Anti-War Bernie Should Not be President


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
I'm watching the debate tonight, Bernie just went on a rant against previous wars claiming they were based on lies. He failed to provide evidence that they were based on lies. He than had the gall to claim the recent attack on the Iranian general was based on lies. Once again Bernie failed to produce evidence to back that up. He then ranted against our current wars. Bernie is no patriot.
Pffft...Bernie is a JEW...don't believe for a second that he would not serve Israel the same as all of those who served as POTUS before him.
If Bernie's anti-war stance wasn't bad enough, he's not supporting the China trade deal because they don't support the Democrat's War Against Coal.
This doesn't only applies to Bernie but for all the scum Left!

They are all total hypocrites!

I'm watching the debate tonight, Bernie just went on a rant against previous wars claiming they were based on lies. He failed to provide evidence that they were based on lies. He than had the gall to claim the recent attack on the Iranian general was based on lies. Once again Bernie failed to produce evidence to back that up. He then ranted against our current wars. Bernie is no patriot.
Sure Bernie isn't a member here?
If they enacted a law that said: after a repub MUST be a Dem > Tulsi
There are problems with Tulsi.
She's a typical liberal who supports universal healthcare.
She's a typical liberal who supports job killing environmental laws.
This doesn't only applies to Bernie but for all the scum Left!

They are all total hypocrites!


Skye, you left out the part about the rich people convincing the poor people to vote for the rich people so they can just get richer. That's how they got rich in the first place. Politicians see the voter as nothing more than a heard of sheep to be led over into grazing in their pasture.

rich people.jpg
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Here's a thought, is it possible that Bernie met with radical political supporter and potential assassin James Hodgkinson before he opened fire on a republican baseball practice?
In my lauded opinion----there is something wrong with Bernie. He is trying to
CLING to youth by playing with mindless idiots------who tend to be a bit younger

than normal thinking americans
In my lauded opinion----there is something wrong with Bernie. He is trying to
CLING to youth by playing with mindless idiots------who tend to be a bit younger

than normal thinking americans
The Generation Xers adore Bernie. Maybe one day they'll get a job and find out what real life is like.
I'm watching the debate tonight, Bernie just went on a rant against previous wars claiming they were based on lies. He failed to provide evidence that they were based on lies. He than had the gall to claim the recent attack on the Iranian general was based on lies. Once again Bernie failed to produce evidence to back that up. He then ranted against our current wars. Bernie is no patriot.

Who cares what Sanders thinks?

Would you like for one of us to try to make the case that these wars are based on lies? Do you really wanna debate it?

Wanna start with Iraq? Afghanistan?

Do you know what kind of boobie trap you're laying down for the establishment neocons around here to have to come behind you and aimlessly try to explain away? Unsuccessfully, I'd add?

Did you read the Afghanistan papers a couple of weeeks ago before they swept em under the rug?
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I'm watching the debate tonight, Bernie just went on a rant against previous wars claiming they were based on lies. He failed to provide evidence that they were based on lies. He than had the gall to claim the recent attack on the Iranian general was based on lies. Once again Bernie failed to produce evidence to back that up. He then ranted against our current wars. Bernie is no patriot.

Bernie is right . It’s all lies. There was no “imminent attack”. There was no WMDS.

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