Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024 (VIDEO)

Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024

24 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Fiona Hill is a former George W. Bush and Obama administration official. Trump kept her on for a while but she eventually revealed herself to be just another anti-Trump part of the DC machine.
Hill went on to testify at Trump’s first impeachment hearing. Now she is claiming that if Trump wins again in 2024 the United States will face a civil war.
So much of what she says below is pure projection. For example, she talks about Trump not accepting the outcome of the 2020 election. Did Democrats and anti-Trumpers accept the outcome of the 2016 election?
Real Clear Politics offers a transcript:
Fiona Hill: A Trump Victory In 2024 Will Be Seen As “Illegitimate,” Could Start An “Open Civil War”

The liberal media is always complaining about people spreading conspiracy theories.
Does this count?

For more than four years Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist sycophants ranted and created conspiracy theories about Donald J. Trump. It hasn't changed.
If Fiona Hill is so sure Joey Xi won 80 million votes, why is she so worried about President Trump running and winning again?
This rancor and violence reminds me so much of the politics of 1860. Similarly the the Democratic Party then as today was in disarray.
If Civil War is surely to come, it again will be "Democrats" that precipitate it.
In essence Ms. Hill speaks for the PM/DSA Democrat Left and is telling us, if we don't get what we want we break what is there. The America Republic cannot coexist with the PM/DSA Commie Left. Why wait?


Fiona Hill is no nutjob and if she's anti trump, she's right on time.

Biden won. Now republican states are trying to fix elections so they can reject the winners if they are democrat. If trump wins by states overturning the vote, then there will be trouble.
Oh? Aside from Whoopi and Alec threatening to leave for Timbuktu, they don't want to be for the new national debt that hit $30,000,000,000,000 (thirty trillion dollars) yesterday and counting fast, you can bet somebody has to pay up. Biden and the Democrats are fiscal strark, raving lunatics. And you didn't hear it here first.
Biden inherited record debt from trump. So stop pretending that is not the case.
Biden inherited record debt from trump. So stop pretending that is not the case.
Trump inherited a hellish border situation from you Demmies, don't come crying to me because you Democrats ain't fit to run this country. NO WAY.

Biden is in the Oval Office because Democrats are damn lazy assholes who want everybody else pay for their problems, so they use deep state secretive tactics to get whatever pleases their base. What you worry, eh. Just invent a lying narrative, and stupid people will think Democrats are telling the truth. NOT!
Oh? Aside from Whoopi and Alec threatening to leave for Timbuktu, they don't want to be for the new national debt that hit $30,000,000,000,000 (thirty trillion dollars) yesterday and counting fast, you can bet somebody has to pay up. Biden and the Democrats are fiscal strark, raving lunatics. And you didn't hear it here first.
Oddly you never said a word when Trump was piling on that debt
Oddly you never said a word when Trump was piling on that debt
Are Progs cutting the debt? Do it now. We live off the fiat currency. Trump even said it by asking the Federal Reserve to not raise the rates. He knows. We are living above our ways. What we see now is a way of decreasing the living standards using inflation and giving the political class an excuse that they forced on the population. But this was made worse because Biden is a globalist and not a nationalist for American freedom. So, all Progs are coming from that. You cannot believe someone who cares more for someone in another country than you.
Are Progs cutting the debt? Do it now. We live off the fiat currency. Trump even said it by asking the Federal Reserve to not raise the rates. He knows. We are living above our ways. What we see now is a way of decreasing the living standards using inflation and giving the political class an excuse that they forced on the population. But this was made worse because Biden is a globalist and not a nationalist for American freedom. So, all Progs are coming from that. You cannot believe someone who cares more for someone in another country than you.
Here’s whats happening in the progressives’ quest for “equity”: self-supporting middle class people formerly able to buy groceries at Harris Teeter are now forced to shop at the lesser-quality Walmart, making them “equal” to lower-income people on govt assistance who have shopped there for years.

But wait….it gets even better. We now have low-income people able to shop at Harris Teeter for the first time with the extra $900 or $1200 or $1500 cash money being paid by the people now relegated to Walmart.
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Oddly you never said a word when Trump was piling on that debt
It's not odd. I'm a proud member of a family that was military when I was growing up. You obviously either have no idea or you are rebelling against the good people whose blood was spilled giving you the freedom of speech you are enjoying right now.
I can tell you like the fact that the Dems and the Repubs are exactly one in the same.
I can tell YOU for a fact that you are a congenital liar and a degenerate POS.

Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion), not allowing Conservative free speech on Youtube and elsewhere, Antifa and BLM Marxist thugs and bullies burning cities, defunding police, Fascist lockdown, voter fraud, and more. Democrats are the enemy of Liberty.

The GOP is the party of limited government and traditional values.

And YOU are a POS
Oddly you never said a word when Trump was piling on that debt
Biden inherited record debt from trump. So stop pretending that is not the case.

What modern President has not inherited record debt from his predecessor? Looks like Biden is on path to keep up the tradition.

Biden inherited record debt from trump

Thats because Trump inherited record debt from the Kenyan Socialist, you loser sack of shit

Obama created more debt than all other presidents before him COMBINDED and that is a FACT

And he gave that to Trump

Now STFU you ghetto crackhead bitch
Thats because Trump inherited record debt from the Kenyan Socialist, you loser sack of shit

Obama created more debt than all other presidents before him COMBINDED and that is a FACT

And he gave that to Trump

Now STFU you ghetto crackhead bitch
Somehow Obama is supposed to get a pass on anything accountable…anything wrong is always someone else’s fault.
It's not odd. I'm a proud member of a family that was military when I was growing up. You obviously either have no idea or you are rebelling against the good people whose blood was spilled giving you the freedom of speech you are enjoying right now.
What does any of that have to do with your easy acceptance of Trump blowing up the debt.


You're either on a bender or off your meds
Here’s whats happening in the progressives’ quest for “equity”: self-supporting middle class people formerly able to buy groceries at Harris Teeter are now forced to shop at the lesser-quality Walmart, making them “equal” to lower-income people on govt assistance who have shopped there for years.

But wait….it gets even better. We now have low-income people able to shop at Harris Teeter for the first time with the extra $900 or $1200 or $1500 cash money being paid by the people now relegated to Walmart.
Newsflash...inflation is GLOBAL
"No one's ever heard of it" is NOT the issue.

Supposedly it was the nefarious deed perpetrated by Hillary Clinton...however it was never used during the campaign. It didn't become public until much later
Yahoo News and Mother Jones both were referring to the phony dossier in September and October of 2016
making the issue public.

"By the third quarter of 2016, many news organizations knew about the existence of the dossier, which had been described as an "open secret" among journalists, but chose not to publish information they could not confirm. Mother Jones was the first to report the existence of the dossier and that it was exclusively funded by Democrats.

By October 2016, Steele had compiled 33 pages (16 reports), and he then passed on what he had discovered to David Corn, a reporter from Mother Jones magazine. On October 31, 2016, a week before the election, Mother Jones reported that a former intelligence officer, whom they did not name, had produced a report based on Russian sources and turned it over to the FBI. The article disclosed some of the dossier's allegations:

The first memo, based on the former intelligence officer's conversations with Russian sources, noted, "Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance." It maintained that Trump "and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals". It claimed Russian intelligence had "compromised" Trump during his visits to Moscow and could "blackmail him". It also reported that Russian intelligence had compiled a dossier on Hillary Clinton based on "bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls."
— David Corn, "A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump", Mother Jones (October 31, 2016)"
And the Steele Dossier was used by the media, FBI etc. after the election to smear Trump using lies
and invented tales bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton.

What you claim is only partially true and is irrelevant in the bigger picture....just like you.
A week before the election Mother Jones (who almost no one reads and few believe) made vague references to it.

You're referring to events that occurred after Trump was elected
Before and after.
Lies from the fully discredited Steele Dossier formed the backbone of justification for slander against
Trump that went on for years.
Butthole partisans like you still use it to justify claims of Trump being subservient to Putin.

You are lying and slithering around still.
In a free society burning things, rioting etc. are civil unrest; taking a battering ram to the Capitol and threatening elected representatives ARE treason.
"Treason" or "Founding Father" depends on who wins. The revolutionaries in 1776 only had about 30% support from the people and had they lost the war they would have been executed and vilified to this day as we sip tea. If that unorganized, ticked off mob ignites a successful revolution that ultimately dismantles the existing power structure, they will be lionized, not demonized, by students a long time from now.

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