sometimes it's directed at Jews, sometimes it's directed at Muslims.

You are mistaken.

What you mainly call Muslim haters usually are those who realistically accept the fact that radical Islam is the source of savagery and immense danger to the world.

No. What I call "Muslim haters" are those that make no differentiation between extremists and muslims.

I am not mistaken.

Yes you are. What you willingly blind yourself to is the fact that this:


Isn't an act of "extremists" it's a grassroots movement that rises from the very culture of Islam, expressed by average Muslims. The "extremists" are actually the peaceful Muslims, (God bless them) that don't want violence and don't seek the death of anyone. They are all too rare and they do NOT represent popular Muslim sentiments.

You people have your head in the ground (put politely) and you're not helping the problem by ignoring it.
I disagree that that is the "reality". In terms of total numbers - extremists are small. However, they have disproportional effect in areas where there is a weak central government, high corruption, political abuse or ethnic/tribal religious conflict. I think Nigeria and Boko Haran is a good example. The government is hugely corrupt, ineffective and abusive - making it easy for extremists to get a foothold. Unfortunately that makes combating them difficult.
We have quite a few of them right here. They've been emboldened by our anti-semitic president who makes no attempt to hide his hatred of Jews. They're following suit.

I agree.

We do indeed have quite a few of those here.

Not a day passes where antisemitism doesn't show its disgusting face .....

Islamo nazis dripping blood from their fangs.....a daily event and quite a sight!

Sad but true :(

I see many Nazi's dripping blood from their fangs..... yes, it's a daily event and quite a sight unfortunately. Sometimes it's directed at Jews, sometimes it's directed at Muslims.

You are mistaken.

What you mainly call Muslim haters usually are those who realistically accept the fact that radical Islam is the source of savagery and immense danger to the world.

No. What I call "Muslim haters" are those that make no differentiation between extremists and muslims.

I am not mistaken.

Yes you are. What you willingly blind yourself to is the fact that this:


Isn't an act of "extremists" it's a grassroots movement that rises from the very culture of Islam, expressed by average Muslims. The "extremists" are actually the peaceful Muslims, (God bless them) that don't want violence and don't seek the death of anyone. They are all too rare and they do NOT represent popular Muslim sentiments.

You people have your head in the ground (put politely) and you're not helping the problem by ignoring it.

Anyone can find pictures of some extreme event and use it to paint an entire group.

Pew Research has shown that majorities of Muslims around the world oppose violence, are very concerned about extremism, and oppose it.
I agree.

We do indeed have quite a few of those here.

Not a day passes where antisemitism doesn't show its disgusting face .....

Islamo nazis dripping blood from their fangs.....a daily event and quite a sight!

Sad but true :(

I see many Nazi's dripping blood from their fangs..... yes, it's a daily event and quite a sight unfortunately. Sometimes it's directed at Jews, sometimes it's directed at Muslims.

You are mistaken.

What you mainly call Muslim haters usually are those who realistically accept the fact that radical Islam is the source of savagery and immense danger to the world.

No. What I call "Muslim haters" are those that make no differentiation between extremists and muslims.

I am not mistaken.

Yes you are. What you willingly blind yourself to is the fact that this:


Isn't an act of "extremists" it's a grassroots movement that rises from the very culture of Islam, expressed by average Muslims. The "extremists" are actually the peaceful Muslims, (God bless them) that don't want violence and don't seek the death of anyone. They are all too rare and they do NOT represent popular Muslim sentiments.

You people have your head in the ground (put politely) and you're not helping the problem by ignoring it.

Anyone can find pictures of some extreme event and use it to paint an entire group.

Pew Research has shown that majorities of Muslims around the world oppose violence, are very concerned about extremism, and oppose it.

Actually, you need to read that more closely because the results are mixed, with some items involving violence or killing receiving majority support. Go do your homework now.
We have quite a few of them right here. They've been emboldened by our anti-semitic president who makes no attempt to hide his hatred of Jews. They're following suit.

The president is not anti-semitic. What a bunch of whiners. How dare anyone not kow-tow to Israel's petulance.
Oh, my. Speaking of whiners, you're just incensed that anyone dare criticize Mohammedan fascism.

We dare not criticize the man, just because he fucked a 7 year old girl. Heck, everyone does that, right?? And he sliced off Jews' heads, but Lordy, we dare not criticize that. Nosiree.
I see many Nazi's dripping blood from their fangs..... yes, it's a daily event and quite a sight unfortunately. Sometimes it's directed at Jews, sometimes it's directed at Muslims.

You are mistaken.

What you mainly call Muslim haters usually are those who realistically accept the fact that radical Islam is the source of savagery and immense danger to the world.

No. What I call "Muslim haters" are those that make no differentiation between extremists and muslims.

I am not mistaken.

Yes you are. What you willingly blind yourself to is the fact that this:


Isn't an act of "extremists" it's a grassroots movement that rises from the very culture of Islam, expressed by average Muslims. The "extremists" are actually the peaceful Muslims, (God bless them) that don't want violence and don't seek the death of anyone. They are all too rare and they do NOT represent popular Muslim sentiments.

You people have your head in the ground (put politely) and you're not helping the problem by ignoring it.

Anyone can find pictures of some extreme event and use it to paint an entire group.

Pew Research has shown that majorities of Muslims around the world oppose violence, are very concerned about extremism, and oppose it.

Actually, you need to read that more closely because the results are mixed, with some items involving violence or killing receiving majority support. Go do your homework now.

I agree that the results are mixed - mostly in relation to geographic locality and in certain specific examples such as treatment of homosexuals which is still stuck in a medievil mindset. I have, however done my homework.

Muslim Publics Share Concerns about Extremist Groups Pew Research Center s Global Attitudes Project

In many of the countries surveyed, clear majorities of Muslims oppose violence in the name of Islam. Indeed, about three-quarters or more in Pakistan (89%), Indonesia (81%), Nigeria (78%) and Tunisia (77%), say suicide bombings or other acts of violence that target civilians are never justified. And although substantial percentages in some countries do think suicide bombing is often or sometimes justified – including a 62%-majority of Palestinian Muslims, overall support for violence in the name of Islam has declined among Muslim publics during the past decade.
and, on extremism

Majorities in most of the Muslim publics surveyed express concerns about Islamic extremism in their country. Senegalese Muslims are the most worried (75% concerned), but at least six-in-ten Muslims in Lebanon, Tunisia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Egypt and the Palestinian territories are also concerned. More Jordanian Muslims (54%) see Islamic extremism as a threat than do not (45%).

In Indonesia, the Muslim public is evenly split: 48% concerned vs. 48% unconcerned. Turkey, meanwhile, is the only country surveyed where at least half of Muslims (51%) say they are not worried about Islamic extremism.

Concern about extremism has increased in some of the countries surveyed, including Pakistan, where two-thirds of Muslims now say they fear the threat of Islamic extremism, compared with 58% in 2012.1 In Tunisia, six-in-ten Muslims are now very concerned, up from 42% saying the same a year ago. Conversely, in the Palestinian territories, the proportion of Muslims worried about extremism has declined 14 percentage points since 2011, the last time the question was asked there.

In Lebanon, large majorities of Shia and Sunni Muslims share concerns about Islamic extremism (74% and 72%, respectively); these worries are even more pronounced among Lebanon’s Christians (92%). In Nigeria, Christians and Muslims are about equally worried, with 74% of the Christian population and 69% of the Muslim population expressing concern. However, the proportion of Nigerian Muslims worried about extremism has dropped 14 percentage points since 2010. In Malaysia, Muslims are much more worried than their Buddhist countrymen about Islamic extremism (70% vs. 46%).
That's why I think hate speech needs to be openly confronted, whomever it's targeted at. All it takes is a little economic or political insecurity for people to start finding scapegoats and targeting them.

"Hate" laws are absurd... which is NOT to say that someone has a right to speak hatefully... it IS to say that one's right to speak freely is limited by the correlating responsibility to speak RESPONSIBLY.

One does not have a right to murder jews... therefore one does not have a right to ADVOCATE FOR THE MURDER of Jews. Just as one does not have a right to set fire to a theater full of people, one does not have the right to USE ONE'S SPEECH TO MAKE PEOPLE THINK THAT THE THEATER IS ON FIRE... .

Think of all of the idiocy which is now a function of our culture because of this idiotic misnomer. You don't have a right to use someone else's money for your own purpose, yet today there is a significant percentage of the population who foolishly believes that every cent you earn belongs to them... through the government.

What needs to be confronted, is the total ignorance of what rights are, from where they come and the RESPONSIBILITIES INTRINSIC TO SUCH!
We have quite a few of them right here. They've been emboldened by our anti-semitic president who makes no attempt to hide his hatred of Jews. They're following suit.

The president is not anti-semitic. What a bunch of whiners. How dare anyone not kow-tow to Israel's petulance.
Oh, my. Speaking of whiners, you're just incensed that anyone dare criticize Mohammedan fascism.

We dare not criticize the man, just because he fucked a 7 year old girl. Heck, everyone does that, right?? And he sliced off Jews' heads, but Lordy, we dare not criticize that. Nosiree.

1300 years ago, when that was the way people behaved. In addition, Aisha's age as being "7" is highly debatable. There is a lot to criticize 1300 years ago, but what's the point?
Anti-Semitism does not know "red" or "blue" in the USA. You will find in in both major parties and in a great deal of the smaller parties as well.

Absolute NONSENSE.

Antisemitism is INTRINSIC to the Ideological Left... IF you find a person who hates jews... you're looking at an ignorant fool... and absent ignorant fools, the ideological Left would not and could not exist.

And that is without regard to what political party of which they're a member.
We have quite a few of them right here. They've been emboldened by our anti-semitic president who makes no attempt to hide his hatred of Jews. They're following suit.

The president is not anti-semitic. What a bunch of whiners. How dare anyone not kow-tow to Israel's petulance.
Oh, my. Speaking of whiners, you're just incensed that anyone dare criticize Mohammedan fascism.

We dare not criticize the man, just because he fucked a 7 year old girl. Heck, everyone does that, right?? And he sliced off Jews' heads, but Lordy, we dare not criticize that. Nosiree.

1300 years ago, when that was the way people behaved. In addition, Aisha's age as being "7" is highly debatable. There is a lot to criticize 1300 years ago, but what's the point?

Pedophilia presents with MAJOR psychological issues... such was the case 1300 years ago and remains true to this day.
That's why I think hate speech needs to be openly confronted, whomever it's targeted at. All it takes is a little economic or political insecurity for people to start finding scapegoats and targeting them.

"Hate" laws are absurd... which is NOT to say that someone has a right to speak hatefully... it IS to say that one's right to speak freely is limited by the correlating responsibility to speak RESPONSIBLY.

One does not have a right to murder jews... therefore one does not have a right to ADVOCATE FOR THE MURDER of Jews. Just as one does not have a right to set fire to a theater full of people, one does not have the right to USE ONE'S SPEECH TO MAKE PEOPLE THINK THAT THE THEATER IS ON FIRE... .

Think of all of the idiocy which is now a function of our culture because of this idiotic misnomer. You don't have a right to use someone else's money for your own purpose, yet today there is a significant percentage of the population who foolishly believes that every cent you earn belongs to them... through the government.

What needs to be confronted, is the total ignorance of what rights are, from where they come and the RESPONSIBILITIES INTRINSIC TO SUCH!

Actually...I don't know if I agree with hate laws per se. Making certain types of speech illegal drives it underground. When that happens it gives a semblence of "legitimacy" and sense of "victimization" to the speaker's views and they are able to flourish in the dark unopposed. I think these things need to be out in the open and opposed with facts out in the open.
We have quite a few of them right here. They've been emboldened by our anti-semitic president who makes no attempt to hide his hatred of Jews. They're following suit.

The president is not anti-semitic. What a bunch of whiners. How dare anyone not kow-tow to Israel's petulance.
Oh, my. Speaking of whiners, you're just incensed that anyone dare criticize Mohammedan fascism.

We dare not criticize the man, just because he fucked a 7 year old girl. Heck, everyone does that, right?? And he sliced off Jews' heads, but Lordy, we dare not criticize that. Nosiree.
Now be fair, Stat. She wasn't 7 when he started fucking here, she was 9. That's just the kind of guy Muhammad was.
We have quite a few of them right here. They've been emboldened by our anti-semitic president who makes no attempt to hide his hatred of Jews. They're following suit.

I agree.

We do indeed have quite a few of those here.

Not a day passes where antisemitism doesn't show its disgusting face .....

Islamo nazis dripping blood from their fangs.....a daily event and quite a sight!

Sad but true :(

I see many Nazi's dripping blood from their fangs..... yes, it's a daily event and quite a sight unfortunately. Sometimes it's directed at Jews, sometimes it's directed at Muslims.

You are mistaken.

What you mainly call Muslim haters usually are those who realistically accept the fact that radical Islam is the source of savagery and immense danger to the world.

No. What I call "Muslim haters" are those that make no differentiation between extremists and muslims.

I am not mistaken.

We have to face reality and accept the fact that the extremists are in charge.

The moderate Muslims are just not powerful enough to control the radicals and terrorists.

What's more, the reality is that to read the Muslim holy texts is to recognize that Islam exists purely upon HATE... in truth, absent murder and mayhem, Islam would not exist. As such is axiomatic to Islam.
That's why I think hate speech needs to be openly confronted, whomever it's targeted at. All it takes is a little economic or political insecurity for people to start finding scapegoats and targeting them.

"Hate" laws are absurd... which is NOT to say that someone has a right to speak hatefully... it IS to say that one's right to speak freely is limited by the correlating responsibility to speak RESPONSIBLY.

One does not have a right to murder jews... therefore one does not have a right to ADVOCATE FOR THE MURDER of Jews. Just as one does not have a right to set fire to a theater full of people, one does not have the right to USE ONE'S SPEECH TO MAKE PEOPLE THINK THAT THE THEATER IS ON FIRE... .

Think of all of the idiocy which is now a function of our culture because of this idiotic misnomer. You don't have a right to use someone else's money for your own purpose, yet today there is a significant percentage of the population who foolishly believes that every cent you earn belongs to them... through the government.

What needs to be confronted, is the total ignorance of what rights are, from where they come and the RESPONSIBILITIES INTRINSIC TO SUCH!

Actually...I don't know if I agree with hate laws per se. Making certain types of speech illegal drives it underground. When that happens it gives a semblence of "legitimacy" and sense of "victimization" to the speaker's views and they are able to flourish in the dark unopposed. I think these things need to be out in the open and opposed with facts out in the open.

It shouldn't be illegal... it should not be tolerated. What should be 'legal' is beating their ass... .
We have quite a few of them right here. They've been emboldened by our anti-semitic president who makes no attempt to hide his hatred of Jews. They're following suit.

The president is not anti-semitic. What a bunch of whiners. How dare anyone not kow-tow to Israel's petulance.
Oh, my. Speaking of whiners, you're just incensed that anyone dare criticize Mohammedan fascism.

We dare not criticize the man, just because he fucked a 7 year old girl. Heck, everyone does that, right?? And he sliced off Jews' heads, but Lordy, we dare not criticize that. Nosiree.

1300 years ago, when that was the way people behaved. In addition, Aisha's age as being "7" is highly debatable. There is a lot to criticize 1300 years ago, but what's the point?

Pedophilia presents with MAJOR psychological issues... such was the case 1300 years ago and remains true to this day.

True pedophilia does. However, the evidence that this was pedophilia is debatable. Keep in mind the average age of bethrotal and marriage at the time was quite young and life expectancy low. According to Criticism of Muhammad - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia - such marriages were normal among the Beduoin and there is dispute about her age among the hadiths. Given that his other marriages were to older women, I doubt he was a pedophile . :dunno:
That's why I think hate speech needs to be openly confronted, whomever it's targeted at. All it takes is a little economic or political insecurity for people to start finding scapegoats and targeting them.

"Hate" laws are absurd... which is NOT to say that someone has a right to speak hatefully... it IS to say that one's right to speak freely is limited by the correlating responsibility to speak RESPONSIBLY.

One does not have a right to murder jews... therefore one does not have a right to ADVOCATE FOR THE MURDER of Jews. Just as one does not have a right to set fire to a theater full of people, one does not have the right to USE ONE'S SPEECH TO MAKE PEOPLE THINK THAT THE THEATER IS ON FIRE... .

Think of all of the idiocy which is now a function of our culture because of this idiotic misnomer. You don't have a right to use someone else's money for your own purpose, yet today there is a significant percentage of the population who foolishly believes that every cent you earn belongs to them... through the government.

What needs to be confronted, is the total ignorance of what rights are, from where they come and the RESPONSIBILITIES INTRINSIC TO SUCH!

Actually...I don't know if I agree with hate laws per se. Making certain types of speech illegal drives it underground. When that happens it gives a semblence of "legitimacy" and sense of "victimization" to the speaker's views and they are able to flourish in the dark unopposed. I think these things need to be out in the open and opposed with facts out in the open.

It shouldn't be illegal... it should not be tolerated. What should be 'legal' is beating their ass... .

Free speech is free speech, even if we don't like it...I don't think beating their ass quite qualifies as "free speech". Counter them with facts when ever they rear their ugly heads.
You are mistaken.

What you mainly call Muslim haters usually are those who realistically accept the fact that radical Islam is the source of savagery and immense danger to the world.

No. What I call "Muslim haters" are those that make no differentiation between extremists and muslims.

I am not mistaken.

Yes you are. What you willingly blind yourself to is the fact that this:


Isn't an act of "extremists" it's a grassroots movement that rises from the very culture of Islam, expressed by average Muslims. The "extremists" are actually the peaceful Muslims, (God bless them) that don't want violence and don't seek the death of anyone. They are all too rare and they do NOT represent popular Muslim sentiments.

You people have your head in the ground (put politely) and you're not helping the problem by ignoring it.

Anyone can find pictures of some extreme event and use it to paint an entire group.

Pew Research has shown that majorities of Muslims around the world oppose violence, are very concerned about extremism, and oppose it.

Actually, you need to read that more closely because the results are mixed, with some items involving violence or killing receiving majority support. Go do your homework now.

I agree that the results are mixed - mostly in relation to geographic locality and in certain specific examples such as treatment of homosexuals which is still stuck in a medievil mindset. I have, however done my homework.

Muslim Publics Share Concerns about Extremist Groups Pew Research Center s Global Attitudes Project

In many of the countries surveyed, clear majorities of Muslims oppose violence in the name of Islam. Indeed, about three-quarters or more in Pakistan (89%), Indonesia (81%), Nigeria (78%) and Tunisia (77%), say suicide bombings or other acts of violence that target civilians are never justified. And although substantial percentages in some countries do think suicide bombing is often or sometimes justified – including a 62%-majority of Palestinian Muslims, overall support for violence in the name of Islam has declined among Muslim publics during the past decade.
and, on extremism

Majorities in most of the Muslim publics surveyed express concerns about Islamic extremism in their country. Senegalese Muslims are the most worried (75% concerned), but at least six-in-ten Muslims in Lebanon, Tunisia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Egypt and the Palestinian territories are also concerned. More Jordanian Muslims (54%) see Islamic extremism as a threat than do not (45%).

In Indonesia, the Muslim public is evenly split: 48% concerned vs. 48% unconcerned. Turkey, meanwhile, is the only country surveyed where at least half of Muslims (51%) say they are not worried about Islamic extremism.

Concern about extremism has increased in some of the countries surveyed, including Pakistan, where two-thirds of Muslims now say they fear the threat of Islamic extremism, compared with 58% in 2012.1 In Tunisia, six-in-ten Muslims are now very concerned, up from 42% saying the same a year ago. Conversely, in the Palestinian territories, the proportion of Muslims worried about extremism has declined 14 percentage points since 2011, the last time the question was asked there.

In Lebanon, large majorities of Shia and Sunni Muslims share concerns about Islamic extremism (74% and 72%, respectively); these worries are even more pronounced among Lebanon’s Christians (92%). In Nigeria, Christians and Muslims are about equally worried, with 74% of the Christian population and 69% of the Muslim population expressing concern. However, the proportion of Nigerian Muslims worried about extremism has dropped 14 percentage points since 2010. In Malaysia, Muslims are much more worried than their Buddhist countrymen about Islamic extremism (70% vs. 46%).

Good. Now compare those numbers to the number of Christians who think violence in the name of Christianity is justified, or the killing of those who violate religious law, and you'll see the problem. Once you draw the right comparison, then the world makes a little more sense.
That's why I think hate speech needs to be openly confronted, whomever it's targeted at. All it takes is a little economic or political insecurity for people to start finding scapegoats and targeting them.

"Hate" laws are absurd... which is NOT to say that someone has a right to speak hatefully... it IS to say that one's right to speak freely is limited by the correlating responsibility to speak RESPONSIBLY.

One does not have a right to murder jews... therefore one does not have a right to ADVOCATE FOR THE MURDER of Jews. Just as one does not have a right to set fire to a theater full of people, one does not have the right to USE ONE'S SPEECH TO MAKE PEOPLE THINK THAT THE THEATER IS ON FIRE... .

Think of all of the idiocy which is now a function of our culture because of this idiotic misnomer. You don't have a right to use someone else's money for your own purpose, yet today there is a significant percentage of the population who foolishly believes that every cent you earn belongs to them... through the government.

What needs to be confronted, is the total ignorance of what rights are, from where they come and the RESPONSIBILITIES INTRINSIC TO SUCH!

Actually...I don't know if I agree with hate laws per se. Making certain types of speech illegal drives it underground. When that happens it gives a semblence of "legitimacy" and sense of "victimization" to the speaker's views and they are able to flourish in the dark unopposed. I think these things need to be out in the open and opposed with facts out in the open.

We're getting off topic starting with your absurd claim that Nazis hate Muslims and Jews equally.

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