Anti-Vaxxer Conspiracy Theorist Kuzma Dead From Covid

It's getting so it's hard to find antivaxxer leaders who _aren't_ dead. Such a shame. It's all so completely avoidable.

Remember the comorbidities for COVID:

1. Sporting a goatee-type beard.
2. Owning a Harley or large pickup truck.
3. Shitposting Candice Owen memes.
4. Wearing knockoff Oakley-type sunglasses.
5. Announcing "I HAVE AN IMMUNE SYSTEM!".
6. Believing that PrayerWarriors are a thing.
7. Declaring that having to wear a mask in Piggly Wiggly is just like being a Holocaust victim.
8. Talking about Bill Gates for any reason.

If, say, two or more of these apply to you, consider digging a hole and crawling into it now, to save everyone some inconvenience.
Maybe when some people die it is from the jab.
Democrats don't count you as a vaxx death unless you make it 14 days after your second jab. If you get the jab and die the next day, Democrats will deny the jab killed you. They also want all data involving the jab sealed for 50+ years. What do the jabbers know that they are hiding from Americans?

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