Anti-Vax Leader Urges Followers to Drink Their Own Urine to Fight COVID

News article?


It's shit from the Nazi hate site Daily Beast.

Again - NO ONE ever heard of this guy, you fascist fucks just declare him a "leader" because he said something that you think you can slander the enemy of your Reich with.
You really are a moron. Yes, this is a news article. And yes, this has been reported on other news sites.

And so what if you have never heard of this guy? Does that mean he doesn't exist? Are you really this much of a retard? Maybe you really are. In that case, my sympathies. :itsok:

Now, go play in traffic.
We have a gay activist ex religious leader here in NM that used to have his own public access channel that promoted drinking your own urine. Sounds like a lefty thing.
That's ok. When trumptards get bad news, they usually deflect. So, you are just being predictable. :itsok:
You really are a moron. Yes, this is a news article.

No, it isn't. It's not from a news site - it's from a fascist hate site.

And yes, this has been reported on other news sites.

It's been echoed on other fascist shit pools.

And so what if you have never heard of this guy? Does that mean he doesn't exist? Are you really this much of a retard? Maybe you really are. In that case, my sympathies. :itsok:

Now, go play in traffic.

No one has ever heard of this fool - you Nazi vermin just figured you could attack your enemy.
Anti-COVID-19 “Vaccine Police” leader Christopher Key has a new quarter-baked conspiracy theory for his anti-vax followers to use to cure themselves of COVID-19: Drink their own urine.

“The antidote that we have seen now, and we have tons and tons of research, is urine therapy. OK, and I know to a lot of you this sounds crazy, but guys, God’s given us everything we need,” Key said in a video posted over the weekend on his Telegram account after being released from jail over a trespassing charge.

That sounds like an Islamic cure.
Well, seig heil

Right - how about you fuck off instead, Nazi

Of course, those who question your filthy Reich are

Have fun drinking your urine lol
That's ok. When trumptards get bad news, they usually deflect. So, you are just being predictable. :itsok:
Lefties probably lifted this story from the gay activists public access show. They are known plagiarists.
No, it isn't. It's not from a news site - it's from a fascist hate site.

It's been echoed on other fascist shit pools.

No one has ever heard of this fool - you Nazi vermin just figured you could attack your enemy.
Do we need to teach you to use the web to search for articles? Of course, we do. Because you are a retard.

From Fobes:

‘Vaccine Police’ Founder Claims Drinking Urine Is Covid-19 Antidote​

Yes, Christopher Key, who maintains the “Vaccine Police” anti-vaxx website, is apparently now touting urine therapy. In this case, urine therapy is not sitting down with a jug of your urine and talking about its feelings. Instead, it’s drinking your own urine, because why not, right? After all, what won’t anti-vaxxers and others pushing different so-called alternative therapies try to convince you to do instead of getting Covid-19 vaccines?

Lefties probably lifted this story from the gay activists public access show. They are known plagiarists.
Yawn. Another deflection? We got it the first time. You are a trumptard.
Yawn. Another deflection? We got it the first time. You are a trumptard.
Don Schrader the gay activist wholly supports free love and drinking and bathing in urine. Also a huge supporter of BLM. Lefties love this shit when he spews it on public access. Which he has been for 20/30 years. Don’t run from it now.
Do we need to teach you to use the web to search for articles? Of course, we do. Because you are a retard.

From Fobes:

‘Vaccine Police’ Founder Claims Drinking Urine Is Covid-19 Antidote​

Yes, Christopher Key, who maintains the “Vaccine Police” anti-vaxx website, is apparently now touting urine therapy. In this case, urine therapy is not sitting down with a jug of your urine and talking about its feelings. Instead, it’s drinking your own urine, because why not, right? After all, what won’t anti-vaxxers and others pushing different so-called alternative therapies try to convince you to do instead of getting Covid-19 vaccines?

Who gives a fuck?

See, you Nazis are obsessed with assigning "leaders" to those you hate. Then you melt down when we tell you to fuck off.

Forbes was once a normal news magazine, not sure that's true anymore.
Retards and their deflection. Never gets old.
It is the truth. Camel urine is their chicken soup. And why deflect a conspiracy theory about anti-vaxers? Anti vaxers are stopping no one but themselves and their children from getting the vax. They are interfering with no ones rights. You can have all the boosters you want. Sounds like they will number in the teens soon.
The Trumptards believe they can still vote after they die from covid, because Trump claims millions of dead Democrats do it all the time, yet he couldn't even find 10 that did.
Don Schrader the gay activist wholly supports free love and drinking and bathing in urine. Also a huge supporter of BLM. Lefties love this shit when he spews it on public access. Which he has been for 20/30 years. Don’t run from it now.
The topic of the thread: Trumptard and anti-vaxxer drinks urine. But hey, I can see why you need to keep deflecting.
Who gives a fuck?

See, you Nazis are obsessed with assigning "leaders" to those you hate. Then you melt down when we tell you to fuck off.

Forbes was once a normal news magazine, not sure that's true anymore.
First, you claimed, it wasn't news. Now, you claim Forbes is not a "normal news" magazine? Thanks for proving you are still a moron.
So she NAILS your Nazi ass showing that you stupid fucks have been drinking your own piss for decades, and THIS is what you come up with?


You really are a second rate clown, Maggie.
Aww... deflect runs deep in this one.


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