Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024 (VIDEO)

I certainly hope so. We have civil war right now, just in slow motion.
I think there has to be a tipping point. After which, no turning back. Most revolutions have a "first shot," or first cavalry charge (Russia). I know what you mean, and I often think that is possible, that we have a slow-motion civil war, but then I think of lots of events that were hostile before "real" revolutions, like the Great Fear in France (the mobs in the country burned out a LOT of chateaux) the year BEFORE the revolution started; the Underground Railroad in American abolitionist states. All the anarchists blowing so much up in Europe before the Russian Revolution. Our rioting, which is VERY serious! Especially the new escalation into Flash Mobs.

But I have not seen a Tipping Point. It could all still be tamped down. Like the anarchist bombers were tamped down by WWI. Conscripted them all.

What would be a Tipping Point into Civil War now? Last time it was not the outrageous behavior of the abolitionists (John Brown in particular); it was definitely Lincoln's election. No mystery there.

So maybe Fiona Hill is right. If Trump is elected (like Lincoln, he IS a leeeetle controversial), instant Civil War, starting the next day? Only this time the North secedes? Naaaaah, they'd try to get us to buckle under.
Yes [that the Left accepted 2016]
No, they did not!! They went on for the WHOLE TERM complaining that Hillary should be in the White House because she won more raw votes (California), that the Electoral College should be given up, that the election was somehow stolen by Russians, Ukrainians, I don't know who-all --- they tried to undo it by rotten, inappropriate impeachment, constantly trying to pretend there was some criminal accusation that would winkle him out of the White House.
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No, they did not!! They went on for the WHOLE TERM complaining that Hillary should be in the White House because she won more raw votes (California), that the Electoral College should be given up, that the election was somehow stolen by Russians, Ukrainians, I don't know who-all --- they tried to undo it by rotten, inappropriate impeachment, constantly trying to pretend there was some criminal accusation that would winkle him out of the White House.
Do not alter quotes. That is an infraction.

And Dem may have complained...but they did not claim it was stolen or raid the Capitol

Newsflash...the loser in almost every election complains
Do not alter quotes. That is an infraction.
Okay -- I edited it to square brackets, traditionally meaning something I put in. Can't reply to a naked "Yes" with no qualifier.
Okay -- I edited it to square brackets, traditionally meaning something I put in. Can't reply to a naked "Yes" with no qualifier.
You certainly can explain it in your post.

Do NOT edit quotes
Gotta laugh. There won't be a civil war. Anyone saying that is a few cards short of a full deck. Good Lord. Can people be anymore stupid??

I think not.
It depends on what you consider a war.

I can certainly see massive riots in protest of the election. Commercial looting and arson turned into residential looting and arson. People arming up and fighting back. I can see cities with survival fighting block by block. When does it cross from the collapse of civilization to a war against that civilization?
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats will fund Antifa/BLM in tens of millions of dollars to repeat the "Summer of Love" for four years of the re-election of DJ Trump in 2024. Look at what they did in 2020.
Oddly, Democrat Representatives call Jan 6th an "Insurrection" while they funded and protected Antifa and BLM to conduct Blue Plantation City insurrections nationwide in over 400 cities causing looting, arson and violence leading to thousands of injured law enforcement personnel and more than a score of deaths.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats will fund Antifa/BLM in tens of millions of dollars to repeat the "Summer of Love" for four years of the re-election of DJ Trump in 2024. Look at what they did in 2020.
Oddly, Democrat Representatives call Jan 6th an "Insurrection" while they funded and protected Antifa and BLM to conduct Blue Plantation City insurrections nationwide in over 400 cities causing looting, arson and violence leading to thousands of injured law enforcement personnel and more than a score of deaths.

Stuff vs democracy again? No matter how many times you make the argument, the bottom line is civil unrest vs treason.

Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024

24 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Fiona Hill is a former George W. Bush and Obama administration official. Trump kept her on for a while but she eventually revealed herself to be just another anti-Trump part of the DC machine.
Hill went on to testify at Trump’s first impeachment hearing. Now she is claiming that if Trump wins again in 2024 the United States will face a civil war.
So much of what she says below is pure projection. For example, she talks about Trump not accepting the outcome of the 2020 election. Did Democrats and anti-Trumpers accept the outcome of the 2016 election?
Real Clear Politics offers a transcript:
Fiona Hill: A Trump Victory In 2024 Will Be Seen As “Illegitimate,” Could Start An “Open Civil War”

The liberal media is always complaining about people spreading conspiracy theories.
Does this count?

For more than four years Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist sycophants ranted and created conspiracy theories about Donald J. Trump. It hasn't changed.
If Fiona Hill is so sure Joey Xi won 80 million votes, why is she so worried about President Trump running and winning again?
This rancor and violence reminds me so much of the politics of 1860. Similarly the the Democratic Party then as today was in disarray.
If Civil War is surely to come, it again will be "Democrats" that precipitate it.
In essence Ms. Hill speaks for the PM/DSA Democrat Left and is telling us, if we don't get what we want we break what is there. The America Republic cannot coexist with the PM/DSA Commie Left. Why wait?


Sounds like she's an Insurrectionist
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats will fund Antifa/BLM in tens of millions of dollars to repeat the "Summer of Love" for four years of the re-election of DJ Trump in 2024. Look at what they did in 2020.
Oddly, Democrat Representatives call Jan 6th an "Insurrection" while they funded and protected Antifa and BLM to conduct Blue Plantation City insurrections nationwide in over 400 cities causing looting, arson and violence leading to thousands of injured law enforcement personnel and more than a score of deaths.

I have a feeling we're reaching the tipping point. I mean Newsome has gone from being progressive archangel to super prosecutor of the railroad thieves. I'm not even sure his approach to prosecution is constitutional but he doesn't seem to give a shit all of a sudden now that he's about to lose massive revenue. I think you'll see the same effect all over the country.

Marxists have been undeniably successful with their propaganda. This is simply a continuation.

99% of Conservatives who secretly support Trump have been successfully shamed into remaining silent about their support.

The Left used common and well known Stalinist / marxist tactics to berate Trump in the eyes of social media to such an extent that Conservatives are deathly afraid to admit their support, thus giving their full support and acceptance of the Leftist tactics. Which they will now use against any and all who oppose their Marxist agendas.

They even went so far as to create hundreds of embarrassing, nude effigies of Trump and placed them around America. Not ONE was removed or protested.
The plot was highly successful as most conservatives are now afraid to even mention they support Trump.
Rarely will you see a bumper sticker or hear any support for Trump. Instead, they will quietly slink into the voting booth (if they even do that) and cast their vote for Trump, tail between their legs. (again, if they are not too embarrassed to go to vote)

When men who claim to be "good" flat refuse to stand for good and instead tuck tail and hide like a frightened dog, you have the rise of tyranny as is apparent today in America.

Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024

24 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Fiona Hill is a former George W. Bush and Obama administration official. Trump kept her on for a while but she eventually revealed herself to be just another anti-Trump part of the DC machine.
Hill went on to testify at Trump’s first impeachment hearing. Now she is claiming that if Trump wins again in 2024 the United States will face a civil war.
So much of what she says below is pure projection. For example, she talks about Trump not accepting the outcome of the 2020 election. Did Democrats and anti-Trumpers accept the outcome of the 2016 election?
Real Clear Politics offers a transcript:
Fiona Hill: A Trump Victory In 2024 Will Be Seen As “Illegitimate,” Could Start An “Open Civil War”

The liberal media is always complaining about people spreading conspiracy theories.
Does this count?

For more than four years Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist sycophants ranted and created conspiracy theories about Donald J. Trump. It hasn't changed.
If Fiona Hill is so sure Joey Xi won 80 million votes, why is she so worried about President Trump running and winning again?
This rancor and violence reminds me so much of the politics of 1860. Similarly the the Democratic Party then as today was in disarray.
If Civil War is surely to come, it again will be "Democrats" that precipitate it.
In essence Ms. Hill speaks for the PM/DSA Democrat Left and is telling us, if we don't get what we want we break what is there. The America Republic cannot coexist with the PM/DSA Commie Left. Why wait?


She was appointed, in the first quarter of 2017, by President Donald Trump as deputy assistant to the president and senior director for European and Russian affairs on his National Security Council staff... She was there for over half his presidency...

This another person who worked with Trump and considers him to be not up to it...

Have any of ye first hand knowledge of working with Trump? NO! But we have a line of people have worked with him first hand and say he is not fit for office... These are people Trump picked, no excuses...

I have a feeling we're reaching the tipping point. I mean Newsome has gone from being progressive archangel to super prosecutor of the railroad thieves. I'm not even sure his approach to prosecution is constitutional but he doesn't seem to give a shit all of a sudden now that he's about to lose massive revenue. I think you'll see the same effect all over the country.


But there's a problem.
LA, like all other Blue areas is actively defunding and eliminating Police in favor of social workers.

So Newsomes promise to allocate Police resources to the problem only means less law enforcement elsewhere. Gangs will be more free to do what they do. Drug trafficking will go unnoticed.

What you are most likely seeing is fake posturing to once again fool his voters into continuing to elect these fools.
Those voters have a lifetime "fool me once, fool me again" pass
Stuff vs democracy again? No matter how many times you make the argument, the bottom line is civil unrest vs treason.

In a free society, civil unrest is accepted as a vessel for change for better......

In a Marxist society....civil unrest or any resistance to the Marxist agenda is called "Treason"

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