Arab-Muslim Foreigners and Illegals Stoke Campus Anti-Semitism

In my opinion, I believe it is important to remember that the ongoing Islamic war against Israel is only an ideological precursor to war against America. We know that Iran is backing the vermin of Hamas and the scum of Hezbollah. Have we forgotten the last 50-plus years of Iranian protesters, AND THEIR LEADERS, throwing around the old “Death to America” slogans.

Clearly, the west’s values align best with Israel. Israel is a strategic ally of America. American is hated by the radical Islamic world probably just as much as they hate Israel. For these reasons, I see the Hamas attack on Israel as essentially the same as an attack on the west, especially America.

I am not advocating for the USA to take direct military action in this conflict at this time. Israel is perfectly capable of defending itself. There is absolutely no excuse for what Hamas did last month. This is a decades old conflict. Moreover, as I have said many times, Islam has been a problem for the rest of the world for centuries. It is an enemy to western civilization and a blight on humanity. Not to condemn all Muslims, but it is from their religion where which Islamic violence is spawned.

The First Amendment should not be construed as a suicide pact that allows speech detrimental to our interests and our very existence. What would the Founders have thought about speech hostile to the republic? More importantly, what would they have thought about speech that advocates for fundamental change to the republic? They would think such constitutes insurrection.
I think they are doing their damndest to draw America into it to justify killing more Americans too. Since the Hamas/Israeli war began there have been more than 30 terrorist attacks on American installations outside of Israel in the Middle East. Dozens of Americans have been injured. One killed.

Expect this to escalate in coming weeks.
Cosplay and LARPers don’t (rappel down 7 Story buildings) and learn to drive ( A Tractor ) ( A Combine ) ( A deuce and a half ) and shoot 700 + Yards accurately
So far you cosplaying rappelling down walls has accomplished what? You might as well be fighting orcs in the park. 😄 You're still being demographically over run.
WTF is an orc? You mean Orca? Those live in the sea, dude.
I'm talking about the whites who do dungeons and dragons in the park. The wannabe militia man who thinks he's actually training to repel a southern invasion is arguably more embarrassing. The LARPers know they're larping.
I'm talking about the whites who do dungeons and dragons in the park. The wannabe militia man who thinks he's actually training to repel a southern invasion is arguably more embarrassing. The LARPers know they're larping.
Is "orc" short for something? This term is new to me. What is the etymology of this term?
I'm talking about the whites who do dungeons and dragons in the park. The wannabe militia man who thinks he's actually training to repel a southern invasion is arguably more embarrassing. The LARPers know they're larping.
Being trained up by former Military ( Including Young Combat Veterans and Former LEOs ) and Winter Training ((Snowshoe Marches in full gear ) and (overnight Fighting position in 24 degree temps ) and doing 2 Miles in under 40 mins with full load out on uneven rocky terrain ( Water / Ammo / Sidearm / Rifle / 3 day Assault pack / Level 4 Body Armor rig and ballistic helmet ) not COSplay but the California State Militia ( CSM )
Being trained up by former Military ( Including Young Combat Veterans and Former LEOs ) and Winter Training ((Snowshoe Marches in full gear ) and (overnight Fighting position in 24 degree temps ) and doing 2 Miles in under 40 mins with full load out on uneven rocky terrain ( Water / Ammo / Sidearm / Rifle / 3 day Assault pack / Level 4 Body Armor rig and ballistic helmet ) not COSplay but the California State Militia ( CSM )
And what practical use have you put all that training towards? You're still being demographically replaced. 😄
Remember that Iranian/Yemeni Muslim immigrant student that (Sep. 2021) asked (giggler) Kamala a propaganda "question?"

The student, who identified herself as part-Yemeni, part-Iranian and “not an American,” also expressed outrage at US funding of the Iron Dome.
Demafacist in congress actively worked to dismantle the iron dome
I do not know what any of that is. I am not into a fantasy because, as I mentioned, I am an adult,
You don't watch movies? You don't know who John McLane is? Nakatomi Plaza? Argyle? Hans, boobie... None of this ringing a bell? Welcome to the party pal?
You don't watch movies? You don't know who John McLane is? Nakatomi Plaza? Argyle? Hans, boobie... None of this ringing a bell? Welcome to the party pal?
As a Motorbike Courier / Messenger in Century City / Beverly Hills saw them filming “ Die Hard “
At the Fox Plaza building and after Movie came out I always called the Building “ Nakatomi Plaza “ and every Courier Or Dispatcher I referred about it to knew exactly what building I meant ( they filmed at the Fox Plaza and building for over a month ( with the Police Armored vehicle on the steps for almost two weeks )

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