Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Dear Mr Trump

If someone is wearing a shirt or carrying a sign that you don't agree with, a real American will just ignore it
If someone is disrupting your rally and not allowing you to speak...they should be escorted out
Beating the shit out of them is not an answer

Thank you

Funny but by how you blindly follow the liberal doctrine. If a republican would've showed up at a black panthers rally wearing a kkk hood and got the crap beat out of him. I could hear your silence on the matter.
Oh Gawd, more Democrat incitement and whining. If you're not supporting Trump, why are you at his rallies? Obviously, you're only there to disrupt and incite. Same ole tired shite. Go Trump!!

Got to keep a list of all the RWnuts going on record supporting the beatdowns of rally protesters.

It's all about the incitement. They're only there to cause problems. They want confrontation. But hopefully this stuff will only make Trump and his supporters stronger.
Why do the Trump people who rant on about being "True Americans" want to change the tradition and practice of protesting at political rallies? The guy who got beat was simply holding up a sign and making a short protest and voicing his displeasure with Trump. Someone near him displayed a symbolic KKK hood. He was asked to leave and was walking out of the event when he was viciously attacked. When did this kind of protest become un-American? Why has it not been challenged with violence in the past or at other rallies where protesters are simply escorted out of the event? Must all America give up a freedom and tradition of the right to protest, because of Trump and his supporters lack in ability to deal with the same situation that other politicians have always had to deal with? If Trump can not organize and lead a simple political rally how can he be expected to run a country?
Trump needs to hand out brown shirts so the public knows what to expect
It's all about the incitement. They're only there to cause problems. They want confrontation. But hopefully this stuff will only make Trump and his supporters stronger.
Why do the Trump people who rant on about being "True Americans" want to change the tradition and practice of protesting at political rallies? The guy who got beat was simply holding up a sign and making a short protest and voicing his displeasure with Trump. Someone near him displayed a symbolic KKK hood. He was asked to leave and was walking out of the event when he was viciously attacked. When did this kind of protest become un-American? Why has it not been challenged with violence in the past or at other rallies where protesters are simply escorted out of the event? Must all America give up a freedom and tradition of the right to protest, because of Trump and his supporters lack in ability to deal with the same situation that other politicians have always had to deal with? If Trump can not organize and lead a simple political rally how can he be expected to run a country?

They're private events paid for by the Candidate. They have every right to boot you if you disrupt and incite. If you're there to listen, then fine. You'll have no problem. But if you're there to incite confrontation, then it won't be fine. You'll have a problem.

The People don't attend to listen to you rant & rave. They attend to listen to the Candidate speak. They have rights too. The moment you disrupt and incite, you've infringed on their rights. And you will be removed. You don't like that, tough shit. Don't attend Trump rallies.
The events are not private events. The one at his Florida club was private, but the ones held at stadiums and other venues are open to the public. He does have the right to make them leave and there is law enforcement there to do that.
Wrong. Trump paid to rent the place.

He didn't rent it to stage beatdowns.
So your idea of fairness is whenever anyone is attacked, they have to just put their hands behind their backs and allow the beating to take place until they're either beaten senseless, unconscious, or dead. Then you lying leftists will make fun of them for being such pussies.
Dear Mr Trump

If someone is wearing a shirt or carrying a sign that you don't agree with, a real American will just ignore it
If someone is disrupting your rally and not allowing you to speak...they should be escorted out
Beating the shit out of them is not an answer

Thank you

Funny but by how you blindly follow the liberal doctrine. If a republican would've showed up at a black panthers rally wearing a kkk hood and got the crap beat out of him. I could hear your silence on the matter.

Yeah, but that never happened...
Dear Mr Trump

If someone is wearing a shirt or carrying a sign that you don't agree with, a real American will just ignore it
If someone is disrupting your rally and not allowing you to speak...they should be escorted out
Beating the shit out of them is not an answer

Thank you


Trump didn't beat anyone. He doesn't have control over everyone in the audience. If you go around wearing a KKK hood, then it should be no surprise when a black man punches you in the mouth.

Trump never actually does anything. He has others to carry out his will

Trump has said protesters deserve to be punched in the face. He has offered to pay legal bills of those who commit violence at his rallies

Then shrugs and's not me
Obama says if they bring a knife you bring a gun. So go ahead rightie denounce Obama or just shut up. You have no creditability left.
Dear Mr Trump

If someone is wearing a shirt or carrying a sign that you don't agree with, a real American will just ignore it
If someone is disrupting your rally and not allowing you to speak...they should be escorted out
Beating the shit out of them is not an answer

Thank you

Funny but by how you blindly follow the liberal doctrine. If a republican would've showed up at a black panthers rally wearing a kkk hood and got the crap beat out of him. I could hear your silence on the matter.

Yeah, but that never happened...
Yeah because we wouldn't stoop that low. If it did you would be silent.
Dear Mr Trump

If someone is wearing a shirt or carrying a sign that you don't agree with, a real American will just ignore it
If someone is disrupting your rally and not allowing you to speak...they should be escorted out
Beating the shit out of them is not an answer

Thank you

Funny but by how you blindly follow the liberal doctrine. If a republican would've showed up at a black panthers rally wearing a kkk hood and got the crap beat out of him. I could hear your silence on the matter.

Yeah, but that never happened...
Yeah because we wouldn't stoop that low. If it did you would be silent.

Got anymore negatives you want us to disprove?
Everything you know is wrong, douche bag. You've proven that over and over.

Everyone in the room is right-wing, so why would they send in a "plant?"

To make it look like the KKK is protesting Adolf Trump. Why would you even ask such a stupid question?
The guy in the hood was trying to act like a Hitler kkk Trump. Get your head out of your ass.

Really? Where's your "credible" proof?
Look at the video. Anyway we know only democrats wear the hood.

Funny. Democrats "used" to wear the hood - until they all switched to the Republican Party. Learn some history.
I didn't know Byrd was a republican. Also wasn't it president Johnson that said with welfare we will have them ni*gets voting democrat for life?
They did disrupt an event
The proper response is to escort them out...NOT beat them up

That is the way we have had political rallies for generations

Oh Gawd, stop being such a disingenuous pussy. These folks are planted radicals, there to incite confrontation. Who do you think you're foolin? You don't want a problem, be polite and listen to the Candidate speak. His supporters have rights too.

They incite it by showing the asses then wonder why they get them kicked.

"They showed up and said things we don't like! They DESERVED physical violence!"

Do you hear yourself? Are you proud of defending assault?

They do deserve to get escorted to the door. The punch was uncalled for but understandable.

Understandable? Please explain what's understandable about "You're being escorted out by the cops. I must knock you down and kick you"?

If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
Dear Mr Trump

If someone is wearing a shirt or carrying a sign that you don't agree with, a real American will just ignore it
If someone is disrupting your rally and not allowing you to speak...they should be escorted out
Beating the shit out of them is not an answer

Thank you


Trump didn't beat anyone. He doesn't have control over everyone in the audience. If you go around wearing a KKK hood, then it should be no surprise when a black man punches you in the mouth.

Trump never actually does anything. He has others to carry out his will

Trump has said protesters deserve to be punched in the face. He has offered to pay legal bills of those who commit violence at his rallies

Then shrugs and's not me

He said some guys throwing tomatoes deserved to be punched in the face, and he's right. The police would never file charges against anyone under such circumstances.
Oh Gawd, stop being such a disingenuous pussy. These folks are planted radicals, there to incite confrontation. Who do you think you're foolin? You don't want a problem, be polite and listen to the Candidate speak. His supporters have rights too.

They incite it by showing the asses then wonder why they get them kicked.

"They showed up and said things we don't like! They DESERVED physical violence!"

Do you hear yourself? Are you proud of defending assault?

They do deserve to get escorted to the door. The punch was uncalled for but understandable.

Understandable? Please explain what's understandable about "You're being escorted out by the cops. I must knock you down and kick you"?

If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.
They incite it by showing the asses then wonder why they get them kicked.

"They showed up and said things we don't like! They DESERVED physical violence!"

Do you hear yourself? Are you proud of defending assault?

They do deserve to get escorted to the door. The punch was uncalled for but understandable.

Understandable? Please explain what's understandable about "You're being escorted out by the cops. I must knock you down and kick you"?

If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.

Yep, they're all in an uproar when some instigator gets punched, but they don't say a thing about people on their side who flagrantly break the law and obstruct Trump's freedom of speech. I never saw such a gang of hypocrites in my life.
To make it look like the KKK is protesting Adolf Trump. Why would you even ask such a stupid question?
The guy in the hood was trying to act like a Hitler kkk Trump. Get your head out of your ass.

Really? Where's your "credible" proof?
Look at the video. Anyway we know only democrats wear the hood.

Funny. Democrats "used" to wear the hood - until they all switched to the Republican Party. Learn some history.
I didn't know Byrd was a republican. Also wasn't it president Johnson that said with welfare we will have them ni*gets voting democrat for life?
Oh ain't it cute how lokota thinks how a democrat president puts down black is a thing.
"They showed up and said things we don't like! They DESERVED physical violence!"

Do you hear yourself? Are you proud of defending assault?

They do deserve to get escorted to the door. The punch was uncalled for but understandable.

Understandable? Please explain what's understandable about "You're being escorted out by the cops. I must knock you down and kick you"?

If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.

Yep, they're all in an uproar when some instigator gets punched, but they don't say a thing about people on their side who flagrantly break the law and obstruct Trump's freedom of speech. I never saw such a gang of hypocrites in my life.
Yep, Trump wasn't my first choice but what he is doing to liberals. He should get a gold metal. Liberals can't be consistent on this. They has done a lot worse things than Trump could only dream of.
Everything you know is wrong, douche bag. You've proven that over and over.

Everyone in the room is right-wing, so why would they send in a "plant?"

To make it look like the KKK is protesting Adolf Trump. Why would you even ask such a stupid question?
The guy in the hood was trying to act like a Hitler kkk Trump. Get your head out of your ass.

Really? Where's your "credible" proof?
Look at the video. Anyway we know only democrats wear the hood.

Funny. Democrats "used" to wear the hood - until they all switched to the Republican Party. Learn some history.
Post it up. You won't find it. The dims lost voters and the repubs gained voters. There was no migration apart from a few guys.

Learn some history? ...LOL
Dear Mr Trump

If someone is wearing a shirt or carrying a sign that you don't agree with, a real American will just ignore it
If someone is disrupting your rally and not allowing you to speak...they should be escorted out
Beating the shit out of them is not an answer

Thank you

Funny but by how you blindly follow the liberal doctrine. If a republican would've showed up at a black panthers rally wearing a kkk hood and got the crap beat out of him. I could hear your silence on the matter.

Yeah, but that never happened...
3 guesses why, numbnuts?

They would have been killed.

If a Trump supporter raises his or her voice to one of's paid instigators you liberals scream like banshees.
They incite it by showing the asses then wonder why they get them kicked.

"They showed up and said things we don't like! They DESERVED physical violence!"

Do you hear yourself? Are you proud of defending assault?

They do deserve to get escorted to the door. The punch was uncalled for but understandable.

Understandable? Please explain what's understandable about "You're being escorted out by the cops. I must knock you down and kick you"?

If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.
At least two threads on it all day yesterday. Routine civil disobedience protest of blocking traffic to get attention. It works, that's why it was used in the civil rights and anti-war protest as far back as the early sixties. Two cars towed away and two people arrested. The rally was held and Trump gave his speech or whatever.
Get used to this kind of thing. Protesters win, Trump and his supporters lose. Trumpism is being branded.
"They showed up and said things we don't like! They DESERVED physical violence!"

Do you hear yourself? Are you proud of defending assault?

They do deserve to get escorted to the door. The punch was uncalled for but understandable.

Understandable? Please explain what's understandable about "You're being escorted out by the cops. I must knock you down and kick you"?

If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.
At least two threads on it all day yesterday. Routine civil disobedience protest of blocking traffic to get attention. It works, that's why it was used in the civil rights and anti-war protest as far back as the early sixties. Two cars towed away and two people arrested. The rally was held and Trump gave his speech or whatever.
Get used to this kind of thing. Protesters win, Trump and his supporters lose. Trumpism is being branded.

You're wrong about that. Trump becomes more popular every time you douche bags attempt one of these assaults.
"They showed up and said things we don't like! They DESERVED physical violence!"

Do you hear yourself? Are you proud of defending assault?

They do deserve to get escorted to the door. The punch was uncalled for but understandable.

Understandable? Please explain what's understandable about "You're being escorted out by the cops. I must knock you down and kick you"?

If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.
At least two threads on it all day yesterday. Routine civil disobedience protest of blocking traffic to get attention. It works, that's why it was used in the civil rights and anti-war protest as far back as the early sixties. Two cars towed away and two people arrested. The rally was held and Trump gave his speech or whatever.
Get used to this kind of thing. Protesters win, Trump and his supporters lose. Trumpism is being branded.
Oh yeah, it works alright. Just not the way the retards think. Domestic terrorism pisses people off, especially those directly effected by it. It's fine that you don't give a flying fuck about what anybody had to go through but you don't speak for anyone but your self.

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