Anti video game prejudice


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
State Attorneys General and Violent Video Games - Phyllis Schlafly - Page full

A Right to Sell Violent Video Games to Your Kids? - Maggie Gallagher - Page full

Rape Games? - Brent Bozell - Page 1

Video game violence and our sons - Rebecca Hagelin - Page 1

'Dialogue' Required for Violent Video Games - Brent Bozell - Page 1

Culture Challenge of the Week: Misogynist Video Games - Rebecca Hagelin - Page 1

'Mortal Combat' and the First Amendment - Cal Thomas - Page full

There is this conservative commentary website called Townhall. The conservative commentators like Brent Bozell and Rebecca Hagelin are critical of violent entertainment. What do you think? Do they have an agenda? Do conservatives hate the idea of adults playing video games? If so I think that they are bullies!

Here is an anti video game liberal. He is nothing but an arrogant bully! He does not care about freedom!

Leland Yee: Gamers Have 'No Credibility' in Violent Video Game Debate, Should 'Just Quiet Down' | GamePolitics
There is this conservative commentary website called Townhall. The conservative commentators like Brent Bozell and Rebecca Hagelin are critical of violent entertainment. What do you think? Do they have an agenda? Do conservatives hate the idea of adults playing video games? If so I think that they are bullies!

Here is an anti video game liberal. He is nothing but an arrogant bully! He does not care about freedom!

Leland Yee: Gamers Have 'No Credibility' in Violent Video Game Debate, Should 'Just Quiet Down' | GamePolitics


What is wrong with kids putting the video games down and being social? What is wrong with kids putting the video games down and doing their homework? What is wrong with kids putting the video games down and being productive? What is wrong with kids putting the video games down and reading a book? What is wrong with kids putting the video games down and making friends?

The vast majority of game players are adults.

That may be true but adults have children and we went to Boy Scouts and the Scout leader's child was throwing stuff and acting out because he was imitating some of the things he was playing or seeing his dad playing in one of these modern warfare games. A lot of parents did not come back.

Video games don't make you social and relationships are either reciprocal or complimentary. When you are playing video games, you neglect those around you and it can be bad to neglect your spouse because you were playing video games.

I was playing one of those video games that took 80 hours to play by myself and it was around the time when my mother died. I wish I spent the hours on something else.

Education and the economy suffer because we spend our time on entertainment. I spend hours trying to make stuff instead. I read about electronics every day and in order to make something, you have to be multi-disciplined because you almost have to be an engineer to make something in electronics.

T-ball is kind of fun for kids because everyone gets a medal or trophy but when you get older, it becomes about how good you are and trophies aren't given to everybody because that isn't what life is about. Life is about how good you are and entertainment doesn't offer training and it is usually wasted hours not doing anything productive for anyone except you are sending your $60 dollars for a game to Japan for Nintendo or Sony or you are promoting Microsoft.

It isn't real life in the engineering world where you have to read a book to keep your skills up every couple of years.
Prosecutors say two 12-year-old southeastern Wisconsin girls stabbed their 12-year-old friend nearly to death in the woods to please a mythological creature they learned about online.

12-Year-Old Wisconsin Girls Charged in Stabbing - ABC News

We should ban the internet.

The problem is that game time is greater than parenting time and morality has to start at home of kids like her will get their morality from the video game. I'm not saying ban some of these games although this one sounds like it is inappropriate.

Some of these music stars on T.V. end up weird. Why is that? They let the music industry raise them instead of their parents raise them. Civilization needs to be discipled with better values or more of these travesties will occur.


The wonderful world of video games.
State Attorneys General and Violent Video Games - Phyllis Schlafly - Page full

A Right to Sell Violent Video Games to Your Kids? - Maggie Gallagher - Page full

Rape Games? - Brent Bozell - Page 1

Video game violence and our sons - Rebecca Hagelin - Page 1

'Dialogue' Required for Violent Video Games - Brent Bozell - Page 1

Culture Challenge of the Week: Misogynist Video Games - Rebecca Hagelin - Page 1

'Mortal Combat' and the First Amendment - Cal Thomas - Page full

There is this conservative commentary website called Townhall. The conservative commentators like Brent Bozell and Rebecca Hagelin are critical of violent entertainment. What do you think? Do they have an agenda? Do conservatives hate the idea of adults playing video games? If so I think that they are bullies!

Here is an anti video game liberal. He is nothing but an arrogant bully! He does not care about freedom!

Leland Yee: Gamers Have 'No Credibility' in Violent Video Game Debate, Should 'Just Quiet Down' | GamePolitics

While I've defended videogames all my life, the games I played when younger are nothing like what's available now. Today they're little more than real-world combat simulators. While it's true that other countries without gun violence problems have these same games like Japan, I think they are contibuting some part when coupled with other factors like easy gun availability, and cultural glorification of gunplay. When you get it from tv, and videogames, and there's guns in the home it's just a matter of time.

I'd like to see a 10 year moritorium banning violent videogame sales in the US. And when people come out saying no way yadda yadda I ask them to ask themselves if what they're defending as with showing graphic gory murder of other human beings is really what "videogame" means to them.
..."Mature artistic medium." Ya, judging by your flooding posts you're real mature. If you wanna protect your hobby should consider not talking. :)

So I had quite a renegade playstyle in Mass Effect and all that bad karma I racked up came back to me in Mass Effect 3.

In ME1, Ashley shot Wrex and ended his life, I killed the Rachni bitch, let the Council die (but chose that OOOG Captain Anderson!) fucking Tali got killed by Collecters at the end of Mass Effect two, Legion fucking died, that annoying fan Conrad Verner committed suicide after I shot him in the foot, freaking Miranda got killed in Mass Effect three, and by the time I reached the end there had been so much death and suffering, it was fucked up!

I watched my bf play and he did had a paragon playstyle where EVERY time he did the good thing. And thats what he woulda done in real life too. Fucking every possible ally lived and he had such a badass ending on ME3.

That game tried to make me regret the Dark Side :-( I remember it like a movie though, we had so much fun playing that game in 2012!
State Attorneys General and Violent Video Games - Phyllis Schlafly - Page full

A Right to Sell Violent Video Games to Your Kids? - Maggie Gallagher - Page full

Rape Games? - Brent Bozell - Page 1

Video game violence and our sons - Rebecca Hagelin - Page 1

'Dialogue' Required for Violent Video Games - Brent Bozell - Page 1

Culture Challenge of the Week: Misogynist Video Games - Rebecca Hagelin - Page 1

'Mortal Combat' and the First Amendment - Cal Thomas - Page full

There is this conservative commentary website called Townhall. The conservative commentators like Brent Bozell and Rebecca Hagelin are critical of violent entertainment. What do you think? Do they have an agenda? Do conservatives hate the idea of adults playing video games? If so I think that they are bullies!

Here is an anti video game liberal. He is nothing but an arrogant bully! He does not care about freedom!

Leland Yee: Gamers Have 'No Credibility' in Violent Video Game Debate, Should 'Just Quiet Down' | GamePolitics

I wouldn't worry about Leland Yee.

He's in prison for gun-running, after all.
Worlds of the Good Witch

I remember playing table tennis on the Wii, which allowed you to create a virtual reality playspace, complete with racket motion using the convenient hand-held controller (that acted as the racket itself).

It was a simple and fun video game experience.

There are lots and lots of video games out there, and some of them really delve into worlds of intrigue and super-violence and even monstrosity.

Remember when we 30-somethings were simply happy with water-guns as kids?

Today's kids want a complete immersion in simulation thrills.

Maybe it's our fault, since we watch Hollywood (USA) movies such as "Reign of Fire" (2002) and "Monster" (2003).

I'm going to try to promote Robin Hood and Green Arrow video games...


Labyrinth (Film)


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