ANti Vaxer dies of covid - lets down his wife and young family

You and eagle are fools. You've muddied up the water so much who knows now. Piss on you.

I don't listen to anyone anymore who thinks

The pandemic was fake
The past election was rigged but not 2000
Global Warming isn't real
Evolution isn't real
Christianity is real
The Clinton Foundation was a fraud but Trump Foundation wasn't.
Hunter Biden was corrupt for $1 million salary but ok that the Saudi's gave Jared $2 BILLION.

Do you believe any of these things? So you live in La La Land

You and eagle are fools. You've muddied up the water so much who knows now. Piss on you.

I don't listen to anyone anymore who thinks

The pandemic was fake
The past election was rigged but not 2000
Global Warming isn't real
Evolution isn't real
Christianity is real
The Clinton Foundation was a fraud but Trump Foundation wasn't.
Hunter Biden was corrupt for $1 million salary but ok that the Saudi's gave Jared $2 BILLION.

Do you believe any of these things? So you live in La La Land

The pandemic was fake in that is was not more infectious or lethal than seasonal flu.
It stuck around longer and killed more eventually, but that was due to our own deliberate acts of preventing herd immunity, by "flattening the curve" with masks, social distancing, etc.

All elections likely are "rigged", but not necessarily in the same way.
The 2 party system automatically rigs elections.
Like in 2016, likely someone like Tulsi Gabbard. Bernie Sanders, or Mitt Romney could easily have won and been much better choice than either Hillary or Trump, who ended up on the final ballot.
But electronic voting machines are also just insane.
They are all easily reprogrammed by any voter, because they can either use a USB stick or they can be hacked from the network.
The only advantage over paper ballots is the speed of reporting, which we do NOT at all want.
We do not want partial results being broadcast, that might effect those who have not voted yet.
No one should be using electronic voting machines, in any way.

Obviously global warming is real, but it is not clear what that means? Nor CO2 is actually better for plants. Warming has happened in the past, and just changes weather really, so it not necessarily so fatal. What I would worry about the most is that it could cause a lot of relocation, and likely permanent cloud cover. Ocean acidification likely is the worst result, which may not be all that bad either.

Evolution is real, but is not what most people think. Most people think is it constant improvement to something better, and that is not really true. All it really means is that what works is. For example, ocean sponges never change, so then must be the most ideal. Smarter, bigger, faster, etc., is not necessarily better.

Christianity might be real, in that there seems to be some human value constants people are drawn to, even if Jesus Christ may not have existed?

Both and likely all foundations are frauds, but necessary.

The Saudis did not actually give Jared $2 billion.
They invested it under his direction to manage.

Its a modern tragedy. People swallow these lies and then - die. he will never see his kids grow up and do great things just because he bought a hoax on the net.
you trollboy swallow the lies the vaccine saves lives and ignore the mountains of evidence that we dont need the vasccine,that ivermectim and hydroxychroquine cure the virus.your boss sure pays you a lot of money to embarrass yourself.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
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you got our resident DNC paid shill penelope throwing chairs in anger over this little truth being told that the vaccines are dangerous.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301:

Says the cretin who stupidly, mindlessly believes and obeys the lies he is being told, when the proof has been all around him that they are lies, and he's too damn stupid to open his eyes and attempt to see or think for himself.

You are in no position to cast aspersions on anyone else's intelligence.


The pandemic was fake in that is was not more infectious or lethal than seasonal flu.
It stuck around longer and killed more eventually, but that was due to our own deliberate acts of preventing herd immunity, by "flattening the curve" with masks, social distancing, etc.

sure was fun watching you checkmate sealybobo err smellbozo taking him to school giving him a major ass beating as always. :clap2: his boss at the DNC sure pays him and his gay lesbo wife penelope to lie and and suffer all these ass beatings everyday as they do tommy as well.:laughing0301:



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STFU. I've used that link many times with you on the thread. And every time you ignote it. Standard tactiic of your side.

I dont play those games anymore. Now why do we have the worst stats on plamet earth?

do yourself a favor, put this paid shill from the DNC on ignore same as i have. I at one time thought he would be reasonable as you do and would look at evidence but anything that does not go along with his narrative and warped opinions,he ignores the evidence and wont look at it,and never addresses the evidence you give him wheter it is on the election fraud that took place this last election or how the virus is no more dangerous than the yearly flu virus and how vaccines have killed tens of thousands.

His boss pays him to not look at the evidence and lie all the time so your just wasting your breath posting links of thousands of doctors around the world that have said the vaccine is dangerous and the virus is no more dangerous than the common flu.

sealybobo err smellybozo and his gay lesbo wife penelope both have the hysterical logic that all these thousands of doctors from around the world are all wrong and these two are right.:cuckoo::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
you trollboy swallow the lies the vaccine saves lives and ignore the mountains of evidence that we dont need the vasccine,that ivermectim and hydroxychroquine cure the virus.your boss sure pays you a lot of money to embarrass yourself.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
hey trollboy tommy,like all paid shills,i see when you have
you trollboy swallow the lies the vaccine saves lives and ignore the mountains of evidence that we dont need the vasccine,that ivermectim and hydroxychroquine cure the virus.your boss sure pays you a lot of money to embarrass yourself.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Hey trollboy tommy,i see like clockwork,that like all leftist paid shills,when you cannot counter facts and you know you have been checkmated,you try and laugh off defeat. way to go admitting you have been checkmated.:up:
You spread misinformation on the cheap drugs.....I've shown THOUSANDS of studies on it from the world.........And our gov't trashed anyone who tried to do anything other than the jab.......You SUPPORT THEIR MISINFORMATION.

And you just did a 180 again...........One post ......I don't want you to die...........on another it's DIE......KARMA..........lmao

You are twisted.........are we playing twister......spin the wheel.

I'll wear a mask when my mosquito fence made out of chain link fence stops mosquitoes............More drivel........they didn't stop a thing.........Look at the results.., Didn't change a damn thing.

I never went to his rallies........MOONBAT.........I WENT TO WORK.............WHILE YOU HID IN YOUR HOUSE.
How come every doctor's office and every hospital requires you to wear a mask?
How come every doctor's office and every hospital requires you to wear a mask?
They don't after the front...........I was in and out of them with my wife...........they knew it's BS but they must play the game.

At $77000 A COVID patient they better play the game or the Admin would fire them and throw them out. Same with cheap drugs........They pushed the expensive kick back drugs.
They don't after the front...........I was in and out of them with my wife...........they knew it's BS but they must play the game.

At $77000 A COVID patient they better play the game or the Admin would fire them and throw them out. Same with cheap drugs........They pushed the expensive kick back drugs.
Every hospital in the nation's in on it? I bet you think 5 states rigged the election too right? Fucking idiot.
You spread misinformation on the cheap drugs.....I've shown THOUSANDS of studies on it from the world.........And our gov't trashed anyone who tried to do anything other than the jab.......You SUPPORT THEIR MISINFORMATION.

And you just did a 180 again...........One post ......I don't want you to die...........on another it's DIE......KARMA..........lmao

You are twisted.........are we playing twister......spin the wheel.

I'll wear a mask when my mosquito fence made out of chain link fence stops mosquitoes............More drivel........they didn't stop a thing.........Look at the results.., Didn't change a damn thing.

I never went to his rallies........MOONBAT.........I WENT TO WORK.............WHILE YOU HID IN YOUR HOUSE.
So you think the mask lobbyists are forcing hospitals to say masks work so they can make a fortune selling their masks? WRONG! They give them away free at hospitals.

Clearly the medical community believes masks work. So don't go showing us studies from other countries while telling us our country is lying to us. Maybe you should move to one of those countries that aren't lying to us.
They don't after the front...........I was in and out of them with my wife...........they knew it's BS but they must play the game.

At $77000 A COVID patient they better play the game or the Admin would fire them and throw them out. Same with cheap drugs........They pushed the expensive kick back drugs.
You see stupid, masks do work. But some masks work better than others. But still, even the shittiest mask is better than no mask at all. I always say this to dumb cons like you. I ask, "do you cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze?" Why? Hands don't work.

Hospital's didn't just play along with what the government told them to do. During the surge of the highly contagious omicron variant, more hospitals went one step further to require medical-grade masks for patients, visitors and staff. Now some hospitals are easing their guidelines for masking, at least while they see low community rates of COVID-19.
So you think the mask lobbyists are forcing hospitals to say masks work so they can make a fortune selling their masks? WRONG! They give them away free at hospitals.

Clearly the medical community believes masks work. So don't go showing us studies from other countries while telling us our country is lying to us. Maybe you should move to one of those countries that aren't lying to us.
Stop trying to speak for me...........I said after you get past the front in the back many don't give a damn about it.

I never said it was over SELLING MASKS..........You are just pulling shit out of your ass and flinging it.

On about you STFU............I will continue posting those studies TIL HELL FREEZES OVER BRO.

Better Late Than Never​

Four positive signs we're seeing as we move into year 3 of this pandemic​

Here we are in May 2022. We made it through the “winter of death.” The springtime birds are singing, the sun is shining and we’re feeling hopeful… So let’s briefly take stock of how things are looking, shall we?
1) The FLCCC and CDC found something to agree on

It took a while. A lot longer than any of us thought it would, in fact. And although it wasn’t how we imagined it might go, and certainly not how we suggested, the Centers for Disease Control recently came to a bold conclusion — one the FLCCC has been championing all along: “Early treatment works.”

Let’s be clear and completely transparent. The CDC didn’t recommend FLCCC protocols, nor are the treatments they recommend ones that FLCCC endorses.

Still, we agreed on something: COVID is treatable. Let’s take our wins where we can
You see stupid, masks do work. But some masks work better than others. But still, even the shittiest mask is better than no mask at all. I always say this to dumb cons like you. I ask, "do you cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze?" Why? Hands don't work.

Hospital's didn't just play along with what the government told them to do. During the surge of the highly contagious omicron variant, more hospitals went one step further to require medical-grade masks for patients, visitors and staff. Now some hospitals are easing their guidelines for masking, at least while they see low community rates of COVID-19.
More than 2 years and you are still SCREAMING MASKS.............FU................Nice job on destroying the fucking economy with your fear...............Nice job of being FauChi's bitch........and denying early treatments that would have saved lives.

What do you do for dessert..............burn shit down..................

Your side have fucked this nation over..............why they dumped covid not long ago because of elections.........

Anyways.........You can be their bitch on your own.

The results are in from the world’s largest study of ivermectin for COVID-19.

Researchers in Brazil found that regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and mortality rates.

The study was conducted in Itajaí, a port city in the state of Santa Catarina, between July and December 2020. Study authors include FLCCC physicians Dr. Flavio Cadegiani and Dr. Pierre Kory. Lead author Dr. Lucy Kerr was approached by the mayor of Itajaí, after the city began to experience a severe outbreak of COVID.

The entire population of Itajaí was invited to participate in the program, which involved a medical visit to compile baseline, personal, demographic, and medical information. In the absence of contraindications, ivermectin was offered as a preventative treatment, to be taken for two consecutive days every 15 days at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg/day.

Of the 223,128 citizens of Itajaí considered for the study, a total of 159,561 subjects elected to participate: over 70% opted to take ivermectin, and 23% chose not to.

Reduced infection and hospitalization rates

The study found a 44% reduction in COVID-19 infection rate in favor of the group that took ivermectin (3.5% versus 8.2%).

In cases where a participating citizen of Itajaí became ill with COVID-19, they were recommended not to use ivermectin or any other medication in early outpatient treatment. Of those who did become infected, two equal-sized, highly matched groups (one that used ivermectin as a prophylaxis and one that did not) were compared. The regular use of preventative ivermectin led to a 68% reduction in COVID-19 mortality (0.8% versus 2.6%), and a 56% reduction in hospitalization rate (1.6% versus 3.3%).

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