Anti-Vaxxer Sheriff's Deputy, 33, Dies of Covid.

Darwinism strikes again. And it is the second time this department has lost an officer to Covid.

Sometimes being stupid is fatal. RIP.

How many people have died after taking the vaccine?
Barely any.

More vaccine deaths in the last 5 months, than in the previous 20 years, so, you are factually wrong.
Might that be because almost two billion people have been injected in the past five months? If it's true. Where's your link?
Might that be because almost two billion people have been injected in the past five months? If it's true. Where's your link?
I don't know how accurate these numbers are. But...

The math tells us that if 162,470,794 (as of May 21, 2021) people have thus far received at least one vaccine shot and 4,169 people have died, this number represents less than 0.0025% of those vaccinated.

Edit: Figured I would get more than one link... Just because.

Deaths due to vaccines in the USA have increased 27-fold in 2021 compared to the previous decade.

What is going on here?

As of May 14th there have been over 4,133 deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in 2021, compared to just 165 in all of 2020, and an average of 153 per year, over the last 10 years. In other words, there are now over 27 times more vaccine deaths reported than average (and we are not halfway through the year).

Meanwhile vaxxers continue to die from the vax
Isn’t it strange how when someone who has Covid dies, its not Covid but when someone dies after having been vaccinated it is ALWAYS the vaccine.
No... I have no problems with a Vaccine complication. But first you have to admit that it does have complications to it. Usually in the form of blood clots. Right? Can we agree on that?
I just had my second dose. My side effects were a massive headache/nausea/body pain and I was disoriented. Everyone reacts differently.
I don’t know of anyone who developed blood clots.
Oh yuck. I'm not looking forward to Wednesday.
I know people who did not have and side effects at all. I hope you are one of those.
Thanks! That's what I keep telling myself -- nothing but a mildly queasy stomach for about a day after shot 1, so here's hoping!
Might that be because almost two billion people have been injected in the past five months? If it's true. Where's your link?
I don't know how accurate these numbers are. But...

The math tells us that if 162,470,794 (as of May 21, 2021) people have thus far received at least one vaccine shot and 4,169 people have died, this number represents less than 0.0025% of those vaccinated.

I was looking at worldwide.
BTW, only 5% of the world population has been vaccinated. Unless we plan on closing our borders completely, it would behoove us to support WHO and others trying to get the rest of the world vaccinated before we end up with a killer variant.
Thanks! That's what I keep telling myself -- nothing but a mildly queasy stomach for about a day after shot 1, so here's hoping!
The older you are... The more likely Covid will kill you. The older you are... The more likely the Vaccine will kill you. I truly wish I could look you in the eye and tell you which one is more dangerous. No judgements from me if you decide to get it. Good luck.
Meanwhile vaxxers continue to die from the vax
Isn’t it strange how when someone who has Covid dies, its not Covid but when someone dies after having been vaccinated it is ALWAYS the vaccine.
No... I have no problems with a Vaccine complication. But first you have to admit that it does have complications to it. Usually in the form of blood clots. Right? Can we agree on that?
We also hear very little about the 10,000 plus who've come down with covid-19 AFTER being fully immunized.
Might that be because almost two billion people have been injected in the past five months? If it's true. Where's your link?
I don't know how accurate these numbers are. But...

The math tells us that if 162,470,794 (as of May 21, 2021) people have thus far received at least one vaccine shot and 4,169 people have died, this number represents less than 0.0025% of those vaccinated.

Edit: Figured I would get more than one link... Just because.

Deaths due to vaccines in the USA have increased 27-fold in 2021 compared to the previous decade.

What is going on here?

As of May 14th there have been over 4,133 deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in 2021, compared to just 165 in all of 2020, and an average of 153 per year, over the last 10 years. In other words, there are now over 27 times more vaccine deaths reported than average (and we are not halfway through the year).

So basically, one's risk of dying from the vax is actually more than one's risk of dying from Covid in the first place - if one is over 50 years old, or over 70 without pre-existing conditions.

Screen Shot 2021-05-29 at 1.42.21 PM.png

Thanks for clearing that up.

Thanks! That's what I keep telling myself -- nothing but a mildly queasy stomach for about a day after shot 1, so here's hoping!
The older you are... The more likely Covid will kill you. The older you are... The more likely the Vaccine will kill you. I truly wish I could look you in the eye and tell you which one is more dangerous. No judgements from me if you decide to get it. Good luck.
I heard the clots were in younger people? I didn't have the J&J or Astra Zeneca shots, so I haven't followed it that closely.
Meanwhile vaxxers continue to die from the vax
Isn’t it strange how when someone who has Covid dies, its not Covid but when someone dies after having been vaccinated it is ALWAYS the vaccine.
No... I have no problems with a Vaccine complication. But first you have to admit that it does have complications to it. Usually in the form of blood clots. Right? Can we agree on that?
We also hear very little about the 10,000 plus who've come down with covid-19 AFTER being fully immunized.
And being totally asymptomatic? That's what the shot was meant to do. They have also found that vaccinated people aren't spreading it to others because the viral load is much smaller.
Might that be because almost two billion people have been injected in the past five months? If it's true. Where's your link?
I don't know how accurate these numbers are. But...

The math tells us that if 162,470,794 (as of May 21, 2021) people have thus far received at least one vaccine shot and 4,169 people have died, this number represents less than 0.0025% of those vaccinated.

I was looking at worldwide.
BTW, only 5% of the world population has been vaccinated. Unless we plan on closing our borders completely, it would behoove us to support WHO and others trying to get the rest of the world vaccinated before we end up with a killer variant.
You are free to do as you will. I will not be getting the vaccine, I survived Covid and have the antibodies.
Thanks! That's what I keep telling myself -- nothing but a mildly queasy stomach for about a day after shot 1, so here's hoping!
The older you are... The more likely Covid will kill you. The older you are... The more likely the Vaccine will kill you. I truly wish I could look you in the eye and tell you which one is more dangerous. No judgements from me if you decide to get it. Good luck.
I heard the clots were in younger people? I didn't have the J&J or Astra Zeneca shots, so I haven't followed it that closely.
I coworker just got a clot after getting the vaccine on Friday and he's in his 40's... I don't know which one he took. I'll ask him on Tuesday if he's up for it.
Might that be because almost two billion people have been injected in the past five months? If it's true. Where's your link?
I don't know how accurate these numbers are. But...

The math tells us that if 162,470,794 (as of May 21, 2021) people have thus far received at least one vaccine shot and 4,169 people have died, this number represents less than 0.0025% of those vaccinated.

I was looking at worldwide.
BTW, only 5% of the world population has been vaccinated. Unless we plan on closing our borders completely, it would behoove us to support WHO and others trying to get the rest of the world vaccinated before we end up with a killer variant.
You are free to do as you will. I will not be getting the vaccine, I survived Covid and have the antibodies.
I'm glad you came through it okay!! Hopefully, like cold viruses, if you've had it once, you're immune for life. But do keep an eye on new some point, you might not be protected.
Don't worry, we will be protecting you...

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Yeah, really. There are people here who have been vaccinated, but insist we all have to get vaccinated, too, to protect them. I am thinking, well, do they just not trust their own vaccination to work? But if they don't trust their vaccinations, what earthly good would it be for us to get vaccinated with a vaccine they don't trust to save them or anyone else?

I think people who think this way are so logic-challenged they just can't think things through.
Those would be democrats.
I coworker just got a clot after getting the vaccine on Friday and he's in his 40's... I don't know which one he took. I'll ask him on Tuesday if he's up for it.
Has to be the J&J, right? Tell us if you find out.
You haven't noticed that the virus has spread all over the country rapidly in big surges because masks don't work?

On the other hand, the various fearmongering propaganda programs to convince us that many more people are getting sick and dying from it than really are, is working very well.
I believe we are in an epidemic, but I would like to see a well-analyzed comparison of mortality figures before and during the disease period. That will tell us what the best numbers are.

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