Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Try THIS it the same?

...meanwhile libtards are illegally blocking traffic, chaining themselves to cars, breaking laws, endangering lives, inciting violence - like the guy who charged Trump on stage, attempting to deny citizens the right to peacefully assemble and of speech. They are trying to silence a message with which they can't compete, trying to stop people from hearing that message and from seeing Trump.

Every one of the POSes blocking the roads should have been tazed, piled in the back of a truck, and taken to jail....their vehicles crushed / sold for charity, and fined for the laws they broke.

These criminals who have broken laws to try to impose their minority will on others are the same assholes claiming Trump, not them, was / is the threat. It was reported today these intolerant assholes - like ISIS - beheaded a likeness of Trump...because Trump doesn't believe what they do.

They are so ignorant and scared shitless by Trump that they have teamed up with the racist terrorists BLM, who called for the murder of all whites and cops, and they are openly running an admitted socialist ... and they want to claim Trump is the threat to this country?! The only thing missing in their actions is a good ol' fashion Southern DEMOCRAT Cross Burning. (Blacjk Democrats were already caught in Vegas posing as Klan members wearing sheets at a Trump rally...)

There is, they have proven, no low LOW enough so far they won't go in their effort against Trump. What's next? Obama going to bring in his ISIS buddies to help oppose Trump?

All of this coming from the left, but they want us to crucify Trump because some libwral asshole got out of line at a Trump rally and got the crap kicked out of him. You have the right to protest, but if you go to an opposing party's rally with the intent of interfering, disrupting, and shutting it deserve to get your ass kicked.
Try THIS it the same?


Funny. Just another NaziCon plant. All this shit has been debunked.

More stupid remarks from The Squaw! And it hasn't been debunked...C*unt!
  • Left-wing activists 'throw ROCKS at Trump supporters' as tensions boil over in Utah

    The London Express ^ | March 19, 2016 | Tom Parfitt
    Hundreds of activists chanted "Dump Trump" and "Mr Hate out of our state" as riot police blocked the entrance to the rally in Salt Lake City last night. Others waved banners reading "Trump is Hitler" and "Trump makes America hate again" before tearing down a security tent, according to media reports. And some eyewitness claimed rocks were thrown at Trump supporters leaving the venue, the Infinity Event Centre, at around 9pm local time....
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).
The anti- Trump protesters were wearing KKK hoods. I see you left that out conveniently.
Hillary and Sanders refuse to stop paying cash to everyone who attacks their opponents.

American patriots should attack.
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he incites.

The Leftists are freaking so much, this might be because if The Donald gets elected they're afraid they'll be forced to get a job.

I'm sure many Leftists obviously already have jobs, but these protesters aka Professional Agitators appear not to have a regular job as Agitation and Activism seems to have replaced a regular job.

Haha, this is so funny. Anti-Trump supporters use violence and they're so bad. Trump employees use violence against anti-Trump supporters and "what's to worry about?"

Well it all should somehow be dealt with, because if this carries on it's obvious that someone is going to be killed, and then what happens?

So anyone either threatening violence or committing even minor violence should be dealt with. The situation surrounding seemingly every Trump rally now, it's all so explosive, that ALL protesters should be told their protest cannot be within 200 yards of where the rally is being held and if they disobey this order they'll immediately be arrested and charged.
The TRUTH comes out... as it always does!

  • Video: Az Trump Protester wearing KKK hood beaten by black man.
    The Hill ^ | 3/19/16
    A Trump protester was punched and kicked several times while being escorted out of a rally in Tuscon, Ariz., by police. According to reports, the protester was wearing a white KKK-style hood. A fellow protester can be seen in a video wearing the same hood. Police immediately handcuffed the attacker, a black man. The protestor was wearing a hood while saluting, presumably referring to KKK/Hitler, before he was punched & kicked Sopan Deb on Twitter — Noah Gray CNN (@NoahGrayCNN) March 19, 2016 Trump called out the hooded protesters early on in the rally. "He’s a disgusting guy," Trump said. "That is a...

Just MORE Bernie supporters....Criminal Socialists and Anarchists!

We all know the Klan and white supremacists are supporting Adolf Trump - because they said so!

You mean like the way the US Communist Party supported DumBama both elections? And you do know that Sanders spent his honeymoon in the USSR, don't you?
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he incites.

The Leftists are freaking so much, this might be because if The Donald gets elected they're afraid they'll be forced to get a job.

I'm sure many Leftists obviously already have jobs, but these protesters aka Professional Agitators appear not to have a regular job as Agitation and Activism seems to have replaced a regular job.

Haha, this is so funny. Anti-Trump supporters use violence and they're so bad. Trump employees use violence against anti-Trump supporters and "what's to worry about?"

Well it all should somehow be dealt with, because if this carries on it's obvious that someone is going to be killed, and then what happens?

So anyone either threatening violence or committing even minor violence should be dealt with. The situation surrounding seemingly every Trump rally now, it's all so explosive, that ALL protesters should be told their protest cannot be within 200 yards of where the rally is being held and if they disobey this order they'll immediately be arrested and charged.

You have to remember we are talking about liberals here. They go out of their way to start trouble, then try to blame the people they started trouble with.

Okay, so when these protesters get out of hand, violence occurs. The conservative solution to avoid problems would be for troublemakers to not attend these rallies, but that's way to simple of a solution for a liberal to follow. Instead, go to these rallies, start trouble, and then make claim that it's Trump supporters at fault.

It kind of reminds me of these police shootings of suspects who meet their fate because they didn't listen to the orders of a police officer. Then when bad things happen, don't blame the joker that disobeyed police, blame the police.
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).

Yep--there's Trump protests and riots going all over the place, including NYC over Trump. One highway was blocked today in Arizona by people chaining themselves to their car doors.

I'll tell you what though the Reich wingers sure know how to lose an Election.

Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).

Yep--there's Trump protests and riots going all over the place, including NYC over Trump. One highway was blocked today in Arizona by people chaining themselves to their car doors.

I'll tell you what though the Reich wingers sure know how to lose an Election.


Right, so those protests and riots are Trump's fault and not the protesters.

"The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong."
Ray from Cleveland
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).

Maybe we should just start prosecuting all these assholes that sneak in the rallies to start trouble under the Federal Safe Buildings Act. What would you whiny little bitches do then? Cry.
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).

Maybe we should just start prosecuting all these assholes that sneak in the rallies to start trouble under the Federal Safe Buildings Act. What would you whiny little bitches do then? Cry.

Yeah, just revoke their 1st Amendment rights.
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).

Maybe we should just start prosecuting all these assholes that sneak in the rallies to start trouble under the Federal Safe Buildings Act. What would you whiny little bitches do then? Cry.

Yeah, just revoke their 1st Amendment rights.

It's a law your dear leader signed, bitch. There are no first amendment rights to disturb the peace or protest in an area protected by the secret service. The little bitch you're crying about was inside the venue, he should have been taken out in cuffs and charged with a federal crime.
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we need to do it with love...we need to love trump's protesters


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Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he incites.

The Leftists are freaking so much, this might be because if The Donald gets elected they're afraid they'll be forced to get a job.

I'm sure many Leftists obviously already have jobs, but these protesters aka Professional Agitators appear not to have a regular job as Agitation and Activism seems to have replaced a regular job.

Well, it is Saturday, and thanks to unions - many people have Saturdays off work. You know - the "weekend"...

Union workers afraid to work?

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