For God's sake, will the stupidity NEVER end?

LOL moron read the op's first sentence.
Marcus Lamb, a co-founder and the CEO of the conservative Christian Daystar Television Network who vocally opposed Covid-19 vaccines, has died at 64, weeks after he contracted Covid-19, the network said.

Maybe I need to read to you. All the prays are not going to help now, they never did.
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He's just another fraudulent charlatan peddling bullshit to the gullible sheep who haunt those churches.
He promises them eternity and comfort but only if you pay him money.
He's in his place.
You're as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.
You have no "collective future." You're going to die of COVID or with COVID, just like everyone else. Whether you've had one shot, two shots, or ten shots, you fate is already sealed.

Now how about a little wager? I'm willing to bet you all the gold in Montezuma's treasury that on your last minute on this earth, on your death bed, you will either beg Jesus Christ for one more breath of air, or beg Him for forgiveness with your last dying gasp.

Just call me NostrafuckingDamus, because I can see into the future, bro.
Yeah, the unvaccinated people, who CLAIM that they want to go back to the way life was before the pandemic, are actually keeping the pandemic alive. And the longer it spreads, the greater the odds are that new variants will emerge that are more resistant to the vaccine which will then put vaccinated people who have received a booster shot at greater risk of both hospitalization and death.

This kind of reminds me of the whole smoking issue from years ago when smoking was common everywhere people congregated. Once the danger of second-hand smoke was discovered, smoking cigarettes was eventually restricted in public venues. But many smokers objected because they felt that their rights were being infringed. Really? Nobody was saying that they couldn't smoke. They just couldn't smoke anywhere they pleased because of the potential medical harm that they could cause to others in public places who would be subjected to second-hand smoke. This is really no different. Nobody is saying that everyone has to wear a mask 24 hours a day. Hey, if you don't want to wear a mask outside away from other people, or in your car, or at home, that's fine. Who the hell gives a damn? But when you're in a confined indoor space where the general public congregates, don't be a selfish asshole; put on a mask. But I still see a small number of people in stores who seem to think that they're so special in some way that they just won't put on a mask as some kind of statement. Those are the people who deserve to be infected as if it was a form of public penance.
Covid attacks the respiratory system, not the heart.
Actually, Covid attacks many systems in the human body. Long term cases points to a neurological infection. Any human body that is overwhelmed in a medically stressed manner due to an infection can lead to organ failure.

Perhaps it would help you to think of the human body like an automobile with interdependent systems all dependent on one another.
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Yeah, the unvaccinated people, who CLAIM that they want to go back to the way life was before the pandemic, are actually keeping the pandemic alive. And the longer it spreads, the greater the odds are that new variants will emerge that are more resistant to the vaccine which will then put vaccinated people who have received a booster shot at greater risk of both hospitalization and death.

This kind of reminds me of the whole smoking issue from years ago when smoking was common everywhere people congregated. Once the danger of second-hand smoke was discovered, smoking cigarettes was eventually restricted in public venues. But many smokers objected because they felt that their rights were being infringed. Really? Nobody was saying that they couldn't smoke. They just couldn't smoke anywhere they pleased because of the potential medical harm that they could cause to others in public places who would be subjected to second-hand smoke. This is really no different. Nobody is saying that everyone has to wear a mask 24 hours a day. Hey, if you don't want to wear a mask outside away from other people, or in your car, or at home, that's fine. Who the hell gives a damn? But when you're in a confined indoor space where the general public congregates, don't be a selfish asshole; put on a mask. But I still see a small number of people in stores who seem to think that they're so special in some way that they just won't put on a mask as some kind of statement. Those are the people who deserve to be infected as if it was a form of public penance.
They are the kind of people who would willfully drive drunk, knowing they are drunk, and knowing they are endangering others. They are the same animal.
They are the kind of people who would willfully drive drunk, knowing they are drunk, and knowing they are endangering others. They are the same animal.
I'm not sure that drunk driving is the best example since intoxication leads to impaired judgement. But surely everyone is aware that speed limits in residential neighborhoods restrict one's personal freedom to drive 50 mph. Are we to believe that an otherwise sober conservative would claim that those speed limits are an undue restriction on their liberties? Who could possibly find that argument to be convincing, let alone compelling as an explanation as to why someone drove 50 mph through a residential neighborhood with kids playing outside after school?
Covid attacks the respiratory system, not the heart.
Don't be a simpleton. Covid can cause respiratory reactions, negatively affecting veins, tissue and capillaries in every region of the human body. But what do I know? I've only seen it with my own eyes. Energy levels nil. Leg muscles eaten down to the bone. If the patient makes it through the virus? Yay! Now they get to try and learn to walk again. It also does a number on the heart (constricted arteries, valves) and lungs (look up 'covid glass lung).
Don't be a simpleton. Covid can cause respiratory reactions, negatively affecting veins, tissue and capillaries in every region of the human body. But what do I know? I've only seen it with my own eyes. Energy levels nil. Leg muscles eaten down to the bone. If the patient makes it through the virus? Yay! Now they get to try and learn to walk again. It also does a number on the heart (constricted arteries, valves) and lungs (look up 'covid glass lung).
Don't be a simpleton?

From your mouth to God's ears...
Don't be a simpleton. Covid can cause respiratory reactions, negatively affecting veins, tissue and capillaries in every region of the human body. But what do I know? I've only seen it with my own eyes. Energy levels nil. Leg muscles eaten down to the bone. If the patient makes it through the virus? Yay! Now they get to try and learn to walk again. It also does a number on the heart (constricted arteries, valves) and lungs (look up 'covid glass lung).

I lost an Uncle last year to colon cancer. He was being cared for by his son. When things got near the end, his son called the family over to say their final goodbyes.

When the ambulance got him to the hospital, they tested him positive. They immediately called all the family members who were there (about 12 of them) to alert them of the situation. They were either quarantined or tested. After all, a lot of hugs and kisses went around. Not one caught this highly contagious virus.

My Uncle was 95, couldn't walk so he never went anywhere, and the only other person outside the family to see him was his caregiver who of course was also tested. So where did this nearly bed ridden man catch this virus, and how is it he passed it to nobody else?

My Uncle died two weeks later after arriving at the VA. His death certificate was marked as a covid death.
It has already been documented, that folks that are vocal opponents of these jabs, if they have other serious health problems, if they do indeed have to go to the hospital for any other reason, high blood pressure, stroke, COPD, adverse drug reaction, stress, whatever, the folks at the hospitals will treat them like second class citizens, almost to the point of putting their lives in danger.

THIS IS NOT CONSPIRACY THEORY any more. We have recorded cases of it. Gracie is correct. Naturally, he is an older gentlemen and in a higher risk group, and IMO, probably should have gotten the jab if he had any comorbidity at all. OTH? If there was no underlying health condition, we can't truth get the truth from hospitals and news outlets, or expect them to tell us all the facts anymore. THEY ALL HAVE AN AGENDA.

When this is what you see at the commercial breaks, if you can't tell that this is NOT really news you are watching, but fear porn?

YOU NEED HALP. :rolleyes:

Yes, this narrative that was started against the unvaxed, and all because of the vaxed who actually thought that they were being laughed at or were somehow seen as gullible rubes by the unvaxed, otherwise when it wasn't the case at all, still caused the now vaxed to lose it anyway......

The vaxed ran out and done exactly what they were TOLD to do, and yet they wanted to lash out afterwards because they didn't know truly if they had done right or not in the situation, and they truly hated anyone that didn't fall in line immediately with them in hopes to reassure them...

If they think that they were being laughed at or mocked, then it's sort of a get back at the unvaxed or it is a vengeance game in which they are playing against the unvaxed now it seems.

To attempt to deny medical procedures and services in the game being played now, ummm is as sick as it gets, and it will backfire on the left for using this as another way to get at those whom they figure are Christian's, and are most likely those who are reluctant to just run out and get a jab because they had already gained a natural immunity from a previous bout they had once had with the COVID..

First off Christian's or any American's that don't want the jab, uhhhh just want to be left alone, and they weren't bothering anyone until the threats and lies became a reality for them. It didn't have to be that way, but many see or know the deal.
Yeah, the unvaccinated people, who CLAIM that they want to go back to the way life was before the pandemic, are actually keeping the pandemic alive. And the longer it spreads, the greater the odds are that new variants will emerge that are more resistant to the vaccine which will then put vaccinated people who have received a booster shot at greater risk of both hospitalization and death.

This kind of reminds me of the whole smoking issue from years ago when smoking was common everywhere people congregated. Once the danger of second-hand smoke was discovered, smoking cigarettes was eventually restricted in public venues. But many smokers objected because they felt that their rights were being infringed. Really? Nobody was saying that they couldn't smoke. They just couldn't smoke anywhere they pleased because of the potential medical harm that they could cause to others in public places who would be subjected to second-hand smoke. This is really no different. Nobody is saying that everyone has to wear a mask 24 hours a day. Hey, if you don't want to wear a mask outside away from other people, or in your car, or at home, that's fine. Who the hell gives a damn? But when you're in a confined indoor space where the general public congregates, don't be a selfish asshole; put on a mask. But I still see a small number of people in stores who seem to think that they're so special in some way that they just won't put on a mask as some kind of statement. Those are the people who deserve to be infected as if it was a form of public penance.

Where I live very few people wear a mask anymore including myself. People can get and pass covid whether vaccinated or not. So people who are not vaxed are no more of a danger than those who are. And there is no empirical evidence that masks do shit as we've seen in places where there were mask mandates and had just as bad of an outcome as places that didn't have them.

The left has created this boogie man of un-vaxed people to push this vaccine. They are trying to give us the impression you are only in harms way by being near any of those people. The truth is the vaccine only helps you fight covid if you get it. The only people that can't get covid or pass it are those with natural immunities or those recovered from least for some time.
Yes, this narrative that was started against the unvaxed, and all because of the vaxed who actually thought that they were being laughed at or were somehow seen as gullible rubes by the unvaxed, otherwise when it wasn't the case at all, still caused the now vaxed to lose it anyway......

The vaxed ran out and done exactly what they were TOLD to do, and yet they wanted to lash out afterwards because they didn't know truly if they had done right or not in the situation, and they truly hated anyone that didn't fall in line immediately with them in hopes to reassure them...

If they think that they were being laughed at or mocked, then it's sort of a get back at the unvaxed or it is a vengeance game in which they are playing against the unvaxed now it seems.

To attempt to deny medical procedures and services in the game being played now, ummm is as sick as it gets, and it will backfire on the left for using this as another way to get at those whom they figure are Christian's, and are most likely those who are reluctant to just run out and get a jab because they had already gained a natural immunity from a previous bout they had once had with the COVID..

First off Christian's or any American's that don't want the jab, uhhhh just want to be left alone, and they weren't bothering anyone until the threats and lies became a reality for them. It didn't have to be that way, but many see or know the deal.
its not really the vaxed who are mad at the unvaxxed.
Its the healthcare workers and hospitals who are fatigued at the constant influx of unvaccinated patients. So its the hospitals that want to charge for unvaccinated covid cases, not deny them care.
I lost an Uncle last year to colon cancer. He was being cared for by his son. When things got near the end, his son called the family over to say their final goodbyes.

When the ambulance got him to the hospital, they tested him positive. They immediately called all the family members who were there (about 12 of them) to alert them of the situation. They were either quarantined or tested. After all, a lot of hugs and kisses went around. Not one caught this highly contagious virus.

My Uncle was 95, couldn't walk so he never went anywhere, and the only other person outside the family to see him was his caregiver who of course was also tested. So where did this nearly bed ridden man catch this virus, and how is it he passed it to nobody else?

My Uncle died two weeks later after arriving at the VA. His death certificate was marked as a covid death.
Condolences regarding your uncle. There should be ways of having his medical examiner's findings contested through the VA, no?

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