Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

How do you expect terrorists to be treated?


So if I do not vote for Trump am I a terrorist, and should I be sucer punch for speaking or writing the facts about Trump?

The true terrorist is the idiot that uses violence to attempt to silence the opposition from speaking, so why do you support acts of terrorism?
How do you expect terrorists to be treated?


So if I do not vote for Trump am I a terrorist, and should I be sucer punch for speaking or writing the facts about Trump?

The true terrorist is the idiot that uses violence to attempt to silence the opposition from speaking, so why do you support acts of terrorism?
You can't read, you illiterate bastard. There are ways to protest legally, these are not examples of legal protests but acts to deny speech and freedom of movement.

Don't make it about the people who have been wronged. And don't twist what I said to try to smear your shit on me, I'll pound it right back into your puss filled face.
I find it amazing how Trump supporters enjoy the violence until it is done unto them. They love to applaud the stupidity but when someone that is not a Trump supporters uses the same tactic they will scream the individual is a terrorist and should be hung for playing the same way as a Trump supporter does.

They believe anyone that write or speak against Trump should be sucker punch and forced into silence, and I wonder would the Founding Fathers be proud of these moronic idiots or would the Founding Father had given us back to England and said it was not worth it because they discovered that Trump supporters ( like so man other Americans ) are idiots that do not deserve the freedom that our Founding Fathers fought for?
I find it amazing how Trump supporters enjoy the violence until it is done unto them. They love to applaud the stupidity but when someone that is not a Trump supporters uses the same tactic they will scream the individual is a terrorist and should be hung for playing the same way as a Trump supporter does.

They believe anyone that write or speak against Trump should be sucker punch and forced into silence, and I wonder would the Founding Fathers be proud of these moronic idiots or would the Founding Father had given us back to England and said it was not worth it because they discovered that Trump supporters ( like so man other Americans ) are idiots that do not deserve the freedom that our Founding Fathers fought for?

Yanno, I am a liberal and this bullshit is embarrassing. You have no idea how phenomenally ignorant these folks look. Scream much and say not a damn thing.
How do you expect terrorists to be treated?


So if I do not vote for Trump am I a terrorist, and should I be sucer punch for speaking or writing the facts about Trump?

The true terrorist is the idiot that uses violence to attempt to silence the opposition from speaking, so why do you support acts of terrorism?
You can't read, you illiterate bastard. There are ways to protest legally, these are not examples of legal protests but acts to deny speech and freedom of movement.

Don't make it about the people who have been wronged. And don't twist what I said to try to smear your shit on me, I'll pound it right back into your puss filled face.

You are calling someone a terrorist and that is your words and not mine. To protests against Trump is not a act of terrorism, and to claim it is, well is just ignorant as can be, so stop being ignorant if you do not want your ignorance pointed out.

It is Trump supporters using acts of violence and you support it while getting upset with someone pointing out the fact your words are pure nonsense and worthless as can be.

Also the only way you will most likely pound is the public hair you call a penis, and your threats toward me is pathetic and asinine as can be.

So in the end the true terrorists in all of this are those that throw sucker punches, and those that want to silence those that protest against your beloved wanna-be dictator!

Now do you want to meet behind the gym so you can educate me how not supporting Trump is a act of terrorism and if someone voices their opinion them deserve acts of violence against them, or are you just a coward with tough words only for the internet?
I find it amazing how Trump supporters enjoy the violence until it is done unto them. They love to applaud the stupidity but when someone that is not a Trump supporters uses the same tactic they will scream the individual is a terrorist and should be hung for playing the same way as a Trump supporter does.

They believe anyone that write or speak against Trump should be sucker punch and forced into silence, and I wonder would the Founding Fathers be proud of these moronic idiots or would the Founding Father had given us back to England and said it was not worth it because they discovered that Trump supporters ( like so man other Americans ) are idiots that do not deserve the freedom that our Founding Fathers fought for?

Yanno, I am a liberal and this bullshit is embarrassing. You have no idea how phenomenally ignorant these folks look. Scream much and say not a damn thing.

Freedom of speech and if you don't like it Cuba will welcome you, and the true ignorant one is the one that support the usage of violence to silence those they do not agree with.
I can't imagine ever getting that worked up over politics or politicians that I'd punch somebody in the face over it.
How do you expect terrorists to be treated?


So if I do not vote for Trump am I a terrorist, and should I be sucer punch for speaking or writing the facts about Trump?

The true terrorist is the idiot that uses violence to attempt to silence the opposition from speaking, so why do you support acts of terrorism?
You can't read, you illiterate bastard. There are ways to protest legally, these are not examples of legal protests but acts to deny speech and freedom of movement.

Don't make it about the people who have been wronged. And don't twist what I said to try to smear your shit on me, I'll pound it right back into your puss filled face.

You are calling someone a terrorist and that is your words and not mine. To protests against Trump is not a act of terrorism, and to claim it is, well is just ignorant as can be, so stop being ignorant if you do not want your ignorance pointed out.

It is Trump supporters using acts of violence and you support it while getting upset with someone pointing out the fact your words are pure nonsense and worthless as can be.

Also the only way you will most likely pound is the public hair you call a penis, and your threats toward me is pathetic and asinine as can be.

So in the end the true terrorists in all of this are those that throw sucker punches, and those that want to silence those that protest against your beloved wanna-be dictator!

Now do you want to meet behind the gym so you can educate me how not supporting Trump is a act of terrorism and if someone voices their opinion them deserve acts of violence against them, or are you just a coward with tough words only for the internet?
You are the ignorant asshole here. You lied and expected to get away with it. You apparently like to dish out shit and turn school girl when called on it, so fuck you, I see what you are.

I didn't say voting for someone other than Trump was terrorism. You made that up. There are legal ways to protest, shutting down traffic and speech isn't it. So it is domestic terrorism. If you support that, you support domestic terrorism to get your way, and you do seem like the type.
I find it amazing how Trump supporters enjoy the violence until it is done unto them. They love to applaud the stupidity but when someone that is not a Trump supporters uses the same tactic they will scream the individual is a terrorist and should be hung for playing the same way as a Trump supporter does.

They believe anyone that write or speak against Trump should be sucker punch and forced into silence, and I wonder would the Founding Fathers be proud of these moronic idiots or would the Founding Father had given us back to England and said it was not worth it because they discovered that Trump supporters ( like so man other Americans ) are idiots that do not deserve the freedom that our Founding Fathers fought for?

Yanno, I am a liberal and this bullshit is embarrassing. You have no idea how phenomenally ignorant these folks look. Scream much and say not a damn thing.

Freedom of speech and if you don't like it Cuba will welcome you, and the true ignorant one is the one that support the usage of violence to silence those they do not agree with.
Dumb lying asshole. Shutting down other's speech and blocking their freedom of movement isn't exercising freedom of speech, it's terrorism.
I find it amazing how Trump supporters enjoy the violence until it is done unto them. They love to applaud the stupidity but when someone that is not a Trump supporters uses the same tactic they will scream the individual is a terrorist and should be hung for playing the same way as a Trump supporter does.

They believe anyone that write or speak against Trump should be sucker punch and forced into silence, and I wonder would the Founding Fathers be proud of these moronic idiots or would the Founding Father had given us back to England and said it was not worth it because they discovered that Trump supporters ( like so man other Americans ) are idiots that do not deserve the freedom that our Founding Fathers fought for?

Yanno, I am a liberal and this bullshit is embarrassing. You have no idea how phenomenally ignorant these folks look. Scream much and say not a damn thing.

Freedom of speech and if you don't like it Cuba will welcome you, and the true ignorant one is the one that support the usage of violence to silence those they do not agree with.

Grow up. If you think that I am going to feel sorry for this guy and his hoodwearing girlie girl then you have another thing coming. He wanted attention and a reaction and he got one. Scream much and say nothing.
How do you expect terrorists to be treated?


So if I do not vote for Trump am I a terrorist, and should I be sucer punch for speaking or writing the facts about Trump?

The true terrorist is the idiot that uses violence to attempt to silence the opposition from speaking, so why do you support acts of terrorism?
You can't read, you illiterate bastard. There are ways to protest legally, these are not examples of legal protests but acts to deny speech and freedom of movement.

Don't make it about the people who have been wronged. And don't twist what I said to try to smear your shit on me, I'll pound it right back into your puss filled face.

You are calling someone a terrorist and that is your words and not mine. To protests against Trump is not a act of terrorism, and to claim it is, well is just ignorant as can be, so stop being ignorant if you do not want your ignorance pointed out.

It is Trump supporters using acts of violence and you support it while getting upset with someone pointing out the fact your words are pure nonsense and worthless as can be.

Also the only way you will most likely pound is the public hair you call a penis, and your threats toward me is pathetic and asinine as can be.

So in the end the true terrorists in all of this are those that throw sucker punches, and those that want to silence those that protest against your beloved wanna-be dictator!

Now do you want to meet behind the gym so you can educate me how not supporting Trump is a act of terrorism and if someone voices their opinion them deserve acts of violence against them, or are you just a coward with tough words only for the internet?
You are the ignorant asshole here. You lied and expected to get away with it. You apparently like to dish out shit and turn school girl when called on it, so fuck you, I see what you are.

I didn't say voting for someone other than Trump was terrorism. You made that up. There are legal ways to protest, shutting down traffic and speech isn't it. So it is domestic terrorism. If you support that, you support domestic terrorism to get your way, and you do seem like the type.


You are now writing that I am a terrorists?

So the fact that you support violence against the general public if they protest Trump is perfectly fine with you and if anyone that disagree with you on the matter is the terrorist or terrorist supporter in your illogical way of thinking?

Also Trump supporters like you have a problem with anyone that vote against your wanna-be dictator and if riots and protests happen if Trump loses the primary will you call them terrorists or will you call the freedom loving Americans?

My bet is freedom loving Americans because you will ignore your hypocritical words about the protestors against Trump while supporting those for Trump, well like those that use physical violence to silence the opposition...
I find it amazing how Trump supporters enjoy the violence until it is done unto them. They love to applaud the stupidity but when someone that is not a Trump supporters uses the same tactic they will scream the individual is a terrorist and should be hung for playing the same way as a Trump supporter does.

They believe anyone that write or speak against Trump should be sucker punch and forced into silence, and I wonder would the Founding Fathers be proud of these moronic idiots or would the Founding Father had given us back to England and said it was not worth it because they discovered that Trump supporters ( like so man other Americans ) are idiots that do not deserve the freedom that our Founding Fathers fought for?

Yanno, I am a liberal and this bullshit is embarrassing. You have no idea how phenomenally ignorant these folks look. Scream much and say not a damn thing.

Freedom of speech and if you don't like it Cuba will welcome you, and the true ignorant one is the one that support the usage of violence to silence those they do not agree with.

Grow up. If you think that I am going to feel sorry for this guy and his hoodwearing girlie girl then you have another thing coming. He wanted attention and a reaction and he got one. Scream much and say nothing.

Alright, so if and when a Trump supporter does the same thing then I have the right to whip the shit out of them or will that be a different story and you will protect the Trump support right to protest?
I find it amazing how Trump supporters enjoy the violence until it is done unto them. They love to applaud the stupidity but when someone that is not a Trump supporters uses the same tactic they will scream the individual is a terrorist and should be hung for playing the same way as a Trump supporter does.

They believe anyone that write or speak against Trump should be sucker punch and forced into silence, and I wonder would the Founding Fathers be proud of these moronic idiots or would the Founding Father had given us back to England and said it was not worth it because they discovered that Trump supporters ( like so man other Americans ) are idiots that do not deserve the freedom that our Founding Fathers fought for?

Yanno, I am a liberal and this bullshit is embarrassing. You have no idea how phenomenally ignorant these folks look. Scream much and say not a damn thing.

Freedom of speech and if you don't like it Cuba will welcome you, and the true ignorant one is the one that support the usage of violence to silence those they do not agree with.
Dumb lying asshole. Shutting down other's speech and blocking their freedom of movement isn't exercising freedom of speech, it's terrorism.

Well then the Founding Fathers were a bunch of terrorists according to your way of thinking, right?

You love protesting like the Bundy clan does, but damn it man don't anyone else have that right unless they are white and Trump loving pieces of trash, right?
The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong."

The best thing about being a republican is being a perpetual victim. Oh us poor poor republicans.

Your ignorance is showing. The Democrat party is the party of victims. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims.

Victims of big oil, victims of big Pharma, victims of the rich, victims of men, victims of white people, victims of Fox news, victims of low paying employers, victims of smokers, victims of guns........

That's right, if we could eliminate victims and irresponsibility, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books. That's why Democrats seek to make more victims all the time. You know, the War on Women and so forth.
Republicans perpetually cry that they are victims of the unfair media, victims of these evil, organized protestors on the left, victims of Obama and his Nazi-Muslim government (make up your minds, guys), victims of gun-grabbers trying to steal their rights to kill.
Then they sit their fat, well-dressed asses in Washington and refuse to do their constitutional duty to advise the President on his Supreme Court nomination. It wouldn't be "fair" not to have a conservative majority on the Court. It's only fair if they win.
I'm beginning to hate Republicans. They are such whiners. You want to know why there is so much protest against Trump? The ignorant shit that comes out of his mouth and the continual BS coming from the right. That's why protestors are infuriated. You don't like them protesting? Too fucking bad. I'm beginning to feel like throwing a rock or two myself.
I'm in a really crummy, immoderate mood today.

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